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© Thomson Reuters 2020Abe leans toward ¥100,000 cash handout scheme
By Leika Kihara and Yoshifumi Takemoto TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Helicopter Money! Bring it on Abe san!
Jonathan Prin
Will my Japanese wife get the money ?
We live overseas.
It seems strange to give helicopter money, wbatever are your real needs. The needy are in dire need but not most people (yet).
Will this ¥100,000 payment be made every two weeks until the virus is brought under control? It's not even enough to pay one month's rent and utilities. Japan has always boasted it is a rich country. However, when the crunch is on it is not such a rich country after all. At least half of the population will get two face masks to share in the family as well. Whoopee!
Once again, copying the US president because Japan has no real leaders in the DIET. Shinzo likes staying at home petting his animal taking pictures for Twitter while watching the idiot with the orange skin give press conferences everyday to get some "inspiration".
This sounds good to me. Simple to administer and therefore there is no excuse to not deliver it quickly.
If you do not need it or want it, please donate it to a good cause. This could include any local business you like who is struggling due to a fall in trade. Do not get on your Twitter high horse about "I'm rich and it's stupid giving it to me!" Giving it only to people who meet certain criteria will only slow things down.
I am sure many PR visa holders have paid tax for so many years so to ignore us is not fair. Might have to reconsider my life here after or make sure I pay as little tax as possible in the future.
why b****h and complain about gaijin not getting it when you have no idea yet? in 2009 when i didn't have my PR yet, i got the cash handout. as i remember it was about 30,000 yen. so please stop with the griping before you know any more. smgdfh
I think the government should provide some sort of "necessities" credit system where everyone gets a certain amount to over things like rent/mortgage/utilities. But that'll be too complicated to implement here in Japan. It'll be paper forms or a very confusing online system. Cash is probably the easiest.
I reckon it is almost certain non-Japanese residents will receive it. In 2009 all residents received ¥12,000. This time it’s almost 10X though. Maybe they’ll recalculate at the last minute and reduce it?
I will give my ¥100,000 to my two daughters plus my American so called helping gift.
¥100,000 is only enough for two months of food and regular household items such as toilet paper and soap. What do those that lost a job do about rent, car payments, etc.?
Wow, i'm surprised at the people demanding the handouts cause they pay taxes.
Lots of other countries rescue plans do not include non citizens as well.
I'm not a Japanese but if you aren't happy no one is stopping you from going back to your own country.
I think the old plan seems better to support those having difficulties rather than giving money to everyone. Cause people aren't going to spend it now to boost economy but those in need would require more than 100,000
I think the poor identification system is causing this, the mynumber isn't developed properly to be able to pull out credit records to determine who is in need and who isn't.
A monthly ¥100,000 payout to all citizens and legal residents would be more appropriate, though it still pales in comparison to what other governments around the world are doing for their people.
Would barely cover housing, utilities, and a phone, with a bit left over for food.
Back in 2009 under Prime Minister Aso, I got the stimulus.
Ricky Kaminski13
UBI is the only way as the beaurocrats would be totally incapable of judging who gets what without starting a civil war! At least a screaming one. Everyone gets it, we buy stuff , the economy goes online and the economy doesn’t die overnight. It can be done, it had to be done eventually anyway. Followers of Michael Yang and the yang gang will be nodding their head. The dude was ahead of his time, and it’s seems now the time has come!
No Business
I hope that foreigners here only get the money if they can prove they are not behind on any of their tax, pension, or healthcare payments. People not paying into the pension have a damn cheek if they expect this money!
Matthew Sisco
I don't know why Japan Today keeps translating 国民 as citizens, but Suga said just last month when they were considering the 300,000 handout, that foreign residents (except illegal residents and short term visitors) WOULD receive it. Many people are saying they also received it as foreign residents in 2009, so I don't see why we wouldn't this time.
Well its good for us but I guess gaikokujins wont get a penny.
Will my Japanese wife get the money ?
We live overseas.
do you live in Japan more than 6 months of the year, meaning your required to pay income taxes!? if not then most probably not.
Well its good for us but I guess gaikokujins wont get a penny.
wrong gaijin that are permanent residents work and pay taxes in japan will get it ,
same as Japanese permanent residents are treated in other countries
How about those who are behind on these payments because of lost income due to the effects of this health emergency?
No Business
Easy. If you are more than one month behind, then clearly you were behind before all of this started, so you shouldn't get anything.
So 'citizens' would cover children as well? Agree it should be monthly for at least the next 3-6 months.
How about the Zainichi Koreans who have been here for generations? Nada? Zilch?
I hope it's just a mistake and they mean residents, not citizens. But then again, this is Abe we're talking about.
Laughter's the best medicine!
I’ve paid millions of dollars in taxes in Japan. If I end up being excluded from this then perhaps I’ll have to be more creative in my write offs.
