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© KYODOTop prosecutor tenders resignation over mahjong gambling scandal
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30-45 degree bow, token fine, resignation with full benefits, then assigned to some committee for justice or gambling as vice-chairman; or special advisor to the commission on integrated gambling resorts.
Resignation will not be approved. He will be indicted.
That's a serious "breech of trust" by a man who was being held up as potentially being the decision maker for the inquisition dept. Played with reporters? What a idiot. Oh well can see a certain piece of legislation going from the shelf into a draw.
Hello Kitty 321
He broke the law so he should be fired. Why should we have to pay him a huge pension?
Very timely, considering Abe's push for reform in the prosecutor's realm.
I suspect something, but I don't quite know what.
LOL I love many things about Japan but this is madness.
I bet my friends a chu hi once for Superbowl pick. Should I lose my job. Lol what a joke
One has to be naive to think that a Media that is gaming, dining, golfing and drinking with government officials and expecting them to be independent and critical of the government.
The "talking heads" on the wide shows and news have been talking about this, and to me it just seems like they found an out to have him resign and lessen the amount of egg that is on Abe's face
Indicted for what? Playing mahjong? You gotta be kidding!. Playing mahjong here is on the level of betting on golf, technically illegal, but everyone does it!
This is far from a "scandal", the scandal is Abe's trying to push through raising the retirement age .
Bjorn Tomention
So no bail ?
"Justice Minister Masako Mori said the results of the probe will be released in the evening, along with "strict disciplinary measures" for Kurokawa."
Yeah, meaning time for him to prep for a plum amakudari job.
Storm in a cup of tea.
Actually, I am not surprised. When a person thinks that he is in power and has the support of the prime-minister in this case, ( It is just like a new c.o.o of any company that thinks that he has the support of the share-holders )he can do anything that he wants. Fortunately, as we can see....................................this kind of arrogant actions are not allowed. Bravo to good Japanese people.
Open Minded
Prosecutor playing with newspapers reporters...
A convenient opportunity for a few leakages maybe...?
Richard Gallagher
Mah jong. Ping pong. He's gambling, playing games, while at work. Your tax dollars at work for someone who isn't working. He needs to be deep-sixed. It is convenient.
Bjorn Tomention
And the newspaper reporters who obviously reported him have had what repercussions?
Or are they swept under the carpet, or paid to go away or now they have hit the selected target got promotion or what , they also were in involved in illegal activity so NO BAIL for them too or what ? Report the whole case FFS, or is it another snow job by the media ?
like the love hotel sham?
Indicted for what? And what law did he break?
He went against guidelines, but there was no law that I know of saying people weren't allowed to meet.
What this guy did appears to be socially unacceptable not legally.
Meeting is ok but playing mahjong for cash is a crime no
Technically so is jaywalking.
Read the article - this one's not really a crime. Some people may see it technically as one, but it would never get through the court system here.
I play video mahjong a lot but not on the job. This guy is playing games at work - with media people? Big dummy.
Kurokawa was the guy in charge for the Ghosn case and Abe was trying to reward him for services rendered.
Just shows how corrupt the Tokyo prosecutors office is. A pawn of the government.
Good riddance and kudos to all those Japanese who outed Abe on this.
The timing of all of this sure is curious...