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© KYODOJapan urges world to unite on N Korea after latest missile
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You don't say? You can't get nothing past Aso.
The solution is surely for the world to unite as one, and South Korea and Japan to kindly bear the collateral damage for taking out the North Korean military regime. The united world will be ever so grateful. Up to the plate, Abe!
Is Kim Jong Un perhaps trying to test missiles for distance, make them able to reach the US instead of focusing on Japan?? Guam is now well in reach of a missile.
You ARE being sarcastic, aren't you?
Resonance of Melancholy
I hope it's a urge to unite on negotiations with North Korea! North Korea has persistently proven that the only way to deal with them is to reach a compromise.
I would think the math to know if it's going to hit land or sea is well known. It would be great if they included that in the warning displays so that people can gauge the risks rather than be puppets to every scare
News this morning stated that missile type was unknown.
Had to predict flight path, range, speed, etc of an unknown object.
I think the white shirt salaryman camouflage works much better than the jungle survival type in offices.
Hiro S Nobumasa
PM Shinzo Abe should not keep on depending on the rest of the world in dealing with former colony NK.
He should fly to Pyongyang and talk with Kim and win the Nobel Peace Prize.
This is the right time for Japan to show leadership again.
Except for all those times the liberal South Korean governments tried giving Pyongyang big bags of money and aid, and it still developed nuclear weapons and threatened to destroy Seoul.
Actually the world needs to unite against the US. North Korea would not need nuclear weapons if the US was not so threatening.
The US surrounds countries with nukes and complains when such countries want their own. The US made sure Hussein had no WMDs. When they were certain he didn't have any, they invaded.
Tell us when the U.S. has threatened NK since 1951. You are parroting NK's propaganda used to keep the country in a continuous state of war (even though nobody is attacking it) in order to maintain an iron fisted control over it's people.
Oh Japan who are we kidding? At least a quarter of the earth is anti American and Japanese and are laughing.
Not to mention the Russians and the Chinese absolutely want NK to be what they are...a barrier against America and a way to wage war remotely.
They have directly armed, financed, and supported the regime for decades.
Mona Lisa Rocketlauncher
North Korea loves to talk and they love to negotiate and they welcome ex-wrestlers and ex-NBA players and are more than willing to talk things out...
...Because it gives them time to continue building their arsenal while you think sanctions and discussions actually matters.
Negotiations and Compromises haven't done anything, don't be daft. While your diplomat and theirs agree on a peace settlement, their entire labor force is underground still slaving away on building an arsenal. They're not stopping and people are naive to think so.
B.l. Sharma
Whole world is standing solidly behind Japan against North Korea's latest missiles and nuclear threats.
Japan should simultaneously increase diplomatic efforts with North Korea, Chosen, as the two countries share an ancient history of international dialogue.
All Kim Jong-Un wants is to negotiate with us while dangling missiles above our heads to get everything he wants, dribbling some of it to his acolytes in the capital city, and those unworthies who live outside Pyongyang get nothing. Well maybe they get to slack off a bit and not work slave hours quite so much.
As South Korea kept moving ahead of North Korea in the past 20+ years, North Korea's aggression through criminal behavior kept increasing. Negotiations with Pyongyang were episodes in which extortion was used by North Korea to get more lucre for the filthy few in the Kim dynasty's loyal followers, the denizens of Pyongyang.
This pattern continues with each new threat becoming closer to reality because they are armming up with nukes while the South and Japan conscientiously observe the Non-Proliferation Treaty while the North withdrew from it in 2003.
The hand writing has been graffitied on the international wall for 14 years now. China and Russia both don't want either the South or Japan to move to have nuclear deterrent capability independent of the US but, basically, they are letting the North create the wedge issue that may make non-proliferation a dead option.
Then what will they do?
sooner or later Japan will start making their ICBM. Maybe incomplete Devices. Epsilon Rocket is capable of delivering a bomb to any country. Japan has All the nuclear Isotopes for a thermonuclear Bomb. And Japan Has gas relats. They only need to assemble them because Japan can make Silos in 3-4 months.
so actually Japan is able to make 100 Silo ready ICBMS loaded with bombs in 6 months
Bill Wright
The time for talking and sanitations has drawn to a close, once again we're reminded that "to do nothing to stop evil is to allow it to proceed". The first rule of using a weapon(s) is not to use them to threaten, and N.Korea has been using his missiles, WMD and fear to threaten his neighbors and the United States progressively since the '50s as a means of getting ransoms and agreements in one form or another and then violating them at will knowing there will be no repercussions. Eventually the world community must call his "bluff" and hold them accountable.
North Korea is doing what it always does to extract money, goods, and trade concessions from their self declared enemies, South Korea, Japan, and the US. The new South Korean government is already showing signs of giving in. The problem is the regimes outrages must become ever more outrageous each time in order to recreate the crisis atmosphere needed to dupe the international community to appease them. This is the price of appeasement. I hope we wise up this time and tell Kim that there is no reward for threatening other nations. The next time will be worse.
A bully, whether a fourth grade kid or a a middle age clown with a bad hair cut , will not stop offensive behavior unless forced to do so. Victims of the bully problem will continue to suffer if a - Head in the Sand - attitude is followed.
Two words: China. Russia. THEY are THE reason for North Korea.
Most BRIC countries wont give supoort to Japan since they habe slmething in common and thats's opress their civilians and block the democratic movements, aka: China, Russia, NK, Venezuela, Iran, Syria. When you have a corrupt government you need to find allies and they have to be jist like you.
So im guessing that Japan will never find support with them, and thats a bet
If that's true then at least 75% of the world is NOT.
Russia and China are the only ones that really count being veto powers on the UNSC. We need to prepare for a trade war with China to get them to shut NK down, or we need to prepare for a real war.
Simon Nguyen
A divided World community, ineffective and less strong sanction on North Korea combining with back up support from China and Russia, communist north Korea will destroy the world in a very near future. Stop them right away ...
Hiro S Nobumasa
Abe have two simple choices regarding NK.
First, have a Japan First Policy and go to Pyongyang and have direct talks with Kim.
Give massive humanitarian aid if needed and discuss about making Toyota's and Takata airbags near the demilitarized zone thereby converting the area into a special economic zone instead.
There is a big chance Shinzo will win the Nobel Peace Prize!
Second, continue to enjoy suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome and follow Trump's America First Policy and led America's long distance war with NK headquarted in the heart of Tokyo.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Part 2 ?
Not sure if it would be productive, but the US and its allies are perfectly capable of returning the favor. Perhaps they would find it entertaining to watch a few dozen missiles impact the ocean on either side of NK?
the Art of War : "keep your opponent talking, while you continue building"
hmm sound familiar. China, Russia, keep saying everyone calm down, lets keep with diplomacy, yet their factories and puppets keep production and testing of nuclear weapons, making improvements and mass produce/stockpile weapons. Just 2 days ago mass lines of trucks at the NK/ Chinese border leading into NK continue and at record pace. Yes build build build...while the idiots continue to talk talk talk until one day too late millions will be killed as they Chinese, Russian backed NKoreans and Iranians have said, you will bleed and taste the iron...
Probably China is scared N Korea might try to acquire China?