It seems all people who have Japanese citizenship can get the money from the government.
Not as easy as that. When did ‘all of this’ start? Give us a date. People have been losing various levels of income for months in many industries before the restrictions came in. How about those who’ve managed to keep up some payments but not others?
Part of the reason this approach is seen as preferable by is that it is simple and the money can be distributed as quickly as possible. Your idea sounds simple but you clearly haven’t thought it through.
No Business
February 1st.
What happened then?
Yes, because it's in yen.
Where did you read that? It seems to me this article translated "kokumin" as "citizen" which is not necessarily true.
Who here is demanding handouts? I haven’t read one post demanding a handout.
Perhaps you can point it out.
Dan Lavender
I want my masks ! I demand them!
It means Japanese citizen (who have its citizenship).
Matthew Sisco
Not necessarily. Minister Suga used the term to include foreigners living in Japan, just last month. Here it will most likely mean those who have a juminhyo.
No Business
Effects of Covid-19 on Japan.
It seems Japan can't afford to take care of foreigners. Maybe okay for foreigners who have permanent visa in Japan. No way for migrant workers.
I received 12,000 yen last 2009 too. and I am not a Permanent Resident. i hope this time i can receive too as i pay too much taxes lol
In 2009 all residents (including foreigners) who paid resident tax received 12,000 yen. I think this time money is only for kokumin. I hope I'm wrong.
Start the printing machines!
Still fiddling on how to do the boost?
Although taxes are paid by small people they all seem to go to the giants.
Good luck this time around for the stimulus!
Lesley Stapelberg
The Government needs to look at the Australian package.
They have two packages. One for Citizens and another for non citizens.
I think it's good that the Australian government listened to it's people and decided to make a second package to support everyone.
Now if only the Japanese people could start showing it's support for foreigners and make the government realize, what they are doing is wrong.
Everyone contributes to the economy. So everyone should be entitled to the package.
Don't discriminate!!
Well, it seems that Abe has made the decision today that every citizen will receive the 10 man, regardless of income. It just has to be finalized. And as with the previous handout, it includes all foreigners with an alien registration card.
It should be double!
100000 yen is paltry
Matthew Sisco
The government doesn't seem to be against giving it out to foreigners (except for 2 specific diet members). I seem to see a lot of Japanese people on SNS saying not to give it to foreigners. Hope the government doesn't listen to them. We should find out soon.
Dango bong
it is citizens only, not even permanent resident foreigners will get it. we do not get national pension either but we have it taken out of our salaries. I am a permanent citizen but did not receive the 2008 stimulus for citizens and do not expect to get this one either.
Matthew Sisco
Not true. If you pay into the national pension you will receive a pension, regardless of permanent resident status or citizenship. If you are from a country that has an agreement with Japan, you can even receive it from your own country.
Who's michael Yang? You mean Andrew Yang or is there another advocate with that surname? Think NBC channel said John Yang too, who's actually a journalist. Andrew has fun with his anonymity.
If you paid $millions in taxes you don't need financial support, period.
you're right, but that’s not the point. and also that amount of over my 20 year tenure in Japan
I fully support giving 300k or whatever to families in hardship, but when it is changed to 100k to everyone, except tax paying foreigners, then I have a problem with it.
this means CEOs of companies who are Japanese will get this benefit. Somehow I won’t, despite contributing to the country for a long time.
Vince Black
If only Japanese citizens get the payout then they shouldn’t be angry when I don’t or taxes and pension because of it
Vince Black
or they’re just smart for not paying into the japanese pension scam, which as everyone knows is a scam
Bjorn Tomention
Screw it abe san in of a penny in for a pound why not make it 1,000,000 per resident that will stimulate the economy , go along way to curing the virus , and just think of the consumption tax you will get off the spending on that amount 10% , and then there will be the happy voters and the legacy of it all.
Might at well completely scuttle the sinking ship while she is run up on the reef and she sharks are circling while the storm is approaching.
I don't know if we PRs will bet the cash but I heard several Japanese colleagues this afternoon saying that foreigners have no right to receive this handout as they are not Japanese. I give up.
Show me the Money!
Bet his Rating will go up whilst people wait eagerly for the money... but what then, if it doesn't materialize ?
Vote buying? My vote costs much more than that.
Derek Grebe
umbrellaToday 10:29 pm JST
I don't know if we PRs will bet the cash but I heard several Japanese colleagues this afternoon saying that foreigners have no right to receive this handout as they are not Japanese. I give up.
Exactly. It's not as if we pay tax, obey the law or have responsibilities in this hallowed Sun-Kingdom, is it? Let us always remember our place. We are not of pure blood, so we must take whatever crumbs fall to us and be thankful.
