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© KYODORussia to halt peace treaty talks with Japan over sanctions
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While it is kind of Japan to participate in sanctions with the U S and other western countries, Japan's primary concern should be to look out for its own safety, security . . . .
Which Japan is doing by sanctioning an out of control neighbor.
How would the "safety and security" in the region be if fascist Russia - or any rogue state - were permitted to invade and take over any sovereign nation they see fit - with no consequences?
Reap what you have sown.
Japan should have stayed neutral and not jumped on the NATO coloured revolutions band wagon!
Russia has never been serious about a Peace Treaty with Japan. Nothing lost here.
That’s just as well. The Russians have no intention of returning those islands to Japan. They’ve just used the peace talks as a convenient way to extract money and investment from Japan.
The vast majority of the world refuse to condemn Russia for the war in Ukraine and refuse to join any sanctions regime against Russia. That includes China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, Argentina, Iran and etc etc. i.e. the largest countries on every continent or sub continent except Europe and North America.
The naivety is incredible. You think Japanese investors were investing in those regions due to some vague idea about bringing them under Japanese jurisdiction? They invested there because they saw it as a money making opportunity.
Most of us didn't even know that the peace talk is still a thing at this point. Is not like they gonna return the islands so these talks aren't going anywhere anyway.
Just because Russia invaded a peaceful country and is now in the process of murdering Ukraine’s women, children and the elderly. It’s difficult to imagine why that should bother anybody. The nerve! Russia must be so upset!
Q? can Japan withstand a hostile Russia, it is in the best interest of Japan to keep the peace with all of it's neighbors including Russia.
Michael Machida
Boo on Russia. Let's talk peace.
Sam Watters
Please forgive my snickering but “peace talks with Russia” over the islands off Hokkaido is in the same category as “Sam is now really serious about losing weight.” Don’t hold your breath….
Michael Machida
"...China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, Argentina, Iran..."
Point proven for condemning Russia. Thank you!
Sven Asai
Obviously, with that shown behavior now , nobody would even believe any signed peace treaty papers anymore, or would anyone?
Not a big fan of NATO & Friends™ but support Japan in this.
I also want them to pay less fealty to you-know-who.
Not a wise move Japan, to support NATO and the rogue state of the USA.
Sh1mon M4sada
Who's the boy that takes the ball and go home then?
Aly Rustom
I agree
What did Japan expect lol
And exactly what changes? Nothing. Well, fewer Japanese can visit the Russian islands. Big deal. Japan was never getting them back anyway, with politicians on the right here.
Alfie Noakes
Still no mention of what's happening with Sakhalin 2 though? Asia Nikkei reports that Japan could face a 35% increase in the costs of imported LNG if the project is cancelled. Given the electricity shortage following the recent earthquake that's not the best of news.
The Avenger
Unilateral? Try the world vs. Russia.
Of course Russia is going to stop the peace negotiations with Japan, if it continues with its stupid sanctions just to please the whim of the US.
At least Japan could take back two islands instead of nothing..
Stop playing being the lapdog of the West..
Decolonize Japan and be yourself..
Make your own way and be more Asian..
At the end of this war with Putin gone, the islands are likely to return to Japan. It's good for Japan not to make a deal with a war criminal.
That's exactly what they are doing.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Exactly. Just another of Russia's "frozen conflicts" they like to use in their interpretation of diplomacy. Twisting the knife when ever they see fit to make other's do their bidding.
Now they've invaded Ukraine, the world can see clearly how this works.
Russia will have to live with this new status for generations while the rest of the world creates and eventually embeds systems that will isolate them.
how about to watch RT News. It’s in English. Google Minsk agreements.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Dear Japan, you slavish support for the American Imperium will get you in serious trouble one of these days. You are being used, like Western Europe, as a forward operating base. That means you will bear the brunt of whatever is fired back by America's enemies.
good point Sir. I maybe wrong, but maybe 90% of Japanese gas comes from there?
my staff Sargent always told me that if you shoot yourself in the foot, you have a free ticket out of there, but I think he was a liar.
Those Kurile islands were no more Japanese soil after WW2, so get over it!
El Rata
I believe those islands rightfully belong to Japan (along with Karafuto and the rest of the Kurils), that said, Russia under its current regime will never cede an inch of controlled territory.
So the best thing that could happen to Japan is that Russia as we know it falls, a puppet of the west then gets installed who would finally return the islands to this great nation. Not a bad plan in my opinion.
I'm sure the Russians are gutted.
