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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.Iran's supreme leader tells Abe Trump 'not worthy' of a reply to message
By Bozorgmehr Sharafedin LONDON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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"I do not see Trump as worthy of any message exchange, and I do not have any reply for him, now or in future,"
Oh yeah Iran. That's how you avoid conflict. Can't solve a problem if you refuse to talk, even if you hate the one you need to talk to.
OMG. Abe wasted a lot of money for nothing.
Kobe White Bar Owner
He's not wrong, Adolf Twitter isnt worth the air between his ears.
Before going the media reported that Abe would represent a neutral stance and would not be relaying any message from the US....
[ "Japan is an important Asian country and if it wants to expand ties with Iran, it should show a firm stance, as other countries have done,” Khamenei said. ]
Abe went all the way over there to be told that to his face.
Well, once again, Abe gets left with nothing. Abe is not a diplomat, and unless he can control the situation, he is clueless on how to deal with issues on the international stage!
Watch the media here twist this into a victory for Abe!
It was crystal care from the onset that it waste.
Hoo boy, didn't see that one coming! Understandably so, why should they let Trump dictate the narrative and negotiations? Go back to playing golf and kissing up Abe, you're not a diplomat.
dbsaiya, please give Abe another chance, would you ? Abe is learning very hard to be a diplomat for the last 50 years. He is a good apprentice.
Toasted Heretic
The oil tanker attacks were suspiciously timed for this visit. Mossad?
Wallace Fred
How much of hard earned taxes was wasted one wonders
And then some. Don't rule out the alphabet agencies either.
Note the precision strikes that were careful not to hit anything that would create massive economic fallout
That's fine, then the Ayatollah has two choices. Either shut up and don't do anything risky until a new US president is elected that he is willing to talk to or take the worldwide blame for any conflict that arises because he didn't think Trump was worth talking to to resolve their differences. I don't see him doing the first one.
I hated my ex wife but I still had to negotiate with her to get divorced. See how that works?
Alfie Noakes
To be fair to Trump, all this is the doing of the warmonger Bolton, together with Pompeo and the deranged parade of Christian Evangelicals behind them.
Didn't Trump claim he was going to end the US presence in Afghanistan and support for the monstrous crimes of the Saudis in Yemen?
Abe is once again exposed as the chocolate teapot he really is. Woof woof, Shinzo.
Tony G
This oil tanker 'attack' is a classic move taken from the George Bush playbook.
Iran isn't showing that they should be trusted, now are they. They obviously have no interest in peace if they refuse to negotiate with the one person that they need to.
The Navy was sent 'up Iran's nose' because of actionable intelligence that Iran was planning to attack US assets. And seeing how Iranian backed militants have already attacked Saudi Arabia since, even if is was to please them, it seems like it is justified.
Akie - Sorry, another chance for Abe? Nope, not when it's high stake politics. You do realize that we are talking about the possibility of a war right? That Japan's reliance on mid-east oil is vital for its economy right? That he's thinking of raising the consumption tax to 10% and that his buddy Trump is thinking of increasing the automobile tariffs after the election right? Sorry no second chance, he gets paid too much for that. If he's an apprentice, he's Donnie's apprentice and in my book, we need true professionals, not two-bit apprentices.
Iran - welcome to the pending stone age. oh, wait - you're already there. Abe and Trump are both awesome.
No worries. There won't be any conflict. Trump is shaking in his boots already.
"OMG. Abe wasted a lot of money for nothing."
"Hoo boy, didn't see that one coming! Understandably so, why should they let Trump dictate the narrative and negotiations?"
What is said in public is different than what is said behind close doors. Khamenei has to be tough in public to play to his domestic audience. Abe knows this as does Trump. However, behind the doors, Khamennei said something different. This why Iran agreed to the Abe meeting. This is how the game is played.
Derek Grebe
Iran isn't showing that they should be trusted, now are they.
On the contrary, Iran was sticking to an agreed deal until the Cadet Bonespurs ripped it up, thus demonstrating the US can't be trusted. Now they're telling Der Pumpkinfuhrer's lackey to tell his boss to shove it. Seems fair enough to me.
