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U.S. hopes Chinese island-building will spur Asian response


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Well, after all, we have not had a big blood-letting in 70 years. It looks like it is time for another one. The US and China are cooperating in making it happen.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I expect to hear this from China's spokesperson: "These islands which you are referring to have been inherent Chinese territory since ancient times."

8 ( +13 / -5 )

China has not shown any sign of being deterred. On Tuesday it held a groundbreaking ceremony for two lighthouses in the South China Sea, vowed to increase its “open seas protection,” and criticized neighbors who take “provocative actions” on its reefs and islands

China's government wastes no time berating Japan with harsh belligerence for its imperial past but threatens world peace and regional security with Tibetan style gunboat diplomacy. Stand fast deal with a bully

11 ( +15 / -4 )

U.S. hopes Chinese island-building will spur Asian response

By releasing video of Beijing’s island reclamation work and considering more assertive maritime actions, the United States is signaling a tougher stance over the South China Sea and trying to spur Asian partners to more action.

Those with ears have been hearing the loud protest against China by ASEAN nations for years.

Experts dismiss the idea of ASEAN-level joint action any time soon in the South China Sea. “It’s absolute fantasy,” said Ian Storey of Singapore’s Institute on South East Asian Studies.

What does he mean by "action"?




South China Sea

59 We share the serious concerns expressed by some Leaders on the land reclamation being undertaken in the South China Sea, which has eroded trust and confidence and may undermine peace, security and stability in the South China Sea.

60 In this regard, we instructed our Foreign Ministers to urgently address this matter constructively including under the various ASEAN frameworks such as ASEAN-China relations, as well as the principle of peaceful co-existence.

It seems anything short of act of war is not enough to qualify as action when China is concerned.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Well, after all, we have not had a big blood-letting in 70 years. It looks like it is time for another one. The US and China are cooperating in making it happen.

So, what do you suggest? Let China do as it pleases? How can countries like Vietnam or the PI stop China? What do they have to offer in return?

Easy to toss out one-liners and lay the blame on the US, but it is China here that is being the aggressor and without the US backing up it's allies in the region just who is going to stop China?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Its high time that all the neighbouring countries together with USA to stand up against the BIG Bully and Greedy China for creating all these episode of expanding into the international sea...... if we don't do anything about this now, don't regret at a later stage when they start building Islands for ecotourism, fishing colonies, etc....

Since there is backing from USA, tap in and join in our forces to show strength against this Mighty Neighbour NOW!!!

2 ( +6 / -4 )

don't regret at a later stage when they start building Islands for ecotourism, fishing colonies, etc....


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Maybe it's time we fight China where it would hurt them the most, their wallets. Issue an ultimatum that they stop building up what is clearly a war machine with those islands OR the world will stop doing business with you!

Face it folks, it will come to that if we don't do that now because one day soon enough when Beijing thinks its got a big enough hard on, military-wise, its gonna pick a fight and then EVERYONE will be running out of China as the shite hits the fan and sprays in all directions. Business with China will grind to a halt and those foreigners still in China may face some serious dangers. I for one would start looking at alternative countries to set up shop in as China will only get worse. China has a MASSIVE chip on its shoulder and will not let it go with Japan while at the same time playing the victim card expecting Japan to bend the knee.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

“These countries need to own it (the issue),” one U.S. defense official said on condition of anonymity, adding that it was counterproductive for the United States to take the lead in challenging China over the issue.

Agree on both counts. But I must ask where all the anti-U.S. folks are? You know, the ones who are constantly chirping about "the big, bad, world-dominating U.S."? Maybe the choice of China ruling this key strategic area, versus the U.S. working with partners to keep it open/free, is not that appealing, huh?

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Asian countries need to put a stop to China. It is like a big bully that needs to be put in its place. She has no respect at all for anyone's boundaries as is being seen in the South China Sea. Asean should only negotiate with China as a collective group which China refuses to do. Asean members must work together and prevent China from continuing to do what she is doing at present.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Yeah and we will just ignore the precedents set by Japan regarding Okinotorishima and the Senkakus. Lets kick at China for playing catch-up.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Yup and I guess PRC will not mind Japan placing a radar site and placing long range SAMs on Senkaku would they. The door swings both way you know.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

@Living. I am sorry should we allow China to bully its neighbors? Maybe you have not heard but China has territorial disputes with pretty much all of her neighbors. Are her actions in the South China Sea not against UNICLOS which she signed and ratified so long ago? Allowing China wanton power in the South China Sea will be a huge problem from Asia to the Americas.

