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© KYODOJapan to take more sanctions against Russia over 'war crimes,' says Kishida
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"The aggression and war crimes should never be tolerated," he said.
Except when it interferes with the government investments in Japan Inc. with oil and tobacco products.
Already 400 Ukrainians ? More than what I though.
Or does it include some Japanese returning with families?
I think the government asked local authorities to assist for finding accommodation and jobs. I believe many have positively replied to the request if there is any Ukrainian coming. This is an official support. If those evacuees go to the countryside, they will certainly be welcomed, as the population decreases and help is needed for farming or whatever jobs available
Alfie Noakes
"Unless they are committed by our allies in Washington and London, in which case we will cough discreetly and look away," he added.
"By buying their gas and selling them cigarettes," he added.
I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
Michael Machida
I am surprised that Japan brought in about 400 Ukrainians so far. However, it pales compared to America. Only 400? Out of MILLIONS. Japan looks bad around every corner. No wonder Korea and China don't trust Japan.
How many Ukranian refugees have South Korea and China taken in? The number is low in Japan because they are not a Western country. Japan should be commended for taking in any at all despite being an Asian nation.
"We should hold them strictly accountable"
Well glad to hear you are of such a lofty mindset, Kishida kun.
Okay then, let's look at those history textbooks that Abe revised...
100,000 max is what US had announced last month to accept Ukranian evacuees. US is the big boss of G7/NATO/English speaking/much more similar culture. How many US has taken in evacuees so far?
Japan chest thumps and wants to be a big boy on the world stage. They should accept far more than 400.
Isn't it what is happening? as seen in the news Japan is about to pass the law to treat these evacuees as quasi-refugees( I am sure you don't even know that) if they could reach here on their own foot like most of those 400+ evacuees in Japan.
So how many of them US has taken in already? not that 100k max number which was just announced.
Why only Ukrainians? Why did Japan not accept other refugees before? Japan is exploiting a crisis to play big boy on the world stage. It’s honestly embarrassing.
Deflection is not necessary. Youre in US. How many of them entered US so far? You seem have no idea and accuse Japan's mere 400+.
This whole website knows that Japan is being insincere about the Ukraine situation. It’s all a big PR stunt by Japan.
you can stop pretending. Everyone knows Japan doesn’t care about refugees.
nice deflection. The difference between China/Korea and Japan is that both China and Korea aren’t virtue signaling and trying to be a pompous “big boy” on the world stage. That’s what Japan is doing. Japan is taking the suffering of Ukrainians and playing a massive PR stunt to improve their reputation on the world stage. That’s why we have a problem with Japan - they’re shamelessly exploiting a tragedy for their own self gain while pretending to care about the victims.
400 Ukranians CHOSE to go to Japan. Japan did not choose 400 out of thousands who wanted to go to Japan.
Japan wants to play big boy, so make the effort to get more Ukrainians. Offer to take some from bordering countries. Offer to pay down Ukraine’s debts. All I see from Japan are PR stunts as admitted by the government.
China is supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine. South Korea couldn't care less about anyone in any other country. Japan, despite being an Asian country is acting responsibly and making a contribution. South Korea isn't. And China can't, despite China being Ukraine's biggest trade partner.
I agree with you about China, which is why I think your what about China deflection was weird.
South Korea did enact sanctions on Russia and provided some aid to Ukraine, but they don’t go shouting from the rooftops about it.
Survey after survey finds that South Koreans donate far more than the Japanese. Japan and China rank near the bottom in the giving index.
do you see Koreans shouting from the rooftops about how much more generous they are than Japanese and Chinese?
Read the post to which I was responding. China was brought up.
South Korea only allowed ethnic Korean refugees from Ukraine. They are not accepting Ukranian refugees.
South Korea has given USD 10 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Japan has given USD 100 million to Ukraine.
Ridiculing Japan, wth respect to Ukraine is simply stupid.
