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© KYODOKishida urges stable, responsible funding for more defense spending
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And what is more stable than the 24-7 human resource, kick them in the teeth and they come back for more tax base of the Japanese electorate?
Cutting corporate taxes under Abenomics and showering Japan Inc. with subsidies did not cause wage raises, so why worry about this?
There are daily reports of record corporate profits.
The Japanese public is the Stockholm Syndrome hostage of the LDP and their Japan Inc. cronies.
How about the feckless politicos in Tokyo actually did their jobs for on e?
Military buildups are the result of a failure in diplomacy!
Just issue the bonds.
Yeah, that's a really compelling reason to hit society with ever more taxes rather than issuing bonds....because at the end of the day, Kishida's political reputation is the only thing that matters.
Mind you, I'm not adverse to cigarette taxes, either.
Aly Rustom
Kishida urges stable, responsible funding for more defense spending
Sorry, but coming from a guy who undemocratically funded 3 very expensive funerals for an unpopular PM against the Japanese people's will, responsible funding is a joke.
Alfie Noakes
Hilary Clinton turned up in Tokyo in October, shortly followed by Henry Kissinger. The latter enjoyed a private, 30 minute chat with Kishida. Two months later Kishida is telling the Japanese people it's their responsibility to pay the $318bn Raytheon Tax. No connection, surely?
Mr. Kishida is keen beefing up the military which more people will now support after what we have seen in Ukraine.
Raising taxis is one option but also diverting $ from other useless projects is another, building a 200 km long 14 meters high concrete wall along the east coast was one, billions of $ are thrown at the corrupt construction industry yearly for useless projects.
It is the responsibility of people living in this era to take on the heavy burden and respond," Kishida told a meeting of LDP executives.
He has lost his mind!!
Please step down!!!
OK, Mr. Executive.
Companies haven't raised wages even after getting their tax cut from Abe.
Taking funds away from Tohoku is almost criminal. Of course, they already did that for those infernal Olympics, so why not again?
Michael Machida
There is nothing stable and responsible about war. What the H@ll is this clown talking about?
englisc aspyrgend
Large corporations whining when their profits are in danger, how surprising is that. Their profits would disappear pretty quickly in an invasion but they whine when they have to pay to preserve the peace and independence that allows them to operate in the first place.
They benefited from society bailing them out and providing subsidies and tax cuts, now it’s their turn to pay society back.
Issuing yet more debt on top of the existing debt pile is folly and financial stupidity of the highest order.
2% of the GDP drawn proportionately from the total tax base is neither unreasonable nor if managed fairly, that much of a drain on the countries economy. A massive drive to transparently increase efficiency and cut out waste and the deadwood in the current expenditure will free up a considerable part of what is required on an ongoing basis thus reducing the burden.
Sakurada is dead right.
Good taxation means low rate, broad based taxes.
This is a deflection.
Japan’s consumption tax revenues for example, are very stable.
The problem is not stable funding. The problem is the government fails to spend within its means and prioritize spending.
Cutting spending to make rooM for defense spending is the best approach, if the public opposes a broad tax rate hike to be evenly shared.
Like Sakurada says, just trying to identify some target to bear the brunt of the burden is bad tax policy.
Exactly Kurisippu!
And, if you follow the money, you can see who profits from military buildups and wars.
It's all about the money!
Stop paying 50 million a year to China for each Panda before talking about increasing taxes to defend Japan from China!
Hoe about first getting the approval of the people, thinking how to spend the money should come after you get the people permission to do it
Premier Kishida urges stable, responsible funding for more defense spending:
Undeniably, all he knows now is to secure more money for defense spending.
He does not care whether it is really that necessary or essential to keep arming the defense with more expensive & lethal weapons.
And LDP/Japan is the Stockholm Syndrome hostage of US. Though, I am not sure even Kishida feels comfortable with this, or if he has no choice but come up with money to purchase US weapons, and pay the US "protection money".
Japan has not been in war for 80 years and should capitalize on that by becoming a global peace maker together with Sweden (who has not been at war for over 200 years, but now is becoming a US hostage just like Japan).
And rather than purchase weapons, build up a weapon industry and sell weapons to the rest of the war mongering nations. Not ethically correct, but that is the strategy Sweden has been taking. (Even the Nobel Peace Price is funded by money Alfred Nobel made from inventing dynamite.)
The "dove candidate" Kishida seems hell bent on promoting this military build-up before the next round of local elections which could mark the beginning of the end of his time at the top of the LDP pyramid even though he has no well thought out plan to fund the expansion.
"Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Tuesday that securing stable funding sources for a hefty defense spending boost is the "responsibility" of the current generation, amid signs of discord among his cabinet and party members over how to fund the ballooning budget."
Ah, I see! It's not at all the current ADMINISTRATION'S responsibility, it's that of the current "generation", which I am guessing will very soon be followed by a, "Ahem... I know we said we won't increase the income tax until 2027, but we must do it by fiscal 2024 instead. It is your responsibility, please cooperate," after Japan Tobacco, Inc. and corporations said no to him asking politely of taxes on them could be raised to fund what he already passed what he had not secured funding for.
Japan and Korea both have large GDPs, and are potentially capable of funding a serious defense capability. It is a shame that things have come down to this, but the dictatorships of the world are threatening to overwhelm any country that is not willing and able to defend itself.
englisc aspyrgend
YayDuckieToday 12:21 pm JST
They already have the peoples approval, the people voted them in to office. The fact that their policies are not what you want is just tough, that is the nature of democracy.
Hideomi Kuze
LDP government decided huge taxes wasting for national defense vested interest without even deliberation at the Diet.
Japanese mainstream media who are scared at criticizing far-right politics only announce undemocratic conclusion of ruling party obediently and don't even point out its risks or defects while they say "biggest turn of national security policy in postwar Japan history".
Hideomi Kuze
Baseless unrest as if North Korea and China begin to invade Japan from tomorrow or nationalistic conceit and optimistic delusion as if expansion of armament of Japan can silence neighbouring are rampant in Japanese society.
But, at least, present China or North Korea have no reason and no benefit to preemptive attack and invade to Japan where aging society and no natural resources. also, for example China where GDP is nearly five times of Japan has far more room expansion of armament than Japan.
Besides, present Japan where food self-sufficiency rate is less than 40% depends industrial parts or daily necessities on import from China, cannot even functions society without relation with China, not country where can begins and continues the war anymore. and story as if Japan with many weak points can function military deterrence with neighbouring countries is doubtful.