@Triring. But Japan has not done that has she? Something that is very clear is that China is pushing her weight around and infringing on her neighbors in a very systematic and sneaky way. Ask her neighbors. It might be a good idea to do such a thing, but only if every other Asean member follows suit simply because China will never stop trying to control the whole South China Sea. The only way to stop it is to be aggressive as a collective group against China. Oh, how China would love to occupy the whole thing........

2 ( +5 / -3 )

The world has helped communist China to integrate with civilized community, and China has returned the favor by showing its vicious and selfish acts. This culture of "taking for oneself" will result in future downfall of this bully. China has bought few supporter nations, but the world will stand up against this nonsense. South China sea belong to the world, not communist China in according to international law.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

According to 1952 Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty( which was supported by the US), all of Paracel islands and Spratly islands returned to Taiwan from Japan after WWII. Actually it's Vietnam and Philipine illegally occupied part of refered islands later on! However, both of Japan and the US need China so they betrayed Taiwan in 70's to recognize China(PRC). Suppose the US and Japan respect the above mentioned Treaty, all of Paracel islands and Spratly islands belong to Taiwan, on the contrary, suppose they abide by their words with China, all of those islands belong to China, it's just that simple!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

QUICK! Where the heck is our Article 9 shield?!?!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hesitant ASEAN members need to act now. It may end up hurting them economically a lot in the short term but in the long term it's going to be a whole lot worse if they wait. Every ridiculous act from China needs to be met with the utmost severity. China get away with this crap.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The United States is the only one with enough guts to stand up to the cheating, evil, sneaky chinese

1 ( +4 / -3 )

What happens if China decides to stop lending money to US and sells off most of the US debts of more than $1261 billion dollars that China is holding ?

I know many parts of US government will shut down if the debt ceiling is not raised by US Congress. It happened a few times before.

Will the US have trouble borrowing many hundreds of billions of dollars from foreign countries when its external debt is projected to reach $18800 billion by the end of 2015 and when China decides to dump $1261 billion dollars worth of US debts ?

Can Japan loan US the money when it already owes more than 240% of its GDP in external debt and when it already loans US more than $1227 billion dollars ?

Can Japan borrow more money without any problems to pay for its budget deficit ?


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Bardara trout. What happens if USA and Japan stop buying from china?

6 ( +7 / -1 )


Bardara trout. What happens if USA and Japan stop buying from china?

It's called Mutually Assured Economic Destruction, meaning, no one will benefit.

On a slightly different note, they should make a video of the building of the new base in Henoko and see if people have a response.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

when war comes countries seem to forget about national debts

4 ( +4 / -0 )

What happens if China decides to stop lending money to US and sells off most of the US debts of more than $1261 billion dollars that China is holding ?

Well China stopped lending money to the US in 2011 and didn't just start lending money again a few months ago.

If China was to dump US debt, keep in mind the Chinese would be getting US dollars back, they would either have to buy hard assets or buy other currencies with the proceeds they just received in US currency. Because China needs the income, why else would they have bought US Treasures in the first place, they would then have to invest in currencies that would make them money like the Euro, Yen, Franc, etc.

That purchasing of those currencies would result in those currencies soaring in value which would cause those countries and organization to re-balance and the only practical option for those countries and or organization to re-balance would be to buy US dollars.

Meaning American debt that it once hold would now be in the hands of US allies and China would be left with a portfolio that its asset managers did not want in the first place.....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

to sandiegoluv : Japan has 5 immediate neighbors, S Korea, N Korea, China, Taiwan, Russia. It has territorial dispute with all of them.

China has many immediate neighbors. It does not have unresolved territorial dispute with Russia, Myanmar, Laos, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgystan, Pakistan, Mongolia, and so on. It only has territorial dispute with some of its immediate neighbors including Japan.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Barbara TroutMay. 29, 2015 - 08:09AM JST

China has many immediate neighbors. It does not have unresolved territorial dispute with Russia, Myanmar, Laos, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgystan, Pakistan, Mongolia, and so on

After the end of ww2, and after the use of force for territorial disputes was strictly prohibited by UN Charter, China had unprovoked wars on territorial disputes with India 1962, Soviet Union 1969 and Vietnam 1979.

