Japan Today

Abe defends mask give-out plan; eyes budget submission next week


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What a complete waste of money.

35 ( +37 / -2 )

Delusional, the man needs medication

32 ( +34 / -2 )

Is this is all they can come up with ? ? what about helping the restaurants who employ so many staff including part timers who can't get any support if they lose their jobs. Also I am sure it's one of the government's friends who got the contract to supply the masks without a tender.

30 ( +31 / -1 )

Also I am sure it's one of the government's friends who got the contract to supply the masks without a tender.

This and to ask for return favors.

20 ( +22 / -2 )

The caption for the photo maybe should have read...

"People wearing protective masks during a state of emergency stroll along a street in Tokyo on Tuesday"

15 ( +16 / -1 )

The end of this month will see a lot of people wondering how to survive without a salary-that is the real problem not whether Abe can justify his mask roll-out!

20 ( +21 / -1 )

Three months on, why is Japan still short in demand? Every other country has over supply of medical equipment, masks, hospital beds and so on. Trump is even starting to export some. Exactly what has my taxes been paying for? And why is it that Mondays list the lowest number of new cases. Aren't people working on Sundays, like the rest of the world? And finally, where are my masks? I have been asking around and I haven't met anyone who has received their masks, but in the states, people are already receiving their second, yes second check from the government.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

I keep reading about laws, rules, constitution and so on. I think we can be a bit flexible being that it is a matter of life and death.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

We keep hearing about this extra budget and how it is 20% of GDP, and they are going to help out people, but where is the money. In Canada and the US, people are already receiving money to support them now. Last night Abe said he hopes to start to send out the money next month! There are so many people hurt by this and the Abe gov't just cannot understand how to help these people, or worse, don't want to help them. Stop sitting on your sofa playing with your dog and get to work helping the real people of Japan

16 ( +18 / -2 )

Abe should continue to play with his dog and let a cabinet of qualified professionals take the lead to manage this crisis.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Masks are a measure which should be used in a combination of measures (see Austria and Korea.) mass testings, central registration and limited social movement (lock downs) for at least a couple of weeks.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

With tons of requirements to be qualified for the compensation money, goodluck to the soon to be hungry population of japan.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

KaYaToday  07:29 am JST

With tons of requirements to be qualified for the compensation money, goodluck to the soon to be hungry population of japan.

I believe they set the bar at 250,000JPY. (second hand info, correct me if I'm wrong) As both of my daughters lost their jobs and make 20-30,000 over that, they may not be paying their rent for the next couple months. Let's just hope the government can help them cause I sure can't. My business is losing a lot too.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

So he double-downs on his plan, huh? Typical for a lame-duck politician.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

What Japan doesn’t need in times of crisis is a panic-stricken prime minister. Obviously he lacks judgment and acumen that is required of a country’s leader.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

Its not so much that giving out the masks is a bad idea (it’s debatable at least), but that at the time he announced the plan it was obvious that a much more aggressive policy was both needed and expected. And instead we got the laughably inadequate masks as the main government countermeasure.

It seems a bit less ridiculous now that it is accompanied by equally unimpressive half measures with obvious shortcomings, like allowing izakaya to operate, but only until 8PM.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

his action might be just a little more credible if the masks were not coming from a company that is based in his electorate...

13 ( +13 / -0 )

We were ment to be hosting the Olympics, did they not have a plan in the event of a disaster? This is a disaster, I would assume now they had no plan. Also I think Abe is in a malaise after loosing his legacy, not meeting Xi, and plummeting economy. Remember it's all about him and he has lost it all. Think he actually has just lost interest. Either that or he is so disconnected from reality. Matters not now things are well out of hand confusion reigns.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Abenomask is not popular. Some complain it is small and as bands do not expand (it is not rubber band), wearers ears ache. It is not fashionable looks like the masks of 50 years ago.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Uh...while we wait for your Abe brand masks, the populace have already made their own. Cancel the order and use the money to support firstly the hospitals who are short of supplies. Secondly, in place of your idiot mask initiative, you better come up with a relief package for all the workers and households who will soon be on the list of bankruptcies and behind in all their loan payments. Also, unless you haven't noticed the social issue of the huge number of part time employees who live on hourly wages, you better find some relief for them as well. If having to choose between staying at home and losing income or going to work with mild symptoms of the virus, you can bet they'll choose their pay check. If there's anything good about this pandemic it's that it clearly displays the idiots from the common sense folks. Guess which category you are in abenomask?

