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Putin says Russia ready to continue peace treaty talks with Japan
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Don't trust that snake, Putin. Only once Russia returns the Northern Territories should treaty negotiations commence. Putin is clearly after Japanese investment money to salvage his cratering economy.
No-one trusts murderous corrupt Putin. Certainly not Japan.
Give ALL 4 Japanese islands back you thug.
whatever you say boss,
heard this before dozens of times.
let us know when you actually mean it
Droll Quarry
All mute points, Mr Putin will be a Depends wearing Ogee before the Japanese committee on Russian talks decides on the shape of the conference table.
Most meaningless treaty is the one to be concluded with Russia
It seems to me Putin will never return such islands to Japan whatever. Japan better not listen to Putin about such peace treaty. Whenever Putin speaks about peace treaty, he wants investment money only from Japan. No islands back.
Exactly. Give him nothing until the islands are returned.
All we need is peace between the US/Russia. However we all know that won't happen because America is to irrogant.
Agreed only on part of "Putin". He's supposed to retire by 2036 or earlier and nobody is sure what will become of the issue with the post-Putin Russia.
Japan shouldn't rush to peace talks initiated or manipulated by Putin. Disputed territories will never vanish into thin air. Take time.
Russia should feel responsible for decoupling of the Korean peninsula too.
How come Allied powers making this much of problems TODAY
Kobe White Bar Owner
you talking about try h an honesty?
Commodore Perry
Stay firm Putin--the islands belong to Russia.
Putin wants to officially end WWII with Japan. This includes Japan saying publicly that the four Islands of the "Northern Territories" are Russian territory, and for Japan to invest heavily in the "Russian" islands while holding out endless hope of getting them back.
Japan want to get its four islands back under it's control and then sign a peace treaty to end WWII with Russia and then invest in rebuilding its returned islands.
Russia has amended it's constitution so that it can never give away it's territories. There is noting preventing Russia from returning stolen territory that is not Russian.
If Russia and America ever go to war in a large or small way, as long as there is no treaty between Russia and Japan ending WWII hostilities then Japan could aid the US forces and take back the four islands without breaking its constitution or article 9. Technically a state of war still exists between Russia and Japan until a peace treaty is agreed upon and signed by both nations. That is as much Russia's fault as Japans.
It is a smart move by Japan in holding out and not so smart on Russia's part.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
DJ Vlad's spinning some tunes on the turntables
That is pretty bold of him to say these things after just capturing one of our fishing ship this week for trespassing. Was that stunt pull just so he can remind us that about this whole territorial dispute?
Btw, this is pretty weird. I just saw on youtube yesterday a video about Russia and Japan potential relationship by building the tunnel between each other for trade and this happen. Is almost like youtube algorithm knew this would happen.
Putin Dynasty would collapse before CCP would .
Wish both would happen very soon.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
@noriahojanenToday 06:08 pm JST
Considering the whole Senkaku situation, Japan might wish that "disputed territories" will "vanish" (that is, auto resolve) in favor of the possessor if you hold onto them long enough is the doctrine.
Sam Watters
So what does Putin and Russia want? They only do this when they want something.
Apparently they don't want anything, it's Japan who keeps asking
David Brent
Japan is puny, small fry to Russia. If the Japanese think anything otherwise, they are deluding themselves.
Certainly not to the USSR/Russia who was not even a signatory to the SF Peace Treaty. For this reason the US, UK consider the Southern Kuriles Japanese terrority under Russian afdministration (occupation). The decion should have been made by the signatory nations.
I saw Russian beer in mh local Yamaya the other day..
Won't touch it!
Bought some German beer though.
Don't trust the Russians!!
Arne Namura
Maybe Putin's palace at Krasnodar Krai needs some more renovation and after Navalny's video it is more difficult to take the funds straight from the coffers of Russian government. I do not think Suga is as bad sucker as Abe was to believe Putin's promises.
Um, no. No they don't. Russia is occupying them in violation of international law.
Japan disclaimed these territories according to the SF Peace Treaty. What is Japan’s argument and claim?
Alan Harrison
In a perfect world Putin would offer Japan two islands. That would be a happy ending.
The Soviet Union offered Japan two islands in 1956. Japan declined the offer.
It is Japan didn't.
Sven Asai
That can only be a first small step, because the main and real kernel of the dispute is about the rest, namely Karafuto up to the 50th parallel and the other Kuril Islands up to Kamchatka. Therefore the right procedures would be, first the return of the four occupied islands of the Northern territories, then second the peace treaty signed and finally third, negotiations on how the disputed rest is distributed. That could be southern Sakhalin for Japan, with the merit of quasi continental access and all other Kurils for Russia so that their submarines never will be blocked, fishery and sea or sea ground resources included. Or that could be Japan giving away the southern Sakhalin part and potential future continental access , but in return receives all the Kurils, that means the four that it owns anyway and all the rest up tu Kamchatka in return for that Sakhalin part. That would of course also fit , because it’s by character an island nation , surely favors more fishery and sea resources than now and also that solution would have a more historical tribute to the Ainu. On the other side , Russia has surely then big fears , that the whole Pacific Ocean could eventually be blocked. A long way to negotiate…. The real current situation is of course another, that’s obvious, but it’s not a good situation for both sides.
I wouldn't trust Pres. Putin at all.
Japan should stay the course and play the long game.
Putin will be gone - on his promise - in 2036 - and then Japan can re-negotiate the islands. Japan will be a rising nation at that time, and Russia just about finished - if it still even exists.
Down with Russia and their 50 ruble internet army.
