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© KYODOSouth Korea marks 'comfort women' memorial day
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This in no substitute for Leadership where government is concerned.
Any national politician that is mandated to a principal level to lead his cCountry as a head of Government defines a role that requires straightforward and forthright sincerity to accept previous administrations that rightly or wrongly made profound decisions that embellished economic and political principle that could or would be construed in today society as inequitable.
President Moon Jae-in is a shameful political fraud, weaponising past historic grievances, cynically wheeling out frail old pensioners, inflaming and aggregating student political activists, to circumvent his own political failures in office.
That's taking things too far. Enough is enough.
some things happen in wars, since way before the Roman Empires, yet we dont' see shrines around the world either..let it rest SK. Enough apologies and enough of our tax money has gone to SK. Enough..
Smithinjapan, The present Government of Japan is not mandated to offer apologies on behalf of their peoples, some 83% of which were not even born at the time of these atrocities, and another 9% under the age of 10. Any attempt, as previous attempts are contrived and hollow. The very definition of a political beg-pardon.
The move forward must be from a more profound diplomatic route. A agreed Royal commission of independent historians and educators. It will not come from either Japan or South Korean present or future political leadership. President Moon Jae-in is inciting political discontent to shield his failure in Government.
Prime Minister Abe will probably face his own defining political and economic watershed in October.
Why did it take the Koreans 73 years to begin the memorial day last year? Did it slip their minds.?
Surely if this is such a sensitive and important subject they should have created this memorial day a looong time ago.
itsonlyrocknroll: "Smithinjapan, The present Government of Japan is not mandated to offer apologies on behalf of their peoples,"
Sure, but they could do it if they honestly believed they did wrong. They don't. You don't. Hence the repetition of history.
"...some 83% of which were not even born at the time of these atrocities, and another 9% under the age of 10."..."
I'm not saying they did the crimes themselves -- the point is they DENY them. Look at the Nagoya mayor as a prime example. He obviously didn't rape the women or force them into sexual slavery, but he still takes the public's time and money to say it never happened.
Do you deny it happened?
TigersTokyoDome: "Why did it take the Koreans 73 years to begin the memorial day last year? Did it slip their minds.?"
Once again, saying that it doesn't matter when it's another nation, but when it's Japan we have to commemorate history. Where were you on the Nagasaki and Hiroshima threads this week? It slipped no one's mind over in SK, I'm sure, they are just trying to make the public more aware -- something we all need to do in order not to repeat atrocities. You don't seem to mind if we do or not.
Smithjapan, some members in Abe sans cabinet need to consider there positions in office, their revisionist views, to put it mildly receive a undue and unbalanced slice of media attention. This is a classic political half a dozen of one and six of the other.
What aggravates, 18 to 25 years old appear politically comatose
They left it a bit late to start commemorating (??) this issue. Only 20 of them left now.
Seems a bit like flogging a dead horse. but I guess any historical grievance is good enough for both Japan and its neighbours.
itsonlyrocknroll: "Smithjapan, some members in Abe sans cabinet need to consider there positions in office"
Ah, but we only hear this from you when called on it, without you recognizing the hypocrisy.
"This is a classic political half a dozen of one and six of the other."
Awww... you learned a new phrase! Congrats! So, in any case, you admit Japanese politicians are just as guilty as what you claim SK politicians and people are guilty of. Good. That's a baby-step in the right direction.
Hypocritical that Moon feels the right to renege on the 2015 bilateral agreement, in essence starting afresh from a previous South Korean government. Yet it seems the Koreans will not permit any new Japanese government since 1945 to start afresh? Its the same way of thinking, right? If Moon feels the right to start afresh, why do the Koreans keep wanting to drag any new Japanese government back to their government of 1945?
The Koreans will never wish for peace. They like to contain their hatred of Japan and even South Korea versus North Korea.
I was shocked last week when NHK went to Seoul to report on the anti-Japan protests and a middle aged woman held up a placard in English wishing radiation on the people of Japan! It was shocking, it typifies the hatred in Korea, and you would never see that in Japan. Check that report from NHK last week.
peppy kids
Honestly, the comfort women movement could have been used to help women's rights, bring awareness of war time rape, and human trafficking ( which SK has big problem).