10 ( +11 / -1 )

If Abe wants to help people by giving out masks he needs to give out at least three per person per day. Giving away two for half of the families is just a waste of money. However, I guess it does buy votes.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Couldn't we spend tax payer money a more effective way? Just how much is it going to cost to send two masks? Give me the money directly and I'll spend it in my local economy.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Giving masks is just a gesture to reassure the millions of older, LDP voting, NHK watching people living in fantasy Japanland that everything is OK.

For those of us living in reality it is an expensive waste of time and money.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

While Abe is sitting at home playing with his dog and drinking tea, people are dying. He is the one person in Japan who could actually do something to help. I hope people remember this in the next election.

(Invalid CSRF)

7 ( +7 / -0 )

The real thought of human rights by politicians in Japan, weak die strong live.

Remember when too many are in great peril, your strength will start to fade too.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Are they still set on two per household, or will they amend it to be a far more sensible two per person?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Perfect timing, Abe-sama

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Great! Two masks per household. Those living alone get two masks. What about those who are living with grandpa and have two or three children? Are they going to play the lottery in the household?

I had someone in Hong Kong in late January, early February, asking me to buy masks for him. At that time I managed to secure one box but already people were hoarding them. People in Hong Kong were panicking and finally, their government made sure, like Macau, that everyone would be guaranteed masks. Fast forward to March and that same person in Hong Kong was worried about me and asking whether I wanted some masks. Not likely, considering the amount I paid for EMS, and still delivery to HK was delayed by a week.

So, yeah, why is there STILL a shortage of masks in Japan? I haven't seen any in the shops in over two months, and most people seem to be wearing them. I have some myself, but that's only because I hardly wear them and they were bought over a year ago. Some of us can't or won't line up at 8:30am outside the shops everyday.

I can just imagine Abe preparing these care packages - two masks, two sealed baby wipes, and a signed photo of himself sitting at home in his armchair wearing his Mario costume, and being licked by his dog. This guy is absolutely useless. All words, no action.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

I give up with this old fool.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

He was relaxed and sitting on a couch.

Watching Anpanman

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Clearly Abe is not a leader - he is a liability. 46.6 billion yen, he is treating his countrymen and women with contempt.

@mu-da I agree, perhaps even change places with his dog

9 ( +9 / -0 )

@Austin Rogers @Fiddlers.

It is the best the government can come up with and it is definitely not a waste of money. You forget this is New Orleans.... I mean Japan. Enjoy the ride my friends and stay safe.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

46.6 BILLION? Well, that has increased by 6.6 billion since this nonsense was announced a couple of weeks ago.

Somebody's brown envelope just got stuffed a little tighter.

Does anyone know anything about the firm which is making these, and the owner's links to Abe? This absolutely stinks.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Does anyone know anything about the firm which is making these, and the owner's links to Abe? This absolutely stinks.

Hey! No questions allowed. There’s nothing to see here. Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain.

... of course there are links between the manufacturing company and someone in the government.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Tochan - so my next question is:

How come these masks now cost more than 200 yen each to manufacture?

A scrap of gauze on two strings?

This is profiteering at its rankest.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Derek - It is not profiteering. No company or entity is taking complete advantage of a terrible crisis and situation. This is a place where common sense and mental agility prevail... This is New Orleans....umm... I mean Japan.

But seriously they could do much better than this for the people of Japan. It’s time for a change.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The longer he stay on as PM he is surely out of touch with reality

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Last night hews Abe said he cares for people and the economy and there is no overshoot in Japan and new stimulus package next week. He clearly doesn’t know the meaning of exponential growth, doesn’t watch any world news and/ or maybe he actually believes the completely ridiculous official numbers from Japan severely limited testing. ( Real numbers could be any time higher from 10 to 100 or more, but anybody knows they are not even remotely close to the official).