It never ceases to amaze me how people you live and work with for years on end immediately revert to the racial purity answer whenever they get presented with any unfamiliar situation.
Dango bong
Not true. You get it from your company but not from the government
I for one am grateful if I get this 100,000 yen. I'm not complaining.
Matthew Sisco
We also get it from the government.
I just registered for the National pension in January, and it was very clear at the ward office and in the literature that they provided that I will be paid.
Khaliun Chinzorig
Are they give this money for people from other country and paying taxes?
My pension and health insurance come to more than this every month , and I won't even qualify for japanese pension .
While Abe and the administration is at it, stop paying the WHO and let China deal with it. Seems the only benefactors for the past years was China who continues now to buy European companies during the economic issues caused by them. YES it is not fake news. The research team led by Wuhan Institute of Virology led by virologist Zheng-Li Shi created the human ties from a bat carrying the S strand which can infect humans. The CCP owns the lab. China has since destroyed the research and pulled any traces from the web.
"The Government needs to look at the Australian package.
They have two packages. One for Citizens and another for non citizens."
That's discrimination.
"Don't discriminate!!"
Yet Australia is doing just that.
Gaijin (as usual) demanding that which their own countries deny to the Japanese.
Japan should treat you likewise.
And don't give the "but I pay tax too".
EVERYONE must pay tax; anywhere, everywhere.
The 2009 stimulus was paid out to foreigners living in Japan as well, pretty much paid to any legal registered resident of Japan regardless of nationality, I know because I got it like pretty much all other foreigners I knew at the time.
" permanent citizen"
What's a "permanent citizen"!?
Honestly, I'm not Japanese and been here just 3 years so if I don't get the money, I understand. I know personally so many other people who need it more, so please do it quick.
I hope its not true but not included non-Japanese is a bad idea; since the point of the fund is to allow people to stay home. Japan is a rich nation, it has many migrant workers tolling in the shadows, without these 'foreigners' this country will not run; they are essential workers.
When a crisis hits, people, organizations, counties and nations find out who they are; I hope this country can rise to the challenge.
2.93 Million foreigners in Japan X ¥100,000 ain’t cheap. If foreigners aren’t gonna receive this then that’s a clear sign it’s time to close the immigration doors. If so a mass exodus is on the cards, and rightly so. Declining population curve would dump severely that that’s Sen wise Yen foolish, the handout to foreigners would be peanuts compared to long term labour and skills shortage. No brainer really...
If I end up being excluded from this then perhaps I’ll have to be more creative in my write offs.
the best accountants are the most creative, my accountant while will never will break the Japan tax code, use to work for the Japan tax bureau for 30yrs, he retired a few years back and now is a practicing accountant, hes worth even yen and more that I pay him
Whatever they do I wish they would just do it. I'm so tired of this Japanese way of messing around and lack of transparency. Just make a decision and do it for God's sake!
I'm guessing you meant permanent resident. I wasn't a PR in 2008, but I got the check, as did all my other foreign friends. You must have screwed something up if you didn't get it, because there was nothing preventing foreigners from receiving it.
I'm not sure why you'd give up, because I doubt your colleagues are the ones deciding whether foreigners get the payout or not. Unless you work for that department of the government...
Just reading these comments and I am struck by the stupidly, ignorance and xenophobic attitudes.
Everybody who lives and works here will get it. Like some mentioned, all workers also got it in 2009 as well, permanent resident, or not.
Now calm down!
You should probably try to make sure you know what you're posting about before posting such misinformation.
The pension is 国民年金 (こくみんねんきん kokumin nenkin - "People's Pension"). It is part of 社会保険 (しゃかいほけん shakai hoken - "Societal insurance"), which your company pays half into, and you pay the other half. The pension itself is paid out by the government, not your company.
Now, some companies may also have private pension schemes they pay into, but that will be on a company by company basis. As far as the law and the standard goes, it's what I have described above.
I wonder if people realize that the very claims they are making about the Japanese being inherently racist against foreigners, are just as racist as that which they are professing to disclaim.
Especially since these people will assume racism in Japanese people who aren't, thereby doing exactly what we don't want done to us - making assumptions based on race, rather than the person's actual attitude, opinions and actions.
Does nobody remind Abe that he is not paying this from his own piggybank? Whatever he "gives" us, we will be charged for in taxes.
Eda Catada Bates
I am a foreign national but a permanent resident,almost 50,000 yen is deducted from my salary.Am I not deserving to receive this payout???
Dr. Theopolis
Quite simply, as a taxpayer and a foreign resident here for 26 yrs, if I don’t get the 100,000 yen pay out, next time I go to the tax office to pay taxes I will simply not pay, or at least knock off 100,000yen from what I owe.
ONLY Citizens??
What about the hard working 2% non Citizens living in Japan, paying Taxes, and keeping the economy steaming???