Instead it was framed as anti Japanese and politicized in the name of nationalism. Doing this made the movement lose all credibility and compassion.
I feel sorry for the people that are being used as political pawns, and more importantly for the way that the SK government handled the movement that made the world not care.
Just settle it in the ICJ as it doesn't mean Int Comfort Justice bt SK wont come as it will mean international loss of black mailing card for SK
About history repeating all this stupid protest on gives more n more power to PM Abe to militarize japan if u want peace cultivate peace not the other way round. Past Present n Future is totally different things not wise to mix them
@TigersTokio - Good question. Another poster asked it as well.
For decades it was seen as a shameful past that is best to suppress and pretend it never happened, until the 1990s when survivors began to talk about their ordeals. Momentum built up with more and more survivors coming forward, primarily from SK but also China, Australia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan (who have their own version of 'comfort women' statues). When sections of the Japanese media as well as leadership (including current PM Abe) began to deny it happened, with some even accusing them of having been voluntary paid prostitutes, it became a highly charged political issue it is today.
The tendency on JT is to discredit South Korean survivors and accuse them of fabricating their testimonies or being manipulated by the Korean government, but do a simple online search and you''l find testimony from women all over the world, including Australia and Taiwan, two countries that you cannot claim to have any meaningful anti-Japan sentiments.
are these countries still a war if no then this issue is really a big ?
Smithjapan,well I hijacked that phase from a English from grandparents, the relevance is concerned with the economic inconsistency of the political position of both Governments.
I am of an age that has no historic baggage to drag around like a ball a chain. I also have no political affiliations.
I have met Takashi Kawamura (Mayor of Nagoya) also Aichi Goveror Hideaki Omura, business means one bumps into all walks of life. Do I share any political opinions or interests, common ground? The subject never came up.
Let's make it clear, myself and the vast majority here are not discrediting the Korean comfort women. No way. Despite what some anti-Japanese pro-Korean posters here are trying to imply. These were awful crimes. And these women suffered in a horrible way. But it ended 74 years ago. And apologies and financial penalties were accepted. Does anyone here really believe that Moon cares for these victims above his own political gain? And my point is valid - I cannot understand why it took 73 years to mark this memorial day. The South Korean government have know abut these crimes for generations, not just for Moon in 2019.
@TigersTokio - But just over a week ago the mayor of Nagoya joined a long list of revisionist Japanese politicians seeking to deny that it ever happened. The list includes the current PM Abe, previous Tokyo governor, previous mayor of Osaka. Why does that slip your radar every time? Do you not think that denials by prominent leaders of Japan compromise the acknowledgment or apologies offered?
@Does it matter whether a politician genuinely cares for each and every cause? Does Abe genuinely care for the common Japanese folk with every fibre of his being? Does it matter? It's their job.
Protesters have been gathering since the ordeals came to light in the mid 1990s with survivors breaking decades of silence, fueled by countless attempts by Japan to silence or discredit the testimonies and evidence. One example is weekly protests outside the Japanese embassy, which I heard marked their 1000th (not 100th) several years ago. So the message is neither new, nor has it changed. Sure the designation of an actual memorial day sounds like it is politically motivated, but it is a highly political issue in case you haven't noticed.
As countries have rules n treaties which sk manipulate any time they like n icj will end the gold egg laying goose so no more cards left for them
Heckleberry just answer the question - why is it ok for the present 2019 Korean government to wipe the slate of a 2015 Korean government agreement, but the Japanese government in 2019 have to be stuck with pre-1945 Japanese government decisions? Its a simple enough question to answer.
I spare a thought for "comfort women" from all nations including Japanese women pressed into such "service".
Tragedies must be remembered even after all involved have passed. Teaching and discussing such things help generations not involved to ensure they do not stay silent in the event such events reoccur. While war is discouraged and discussed they still happen. Ugly things happen in war the worst of it being to murder people of other nations or the opposing side. Rape while abhorrent and unacceptable in any form is secondary to murder.