El Rata:
Sorry, Sakhalin is part of Russia. If you want to go back in time, why not say it should go to China as it was part of the Qing empire? Failing that, give it to the Ainus. Oh wait, they've been practically wiped off the planet due to Japanese policies.
Ukraine hasn't been peaceful since 2014, unless you count Donetsk and Luhansk as part of Russia.
A peace treaty with Putin is worth no more than the paper it's printed on. Just ask Ukraine how much the Minsk agreements are worth now with missiles falling on their cities.
So, here we have a result of "wise" Japanese foreign policy.
Japan should think about its own national interests not American.
It's hard work, I knew.
Russia can't even subdue a country one third its size, and its military is being defeated by armed civilians. Time for Japan to take back the Kurils. Russia is defenseless.
Recently it has become very clear that negotiations with Russia mean nothing. They say one thing and do the other.
Gabor Fabricius
In the future, negotiation can start again when the Ukrainian-Russian civil war is finished and then the Sakhalin territory dispute can be included in the Kuril-peace talks.
Robert N
And just as they were making some progress!!!!
And today you have no negotiations at all. Good luck.
as if anyone would believe ANYTHING russia says any more....they have totally lost all credibility on the global stage. only the bravest companies/governments will make any deals with russia moving forward.
This is political erotica. May provide some enjoyment but won't lead to any positive practical results.
And Japan collectively, Yawns. Is this some sort of intended punishment for Japan? This is the best reply they have to offer?
Russia is very busy right now invading Ukraine neighbors and figuring out how the heck they can keep their economy from imploding under the weight of world sanctions.
141 nations condemned Russia, only 5, including Russia itself voted in support of Russia. There were 35 nations that abstained but the people of those nations that abstained are still donating to international Red Cross, that goes to Ukraine. The vast majority of the worlds nations and the vast majority of the worlds people condemn Russia's invasion of peaceful Ukraine. Even many in Russia itself condemn Putin's actions.
Japan take actions it believes are right and necessary. Russia right now is engaged in criminal activities so it is not a time for Japan to sit down to hammer out a peace treaty in the middle of Russia's current invasion of Ukraine.
Well, what did they expect? Of course Russia would respond.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
This was inevitable Russia would tear up the peace treaty that Japan refused to sign anyway and especially after the sanctions and tariffs.
Thus ends Japan's chance at being part of the new economic zone with Russia and China.
Thanks to following the USA guidance like a lost puppy Japan's economic relationship with Russia is doomed.
USA is successfully ruining other countries by destabilizing their economy and taking advantage arrogantly.
It's gonna backfire !
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Japan stole those islands from the indigenous groups and native tribes that were never allowed to make legal claims to their ancestral lands.
This is what happens when Japan waged war and became defeated and surrendered their country.
In actual fact thanks to the western foreign allies Russia didn't take hokkaido as well at the same time.
They did expect Russia to do this . But J-gov chose to do it. As some posters mentioned, nothing to lose here.
Japan has about as much chance of getting these islands back as the Indian tribe that sold Manhattan Island NYC for $ 24.00 dollars. Russian thanked it's former USSR neighbors for assisting in the WW2 effort against fascism by enslaving them in a corrupt empire for decades. These are not nice people that only understand strength. So toughen-up Nihon and protect yourself from the likes of the Sino threat and the NK Kim twins. Kids with their own nuclear weapon. Pray for peace but please pass the ammunition. The Japanese deserve their security ! Gilleonan
Yeah, yeah. When Germany was unified it was promised to Moscow that NATO NEVER go east.
With the bulk of its poorly equipped troops in Ukraine, Japan could land a few troops on the disputed islands and announce that they had just been liberated from genocidal Nazis developing chemical and biological weapons. Thanks to Putin, Russia has left itself defenseless everywhere outside of Ukraine.
Enough said. Isn't this akin to trying to negotiate with a pathological liar and obfuscator ? Russia is acting like the isolated pariah that it is, lashing out pathetically like the fox and the sour grapes.
It's hardly a surprise - I'm more surprised they haven't invaded Hokkaido yet claiming it's part of Russia.
It is a really stupid political move by the Japanese officials. I initially thought Japan would remain neutral considering the delicate relation it has with Russia. But apparently I was wrong
I'm sure mad Vlad has enough on his plate at present. If reports are to be believed, Putin has his sights set on Moldova, the Baltic states and Finland. Stalin may have been denied Hokkaido, but that was way back then. Let us hope it doesn't come to that.