Trump needs to learn that actions have consequences. Some hope.
Here's hoping Trump resists the wingnuts gagging for war, both at home and in Israel or the Kingdom. I reckon he'd prefer going into next year's election on the basis of the economy and fear mongering about immigration. A war would muck that right up.
Have to agree with Khamenei on this one. Bolton and Pompeo are warmongers and Trump is too stupid to understand what's going on.
Balakrishnan Gurumurti
I think Khomeini is right, why anyone needs to accept a country which trashes earlier international treaty; obvious any self respecting country would bow down - Russians are working with Him . Russia is sour with US. Anyway things don't escalate. He rightly said if Japan needs a agreement with him Iran would I see sense.
Simon Foston
RealCDNToday 08:21 am JST
They both look like embarrassing failures to me.
alwaysspeakingwisdomToday 08:33 am JST
Did he really? How would you know? Care to share what it was?
Balakrishnan Gurumurti
Every country ought to respect its international obligations if not Trump US is behaving like Hitler in the case of Belgian neutrality. If even it is a small country it is sovereign. Every sovereign deserves respect. Be you big No big deal. Respect every one i agree to his view . He seems better learned person.
Mr Abe may know very well who was behind the attacks about two oil tankers. And they are your fluppy friends on earth.
Cogito Ergo Sum
Talking to professional backstabbers?
In the event of hostilities isn't Japan supposed to ally the US? So much for the hundred years of " friendship " with Iran.
Kenji Fujimori
It is actually suspicious, the CIA probably planned it with rebels to cause more friction, again the scare propaganda of tbe past with Iraq with 'WMD ' all was fallacy scare tactics. Wake up folks..
Ridiculous. A complete Foreign policy failure. Where are the Statesmen/women? This is political theatre at it worst. We all should hope that this does not spill over into a wider conflict. Dangerous times for humanity indeed.
From the face of Mr.Abe, I can see he is also paranoid and very uneasy ! He shouldnt goto Tehran!
Haaa Nemui
Should be a lesson in diplomacy for Trump. Tearing up domestic laws signed by your predecessor is one thing but tearing up international agreements is a different thing entirely. He should have been asking to talk BEFORE scrapping it not after.
Trump wants his own version (JCPOA 2.0) of dealing with Iran not the Obama one! Everything signed by Obama must be torn or abolished just like Obamacares! Trump wants Iran possess 0 kg of radioactive substances and demolishing all the sites or nuclear facilities! Trump has made similar proposal to North Korea's supreme leader K.J. during they met in Hanoi!
North Korea has real nuclear warhead and of course K.J. is not stupid enough that pissed Donnie and flew away without notice! Iran has none nuclear warhead now, better stop them before too late! and that means war!
Simon Foston
elephant200Today 10:43 am JST
Quite clearly he thought brown-nosing Donald Trump made him some kind of master diplomat. It would have been great if he had actually accomplished something, but we shouldn't expect too much of mediocre frauds.
Khamenei isn't worthy of talking to.
Tiana Young
Was that before or after the attack on the two tankers?
Ganbare Japan!
While I agree with you that Trump and PM Abe are the two strongest world leaders, I disagree with speaking badly of Iran. They have been a reliable partner of Japan for decades. Japanese have no religious conflict with Islam, unlike the West. PM Abe is negotiating very hard to continue the excellent relationship. Japan will hopefully be permitted by Trump to resume oil trading with Iran. Let’s get on board the “Peace Train “ with PM Abe and Supreme Leader Khamenei.
Haaa Nemui
You disagree with Trump? It's him who is asking.
Simon Foston
Ganbare Japan!Today 11:31 am JST
And failing because he doesn't really have any negotiating skills.
What, like some kind of colony?
