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© KYODOAnti-U.S. base incumbent Tamaki wins 2nd term as Okinawa governor
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In Nago city where Nenoko is located, pro-relocation groups gained a majority in the local assembly. The city mayor is already a pro-relocation.
名護市議選、政権と協調路線の与党候補が過半数に 改選前より議席増
The election outcomes in Okinawa are thus difficult to interpret although I suppose the "cult factor" was definitely pulling the legs of LDP-backed candidates.
Glad to see that Denny got in.
339,767 for Denny to 274,844 for Sakima
Last election, with an even higher voter turnout, the following are the results
The point is that contrary to what some people will say here, Denny did not win an "overwhelming" majority of the vote. He in fact got less than 1/3 of the total electorate vote.
As I have stated countless times here, and is shown once again, the Okinawan people are apathetic to these elections.
Okinawa people has spoken, does central government listen?
I am not American and not a fan of the USA Military, government, etc... But I am not a fool and The second Okinawa is undefended China will move on it.
But Tamaki, is just an angry person taking out his personal problems and transferring them to affect the population.
So his American father abandoned him, get over it!
What? Seriously what has been doing, besides breaking his own regulations during COVID?
He talks a good game, particularly during election season, but has little to show for sucking up the taxpayers money! He is an entertainer/comedian, and not even a good one at that!
He plays on the story of his upbringing, which thousands of people can relate to, but that does not qualify him to be the governor.
Gareth Joyce
Good. Anyone who wants the Yanks out has my support.
'"People in Okinawa have not wavered in their wishes (of halting the plan) even a bit," Tamaki told reporters, adding that he will call on the central government to suspend the relocation.'
It's good to know he wishes Futenma to remain in place and operational indefinitely. I hope the people understand that the longer relocation is delayed, the longer Futenma will be there. But, in reality, that is what many want, since their families moved there to make a living OFF the bases and the business it generates.
And I notice Tamaki said nothing about the government not having to give Okinawa money to host the bases if the bases are gone.
Okinawa voters mandated their trust in Tamaki for the second term and expressed their clear-cut opposition to Tokyo and Washington's plan to relocate Futenma to Henoko.
Will the Kishida government forge ahead with landfill work at Henoko despite this election result and claim nonchalantly that Japan and the U.S. share the same values of democracy?
Voter turnout was 57.92 %
What's the needed turnout to be not apathetic?
Antique,you say you are not a fan of the US,why would you want them too occupy a country,where the people do not want their presence
Clear cut, with less than 1/3 of the total electorate voting. Weird definition of "clear cut"! And even a slimmer "majority" than last time! under 65,000 votes, out of a total of 1.16 million potential voters.
That total is less than 6% of the total electorate, hardly a "clear-cut" victory.
Oh and let's not forget that the Nago city council, which is the host city for Camp Schwab and the new landfill, elected a PRO-base relocation city council, along with already having a pro-relocation mayor.
Kind of shoots the idea of "everyone" being anti-base!
Right, the city that actually hosts the base in question, just elected a majority of PRO-relocation candidates, and is already headed by a PRO-relocation Mayor.
The people HAVE spoken, and the government should be listening to the people who actually host the base and not some entertainer who plays on people's emotions to get elected!
Denny's father issues fuel his political views. Denny gets personal satisfaction from winning the election. It makes him feel like people finally like and accept him which was different based on his own personal accounts when he was growing up as biracial in Okinawa. It is also the reason for some of his more extreme views about the US military. His politics seem more about him and less about Okinawan people.
What has Denny done to make Okinawan lives better?
Has he balanced the budget? Improved the economy?
Does he have any answers for issues except it is the US military's fault?
Michael Machida
Im not a big fan of the Yanks too but you have to admit that if America were to pull out of Okinawa ~ the people of Okinawa would become Russian or Chinese overnight and while Im am not a fan of America they really are a great country that protects its friends very well and to tell you the truth, which country on Earth can boast anything close to that?
Michael, American do not care , about anybody ,but themselves,since you are not a friend,why would they care about you
William Bjornson
Well, at least a modicum of GOOD NEWS in the stream today. So rare... BUT "relocation" is an absolute MUST as long as it is to, say, Guam, or somewhere where densely populated areas of innocent people will not be subject to Chinese retaliation when America finally oversteps and starts the war it seems to so fervently want and China is forced to counterattack America's FRONTLINE bases. Okinawa does not deserve to be directly in the line of fire for the sake of American aggressiveness. Someone even suggested that China would invade Okinawa if America departed and Okinawa was "undefended". If their spirit in WWII is any example, the People of Okinawa are all the 'defense' needed, particularly given such an absurd suggestion. China doesn't have a "Send in the Marines!" foreign policy. It has a send in the trade negotiators foreign policy.
