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© KYODOJapan to pledge human resources investment in Africa to counter China
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Making loans to Africa in the hopes that a port or strategic location might be leased for a century or two-following in China’s footsteps?
Whatever next?
I'm no economist, but from what I have read this is just common sense and necessary. Good move.
Mr Kipling
Sorry Japan, you are much too late to this party!
""Democracy , freedom, and prosperity, die in darkness"" I suggest that the world including Japan invest in bringing democracy and freedom to the people of Africa more than anything else.
Yes, where Japan have been? Do Japan really care about Africa? Only care because China already made move in the first place?
Mark,lots of African nation ,has been practicing democracy,longer than Ukrainain have
Talk about being 35 years too late!
Dear Japan.. Stop fooling around to please the US..
Invest first in your own country and your own people.
Sooo late, for more than 100 years Russia and especially China have supported the anti-colonial and independence movements on African nations.
Africa is opening the doors to China in gratitude... Africa will have a lot of collaboration from China and in turn Africa will be a great Chinese ally..
While the decadent West will be in a dark corner watching with envy and helplessness as it loses its global influence...
The future is RED..
Little late to the party there Kishida. China has ran free on the continent for decades.
Michael Machida
A bit too late. China has been intertwined into Africa for over three decades now. Japan is too slow as always, [and I know why.]
Sven Asai
It’s of course sheer impossible under every thinkable scenario, but that multiple funny joke somehow made my day anyway.
Forget competitions aiming only to counter the corrupt neo-colonialist China. Some African recipients may encourage both sides to serve them with maximum profits. Focus on what is needed for African people (not for unelected lifetime autocrats) for developments in the long run.
In fact, Japan and China are not so conflicting in Africa as they differ in investment areas.
African nations had better choose Japan over Communist China as a partner for development. If they choose China, in 5 years they will likely find themselves bankrupt and paying their debt to China by gifting airports, ports and large areas of land which will officially become territory of China.
Just look at Sri Lanka.
That is a very mild promise, it could be accomplished even now with the very limited number of African students that have been trained or are enrolled on postgraduate studies related to infectious diseases in several Japanese Universities.
To increase this training to actually significant levels would be a much better vow, but looking at how difficult is for promising people in Africa to get support from the Japanese government right now it may not be realistic to expect this.
Tom San
Spend more on Japan first.
Besides, I think the governments of most African countries deserve the Chinese.
They will probably invite selected scholars to come to Japan to learn firsthand in hospitals and on farms.
The question is whether Japan would be willing to pay off the corrupt African leaders as well as China does?
for more than 100 years Russia and especially China have supported the anti-colonial and independence movements on African nations
These wumao arguments are entertaining. Soviet Union supported Africa during the early days of the Cold War.
China is trying to colonise Africa again.
But these racist CCP spokespeople think that Africans are too stupid to understand the difference between China and Russia.
Japan's difficulty in "countering China" in Africa has nothing to do with being late, they have been contributing to African nations for decades.
The difficulty that Japan faces is the same that the United States and other democratic nations face, their assisance and aid become naturally tied to humanitarian and democratic values.
China has been and continues to be successful in Africa because they couldn't care less about such values and happily support every tin pot genocidal dictator in Africa as long as they get the economic and strategic value they seek from the deal.
Says alot about what kind of country China is.
Joe Blow
Airdrop a bunch of old manga and anime in English, maybe cup ramen and samurai cell phone strap charms. Would cost a fraction of what China is doing and would win more hearts.
Tokyo Living "the future is RED "
Thanks to the forums chief China barracker couldnt be any less objective if you tried.
The China of today is not the booming economic powerhouse of 10 years ago.
One sector, housing, is in crisis with billions being lost in investments in towering unit blocks that cant be filled or sold.
Other media reporting widespread demolition of new apartment blocks to reduce supply.
Check the economic growth figures for China from the last 12 months.
Pretty shabby .
This. Having been to several African countries and having followed this and also attended TICAD, I can attest to this. Also, add how most Japanese companies are too risk adverse and inward looking.
It's unfortunate because Japan is held in such high regard in Africa. Japan will need to overcome it's adversity to risk and also strong xenophobic attitudes first.
The first TICAD was held in 1993.
19 Years later, same statements, same methods, same dream. Wake up Japan !
Jonathan Prin
So the only purpose is to counter China.
Nothing to do to help Africans first.
Jonathan PrinToday 02:52 pm JST
China's "future is RED "
I mean that in an accounting perspective.
Japan is famous if her "Lip Service", all African countries know Japan is know towing to America and they don't trust you!
For African countries the purpose is irrelevant as long as they can benefit. It could be to get followers on tiktok and it would still be worth it for them. At this point nobody actually believes they are getting any help just because of the good in their hearts.
@Ossan. The African countries just don't like the hypocritic western values, they hated the western racial slavery and colonialism in the past three centuries made them suffered until now and beyond. You cannot blame China over this because your faults.Yes the Chinese supports the African warlords and their nasty business but everyone do this proxy war in Africa. You should know who supports the UNITA(Portuguese alias), they were "Tin Pot geinocidal militas" supported by America(CIA)as well!
Jonathan Prin
Europe is largely helping Africa, sometimes first by generosity or at least on same level mutual interest.
I wonder how African immigrants there are in Japan compare to Europe ?
Europe has stopped slavery some time ago and it has been decades if not eover a century since race has anything to in our exchange.
I would say, and note it, that Europe share its future a lot with Africa since population are mixing a lot.
Christian David Kpondehou
This is good way today. Thank you PM. Human resources development in Africa can be a win win situation for Japan and Africa. Agriculture is the key sector for Africa and Japan today. However, IT skills is needed more in Africa (see Africa Samurai Consulting's ( activities on NHKWORLD DOCUMENTARY : ( )
Also, the Africa Diaspora Network Japan ( ) is preparing Osaka Africa Business Forum which will focus on building business relationships between Japan and Africa with 3 main Topics: Human Resources Development, Agriculture and Infrastructure Development. Please join Osaka Africa Business Forum after TICAD :)