All peoples need to learn to live without attempts to assert power over others and while respecting the world we all share, and for future generations of all living things to have their chance at living happy lives.
I hope our(Japanese) government stops hiding to people anymore. Our democracy freedom is very bad with freedom speeches and medias in Japan comparing to another developed countries. Come on Japan, we are living in 2019. We are in Asia and have to go together with neighbours for our future. Stop making a fantasy with facism.
This problem was already solved in 2015. Plain and simple. S Koreans should rather apologize very seriously to Vietnam about "Lai Dai Han" just like Japan has done in the past for decades. S Korean government has never apologized and never compensated to Vietnamese victims and their families. They should put statues of Lai Dai Han in front of the embassy.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Why do I need to apologize for what people did in the past when actually I was not even born?
Have those who are demanding apology from Japan apologized to Vietnamese who were humiliated during the Vietnam War?
Regardless of being sincere or not, are you not strong enough to move on like Taiwan, the Philippines, and Indonesia for instance?
Do you really need someone to apologize to move on?
That is are some simple question to reflect. I myself don't see the act of apologizing a thing that is a very important thing. If I think of several people who made wrongdoings to me and didn't apologize, I will not have a life. After all, life is short and taking your short time to express hate to other country is a waste of time because this same time you could expend making a good relation with your Japanese friends.
That's silly, no one is asking individual Japanese people to apologize.
But a country has the obligation to right it's past wrongs.
And I say this as someone who believes the current falling apart is 95% the fault of the Koreans for inept leadership.
Indeed a thought provoking article! Big time for South Korea.
@kwat - The matter of compensation was agreed upon by both governments in 2015. The protesters are not calling for more compensation. They are calling for Japan to stop whitewashing history, and allowing prominent leaders to continually deny history.
@Mitsuo - As a person who in no way has any direct involvement you do not need to apologise. Nobody is asking you to, including the protesters. The protesters' demands are directed at the government, and has always been.
Man really how can anyone life in the past like that ?
They acted like idiots in the war yes true but they paid compensation already and no matter if they say that their formet government sucked or not they had a government which they voted for and which was in control at the time of the agreement so it is valid !
As others said, there is hardly anyone alive who was born at that time and those who are were probably very very yound and didn't even think about comfort woman at all.
Why would I beg the grandchild of someone my grandpa hit in the face for forgiveness ?
I am kind of pissed about the same stuff here in Germany, people get more and more on the right wing because they are angry for still beeing called evil nazi and are recommended to say sorry and pay pay pay pay pay everywhere in the world because they are so evil ... hell this is long time in the past -.-V
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Hello! Yes, but when I ask this, I was basing on comments made by Koreans on YouTube and blogs demanding The Japanese(citizen) to apologize for what our ancestors did. When I was in US to study English long ago I met some Korean student and they always tried to mention past things to me and by doing so I asked this question and they just kept silent as if their argument was gone. So I interpreted it as "someone who wants me to apologize". If the problem was just regarding government, I don't think they would talk that way. But maybe it was just my impression since English is and was not my first language.
It is the Japanese revisionist leaders that are at the cause of Korea installing this day as 'day for the comfort women '
Blame your leaders for it to happen.
I saw a documentary of a Dutch woman that was forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese army. Her testimony was horrifying.
I do not blame any Japanese citizen living today, but I do blame these horrible revisionist for denying the truth.
Shame on them
But a country has the obligation to right it's past wrongs.......
That is why treaties are negotiated and signed below the
Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea.......
Then Japan, South Korea Reach Agreement on 'Comfort Women'........December 2015...
President Moon Jae-in Government has essentially reneged on both.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
So if this is true, so I can say that it is a very similar way Japan did in 2015. Japan apologized and made agreement in that year offering a great amount of money to Korea. Based on your comment I can conclude such demand made by Koreans today doesn't make any more sense.
If she(Korea) reject such agreement, so it is her problem only politely speaking.
It doesn't really matter if they have their own version of "CW". The question remains: Are you not strong enough to move on? Taiwan and the Philippines decided to move on, how about Korea?