"He is an entertainer/comedian, and not even a good one at that!"
My intuition suggests to me that, on the other hand, this writer would extol zelenskyy as a HERO...
Japanese do not have true democracy election,it this rank voting ,they trying in the US
Seth Majer
Not to nitpick but his smile should be a lesson to children to take care of their teeth well.
China doesn't even want to take Taiwan by force, if possible.
Why would they attack Okinawa?
Especially in the light of the current Ukraine Russia war, what do they hope to gain by attacking Okinawa that they would invite similar repercussions leveled to Russia?
Anti-US base yet nothing has changed under his tenure. Sounds like a wasted effort but they'll do anything to appease the oyajis.
This is a rare case where people here were rooting for the LDP, it seems =)
Let's see your country rush to Japan's aid after the "yanks" leave and you are waiting for someone to save you and your mind stuck in the 1700s.
Good news, the rogue state of the USA, get out.
America is the first country that would send their troops directly into harm's way just so people like you still have the democratic right to openly say you don't like or want them there, and still not get thrown into a detention camp.
Is that what they did to Iraq?
Moch, I live in America,why would they send troops ,the US military do not have any domestic power,in America
Yubaru your stats are of course correct.
But sadly they are reflective of the country's voting pattern at large. At 57% of the eligible people casting a vote, puts the Okinawans in the same league as citizens all over. The current national LDP leader and party display similar percentages and they makes decisions that severely impact 125million.
Political apathy is a disease often justified by throwaway lines like "I'm not interested" or "They're all the same" or "I'm too busy" etc.
With that being said, it looks like Okinawa gets the result it wants - for better or worse.
National Guard.
National Guard only have power, in state of emergency or under martial law,they cannot detain an American,while not under these guidelines,they have zero power, without any emergency action
Let Japan do all the military defense. America can no longer afford to have military bases all over the world. Just don't call when China reclaims the Ryukyu chain as historically theirs and stolen by Japan.
Denny ought exercise ,his American citizenship and become a senator or Congress person, by moving too the States
The way Ukraine became Russian overnight?
Yeah right, like Afghanistan ?
No country does, every country protects its own interests including America.
What is he going to pass on to Okinawa people and their next generations?
The Japanese people have also spoken about foreign Tourism, will you listen?
Lionel Lyyn
Bad news, The rogue state of China get in.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Cant anyone see that Japan is a US outpost and has been since the end of WW2. The rest is just fodder for fools.
Doesn't matter how overwhelming the numbers are, if the majority of the people don't want a US base, that's saying a lot, considering all the power and connections that the US/LDP machine has.
Not to nitpick but his smile should be a lesson to children to take care of their teeth well
So JT, this is not considered off-topic?- JT moderator, you are so obviously biased towards the pro-US side, very unprofessional, only deleting posts which contradict the pro-US popular narrative and letting slide snide asides like this which belittle anyone (in this case Denny) who doesn't support the US cause.
Michael Machida
Im a huge fan of America. They are the only country in the history of the planet that not only comes to the aid of their friends but also makes new friends in the process. America is the only country that stands up for Democracy while destroying Autocracy. Go America!
Finally a true winner and hero has emerged! It's high time that the rulership of the U.S. in Japan meets its end. A complete withdrawel of the U.S. would also ensure more safety and security in the entire South Pacific.
Anti-US base incumbent wins 2nd term as Okinawa governor:
Okinawa leader's wish to relocate US base has been Japan premier's nightmare.
No matter how hard he tries to make his people's voice heard, US would just ignore his babble.
Washington has the power to overrule Tokyo..
Just goes to show how much you dont know about who Denny actually is! Your "intuition" is far off-base, literally!
Here we go again, same question, define who is Okinawan here today? Define who is "eligible" to participate in the elections to decide?
How are you going to separate Okinawans from Japanese? I will answer this for you, you can not, as ALL Okinawan's are Japanese citizens, and aside from a handful of wingnuts, none seek independence either.
He has been elected, twice as Gov. Not 8 years yet! But not even close to a majority of the electorate, in fact not even 1/3.
Actually yes, quite a bit, in fact I would say a hell of a lot more than Denny has ever done, leeching off the taxpayers money, and not giving anything in return, other than lip service!
So by your way of thinking the only people who get to criticize or comment are those who have been elected Gov here? I guess that this then counts you out as well! This is laughable at best!
Huh? You have ZERO idea about anything here obviously. Winning an election does not earn anyone respect!