MNDAA organized by ethnic Chinese "Kokang" in Burma/Myanmar supported by PRC has on-going armed conflicts with Myanmar government over the sovereignty of Kokang province neighboring China.

Japan does not have any war or armed conflict over territory after ww2.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Like I have been saying for years on jt, the west has slowly but surely created the monster we know as present day China, allowing all their students to study in the west(allowing them to steal tech left right & centre!) & then wall street investing heavily for a few decades & here we are

I have no problem with Chinese people, its their govt & military that is the problem, Chinese people aren't free people so are limited in what they can say & do.

But make no mistake is SE Asia doesn't step up to China now they can kiss their way of life gone! The yanks cant do this alone.

If China doesn't start taking some steps back the rest of the world will have to put this monster DOWN!! The costs all round the Far East & SE Asia will be huge all round, that's where we are headed with this Chinese non-sense!

3 ( +4 / -1 )


According to 1952 Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty, all of Paracel islands and Spratly islands returned to Taiwan from Japan after WWII.

Nope according to article 2 of the forementioned treaty Japan merely forfeited claim to the islands and not transferred possession to anyone making them noman's land.

Article 2

"It is recognized that under Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed at the city of San Francisco in the United States of America on September 8, 1951 (hereinafter referred to as the San Francisco Treaty), Japan has renounced all right, title and claim to Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) as well as the Spratly Islands and the Paracel Islands."

So ROC nor PRC gains anything from that treaty.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Spratly Island is also known as Storm Island), and sometimes names with "colonial" origins (French, Portuguese, Spanish, British, etc.). Japanese also named features during their occupation / control of the islands during World War II. In 1968, oil was discovered in the region. That oil reserve is larger than entire reserve of Kuwait.

Since then Philippines started to take their claims seriously. Before 1968 no South East Asia nations have shown interest in that region.

Washington wants Southeast Asian nations to take a more united stance against China’s rapid acceleration this year of construction on disputed reefs.

Many SE Asian nations have territory dispute with each other for this issue. For example Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei and Vietnam are contesting as their territory. There will be rivalry and mistrust each other. There will never be unity between SE Asian nations as Washington is hoping. Except Philippines and Vietnam, which are standing against PRC ambition.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So ROC nor PRC gains anything from that treaty. If you are talking about the SF treaty, I don't think China ( PRC) was party to it. As to whether it should be bound by it, I don't know.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Triring: Nope according to article 2 of the forementioned treaty Japan merely forfeited claim to the islands and not transferred possession to anyone making them noman's land.

Taiwan actually sent ships to formally land/take most of bigger islands over there after the Treaty signed, all related records are still shelved in ROC government filing. All those SCS islands are equal to Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu per legal level, and I don't believe you also regard Taiwan as noman's land.

As to Philipine and Vietnam, they were merely colonies for long years until end of WWII.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

China's official stance: Regarding China's construction on some of the islands and reefs in the South China Sea, the Chinese ambassador said China has every right to do so since it falls entirely within China's sovereignty and is completely lawful, reasonable and justified.

He said the construction is carried out mainly for three purposes: improving the living and working conditions of people stationed there; better performing China's international responsibility and obligation in maritime search and rescue, disaster prevention and mitigation, environmental protection; and better providing international public good such as navigation safety, marine science and research, meteorological observation and fishery production.

Ma said China will continue to make concerted efforts with ASEAN countries for the full implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), careful management of frictions and practical cooperation on the sea, so that the South China Sea could become a sea of peace, cooperation and friendship.

From: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2015-05/29/content_20852301.htm

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

US meddling in Asian affairs will bring them to conflict. It's like husband and wife are fighting and mother-in law (US) is advising all sides. Inevitable divorce and war will happen for sure...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just let Australia build a thousand submarines based on the Japanese "I-104" blueprint. Problem solved; Yankees can butt out - I say let the Wizards of Oz take care of the region, including using precious metals to fix up the currency problems too!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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