His record till now

Olympics will definitely happen

No emergency for Tokyo

And next 

No overshoot

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I believe they set the bar at 250,000JPY. (second hand info, correct me if I'm wrong) As both of my daughters lost their jobs and make 20-30,000 over that, they may not be paying their rent for the next couple months. Let's just hope the government can help them cause I sure can't. My business is losing a lot too.

Each household that has someone in the house that has lost income due to loss of income is supposedly eligible for 300,000. Hopefully your daughters have their "own" household's and you as well.

Depending upon the guidlines, and evidently they may be pretty strict, but there are also grants available for business owners. There are also interest free/collateral free loans as well, but they are loans, and they are supposed to be easier to get. (The news on NHK a couple of nights ago talked about this!)

Good luck with your business and I hope your daughters are fine too!

7 ( +7 / -0 )

when are we suppose to receive the Joke mask??? after the death???

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The Government are useless. There should be a public inquiry after this is over.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

With morons thinking that a couple of masks per household makes me ponder why we even need governments.

I don’t need governing at all...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

A total lack of support of the central government, this kind of “generosity” from Abe and his masks reminds me from the same kind of generosity that Mussolini had in Italy,for every first male born son the poor families would get a bonus for extra food and a few pennies.

This is the perfect model of a dictator throwing some candies to the poor masses.

I’m ao sure that many expats now regret the choice to live in this country.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Someone else told me they heard the masks can be compared to wooden stakes given to people to fight the American invasion in WW2.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


And finally, where are my masks? I have been asking around and I haven't met anyone who has received their masks,

Because the budget for the distribution is still not voted.

The government will submit a supplementary budget for fiscal 2020 from

April to the Diet next week to finance an emergency package worth 108

trillion yen ($1 trillion), part of which will fund the mask


I do not know if the budget for production was. If not, time for Japanese Netizen to go berseck to stop this waste of money. That is not enough mask and lot of people can make them if you give them the model. Make stuff based of voluntary work and donation : business selling material hand out their hand of cloth roll they do not need anymore to people able to sew which once they have finished hand them up to police/post office/city hall/ ... which will distribute to people in need when they meet one (just have to always ask then give if they have or take name to put in a listing for distribution by post during normal activities if they do not) and explain how to handle and wash them.

Did they never heard of the word "solidarity" ? When flight got canceled, hotel closed, some government asked their expat to offer (free) lodging to co-national stuck abroad until they could be brought back home. Guess what it worked. Same as after tero attack or disaster, most people help each other in time of need just create the condition to do it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I wonder if I can use those masks as a payment on my house loan, or my son's university tuition?? I sure hope so!!!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Last night hews Abe said he cares for people and the economy and there is no overshoot in Japan and new stimulus package next week. He clearly doesn’t know the meaning of exponential growth, doesn’t watch any world news and/ or maybe he actually believes the completely ridiculous official numbers from Japan severely limited testing. ( Real numbers could be any time higher from 10 to 100 or more, but anybody knows they are not even remotely close to the official).

You don't need to know every infection to know if there is exponential growth.

His record till now

Olympics will definitely happen

Don't believe he ever said that.

No emergency for Tokyo

I think Tokyo was the main reason he called a state of emergency.

And next 

No overshoot

Similar to exponential growth, there are no signs of this yet.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Does anyone know anything about the firm which is making these, and the owner's links to Abe? This absolutely stinks.

That is the job of the media to dig out and keep the public informed.

But we know that will never happen as the comedians running programs here don't know what investigative journalism is and are too busy distracting the public with food programs.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Abenomask is not popular. Some complain it is small and as bands do not expand (it is not rubber band), wearers ears ache. It is not fashionable looks like the masks of 50 years ago.

In short, it's a perfect representation of Abe and Co., out of step, doesn't work and uses ideas from 50 years ago.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

you don't need to know every infection to know if there is exponential growth.

So you believe the official number. If there is a limit to testing per day they can never ever show the exponential growth

Olympics will definitely happen

Don't believe he ever said that.

Not sure how you believe that either as he said it numerous time

here is an example


No emergency for Tokyo

I think Tokyo was the main reason he called a state of emergency.

Finally after saying it was not necessary for a long time

And next 

No overshoot

Similar to exponential growth, there are no signs of this yet.

