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© KYODOJapan to ban exports of nearly 300 items to Russia, Belarus
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Good. Now do the same for individuals close to Putin, including his daughters, oligarchs and their family members and friends.
In fact, if it was up to me I'd prevent all transactions above a few thousand dollars per month in order to keep the ordinary Russians citizens who need to send a few bucks back to their families but stop the other businesses Russia might be doing with the outside world.
And it's all Putin's fault.
Tom San
Brace yourselves. The repercussions of these sanctions are on the way.
Even if Putin does take Ukraine, Russia’s going to choke on sanctions. Is that victory?
Probably depends if they can stick it out long enough to retool for domestic production and support by China. That kind of thing can't happen over night though, the logistics will be a nightmare, so will definitely be a lot of suffering for the Russian people in the interim. If they can though, they will have a much more resilient economy longterm.
There's probably a lot of countries rethinking their trade agreements and reliance on western standards right now though.
Russia has the natural resources to self sustaining. The Russian model of communism was created with self-reliance and isolationism at its core. With China as a trading partner and supplier of technology, Russia could very well fare this, too.
The quality of life and accessibility to luxury items will also revert back to Cold War standards, but as Russians say “we are used to a hard life.”
Im from Russia, decided to clarify some things about sanctions.
It looks like that Western politics think that Russian citizens have the same mentality as Western People and expect that economic pressure makes Russian people to go to Kremlin.
In fact, most sanctions against usual people just strentghen president's power because they think that Nato and USA starts this conflict by sending weapons to Ukraine and supporting nationalistic views of Ukranians.
It's about of 60 percent to support this view.
Another part of population, who dont support Putin, feel fear because a lot of people who protested got criminal penalties.
Also Russia has a 90s period when economic was ruined afer Ussr and many people doesnt have enough money to eat and wear and Russian prepared to falling living standard. So, unfortunately for Western politics, most of sanctions will not work. Actually, sanctions against usually people never worked, you can check history of Iran, North Korea, Libya etc.
From the other side,most people support sanctions against oligarchs, politics because such people got wealth using corruption.
Now Western politics say that confiscated money helps to restore Ukraine but you should know that politics in Ukraine also were corrupted as well and Im not sure that all money will be spent as expected.
Ever heard of the google? It will answer that question and a lot more!
But in the meantime it means that Russian goods face massive tariffs, meaning that buyers would prefer to buy goods from other countries that don't have the tariffs, making goods from other countries much cheaper than Russian goods.
Essentially they're pricing Russia out of the world market.
Robert N
"Russian goods"? Like vodka?
For base metals and other commodities very unlikely to be tariffed.
Seth M
Russia couldn't import the sensitive technologies before the war anyway. For the other items, there's always China
Putin had pretty much ruined the Russian economy even before the latest sanctions. Russia is about to go from a third rate economy to a primitive economy.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Japan is taking it too far !
Best stop with the sanctions.
@Petr, it's nice to know you're not afraid of saying you're Russian. Good for you. And as for your comments, I have only this to say - I'm in the middle of Solzhenitsyn's 'The Gulag Archipelago'. I trust you've read it? What's described in that book, concerning the average Russian's psyche, has not changed. You're right about that. And from where I sit, in Canada, that's a shame. Not you being correct, but that the average Russian knows nothing but abject poverty and a life that is controlled by the state, in this case, a new tsar named Putin. They welcome that situation, and people in the west just can't get it through their heads that human sheep exist en masse in a country as rich in resources as Russia. They've never had the opportunity to take their lives into their own hands. And that's no better than third-world countries in Africa where poverty, starvation and human abuses abound. I wish it was different for Russians because I've known a few, and they're nice people.
Desert Tortoise
Eh, not so fast. Some places in Russia are still pretty rough, but their big cities are modern and have all the comforts expected of a developed nation. Urban Russia has become a consumer society. Many Russians had become accustomed to annual vacations to places like the many Red Sea resorts in Egypt, beach resorts in Thailand or Hainan Island, etc.. They drive mostly Japanese or European cars and until of late had mostly unfettered internet access. They went to mostly western movies, dressed fashionably and bought lots of consumer goods. Much of that is going away and I am not sure the current generation of Russians, especially those living in major cities are going to willingly go back to a Soviet standard of living.
@TreavorPeace, you are almost right. For many Russian people Putin looks like as tsar.
However, during the last years the level of trust to president decreased.
From the other side, @Desert Tortoise is also right because many Russians, especially young population and who lived in big cities followed Western core values including democracy (be honest, I dont think it works anywhere how it is supposed to be) and human rights. They were against Putin even before these events. Now they form Russian opposition abroad.
Previously, I thought that possibly oligarchs could do something. However, after blocking dollars in Russia they lost control to their resources in western Banks and now it doesnt look like that they can do something valuable.