Japan Today

Hiroshima, Nagasaki mayors call for nuclear weapons abolition at treaty meeting


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As usual blame Russia. Poland is lobbying NATO to give Ukraine nukes.

The eight countries that admit they have nukes, are not members, so two little mayors can’t change a thing. Also building, testing, upgrading, maintaining and developing these weapons is a massive business for connected arms contractors. Massive.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The only way to guarantee nuclear weapons are never used again

I wish that were actually true but unfortunately it doesn't guarantee that nuclear weapons are never used again.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


behold world, we as the only ones hit by nukes, want to show you the horror of war! Which we were the only victims and continued to suffer the effects!

-also Japan-

why would we sign a nuclear arms ban? Shut up and feel bad for us, look at what you did 80 years ago you monsters

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Not going to happen and in fact prospect of more nukes is much more likely in the future.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

As long as one country has nukes, others will have them too. Asking to remove them all is like asking Putin to beg for forgiveness = never going to happen. If we can’t ban guns or even cigarettes that kill WAY more people than idle nukes….. These mayors are living in a fantasy world.

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The constradiction in Japan's position on nuclear weapons reflects both realties. Nuclear weapons are horrible and should never be used again. But since nations that already have them aren't going to give them up, the wonderfully ideal concept of a nuclear-free world is a pipe dream. The Mayors of these two cities are doing what you would expect, following a politicized path of significant meaning to these two cities. But contradict's the nation's need to protect itself by accepting the US nuclear umbrella,

1 ( +1 / -0 )

While I still wish nations would live in peace, forsaking all weapons including nuclear ones, I now lean to the view that nuclear weapons are indeed a deterrent to war, at least between the nations and their allies that have them. The reason for that is as overwhelmingly horrific as it is simple: initiating a nuclear war is a self-destructive act that will likely take most of humanity with it. There's nothing to be gained by using nuclear weapons, and everything to be lost.

I would be happy to see them go, but I can live with their existence too.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Nuclear weapons are horrible and should never be used again

However Ossan just last week you posted a comment how the atomic bombings of Japan were necessary and justifiable

But this week you say they are horrible and should never be used again .

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

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