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© Thomson Reuters 2018.Unjust dessert? Japan demands Koreans wipe map off summit dinner mousse
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South Korea thinks it's being cute by putting the disputed Liancourt Rocks on that map. But the North Korean delegates will be looking at it as how the whole of the DPRK will look after "reunification" under the KIm regime, as declared in the North Korean constitution.
This kind of tit-for-tat crap is annoying to say the least. Which side is going to finally grow up first?
For all practical purposes, korea controls the rocks, just like Japan controls the Senkaku Islands. Let's leave it at that. This is such as tacky move and makes them look childish.
"Japan has demanded that South Korea rethink a mango mousse dessert it plans to serve"
What a ridiculous, laugh out loud funny opening line. The byline is anonymous, but many thanks to the author for that one!
Japan demands
Japan seems to do a lot of "demanding" these days to matters which are not within Japans jurisdiction.
Wallace Fred
Lol, I hope you get paid by each letter.
After South Korean President Moon Jae-in managed to diffuse a tense and dangerous confrontation, Japan's governmend adds nothing but pettiness.
Do the hustle
Any excuse for a childish dig, on both sides. Both Japan and South Korea are as petty and pathetic as each other.
Better eat it up and be done with it...
Japan needs to mind its own business. It's in no place to demand anything.
Notice the hypocrisy and double standards of the Pro-Japan squad. When Korea complains about Japanese politicians visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, or making a provocative claim of the said islands, the pro-Japan squad rush to condemn them - ''oh those silly Koreans, when will they let go of the past!? It's time to let go of history, and move on. Stop bringing the past!''. But when Japan does literally the same thing, all the pro-Japan squad do is try to downplay the event or try to make this into a personal issue - this one particular politician is at fault, definitely nothing to do with the government and the whole country.
bicultural... yeah totally agree.. South Korea clearly is actively there and in South Korean control, and the other rocks down the bottom of Japan are, while admittedly less clear due to lack of occupation, Japan is in control.
Make friends with South Korea on this issue.... its not like anything is actually going to be lost, (except some Oyaji pride...) there are already Koreans there...
simon g
About halfway? It's twice as far from Japan as it is to Korea. Common sense should prevail but Pride comes before all. Japan lost the war, they have lost this battle, move on.
Then don't eat it Japan....oh wait, you're not even invited
S. Korea is sending Japan a message about how it ranks in the upcoming negotiations: keep out!
No, Japan would mean the entire country. This was just the voice of a few oyaji. A very childish oyaji.
I bet that dessert is gonna taste real sweet. And no gate-crashers allowed at that party!
Japan has no alternative but to file a notice of complaint otherwise it may prejudice their position. Wonder how many posters here even understand that concept. Remember that it was the United States that urged Japan to file an action with the ICJ back in 1952 when Syngman Rhee unilaterally made the Liancourt Rocks South Korean territory. And Japan has now asked South Korea to settle at the ICJ three times but South Korea refuses. No doubt because they do not have the legal basis to obtain a favorable ruling and out the issue to rest. In contrast, North Korea, regardless of position, does not make a stink about it.
Simon Foston
papigiulioToday 08:58 am JST
Yep, all of them ageing manboys who think they can boss everyone about the same way they do those unlucky enough to be their subordinates.
Ricky Kaminski
"It is extremely regrettable,"
Ban the mousse! Petty much boys? You sound like children.
which lie about halfway between the East Asian neighbors in the Sea of Japan, which Seoul refers to as the East Sea.
I believe that the Internationally recognised standard for the name of this stretch of water is "Sea of Japan (East Sea)".
"The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung is the sun of the nation and the lodestar of national reunification. Regarding the reunification of the country as the supreme national task, Comrade Kim Il Sung devoted all his efforts and care for its realization. He made the Republic a powerful bastion for national reunification. At the same time, he set forth the fundamental principle and ways of national reunification and developed the movement for national reunification into a nationwide movement, opening the way for achieving the cause of reunification through the united efforts of the whole nation."
Preamble to the Constitution of the D.P.R.K.
Taxi for Zichi!
Either way you spin this, it's still people getting upset over a dessert.
OssanAmerica: "South Korea thinks it's being cute by putting the disputed Liancourt Rocks on that map."