Showing something for what you have accomplished after being elected is what matters, and Denny has accomplished what exactly to earn anyone's "respect"? No one "gets" my respect for being just elected to a position, and if you have read anything I have written here over the years, my stance regarding the politicians who only stand for one issue, the "anti-base" coalition are in effect useless and have harmed the people of Okinawa more than anyone else!
Right, the silence is deafening!
Nope. Okinawans are Okinawans, have always been, and will always be. They are NOT Japanese. This has been academically proven by many researches. If you want to prove otherwise, engage in academic debates and deliver facts. Honestly, I will Okinawans know better what they are, and foreigners should better not interfere and tell them what they should identify with.
For Xi Jinping China military to occupy Okinawa would present the ultimate humiliation for Japan and its people.
The grinning foolish Okinawa Gov Denny Tamaki might as well be waving a Chinese flag.
For China, Okinawa is merely a pebble in their big path. Xi Jinpings true interest is the complete domination of Japan. Japan will learn it the hard way one day for sure!
I always wonder why you are always so hectic about denying my posts and supporting the U.S. government’s policy lines to relocate Futenma to Henoko despite a strong local opposition. Parden me to ask this, but have you come to Okinawa charged with a clandestine mission to win over the islanders’ consensus and make them toe the U.S. government's policy lines in anything concerned with U.S. bases panted here?
Good to see that people actually respect democracy.
The oddness of Okinawa
Xi Jinping China occupation of Okinawa would present a huge geopolitical prise.
When it comes to deterrence, Okinawa sits in the right place
*Q: **Why is the U.S. military presence on Okinawa important?*
*A:** The first island chain -- stretching right through Japan, through the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, the Philippines -- from a security perspective, is quite important. And Okinawa is, of course, right at the heart of the first island chain.*
At the same time, stability in the Taiwan Strait is really quite fundamental. With respect to Okinawa, the whole question of deterrence is that China is discouraged from changing the status quo.
What is at stake here is the future of the entire region.
Xi Jinping China violation of basic human rights, it continuing atrocities, the acts of genocide, requires XI Jinging must be confronted with the threat of brutal retaliatory strike capability both conventional and ultimately tactical and strategic deployment nuclear weaponry.
You'd prefer Saddam again?
I prefer that the US stop invading other countries and murdering its people.
I prefer that the US stop stirring up wars, exploiting other countries for profits
So answer the question, is the US invading Iraq an example of the US sending their troops directly into harm's way to protect democracy?
Do you believe in democracy Mocheake?
Then respect the elections.
Goes for everyone.
Yes, it is. Many Americans shed their blood to rid Iraq of bad blood. Elections have been respected on Okinawa but they are not a sovereign state so the central government has final say. If they were sovereign, and not under the U.S. umbrella, I guarantee things would be looked at differently. There would be a different convenient bogeyman to confront. You can believe all day that China wouldn't do anything but looking at past history tells me you'd be wrong. You would be wrong and with devastating consequences.
Okinawa Gov Denny Tamak should start building schools, parks and housing in Henoko where the war mongers want war bases.
Okinawa people has spoken, does central government listen?
decision made decades ago, people of Heneko voted to accept the base expansion, base will be moved, just a matter of when
Once again, trying to mislead everyone into thinking what you state is a fact, when in reality, it most definitely is not!
Japanese policy, not US, Japan decided on Camp Schwab, no matter how many times you choose to lie about it!
Okinawa Gov Denny Tamak should start building schools, parks and housing in Henoko where the war mongers want war bases.
whats he going to do take the Heneko base by force LOL
going to build schools on the island theyre making from reclaimed land LOL
American military facilities occupy approximately 25% of the island. The vote clearly expresses the will of the local population to reduce this terrible burden. So the question now is whether those functions of the Futenma Base are relocated in other regions of Japan or outside of Japan altogether.
Interesting to say the least. Thanks for answering that.
What event/s or circumstance/s in history tell you that China will invade Okinawa?
Thank you
Denny won. One pie in the face of the LDP. And one more in the face of the US military-industrial complex.
Yubaru (Today 02:12 pm JST),
I see. But if you insist that I am mistaken, then state your personal opinion as to why Futenma's function must remain in Okinawa intact whereby it must be relocated to Henoko, Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture if Okinawa wishes for its return. Former Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba once suggested Camp Hansen as a candidate for the relocation at a negotiation, but the U.S. side rejected it across the board, directing the Japanese side skillfully to Henoko, where the USM Okinawa had originally planned to concentrate their bases.
Alan Bogglesworth
What's his plan once China starts getting closer and closer?
Once again, we see the co-called "anti-base" elements pull the wool over the eyes of the Okinawa people...
While they rant against the bases, they do all they can to keep them there - and to block any meaningful reductions that would so benefit the local populace...
