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© KYODOKishida Cabinet support sags to record low 51% after Abe funeral plan
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Doesn't mean a thing, won't change anything come "election time". Why even run an article like this...
Constitution revision (37.5% support, 12 July), Abe state funeral (45% support, 31 July) …
That’s Japan’s government — doing exactly what the public doesn’t want.
Ties to Korean cult could get fatal body blow
The purpose of ‘news’ seems to have been misrepresented to you.
"Ties to Korean cult could get fatal body blow"
Nothing a couple of visits to Yasukuni shrine by Kishida can't solve.
LDP knows how to deal with situations like these. Suga was underwater by at least 10 percent like two months before general elections and one change of leadership and they got another landslide. It's a tried and tested tactic.
At a time like this, the last thing we need is to hold a grand gesture to a slain former prime minister. Yes, Shin-chan deserves respect in his send-off, but it could probably have been done behind closed doors. If PM Kishida could do anything related to this, he should've focused on the cause of the crime and the crime itself instead.
Misleading title for sure! Other PM's have had much lower "records" !
Personally speaking I am not surprised it's not lower. They must have only been on contact with hard-core followers!
There’s the funeral, the Covid debacle, the tax on food, ties to religious cults, increasing poverty, the hollowing out of Industry and the do as I say, not as I do mentality, inherent in most of these old men in Japan…
Michael Machida
Abe will always be remembered. As what is up to the individual. Not the media.
The number of LDP politicos who gave speeches, attended meetings and gave paid "consultations " to the Unification Church being paraded in the media is impressive.
And they are unanimously saying they had no idea who they were performing these actions for.
The LDP/Japan Inc. combine is showing off some of its most prominent features:
Avoiding responsibility through feigned ignorance and collecting unearned money.
Todays 10% rise in basic food items also might have some effect on his popularity
And the people spoke, NO MORE COLTS.
No frictions with China, No Colts, No inflation, No constitution changes, and NO TO WAR
Mark, the word is 'cults'...
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
For gods sake !
It's not a funeral !
It's a memorial service because Abe's body won't be there !
And LDP seems still underestimating how deadly impact it would get by trying to sweep all the pus under the carpet
Are the Japanese public that ignorant? Probably so. The unification church does this sh*t all over the world. I knew about it since I was a kid growing up in Washington. In Washington they have lobbyists everywhere. If you go across the Potomac into northern Virginia there are Korean churches everywhere. The killer got what he wanted. The cult brainwashes people and coerces their followers to “donate” their life savings.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
I think that its more than reasonable to assume that the real approval rating for kishida and the LDP is much lower than the survey shows.
And not just because of the planned memorial service for Abe san.
Kishida cave into foreign pressure about opening the border to foreign students and foreign workers and Japan now has the 7th wave of covid. This is why he is down in the polls.
Umn so one article this morning says that kishisda's support is at all time lows because of the funeral for Abe and then another article claims that the vast majority of Japanese support the funeral... so the inquisitive among us would presume that the stats about the funeral approval are BS? I also find it funny that Japan today posts two articles seemingly at odds with each other makes me wonder how much of this information is actually checked properly in regards to the legitimacy of numbers and actual accuracy of content.. food for thought.
The survey called 509 randomly selected households with eligible voters on landline phones and 1,877 mobile phone numbers. It yielded responses from 425 people from households and 625 mobile phone users.
A very low number of people.
If they started calling those who aren't retired and are currently working during those surveying hours, perhaps the rating may be lower.
Read the articles again.
Both clearly indicate that most of the people surveyed do not support a state funeral for Abe.
The money was his mother’s to spend however she desired. Too many people are too infatuated with how their relatives spend — often because the infatuated desire to inherit that money themselves. Instead of looking to build wealth through inheritance, go work! Make your own money!
Sorry I re-read the article and your correct, confusingly worded though. Wouldn't be the first time on this site though.
How many Japanese voters 106 million?
How many in the poll 1050
That the LDP cabinet has a low approval rating, but will be "voted" in again regardless, is not "news"...
@wallace. That is the definition of a democratic autocracy, like Singapore and Cambodia.
Relatives have zero claim to our assets while we are still living. Zero! Thankfully, we can all spend or donate our own money as we damn well please. Thankfully.
Alan Bogglesworth
Ok, so he gets voted in , and is super unpopular. Great example of democracy ?
The funeral funds can put to better use, like helping citizens who lose their jobs and business in the covid19 crisis. Dead people don't need anything, just remember them in your heart !
If you don’t know how statistics work, you should look it up. You don’t need to poll 100 million people if the people you polled represent the population.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
When teflon gets old it flakes off .
Simon Foston
Asiaman7Today 01:08 pm JST
Whacko right-wing cults have less than zero although they've clearly got people convinced otherwise.
A researcher specializing in modern Japanese politics says, according to today's Mainichi Shimbun, that he feels somewhat worried about the state funeral to be held for slain ex-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, for it runs counter to the course of post-war Japanese history.
According to the researcher, the so-called Meiji Constitution of pre-war days stipulated how and on what condition a state funeral would be held for fallen statesmen, but it was made the most use of by then sitting governments as a tool to make the entire nation to toe the governments' policy lines, especially as regards wars.
The state funeral provision was repealed when the new constitution was instituted. The post-war constitution has no provision about a state funeral for politicians who left a prominent footprint and legacy for the nation.
What did Shinzo Abe achieved for the nation that deserve a state funeral?