According to South Korea, they are not disputed. They are lived on, maintained, and administered by South Korea. Japan makes the same argument for the Senkakus, minus living on them, and even in their new newly opened "'Real History'Museum" that they are pushing in the lead up to the Olympics. Sorry, but they are Korean.
"Japan has no alternative but to file a notice of complaint otherwise it may prejudice their position."
They already are prejudiced -- they just hate it when the shoe's rightfully on the other foot.
"And Japan has now asked South Korea to settle at the ICJ three times but South Korea refuses."
Because it is their territory. Why would you go to a court over something that's yours? Japan has expressed the same sentiment with the Senkakus, saying "Their sovereignty is not under dispute". Let me guess, though, it's another case of "that's different!" in your eyes, right? What's more, the ICJ is non-binding. If Japan lost in arbitration, do you think they would abide by the decision? It would be "SUPER unregettable" and they'd insist they go to the court again and the court decide in their favor. But, as mentioned, there is no need to go to the court -- the islands are Korean. As for the dessert -- it's just a flag. Japan is most certainly going to pull the same crap at the Olympics.
It’s a meal among the Koreas. Let them. Leave them alone. They’re working on bigger issues. I’d see a complaint if Japan were involved. One day the islands will become an international play resort co-sponsored by both countries’ local reps.
Randy LaBotte
Reads like we need an 'Iron Chef' episodes to address this issue. How about we get bakers from every nation in the kitchen and rewrite the world map one desert at a time.
Who needs diplomacy when we can enjoy a good Studel or Baklava? OMG, the possibilities are endless.
News is stupid.
You know you're a has-been, insignificant little country when you lodge a formal diplomatic protest over a depiction of some rocks made out of frosting on someone else's dessert...
There are literally hundreds of Korean islands larger than these rocks. Yet they maps that show no other islands except Jeju will show these rocks. Now that is childish.
Thats put me off South Korean Mango Mousse forever.
How can Japan look petty and meaningless today? Oh...
Are they really so desperate to suck up to fat boy Kim?
Those oyaji members of the government aren't going to like this one bit,lol.
All in all it has been a pretty bad April for Abe and his Nippon Kaigi cohorts,what with one scandal after another and Trump treating Abe like the poodle he is and now the icing on top he mousse.
Let them eat cake...hard to argue with sugary goodness in the mouth.
This is hilarious!Should go straight to the Rising wasabi as a ready-to-publish article XD with "You can't have your mousse and eat it!" title))
Aly Rustom
I thought you demanded..
They manage to find a way every day..
On the money. As usual.
Aly Rustom
So true!
Guess I need new glasses... I can see Jeju and Ulleung on that map, but that miniature speck of land halfway between Ulleung and Okinoshima escapes me. Could that blotch right of Ulleung be Jukdo by any chance? For if that's supposed to be Takeshima/Dokdo, the Korean cartographers' skill leaves something to be desired.
Anyway, if Abe and Japan want to continue to be at this meeting they ASKED, as a FAVOR, to be at, and after begging Moon to bring up the abduction issue, you'd think Japan could reign in its childish Kim-like tantrums for a moment in return. Guess not. Maybe Moon should just disinvite Abe and serve the cake all the same... send him a photo. Oh, and not mention the abduction issue if Japan continues to raise such protestations.
B-b-b-b-b-but it's different, right?
Civitas Sine Suffragio
Want those islands, Japan? Come and get 'em then...
What? Me grow up? Never! Your turn.
The proof of the pudding, so they say...
There are a number of islands on the south coast of Korea, but I only see one of them on the dessert. Maybe, SK abandoned the rest of the islands. They should have included those populated islands than paint the uninhibited rocks.
I never imagined that mousse and Yasukuni could be compared to each other.
I swear, some of these Korean nationalists simply cannot grow up and act like mature adults.
These islands are not Korean islands, they are Japan's.
Every opportunity they get, these nationalists will try to insult and provoke Japanese.
Grow up!
If the South Koreans can meet with North Korea, a country that considers South Korea to be an illegitimate puppet state with which it remains technically at war, I think Japan can deal with a dessert that has Takeshima on it at a summit which they are not attending.