Futenma would have been closed by now, with all that land returned for local use; schools, universities, retail...but nope, the anti-base pols and their vested interests fought the transfer at every turn - so Futenma remains open...
And the answer is simple - two reasons; 1) they have no other issue to campaign on - reduce the bases, and they would be forced to tell the local people how they would increase jobs, entice manufacturing and R&D, reduce out of wedlock births and alcohol-related traffic accidents (Okinawa leads all prefectures in both)....and 2) when Futenma is returned, it is now the responsibility of the local government to develop it - not an easy job and the longer it sits empty the more the local people get angry. The anti-base pols would prefer to take the easy way out...let it remain in US hands...
Craven? You bet, but we are talking about politicians . One day the local people will see through this ruse and elect leaders that will finish the construction at Camp Hansen and transfer the assets from Futenma - then the base will be returned...
Per above, should be Camp Schwab in past para...
Due to opposition alone? None.
You are talking wartime, not today. Moot point!
Stop trying to push a round peg into a square hole!
Nice try on the play on words, technically it is not being moved to Henoko. It is going to Camp Schwab which happens to lie within the boundaries of Nago City.
Pray tell why the Nago Mayor and majority of the city council are PRO-relocation? Their community, their decision. You just can not accept the FACT that Nago is FOR the relocation now, and proven by their election!
I am not going to waste time repeating things I have written here countless times in the past. I am not going to stoop to the level of just arguing with you for arguments sake. I am not going to "refresh" your memory just to argue with you. My positions regarding Futenma being moved to Okinawa, have been stated numerous times in the past. You just dont like the answer, that's all.
It was bilaterally agreed in 1996 that USMC Air Station Futenma would be closed and returned in five to seven years. We jumped with joy at the announcement, forgetting there was a string attached to the return: Futenma's function must be relocated somewhere else in Okinawa. It is this condition that is the real cause of the delay of the return.
My basic stance on the Futenma issue is that it sits illegally on confiscated private lands whereby the U.S. has no legitimate right to demand a replacement be built within Okinawa in exchange of its return; it must be returned unconditionally if it were really to be returned. The illegality of private land confiscation cannot be rescinded by any agreements signed thereafter.
Now, the Japanese government, working as a proxy for Washington, says Henoko is the best solution for Futenma to relocate to, for two reasons. Firstly, it can eliminate the danger posing to Ginowan citizens living near the base. Secondly, deterrence must be maintained the same as ever by USM Okinawa.
If the danger Futenma poses to area residents were the reason why it must be relocated, then Kadena Air Base in Okinawa and Yokota Air Base in Tokyo must come first to consider for the relocation or closure, for they are more dangerous to area residents. Accidents involving civilian sectors occur in these bases more frequently. Besides, military bases are the first targets of enemy attacks should a contingency ever occur.
Can the relocated U.S. Marine base contribute to deterrence? Note the most active elements of the Marines Okinawa will move to Guam for some strategic reasons. Note also that it has been bilaterally agreed that primary responsibility to defend Japan's outlying islands rests with Japan, not with the U.S.
So, is it Okinawa’s opposition to the relocation that has delayed the return of Futenma for 26 years?
Tom San
Like it or not, those bases aren't going anywhere soon.
For the most part yes.
My previous detailed reply pointing out your falsehoods was censored
Japan security is more important now than ever in this present geopolitical situation. Other important things are employment, education, innovation, health, social services, manufacturing, tourism, food security, energy, etc. but apparently, the main aspiration of the Okinawans is to remove or reduce the presence of the US bases. Okinawa is doomed!
Denny Tamaki Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!, destroy this US BASE.
actually, Tamaki has no power. Okinawa people should take bulldozers and destroy the base by themself. that is the only way.
As for Denny and the base relocation issue, I applaud the man for sticking to his guns. However, national defense (which the base relocation certainly qualifies as) is the purview of the national government. That means that it is up to the people of the entire nation of Japan, as a whole, to decide. Denny is well within his rights to voice his opposition as loudly and as often as he desires, but he’d be much better served pleading his case to all of Japan, rather than simply preaching to the converted back home. He can and should keep up pressure on the central government, but ultimately, there is only so much he can do, even within a democratic system.
The national government is under no obligation to tailor their actions to the opposition of a prefectural governor in the same way Denny is under no obligation to tailor his actions to the opposition of the Ginowan town assembly. Do those in this comments section who demand that the central government “respect the voices” of anti-relocation Okinawans also demand that Denny “respect the voices” of pro-relocation Ginowan residents? If people expect the central government to do a policy 180 because of a single prefecture, should those same people demand a prefectural governor do a policy 180 because of a single city council?