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© KYODOU.S. eyes new framework on nuclear deterrence with Japan, S Korea
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Very soon, as SK/JPN relations recover, we wil be holding US-SK-JPN joint excercises in North Korea's face.
To ensure we reach that goal, not only do SK and JPN need to resolve all the problems exacerbated by Moon, but Yoon must also ensure that the SK military is purged of any NK sympathizers who have been brainwashed into thinking that JPN is the enemy and not NK. It is a given that if a China/Taiwan conflict breaks out, NK will take advantage of it to take SK. And a US/SK/JPN alliance must be solidified and maximized to ensure that NK will not take such an action.
Don't think Japan can fly a missile.
North Korea should teach us how to.
Little dogs yapping...eventually the big dogs have no choice - big dogs don't yap...they bark once and that's it...
That is a problem with NK/SK/US. Please leave Japan alone!
The US Congress determine nuclear policy Google US Congress First Nuclear Strike
Wrong as usual. The US could not have saved South Korea in 1951 without it;s forces in Japan. Japan itself covertly participated in the Korean War manning transport sjips anmd minesweepers. The UN Command is based in Misawa Base. Any war involving North Korea will require Japanese logistics in support of US/UN troops. Last but not least, peace and stability on the Korean Penninsula is very much a Japanese issue.
And then wonder why the NK regime is making nukes.
To avoid conflict, to avoid war, to protect South Korea's existence, to prevent Korean War 2.0 or invasion of Taiwan, such Cooperation is necessary and needed.
Strategic Ambiguity which South Korea would rather be in, neutral, would benefit South Korea only! While sending a message to China and Russia that Souh Korea is not with USA and Japan.
South Korea benefits a lot from Chinese money! I get it, you want to keep growing economically, I want that for Japan too! We have been stagnate for 3 decades now! It would be easy for Japan to do the same as S.Korea for Chinese money, South Korea wants the easy road, no responsibilities, don't stand up to China, don't stand up to Russia, only focus and concerned is North Korea, and it's economy rising at all costs, even though South Korea is a divided country today because of Both Russia and Chinese intervention to keep Korea divided.
Samit Basu
It will not recover and may in fact reach the new low because of Yoon's inability to stop the liquidation of Japanese assets.
Actually Japan already said no to such exercise, where the SDF refused to take orders from the Korean general commanding a joint assault landing drill and it went with just ROKMC and USMC troops only.
Yoon has no such power, only Kishida has, by instructing Mitsubishi and Nippon Steel to comply with the forced laborer's demands.
Which happens to be the supermajority of Korean public.
Absolutely not, Kim has no death wish. North Korea's own estimate is that the whole of North Korea will be taken over by the ROK troops in 1 month.(ROK's estimation is 2 weeks) Nuclear weapons are meant as a deterrence against that.
Only the clueless in Japan doesn't understand that the ROK has more firepower than UK + France + Germany combined, why Zelenskyy keeps begging for weapons supply from Korea and not Japan.
BTW, Zelenskyy's wish has been granted, Korea is building an ammunition factory in Poland to supply Ukraine with 200K artillery and tank rounds per year. This way, Korea can supply "Made In Poland" ammunitions to Ukraine without angering Russia.
Desert Tortoise
Please read the article carefully. The Nuclear Posture Review is a study the US conducts to decide what nuclear weapons to keep, retire, modify or develop, how many, where they will be kept and under what situations they would be used. Bringing Japanese and South Korean representation into the review means they have some input into and foreknowledge of how the US would or would not use their nuclear weapons under contingencies affecting their nations.
Desert Tortoise
Samit Basu, as a condition of selling arms to them the Polish government routinely requires industrial participation in Poland using a Polish workforce. Their goal is to develop an indigenous arms industry able to supply thd full range of military capabilities from domestic resources.
I think the best deterrence would be to get some nukes into the hands of Japan and South Korea.
Samit Basu
@Desert Tortoise
No, this is primarily to supply Ukraine. Weapons that Korea sold to Ukraine are NATO standard weapons and can accept NATO standard ammunitions. You don't need specific ammunition plants for them. This factory will produce 155mm artillery shells and 120mm tank rounds that Ukraine desperately needs.
Desert Tortoise
Samir you have no idea how artillery shells are produced or the different kinds. Poland’s new self propelled howitzer has a South Korean gun. They need ammo for it. Yes it use other NATO standard ammo but Polandwants to be self sufficient against a backdrop of NATO members struggling to produce ammo fast enough to keepUkrainian forces supplied.
Btw, while the US uses 155mm artillery no US field in has an auto loader. US Army distrusts them. Ammo is hand loaded. US field guns use separate shells and powder charges, up to three charges depending on circumstances. No semi fixed ammo like some other nation’s field guns with autoloaders use.