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© KYODOJapan's ruling bloc agrees on rent relief plan for virus-hit firms
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Michael Machida
Rent relief! Wow! Everyone in Japan gets rent relief! Oh! Wait. Virus hit firms. Companies get rent relief. Not individual tax payers. Individual tax payers need to pay full rent. I see. But the Ruling Bloc gave special nice nice to companies. I see. How do I obtain one of these special nice nice companies?
Will there ever be any support for newly started companies which does not have any revenue to show for yet??
Chip Star
Agreed that taxpayers need this also, but at least it’s something. No businesses means no employees, which means no income for those employees.
So can't pay rent, as an individual but if I was a company then I get tax payer money from individuals paying tax. Who can't pay rent? Somethings wrong here.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Yay! I'm a "small business owner" so more free money!
Business owners have access to capital. Yet for those with none, renters and families being foreclosed upon for inability to pay home loans any relief is an afterthought.
Do the hustle
More support for companies and bugger all for the workers. TIJ!
Also it was on the news yesterday that the government has already started paying out the relief payments to the same companies.
While I haven't seen neither my 100000 yen nor my masks as of today.
Wait the taxpayers cannot pay tax, much less the 10% surcharge along with rent, utilities etc because the small firms they used to work for are closed and guess what the small firms did not pay them while they are out and not working. Yet the landowners still want their rent paid in full each month and the money is instead going to the small firm? Something very wrong here..A small firms knows full well the risks involved in business. This is only part of it. This means the owner of the small firm will get paid twice, once for each resident and next for each small firm. Not fair at all.
Christopher Glen
Payouts needed to begin a month ago. Too slow as usual
My business rents an office in my house. I don't think my income drop qualifies, but I'm sure there will be tens of thousands with dual-use homes who do. It may just be a case of some accounting jiggery-pokery to get around the rules. This means the government giving extra money to people who happen to work at home, a completely arbitrary distinction.
The easiest way to end this kind of nonsensical disaster capitalism, corporate socialism, or whatever you want to call it is to remove the state of emergency in all but the most affected part of the country. Even there payments should be limited. Anyone calling for the SoE as a precaution must understand the huge cost of reality. Anyone with a decent accountant will be trying to fleece the state for everything they can. This means less money for schools and I suppose even the health care system actually fighting this pandemic.
Schools and health care are way low priority for Abe and his crew. Just look at the state of hospitals. They are packed now imagine an overdue earthquake hitting. The biggest natural disaster threatening Japan is the LDP.
Bugle Boy of Company B
You hardly need an accountant if you are a sole proprietor. You can write off just about anything because the tax agency does not audit individuals. I write off my entire rent for my home office.
And showing a 50% drop in sales is easy as pie.
My company is incorporated, so I use an accountant, but just for my yearly return. As it happens, I have been audited by the tax office, about three years after incorporation, so it can happen. When they came, they actually looked at the part of my house used as an office. Its much smaller than the rest of the house.
Whether incorporated or not, its very easy to produce the on-paper drop in income required for this scheme. The "need to have logged either a revenue fall of over 50 percent from a year ago or of over 30 percent within the past three months." means a 50% drop in any freely selected single calendar month. You can be coining it in and still have one month that is down on the previous year, or appears to be once you shifted your billing dates etc.
Paul Clarke
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe & the government, you are two months too late. Crickey, PRC Tests should take top priority. Procrastination can kill! Speed can SAVE!
Bugle Boy of Company B
Part timers have been screwed , in all honesty we pay less taxes but are getting the biggest amount.I have applied for 2 million but,
will be splitting my windfall with friends and family who need it more.
that person
And, here I am, still waiting for my measly two little masks and one time cash handout that doesn’t even cover a months’ salary
I happen to be in quite a lucky situation, but I feel for those who are struggling.
The government better prepare for the wave of post virus mental illnesses, because it’s going to be real
I would just like everyone to know that there is rent relief for individuals. The program is the Housing Security Benefits program 住居確保給付金. It used to be only for people who lost their jobs but it has been expanded to cover everyone who needs it during the pandemic. Additionally, there is no longer a requirement to sign up with Hello Work to receive these benefits. They can cover rent for up to 9 months in total if needed.