No self-respecting democracy would remain "neutral" after such a heinous invasion of a sovereign country. 141 countries condemned Putin's invasion. And "neutral" would clearly align Japan with China's CCP. Is that really a viable option in the current geopolitical climate ?
Really? "Donetsk and Luhansk" have been peaceful since 2014? Full of it as per usual. What a joke.
Carl N Jpn Gcjp
What about Japan using this time while Russia is tied up with Ukraine, just to sweep the Russians OFF the Territories and re-claim their land. :)
What's so heinous about this invasion, in particular? There was a military build up on both sides and extremely aggressive rhetoric coming from Ukraine.
In the end, diplomacy failed, and it was just a matter of time until the start of military conflict. This is absolutely normal, unfortunately. It has been happening throughout all of human history.
Good way for Moscow to go out with a bang. Read Article 5 of the US-JPN Mutual Defense Treaty. Comments like yours are really really offensive.
Extremely aggressive rhetoric coming from Ukraine? What are you even talking about? You want people to believe a nation of 44 million was threatening their neighbor with 144 million people? Nonsense. Russia, and only Russia, is to blame. Full stop.
What a load of rubbish. Putin was after the Black Sea, so he seized Crimea in 2014... now he wants the rest of the ports and strategic areas of southern Ukraine. Basically he wants the old Soviet Union back, and if that means utterly destroying a small neighbour then that's what he'll do. It's what power-mad megalomaniacs do. Napoleon, Caesar, Hitler... Putin.
Send the SAS into the Kremlin... job done.
Daniel Christen
War is always ugly, but supporting Ukraine and sanctioning Russia is not based on a objective assessment of the facts. Nato, the EU, the US and a criminal elite in Ukraine have provoked the military adventure of Russia! It is simply not a good idea to steal Russian gas and bribe Hunter Biden with a part of the stolen money to get protection of the US Government! And it is unfair to label President Putin as a war criminal without saying that the then senator Biden approved the US war crimes in Iraq and Serbia! Apply at least the same standarts, if Putin is a war criminal, Biden is a war criminal too!
LOL after this war Russia will not have one friend, not even China I can now vision Xi with a rope around Putin neck leading him around saying "sit boy" "lay boy". If I were Russian I would get out of the country and move to China because that is probably the only place they will be welcomed because of Putin. At the US border they are letting Ukrainian refuges in who are seeking asylum there are also Russian who are claiming the same but the border is closed to Russian they are being told nothing. Border patrol is not letting them in they are saying if they go back to Russia they will be killed. Oh well China would have been a safe bet!!
Yes, it is exactly that.
No, that is a lie from Russian war propaganda. Putin wants Ukraine under its boot so Putin can make even more "under the table" money to expand his already huge, stealth personal wealth empire.
No, it is completely fair.
Biden was not at the top of the chain of command as Senator. Responsibility is held at the top. Putin is at the head of Russia's chain of command. What crimes has the Biden administration caused since he has been President? If there are any then by all means present evidence and seek to have him convicted. Tens of thousands dead in weeks at Putin's direct command. And it is still not close to being finished. You want to call Biden a war criminal, present the proof as Ukraine video proves Russian crimes and Putin's status as a war criminal.
William Bjornson
Who are the major Corporate investors and profit takers in these spaces? In OUR world, it is THEY who are the de facto rulers of any space regardless of the color of the rag which decorates their flagpoles...and if Rusland and Nihon BOTH share in these spoils, what difference the nominal 'ownership'?
Russia can keep the islands along with the rest of their rusty, non-producing 3rd-rate country.
John McCain was right: Russia is nothing more than a gas station. Putin is a bully that can cause a lot of trouble, but that's about it. He's on his way out.
I remember that for years we lived in fear of the image of the strength of the Soviet Union, then one day we learned that it had been all a mirage.
Russia is weaker now than ever.
The brave Ukrainians are proving that.
Desert Tortoise
I notice many new names appearing in discussions regarding the war in Ukraine. I notice too that most of these new names advocate for Russia and against Ukraine and the west advancing arguments one often finds in the Russian media. I would be most surprised if that were just a coincidence.
Desert Tortoise
Sigh. Japan's grand total amphibious lift capability is three small landing ships each able to carry 300 troops. So Japan in theory could land one good sized battalion somewhere, but has no organic ship based air support and no surface to surface or air to surface cruise missiles to use to suppress enemy defenses before landing troops. Russia has about a brigade (4000-5000) soldiers on the Kuriles to defend them along with all weather airfields for combat jets and truck mounted air defense and anti-ship cruise missiles to protect those islands. You tell me if you think Japan could prevail. Seriously.