I wonder what the definiton of citizen is for this handout, Japanese by birth, a resident of Japan, a Japanese taxpayer?
No Business
And you think your brave stand will be applauded? You must be deluded. You'll be fined, detained, or deported. And rightly so.
It's a little bit vague on what he means by "all citizens." Does this also include those paying taxes and residing in Japan?
I take the meaning of 国民 to be, people legally residing in Japan.
seem to be a poisoned gift those 100000yen. they start to think about malicious strategy to force people to be cashless now... sounds like this all story was planned long time before....
Cash is needed by all persons old and young during a crisis such as this pandemic regardless of the amount.
Corporations by this article seem to indicate that they did not have enough reserves in hand or do not want to use their reserves but to get more government handouts.
It makes more sense to to fund small and inexpedient businesses which affect the entire population much more than the big corporations. Big corporation may affect the GDP but it is the independent and small businesses that directly affect the lives of the people who actually work for and support the big businesses. The need is at the base of the pyramid that supports the entire structure of the economy and the country.
That means small businesses and the population. Without the people, corporations could not survive even with robots.
Citizens: He's done it before, I got it and I'm not Japanese. Legally resident and paying taxes = citizens. Does NOT say Japanese nationals
It might not be the whole 100.000 may apply! (scoffing...)
How about Abe hurries up and leans toward paying it this month and next month?
100k to anyone is not a good strategy. We need to release tax pressure/sustain financially those forced to shut down their businesses. Whoever is working remotely and can keep producing/getting paid can go on without those money.
I paid ¥611,000 in taxes this year and looking forward to getting some back
No Business
I don't work at nights. And no, no way am I going to stay home for ¥100,000. I have bills to pay. Thankfully, my company is still having us come in everyday. I don't expect that will change, as we're an essential industry.
The more I think about it, the more I see "small-print" coming into play...
"Every Citizen" - does that mean only every Japanese National passport Holder - if so, then since the rest of us can't vote - this would clearly be a vote buying exercise.
If on the other hand, it means "Resident", then does that mean a household of 4 will receive 400,000 yen ?
Or does it simply mean every registered Japanese Government Tax-payer ?
I'm beginning to think that a lot of us, won't see this 100K - perhaps someone would like to clarify ?
@No Business - like the picture, (very sexy), so what business do you do, that allows such a picture ? Circus acrobat ?
@Paul - you should go back to your local Tax office and check with them, if the payment is correct and whether you can receive a rebate for overpaid Taxes... on the other hand.... if you're doing the tax-dodge I think you're doing, then... it's nothing to boast about upon your first Post.
I believe if you or your wife has a "my number" number, you might be able to get it. People will be able to claim it online with that number next month.
Actually, if you reside in Japan, you can get it. The kanji reads country resident.
Henny Penny
Since it appears that the Japanese government is giving the same amount of money to registered foreign residents as it is giving to Japanese nationals, I expect to see apologies here from all those who made comments slandering Japan and the Japanese.
I also expect all those who made such comments to refuse the payments as an act of contrition and apology to the Japanese people.
Richard Gallagher
The government of Japan will be making a one-time, across-the-board ¥100,000 cash payment to every resident of Japan in order to mitigate the economic fallout from the spread of the coronavirus in the country. A form will be mailed to every residence. Eligibility for the cash subsidy from the government is based on the Basic Resident Register, which means that all residents of Japan are eligible, including resident foreigners as long as you have a Residence Card.
There are no age or income restrictions on the “¥100,000 per person” subsidy.
Apply for the subsidy by filling out the application form that will be mailed to you by your local municipal government (city, town, or village) office. The application form will be sent by postal mail to the head of every household in Japan. If you live by yourself, obviously, you are the head of your household.
To prevent fraud, the name of the “head of household” will pre-printed on the application form. If you wish to receive the subsidy, fill in the required information, including the bank account number where you want the subsidy to be deposited.
In order to minimize person-to-person contact, as a rule, you will not be able to pick up the payment in cash from your local city or ward office. For people who don’t have a bank account, however, the government is considering allowing them to receive the payment in cash from their local government.
If you have a My Number Card, and can digitally verify your identity, you’ll be able to go to a website where you can apply for the subsidy online.
Japan will issue deficit-financing bonds to cover the approximately 12.6 trillion yen required to make a ¥100,000 payment to each of Japan’s approximately 126 million residents. The government had originally planned to issue bonds worth 8.6 trillion yen to cover the ¥300,000 payment to households with reduced income (for a total of 4 trillion yen). The new plan will require an additional 8.6 trillion yen of financing.
Anup Nepali Ghimire
Is this 100,000 yen for foreigner too?
Or only for the Japanese citizen ? I have been working in Japanese company can I get the facilities too?
I do wish he'd stop leaning. He's like a sapling in a high wind.