Good for Japan for stepping up, taking in evacuees and condemning the war crimes of fascist Russia.
People criticizing Japan for not yet taking in more than 400 or so evacuees need to realize this is a significant step for Japan. There will be more to come, make no mistake.
The more support that is shown to independent Ukraine, and the more shunned and isolated pariah-state Russia is, the quicker the resolution will be. Fascist Russia will not win.
It's really quite simple.
If you're going to shout from the rooftops and tell the whole world how generous you are, people are going to measure you against top donators.
It is silly to measure your financial aid against someone who isn't going around telling the world how amazing they are.
Japan made their bed by acting like an arrogant clown. Now they have to lie in it.
You still sticking to G7? Other than Japan, all of G7 countries are either in Europe or full member of NATO, much similar culture for evacuees to fit into. And yet you never disclosed how many exactly Ukranian evacuees
have actually entered such other member countries compared to 400+?
Just Yesterday, not by just a weird unnamed senior official, but Kishida himself had officially announced in the press conference that J-govts will start leasing up seats, if not all of them, of direct flights from Poland to Japan to help evacuees from Poland to land Japan. most of major media already covered this news (except KYODO English news, lol.) Regardless of it being PR show or not, what they are actually doing is important.
It is time to eat hats for J-haters?
Japan to lease up direct flights seats from Poland to Japan to aid evacuees every week
starting this week
TeslaInvestorToday 09:15 am JST
Check the last post.
As agreed at G7, Japan has shown the flag taking strong stance knowing its own risk against Russia.
That is all. Bravo for Japan's PR stunts! when SK will show the flag or will it show the flag anyway?
You re the one deflecting to irrelevancy.
Don't know why the moderator here allows clowns like you to post. Adios troll.
How is he deflecting to irrelevancy? He's right. Bringing in China and Korea into this discussion was pure deflection. Both countries aren't part of the G7, neither are bragging about how generous they are regarding the Ukraine situation, and South Korea isn't even trying to be a world leader. What was even the point of bringing China and Korea into this discussion other than to deflect?
The aid to Ukraine by country is available. Even Canada with a $2 trillion GDP and 38 million population is doing more for Ukraine than Japan is.
Link please. No need for Non-G7 neighbor countries as you seem sticking only to G7 ignoring other conditions like willingfulness of evacuees to go that far far east for example.
It is up to you to find it out, if you are interested in it, meaning whether you would read Japanese news or not rather than only relying on a particular weird unnamed official statements reported by a biased English-news media
Sure you didn't know the news that Japan is trying to pass the law to treat these evacuees ( as those evacuees from the war are not defined as refugees in terms of Int'l treaties) as quasi-refugees, including such legal arrangements, Japan is trying to prepare for more of these quasi-refugees from Ukraine. Does all members of G7 have to officially pledge and announce it ? didn't know that. How about UK, Germany, Italy France?
Uh Excuse me. Your link is vacant.
I wouldn't bother helping you that mush. Do check by yourself only if you are interested in finding it out.
Otherwise, isn't it natural to assume at least there is one direct flight minimum per week as J-Govts announced
it will lease up every week starting this week.
Bravo for Japan's shouting from rooftops!!!
Damn! Other smaller countries helping evacuees much more than g7 countries!! Why is that happening???
And yet some posters only care about the race among g7.
Sister Jane
There are no good players in this game, and the only people going to suffer from these sanctions are the people, world leaders and their military will feel no pain, except when pitted against one another, so how about no War, especially on the people.
Samit Basu
This only means more Russian drills and weapons deployments in Southern Kurils, near Hokkaido.
You provided? Isn't it just you copied the link gintonic provided? I didn7t know you are gintonic.
What do we call this usually?
Perhaps people with half a brain can guess that is because of similar reason to why each small countries closer to Ukraine ending up with accepting them much much more than G7 itself, don't ya sockpuppet think?
More sanctions but not more refugees?