Desert Tortoise
Stop. Diplomacy "failed" because Mr. Putin made demands that were not a remotely reasonable starting point for serious negotiations. He insisted all the nations who were once part of the Warsaw Pact or former SSRs in the old USSR renounce their NATO membership, declare their neutrality and roll NATO back to it's old Cold War boundaries. As if nations like Lithuania, Poland or the Czech Republic would even consider that demand for a second. They asked for and became NATO members out of a well founded fear of Russian aggression. Mr. Putin was never interested in serious discussions but was throwing out demands he knew, or should have known, were non-starters to say the west would not negotiate. It was a ploy for the domestic Russian audience.
And failing diplomacy is not justification for starting a war. A lot of nations refuse to accept the demands of another nation and this does not lead to war. Many nations want DPRK to give up nuclear weapons but nobody is going to start a war over it because such a war would kill so many innocent civilians. There was never any threat by either NATO or Ukraine to attack Russia. That is a fabrication of Russian propaganda.
Go ahead and stick your tongue out at us, Vlad. Put your thumb on your nose and wiggle your hand's other fingers. We're not impressed. You only look more idiotic by the minute.
@Desert Tortoise
Putin never asked them to renounce NATO. He asked them to roll back the military build up near Russia.
NATO didn't even consider looking for a middle-ground with Russia, it arrogantly rejected any talks on those issues.
With greed for more pooptin will loose more as out of wealth will result in inability to maintain its own territory forget the conquered territory or the invasion or waging war
Putin spent over 20 years saving up his oil profits and putting them into building up his military, but Russia under the corrupt Putin regime does not have the economy it needs to fight a prolong land war, in Ukraine, or any where else. Since the Democracies seized his $600 billion nest egg he was saving for this war, Russia is now a paper tiger. As long as the Democracies support Ukraine with the military tech it needs, Putin's idiotic war cannot succeed.
That said, it is time for Japan to build up its military so that it can threaten to take back the Kuriles. Putin is severely overstretched, and anyone with a grievance with Russia, including Japan, should think about taking advantage of Putin's major blunder in Ukraine.
Putin should be trying to make peace at the rate his military is taking defeat he is in NO POSITION to have any more enemies!
Desert Tortoise
You know it is one thing for the Russians to fail an attempt to invade and take over a neighboring nation. Losing will be bad but it might not be enough to drive Vladimir Putin to employ nuclear weapons, especially if there is a veiled threat from NATO to respond in kind if he does.
It is something quite different for a nation, any nation, to invade and take as theirs territory that is currently part of Russia. The Russians would go nuclear in a New York Nanosecond and Japan has no response to that and short of having a credible strategic nuclear deterrent never will. Trying to take land from a nuclear power while they are preoccupied on the opposite side of their nation is not going to go over very well.
Oh yes he did. he used that as an excuse to invade Ukraine in the first place.
Pudding-Head kept on giving his excuses excuses excuses . And none of them had any merit whatsoever. He was determined to pull this off no matter what NATO or anybody else done or said.
I hate to say it, but this point is valid. I don't think Japan should side with Russia in this conflict, but overall Japan should be very wary of the "protection" that the US provides. It is clear that Ukraine was used as a US pawn and is now being sacrificed to further the US aim of weakening Russia. When the US seeks to weaken China, will Japan be used as a partner or a pawn?
No loss. Putin never intended to return the islands. He was just squeezing Japanese politicians for as much concessions and investments as he could muster from them. By instituting sanctions against Russia, Japan is also giving notice that the days of kowtowing to Putin are over. Japan is also giving notice indirectly to China to keep out of Taiwan
Desert Tortoise
No that is not true. That is the Russian talking point but it is not informed by fact. Ukraine and all of eastern Europe have good reason to fear Russia and want the protections of NATO membership. One could argue that had Ukraine been admitted to NATO earlier this war would have never happened. Please stop fabricating that which is patently false while claiming it is true.
Desert Tortoise
In Ukraine it is the older people picking up weapons and fighting for their lives. It is not just the young. Men as old as 80 have volunteered to fight, though the general cut off age is 60. Look at some photos of their volunteer home defense force. Lots of middle aged men and women, lots gray hair. You have and extremely distorted view of what is happening in Ukraine. Please open your eyes and speak the truth.
If there’s anything that proved Ukraine was right to want to join NATO, it’s Russia invading them and murdering their children with missiles in churches.
Clearly they needed to join NATO sooner.