Cogito Ergo Sum
The islands are Russian in every which way one may want to consider . Whether the US, UK or any other entity present at the signing of the SF treaty, who naturally but USSR/RUSSIA would have legitimacy ? So far Russia has administered them to no adverse effects to the security, economic , commercial situation, but only on political rhetoric. Here , again , the table is being laid....just maybe there might be a different angle.
I doubt Russia will be in its present state at the end of this decade.
Russia's main source of foreign currency is natural resources, namely oil and natural gas but with the present rate renewable energy is being introduced and ban on fossil fuel, Russia's precious and only source of cash will diminish within the next five to ten years and the nation will break up further into smaller states.
"Japan is puny, small fry to Russia. If the Japanese think anything otherwise, they are deluding themselves."
And that explains why Russia is the one WANTING a Peace Treaty the most.
Your knowledge of this issue is simply outstanding.
@ David Brent Compared to Japan, Russia is a poor country. They put on a big face but their GDP per capita is still only $11,585.
Japan did not start the war against Russia. It was Stalin who broke the neutrality contract and attacked Japan by surprise from 9 August 1945 on.
Russia is a very large country, but its population is surprisingly - relatively seen of course - small.
Russia is about 45 times larger than Japan, but Japan has around 125 million people, and Russia only 146 million people.
There is a reason why Russia desperate need a peace agreement with Japan. They are stuck in the Ukraine conflict and last year the Belarus protests and Navalny poisoning didn't help Russia in improving relation with the EU. While the US now has Biden who unlike Trump is more harsh toward Russia. So Russia is in a bind to find more trading partners. Japan is practically a neighbor and because we are a island base nation, we desperate need natural resources which Russia has while they need cash.
Technically Japan don't want to sign any peace treaty. Because this would put the government in trouble with the US and the EU where all trades happen. And let be honest, we actually don't really want those Kuril islands. Is just a excuse to not sign any peace treaty. Who in their right mind even want to go there. Hokkaido is already cold enough but the Kuril islands is a very harsh and cold place that only desperate people will want to go live there.
The moment Russia manage to secure a peace treaty, Putin wouldn't need to worried about the US installing any new missile system on Japan soil and he also no longer need to concentrate troops near Japan borders. He could then put all his focus back in the west again.
"Russia is about 45 times larger than Japan, but Japan has around 125 million people, and Russia only 146 million people."
Russia has more size and natural resources than anybody else out there.
Yet " they are no match for puny Japan", except they have a nuclear arsenal and Japan doesn't have/want(/) one yet.
All the "JT Russia lovers" live in puny Japan instead.
I wonder why!
Vladamir is a snake oil salesman. He will sell the sizzle but not the steak. He is gaming the Japanese bureaucratic leaders for their Ill advised largesse. The Japanese will throw money at Putin thinking that they can gain their territories back. He has often confided to Lazaroff that the Japanese will never get their land back. The state of affairs will never change until Putin is overthrown by widespread discontent over corruption and financial collapse of the Russian economy. Putin has absconded with billions of rubles in Russian tax revenues and has stashed them with none other than Donald Trump. The median net worth of Russian citizens is $581 per capita. Nas da Rovia! Russian socialists and communists are loyal to the party but no longer serve the Russian people
The argument that the USA would use the islands to launch missiles is moot.
The USA has long ago abandoned the strategy of land based launch sites in favor of submarine and air launched ICBMs and cruise missiles
Putin has also come out defending the Jan 6 rioters, pleasing no doubt far rightists around the globe, who see their two heroes rump and Putin again in synch.
Should we exoect to see an uptick in cyberwarfare activity directed at Japan coming from Russia, and maybe even some ransomware hacks
Commodore Perry
If Japan wants to make any headway on this matter they will need the USA to assist.
If Japan ever truly hopes to get back any of the islands (and realistically, considering Russian domestic sentiment, the most they can ever hope for is the smaller two) then Japan has to offer something of equal or greater value to Russia. Yet somehow this basic fact seems to elude the Japanese side (and a fair number of the posters above). A peace treaty is of less value to Russia than are the islands to Japan, so those holding out for Russia to concede territory first are going to have to wait a long time.
Entire Kuril islands have to be returned unconditionally to Japan based on the spirit of Atlantic Charter 1941.
Not to mention Northern territories which have historically been Japan's inherent territories, but also entire Kuril islands(Chishima Rettou) which had been officially and peacefully swapped with Sakhalin in 1875 .
All 18 islands up to Shumshu island Now!
Japan Communist Party
Not only Northern territories but the entire Kuril islands have nothing to with What allied powers defined the results of Japan's greedy and violent territorial expansion. Return them all unconditionally NOW!
Japan Communist Party
Russia/Soviet Union is not a signatory of SF treaty and hence not even in a position to preach a sermon on World order established at the end of WW2.
Japan gave Russia 2 dogs. That's enough. Return all of them now!
Japan Communist Party
Desert Tortoise
The next couple of years is about to prove you very wrong. The US had to stop fielding long range land based cruise missiles and Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs) under the terms of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). That forced the US to rely on sea based and air launched cruise missiles not covered by the INF Treaty. Since the US has abandoned that treaty the US Army is vigorously pursuing an IRBM, another ballistic missile with a Hypersonic Glide Vehicle warhead and is buying land based Tomahawks. The US Marines are buying land based Joint Strike Missiles. The IRBM is not hard to do because the US has the equivalent of IRBMs for use as targets for BMD testing. In fact some of the target missiles are based on the old Pershing II. Putting a warhead and guidance one one of those rocket motors is straightforward. The rest of the missile is already proven and qualified.
Boku Dayo
On Russian terms, that is.
He always says that.