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Thanks for this detailed information. Through this one new questions can be discussed here like:
If Koreans want Japan to apologize and compensate them, why are they asking for same thing even after this agreement be proposed? Unless the SK government wanted to refuse in order to keep her people from domestic issues, I don't see any reason to refuse such agreement.
If Koreans don't want 2015 and 1965 agreement and don't accept apologies from Japan, so what they actually want?
Bugle Boy of Company B
What exactly does a Gender Equality and Family Minister do??
Announcement by Foreign Ministers of Japan and the Republic of Korea at the Joint Press Occasion
As Prime Minister of Japan, Prime Minister Abe expresses anew his most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women..............
Is this statement from Prime Minister Abe not a sincere apology?
Wallace Fred
Absolutely not. If it was so, he wouldn't turn around and do this.
Precisely one is a full diplomatic statement from Japan Prime Minster Abe the other is a meaningless editorial opinion piece from the nytimes published a year before Abe official statement...........Wallace Fred
This is just a politically motivated hate-fest. If the welfare of the surviving CWs had any priority why did Moon rip up the "irreversible" 2015 CW agreement and refuse to give the money paid by Japan to the women? This is the same as previous monies paid by Japan but the Chongdaehyup pressured many CW survivors to not accept it.
You bring up Hiroshima and Nagasaki yet Japan never asked for compensation, never asked for apologies, never said it's not sincere and we don't have problems with America over the past the way you Koreans have problems with Japan.
Japanese don't build statues in America or Europe to victims of the atomic bombs. Thats what Koreans do Kim.
So make it clear that it isn't simply a Korea vs Japan issue and put an end to the nationalist-based bickering. They would get support from women everywhere (and from those that love them) if they acknowledged that Chinese, Filipino, Taiwanese, Burmese, Indonesian, Melanesian, Dutch, Australian, and Japanese women were also used as sex slaves. Until then, people will suspect that there are ulterior motives.
Amazing how this country continues to milk this for all it's worth. Those citizens demanding Japan apologize and compensate comfort women is an absolute joke.
Grow up!
had a positive day over here
It seems S Koreans are very extremely obsessed with comfort women for more than 70 years. Victims really wish to forget miserable past, but whole Koreans try to keep victims waking up as political propaganda. Poor old ladies.
This is real history. Read up.
peppy kids
@Wallace Fred
Have you begged for a sincere apology for your ancestors crimes against for whatever group they happen to hurt in the last 200 years.
why not?
peppy kids
Sorry, I prefer my history through glorious Chinese education, you know 5000 years of whitewash PRC education.
What history are you talking about?
Michael Machida
So when Korea invaded Japan. Wait. No. When Japan invaded Korea. Thats the point.
Comfort women issue is a quite new tool to bash Japan, about 20 years. But not as recent as Japan Sea or Japanese flag or many other additions.
I think some people have a wrong understanding of what an apology is.
You do not apologize for yourself. Apologizing is acknowledging the other person suffering.
So yes, for the one which asked, I am perfectly fine with apologizing for something which was done by my ancestor.
Lets study how to properly apologize :
JT will make a quiz, ne :D
I think it is good there is a memorial day for 'comfort women'. It could be extended to all countries which had this kind of history. Obviously each one will choose the more accurate day.
Something like the holocaust memorial days.
peppy kids
@Michael Machida
That incorrect it was annexed
Forgiveness makes us human. Sad there's young ones in SK being brainwashed to hate another country. Not nice.
Yes, according to SK it is a matter of sexual violence against women and women's universal human rights. Sounds very PC and noble. But somehow completely left of the issue are the South Korean Comfort Women (yes, Koreans use the exact same term) who serviced US.UN troops during the Korean War. Or South Korea's involvement in the prostitution system in and during the Vietnam War. Of course, nations like Germany and France had military prostitution systems before and during WWII. But these issues are somehow irrelevant because the true purpose of this "Comfort Women Day" is to compound more hatred and vilification solely on Japan, despite the major involvement of Koreans in recruiting and procuring the women and running the Comfort Stations themselves. Who does South Korea think they are fooling?
No criticism was made to Japan.
What SK doesin it's own jurisdiction is SK's business.