I would argue the steadily rising numbers of deaths do also show the overshoot is on its way, along with the news reported last night that many hospitals are reaching capacity point. But maybe you'd don't believe them either.

Anyhow you can believe there are no signs YET. Unfortunately a little late when YET becomes oh sorry it is happening now, just like oops Olympics postponed from this year now because of the virus.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I need money not masks. Can I pay my rent with two masks? Well Mr. Prime Minister?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Since 1981...I believe they set the bar at 250,000JPY....

There are few other requirements attached to that. It’s only applicable for people who are in the tax exempt category ( not sure what that is, though after checking the Ministry of welfare site it is for an annual income of less than 1,950,000yen ). Anyone earning less than this and has lost their income source by more than 50% in February to April might be eligible. I believe that the requirements are still not clear for this 300,000 yen cash handouts for needy households. It’s not clear cut and probably with many hidden clauses. Very few people will end up getting this assistance. IMO this handout was just announced by the Japanese Government to save face since other countries were giving cash handouts to its residents and many in Japan were getting restless. So they came up with this to just show that there is some kind of cash handout but who will get this is yet to be seen!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

To the locked down poor; bah humbug! Are there no prisons? ... And the Union workhouses? ... The treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?"

Abenezer Scrooge

1 ( +1 / -0 )

As of today US citizens are receiving stimulus money.

Basically mostly Everyone will get it, except people making over a hundred grand.

NO questions asked.

JP government sooo slow and doesnt care about their people.

Where's my 2 mask?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

And how come there is no voice about the situation of the homeless people and the people that lives and work in detention centres?

These humans live close to each other and are at high risks of contact the virus as well.

With all the lies and the omissions that we have been feed by the regime I’m genuinely preoccupied of the real state of the situation.

We in dark times,and in such time democracy and freedom of press are a very important instrument

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Geez, man... swallow your pride, admit the money could be better spent elsewhere, and then do that. Don't simply insist it was a good idea and then waste the money because you're too scared to admit you were wrong. Hell, even insist you're right but due to concern you'll spend the money elsewhere -- just don't WASTE the billions of yen on two crummy masks per household, because it IS a waste, and is NOT helpful.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

because it IS a waste, and is NOT helpful

Based on what evidence? People are such absolutists it's insane. Promoting mask use is good, as it reduces the r0 value to some extent. It doesn't have to be perfect to be a good idea.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I wonder which country has a good leader on handling the fight for COVID-19 ...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why not just have huge boxes like those tissue people and hand out at train stations and handout masks to people that are not wearing one? Do you think people will yank theirs off and @ut them in their pocket just to get an Abe Granny Mask?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Bad idea. Unless you are trying to launder black money while trying to claim it as taxpayers taxed income.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why not to send 100 million masks to 100 million people????!!!!!....

Why nobody is advising this to Abe-san???

Why japantoday.com does not suggests this to Abe-san???

Did everybody in Japan lost their mind???...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The saddest part of it is that Abenomask isn't free at all!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I first thought that "Abenomask" was ridiculous, but after that I reconsidered that would be maybe good idea because

・People would not gather at drugstores or supermarket to get face masks in future.

・Workers to produce face masks would not need to go to places to work.

・People would not get worried not to wear face masks.

...something like that.

But I concern about the money to send face masks to each house would be high cost....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

・People would not gather at drugstores or supermarket to get face masks in future.


・Workers to produce face masks would not need to go to places to work.


・People would not get worried not to wear face masks.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

west sea:

I wonder which country has a good leader on handling the fight for COVID-19 ...

Both Hong Kong and Taiwan are doing very well, with most cases coming from returning students from Europe and America. I don't know whether it's down to their female leaders, but the people were scared out of their wits from SARS and suffered a lot, so I guess they were more prepared than the west where people just dismissed it as another Asian problem. Both have only had deaths of single digits. And the day before yesterday, I believe, Taiwan had no new cases. On average now, they are only see a very small number of new cases every day.

Australia is also doing well, despite the number of cases.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Also I am sure it's one of the government's friends who got the contract to supply the masks without a tender.

You can bet on it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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