Furthermore, those who are freelancers, subcontractors or otherwise self employed you can apply for the 1 million yen payout program for sole proprietors. I hope that no one has to worry about things like not paying the rent or having food on the table during these trying times. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home.
Bugle Boy of Company B
The criteria to receive that are extremely specific and difficult. You have to fulfill ALL of these criteria:
(1) Being a person who is financially distressed due to job separation, etc., and who may be or may be lost.
(2) Within two years from the date of leaving or closing the business, or
Opportunities for earning salaries and other operational income of working individuals decrease without reason or for any reason attributable to the individual, and the working conditions of the individual are similar to those when leaving or closing the business. Be in a situation. ‥
(3) Must be the main livelihood maintainer.
(4) The total amount of income of the applicant and those who belong to the same household as the applicant is less than or equal to the sum of the “standard amount ( 1)” and the rent amount ( 2) of the rental housing where the applicant lives. Be a person. ( 1) "Standard amount" = 1/12 of the amount of income of those who are exempt from municipal tax ( 2) The upper limit is the standard amount set for each region
If you live in the city, please check with the person in charge of each city as it depends on the municipality you live in. If you live in the area of Aichi prefecture, please refer to the 5 brochure of the system guide "Outline of housing security benefits".
(5) The total amount of deposits and savings of the applicant and those who belong to the same household as the applicant is equal to or less than the "standard amount" x 6 (provided that it does not exceed 1 million yen).
(6) Being honest and enthusiastic about job hunting.
(7) The applicant and a person who belongs to the same household as the applicant do not receive a loan (employment training benefit) from a national employment policy, or a similar loan provided by a local government, etc.
Household benefits cannot be used together with welfare.(8) Neither the applicant nor a person who belongs to the same life as the applicant is a gangster as stipulated in Article 2, Item 6 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Gangsters.
@bugle boy
There are restrictions of course but the ones regarding seeking employment have been lifted. Additionally those that don't meet these requirements probably don't need the support.
Bugle Boy of Company B
I hadn't heard about that, but even so, I'm guessing most people won't qualify for this. I heard about the program and looked it up, but it was obvious that it wasn't meant for me, so I moved on. I hope the people who need it can take advantage of it.
If you think that bureaucrats are willing and really have those in need at heart and will make it easy for the help to reach the needy then you have probably not being following. They care only about the big companies, the minions can die for all they care, and would make it difficult for those in need to get help by creating hurdles and putting in place stringent conditions that can't be met by many impacted by the virus. How many people could have the 450M dolllars wasted on the useless good-for-nothing mask helped. A few executives in the 5 or so companies have their accts oveflowing with 450M dollars while thousands of minions are pondering whether they would be able to eat let alone pay their rents.
⑤ In the case of (1) or (2) *whichever is applicable
(1) In the case of resignation or loss of employment
(2) In the case of the situation set forth in Article 3, Item 2
⑥Proof of previous employment and income
⑦ Choose whichever options applies to you (1) or (2) .
(1) You have lost your home
(2)There is a risk of loss of residence
⑧The applicant or those who belong to the same household as the applicant
Date of resignation
Employer location
Reasons for reduction of income / employment opportunities
Employment details before the current situation
Date of your loss
The address
Current situation
Current address
Home owner
The amount of rent
Reason for risk of loss of residence
Birth of date
Income (monthly)
Deposit savings
Total amount
※If the income of the month in which you apply can be reliably estimated, please state above. If not, provide an average over the last three months. Any other forms of income must be included such as child support allowance or employment insurance.
Please note:
1.If any statements are found to be false, your application and all future application will be denied. Furthermore, any payment received will have to be paid back in full.
2.It is necessary to register with Hello Work and undergo training. (This may not be applicable anymore.)
3.Further information maybe required.
4.Your previous work place, bank and so on may be contacted.
5.The landlord may be contacted for further details.
6.Benefits may be stopped if any requests are denied.
7.All payments will be made directly to the landlord.
By signing this document, I hereby guarantee that all information is true and accurate.
Personal information may be used to provide payment to guarantee the residence, and will be used in accordance to Japanese law.
Date Signature
This is a fairly accurate translation of the application for those who cannot read Japanese well.