Japan Today

China restates opposition to Japan lawmakers visiting Taiwan


China has reiterated its opposition to Japanese politicians' visits to Taiwan after Shigeru Ishiba, the former defense minister who visited the self-ruled island in August, won the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's presidential election.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian told reporters that China hopes for stable ties with Japan but declined to comment on the result of the election, calling it internal affair of Japan.

Lin also said Japan should "establish an objective and correct perception of China, and seek a positive and rational policy toward China."

In August, Ishiba as the co-head of a Japanese lawmakers' delegation to Taiwan met its leader Lai Ching-te. Lai told them Taipei will "stand shoulder to shoulder with the democratic camp to exert the power of deterrence," with Ishiba agreeing deterrence is the key to maintaining regional peace, although without referring to mainland China.

Beijing views the self-ruled island as a renegade province to be reunified with the mainland, by force if necessary.


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Nobody gives a damn what China thinks about Taiwan.

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Who cares what China thinks, grow up

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