Curious as to why this artical is in the politics section and not the international section.
I urge the Japanese government to issue some kind of guidline or textbook to correct some South Korean claims and demands, also putting a light in that history of developments. There are many places in the world where SK narrow perpectives are sowed and taken for an exclusive truth. Really catastrophic are those ugly Comfort Women statues, where communities are lied to around the world that they are just a simple historic memorials. Then when JP tries to inform about the true background some learn and don't allow the statue, but some prefer to keep acting blind causing high tensions around Koreans and Japanese even abroad. It's a shame, shame on SK for being so perfidious. JP needs to be more informative in an active way I think - otherwise, thanks to SK brilliant furtiveness, JP will continue to face fake feelings in the world which will be hard to correct again.
This is a selective memory-based smear campaign, plus camp-follower issue is ****mere a projection what South Korean soldiers did in Vietnam and to hide the so-called Lai Đại Hàn issue.
Japan has not revised what happened but diplomatically twisted by Kono Sr. The second worst criminal for this issue is PM Abe who also tried to solve this issue diplomatically with the former Pr. Park to save Pr. Obama. The world applauded including the UN, Europe and the US that both nations would move on. They completely broke the international agreement witnessed by the former US Pr. Obama.
The current Japanese government and conservative Japanese do not deny that there used to be camp followers and their customers were Japanese soldiers during WWII, but decline to being blamed for what the Imperial Japan Army did not, like kidnapping 200,000 girls from the peninsula as slaves (the number was calculated based on the number of IJA soldiers deployed across the world, and the law banned anyone to employ minors and actually some brothels were penalized), torturing by inserting electric rods into their vagina (this is happening in China to torture the Falun Gong women), forcing them to have intercourse with 100 per night (how?), etc., etc.. I do sympathize those women who were sold by their parents, siblings, husbands etc. and hired by brothels, and who have no right to recover their dignity until their government and citizens need them to stay Ianfu position. We were happy to compensate the former camp followers during the war if it could comfort them to some extent. I rather want to appreciate their brave as warriors to help their families no matter how they showed them cold shoulder. At least I think so. But their stories have been revised since 1986 based on the fake news posted, and not yet corrected by Asahi Shimbun. The currently most active old woman intentionally cut off the part she also worked for the US/UN as a camp follower recruited by her own country. To solve this issue, the SK government, too, should make efforts to sort out which is true and which is not true, instead of utilizing this issue to preserve the presidency or to hide what presidents did wrong. Mostly the world condemns and forces Japan to apologize to South Korea for what the Empire of Japan did not in the context of war crimes, but so-called history issues between Japan and South Korea should be separated from others. And most importantly, the old camp-follower issue should not be mixed up with the currently occurring violence and sexual abuse on women in the affected areas, if this is used as a diplomatic card by SK to disgrace Japan for political reasons. Until SK removes this from the diplomatic cards, SK won't take any apologies and not stop agitating their people.
The South Korea is going to upgrade this issue to the universal human right issue for their spiritual win over Japan or for good to all suffering women. Then this issue will be discussed as one of universal human right issue not a history issue only for the peninsula. Japan and Japanese will be happy to help as always no matter what.
2015, go talk to the your own government, they are holding your money paid by Japan.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Nobody seems to know.
Didn’t the Asahi’s retraction on Seiji Yoshida’s account and Uemura’s false article along with the Kono Statement review basically put an end to Korean’s narrative of “women were abducted by IJA”?
To this day, there is not a single evidence exists that the women in the Korean Peninsula was abducted by IJA.
BTW, what happened to the money, did the Korean government take it again, like the 65 settlement, or did they give it back to Japan?
kwatt makes a good point that politically exploiting these old prostitutes must only reinforce their trauma. Especially where they have been schooled to change their testimony.
I never quite understood the editorial position the New York Times has taken on these issue, is it simple liberal virtue signalling?
People scream about Japanese right wing historical revisionists trope, so I quote Chunghee Soh, a Korean woman professor at a very liberal university (SFC).
Until any Korea incorporates that into their hate diatribes they have ZERO credibility and should be given ZERO attention.