Childish for the Koreans to include it on the map, childish for the Japanese to complain about a dessert.
People need to grow up.
That's pudding it lightly
I'm afraid you're wrong there.
I swear, some of these Japanese nationalists simply cannot grow up and act like mature adults.
Ah, the great battle of mango mousse. Surely this will rank alongside the carnage at custard slice and the apple pie atrocity in the records.
Haven’t these chocolate teapots got anything better to do?
When is that giant asteroid going to hit?
Which was exactly the purpose to make public the photo of this dessert? Who cares about it? It's clearly a malicious move from South Korea, a provocation towards Japan. Come on, they already knew that Japan would have protested. Of all the things that they will eat, they chose to make public this photo. Okay. It was really necessary for the summit being successful. Lol.
Actually, the whole menu was released, so they’re not being petty focusing on one thing.
There’s two:
Also, Asahi knows what’s up: The islands are controlled by South Korea, which calls them Dokdo, but are also claimed by Japan.
Just like the Kuril Islands with Japan and Russia. Just like how Okinawa was given to Japan. Just because you claimed it or it was given doesn’t make it right. It’s just because you had bigger guns or to appease countries after war. Land disputes never end.
If I were attending this summit the most important thing on my mind would be how good the dessert tastes.
That would be far more important to me than Japans demands.
@Patty: which is the point for us to know the menu? Okay. Anyway, obviously this whole dessert thing is the less relevant in the whole picture: Japan being left out from the talks. I don't know how this can be good for the stability of the region, but I already explained why it happened.
This was said in all seriousness: "It is extremely regrettable," a Japanese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on Wednesday, adding that Japan had lodged a protest. "We have asked that the dessert not be served."
So what happens if the dessert is served? Is the Abe government going initiate a food fight?
After everything that Japan did to Korea, the Japanese government has no business initiating any sort of territorial disputes with that nation. Remember, if Japan had left Korea alone it would have remained unified. There would not be a North Korea. There would not have been the abductions and there would not be any need to have summits about avoiding a hideous war in the Far East. So eat your just desserts, Abe. Think of all the starving children in North Korea. They would not be starving if Japan had not colonized Korea.
Quite so, just look at China. Oh and by the way, Okinawa was returned to Japan, not "given" it was Japanese property before, during, and following the war. The US just administered it. If you attempt to make any other
Cogito Ergo Sum
Japan is so PETTY !!! At times I wish if it were possible to cut its territory and have it just float away.... up in the clouds to where ever . .. with its pettiness.
Japan 抗議した kogi shita (protested) to their South Korean counterparts, according to NHK in Japanese.
Re: 'demand'.Of all the ways to translate 求める 'motomeru' (ask, request), the most extreme is 'demand', almost as if the mass media is actively wanting to stir up trouble between these two (three) neighbors.
@nandakandamanda: naturally, as I said, nobody should care whatever they will eat. It's "newsworthy" only to fuel Japanese anxiety further. And an insult for the intelligence of your average citizen, who doesn't care what these leaders will eat, but wants only peace and stability.
@zichi: how much relevant is the menu of these "omnipotent leaders", for us citizens, rather than what it is discussed behind the scenes? Do we need this kind of distractions? In this case, it is also blatant this menu would have provocated Japanese reaction. But the most important thing in the whole picture, it's that Japan is deliberately excluded by these talks, "just because". I read interesting geopolitical analysis about these reasons, obviously it's not only "just because". And I am able to understand this exclusion isn't in the best interest of the regional peace. I am absolutely pro-reunification of the Korean peninsula, only look to my comments in other news about this topic. But it's evident the exclusion of Japan isn't good for the stability of the region. It fuels Japanese anxiety, and rearmament, because Japan felt "abandoned" by the U.S. protection.
And Japanese rearmament isn't well seen by China and both Koreas. So, how is this supposed to help the stability of the region? It's good only for the ones who are selling tons of weapons to Japan.
@Kabukilover: children starving in North Korea is the result of Cold War.
It is clearly, a petty argument for Japan to be picking.
The Koreans (both North and South) dispute the ownership of those islands. Were they to remove the islands from the map then this would mean that they have dropped their claim, effectively giving-in to Japan. That's plain and simple, the islands will stay.