The anti-Americans are in force here, big surprise the censors at Japan-Today are not doing much to stop them...that being said there is no proof that the US or Israel did anything in the Persian Gulf today but there is quite a bit of intelligence pointing to Iran, who has threatened many times to do as what occurred, shoot tankers in international waters of the Hormuz Strait. Then look at the actual word of Iran, they don't want peace. As to a deal, the Iranians have proven to have broken the deal before the US pulled out, by the way it was not treat signed by the US. Even the Eu has admitted that Iran has gone back on its promises. The idea that Trump gets compared to Hitler while Abe meets with an actual dictator who has conducted terrorist operations many times is just sick. There is no balance to the Japan-Today comment sections. Let's see if this is allowed to stay up...I doubt it.
Must have hurt Abe's feelings.
Haaa Nemui
I'm not anti American generally speaking but when it comes to their policy in this region then yes I absolutely am.
Abe looks like he could use a beer or two-he’ll have to wait though....
Iran is the last country to judge!! They are meddling in so many places and causing so much trouble. And the leader openly states Israel should be whipped off the map
Guess the state department notes were not good enough. Now the carrier pidgin goes home without a scrumptious capsule on his leg.
Anybody who lustfully gushes about his daughter and pays a bribe to a stripper to not tell about her spanking him isn't even worth talking to, period. I truly don't know he can even stand himself.
Unfortunate timing (putting it mildly) for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The expression on Abe san is a dead give away.
I agree. If I were a betting man my money would be on the Zionists having done this. reported in 2010 that Israel had a permanent presence in the Gulf with its submarines:
*Israel has allegedly deployed a permanent submarine presence in the Persian Gulf to keep an eye on Iran [...] Flotilla 7 is comprised of three submarines that have visited the region before – the Dolphin, the Tekuma and the Leviathan. Each crew includes between 35 to 50 soldiers and is commanded by a colonel. At least one will remain in the area at all times, until further notice, according to “Colonel O,” the commander of the force quoted in the reports. “We are an underwater assault force, operating deep and far – very far – from our borders,” he said.*
Trump 'not worthy' of a reply
And yet here he is sitting with someone who wined and dined him and played golf with him a couple of weeks ago.
No logical sense in that comment! LOL!
Abe is a weak flunky. He is being bossed around again like that "beautiful letter" he had to write for a Nobel Peace Prize. LOL!
Sh1mon M4sada
Ah, no wonder AK doesn't want to talk, there's video of his terrorist removing an unexploded mine off the tanker.
Still want to blame every one except Iran?
Sh1mon M4sada: "there's video of his terrorist removing an unexploded mine off the tanker."
Someone needs glasses. "his terrorist". Is that the CIA terrorist? Remember the Iraq/WMG ploy? Thought not.
Sh1mon M4sada
Pot, kettle, black?
Watch the's an IRG boat. Love to hear the lying rodent's explanation for this...
Derek Grebe
If switching from "saw" to "talk to" is a big deal for you, what's your view on switching from "would" to "wouldn't"?
Your boy, the Tangerine Tosspot has trouble with those two when his Big Daddy's in town.
Oh, givem a break. They probably don’t have any friends left so this is all they got.
Irans supreme leader doesn't seem so supreme these days. There will never be a lasting peace in that part of the world until the Iranian people wake up and throw that "Supreme" leader to the curb.
There has always been conflict, with or without a deal.
A very large sum of money was given to Iran. After they happily took it, the Obama administration suddenly told the world that a deal had been made. WTF?
Very honest person with a great saving of time. abe, accept the truth abt trump.
Notice the picture on the wall of the Ayatollah Khomeini, who died about 30 years ago? This is Iran's government is all about - a personality cult, not true Islam.
Simon Foston
starpunkToday 07:17 am JST
Donald Trump must be so jealous.
Simon FostonJune 15 10:24 am JSTstarpunkToday 07:17 am JST
Dotard has fake TIME magazine covers and a statue at his Florida estate promoting his false achievements and there's a 6-foot statue (idol) there too. How sickening can you get?
Simon Foston
starpunkJune 17 06:40 am JST
It's pretty nauseating, true. It must irk him, though, that he can't boss everyone in America around like Khomeni could in Iran, and that future US presidents won't let their photos be taken with pictures of him in the background.