Perhaps instead of a Map, the flags from both North & South Korea should be shown flying side by side ? Though I'd guess someone would find fault with that, and maybe start arguing whose flag should be shown upon the Right....
In the Olympic games map, SK erased the entire Japan from the world map. In the meeting with Trump, SK included in the menu some sea-food caught from Takeshima. This up-coming menu was informed to Japan. Japan has to complain because it is Japan's soverignty issue.
Sigh... Japan, just man up, suck it in and accept reality. You lost Dokdo, and you lost this PR war. At least try not to make yourself look unnecessarily ridiculous by acting petty and childish -- yet again.
Samit Basu
That's the standard version of the map.
Samit Basu
LOL, Lee Syngman Line simply follows the KADIZ line that the US drew back in 1950.
Yup, the US was aware that the Liancourt Rocks belonged to Korea and drew the KADIZ line to over the Liancourt Rocks.
Japan has accepted the US decision and drew its JADIZ line to follow the borderline of the KADIZ line to officially exclude the Liancourt Rocks a decade later.
oldman_13: "These islands are not Korean islands, they are Japan's."
No, they are not. Not in any way, shape, or form. The only people who need to "grow up and deal with it", as you suggest of Koreans, are people like yourself in denial. Same with the Kuriles in the north. Not Japanese. Sorry.
tinawatanabe: "In the Olympic games map, SK erased the entire Japan from the world map."
Yup! Huge conspiracy again!! Sorry, tina, but again you've taken a teacup and tried to create a typhoon in it.
If those islands are Japanese, then take them back. Put up or shut up.
After decades of uncertainty, legal headaches with no fair arbitration in sight for both parties, we finally have the answer : they belong to Korea.
thank you Smithinjapan !
Make some desserts with every Japanese abductees' face or their stories will appease the Japanese government! They deserves more sympathy, as if!
@Samit Basu
Regardless of what Koreans want to believe, "Rusk Documents" and "Report of Van Fleet Mission to Far East" should answer where the U.S. stands on this dispute.
When it comes to the real sovereignty or ownership of Liancourt Rocks, it really isn't that complicated. In accordance with the international law, we all should follow the fundamental principle of Terra nullius to claim her sovereignty. So all Korea need to do is to provide the concrete evidence to prove their effective control over Liancourt Rocks before Japan officially incorporate these islets in 1905 instead of keep bringing up irrelevant maps and docs.
@oldman - I hope that was posted in jest..
@Alex80 - Just like Japanese politicians visit Yasukuni knowing they will draw a reaction from SK and China? Some objectivity rather than one way favouritism would help your opinions be more relevant..
""It is extremely regrettable," a Japanese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said"
It sure is extremely regrettable that the Japanese government is taking issue with this.
頂きます - itadakimasu
Kazuaki Shimazaki
@IloveCoffee Apr. 26 08:23 am JST
I don't think you can equate the two, in that Takeshima is a Present and Ongoing Violation, while the annexation of Korea is in the past.
I can also add the point that the annexation of Korea was perfectly legal at its time and was internationally recognized as such. The Koreans even signed the deal.
(I understand Korea tries to bleat it didn't have the King's signature or something like that so it shouldn't count. However, if we use modern standards such as the VCLT, sufficiently senior officials did unambiguously sign it that it must be deemd to count.)
@smithinjapanApr. 26 09:44 am JST
Please tell me you at least understand the "prejudiced" here is a synonym for "weaken" rather than "discrimination".
I must wonder if in the background of such speeches is your quiet, unspoken belief that the islands do rightfully belong to Korea. Can you honestly say you will put out the exact same speeches if in your mind the islands rightfully belong to Japan?
@KabukiloverApr. 26 05:46 pm JST
I don't understand why people always dream that if Korea wasn't annexed, it would now be Korea+Alfa rather than Korea-Alfa. I mean, isn't North Korea being run by Koreans now?
If Korea had somehow been left alone, some very possible futures include them being in the same shape as Africa or say at the same level as the Phillippines. Or they'll become a puppet state of the Soviet Union or the PRC. Or the United States will use them as a forward base.
There are many bad courses starting from an alternate future with Japan not annexing Korea, and it is just dreamy to pretend they don't exist.