Japan Today

LDP loses one of two by-elections in blow to Kishida


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“We are going to make drastic changes to the government's COVID-19 response," CDPJ leader Yukio Edano told reporters.

Really? And what’s the CDPJ going to do next — improve Japan’s train punctuality and sushi quality?

-37 ( +5 / -42 )

great news!

29 ( +31 / -2 )

Shinnosuke Yamazaki, a 40-year-old independent backed by the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and another opposition party, won a close race against Yohei Wakabayashi, 49, of the LDP.

Unless you are a farmer, rightist, exec at Dentsu or a crony development firm or Keidanren member I cannot grasp how on Earth the platform of the LDP could be more attractive to you than the CDPJ.

34 ( +36 / -2 )

Fumio pause to.resign

2 ( +5 / -3 )

The Japanese are adverse to change. They will stick to whatever they're used to. Plus, watch the LDP ramp up anti korean rhetorics. Happens all the time.

7 ( +25 / -18 )

great news!

Unless you are a farmer, rightist, exec at Dentsu or a crony development firm or Keidanren member I cannot grasp how on Earth the platform of the LDP could be more attractive to you than the CDPJ.

well said!

16 ( +23 / -7 )

Tom DoleyToday  07:48 am JST

The Japanese are adverse to change. They will stick to whatever they're used to.

I think more people will vote for other parties than for the LDP, but thanks to the messed-up electoral system and the fragmented opposition the LDP will hold on to power anyway.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

Gooood! Hope the people keep this up esp. during the Halloween election. Gotta wake up, people. Good news.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

Wonderful. Let the positive momentum continue in full swing

17 ( +17 / -0 )

The Japanese are adverse to change. They will stick to whatever they're used to. Plus, watch the LDP ramp up anti korean rhetorics. Happens all the time.

When is the last time you have heard any "anti-Korean" rhetoric in a national election here? This is BS, and something that you hear from across the Sea of Japan!

Oh, and dont underestimate the "Japanese" people regarding change. If crap gets bad enough they will kick the LDP to the curb.

Suga did the LDP a favor by quitting early and not standing for reelection as LDP president, if he would have been the face of the LDP in this election, and not Kishida, it would have been a potential bloodbath for the LDP.

The people are willing to give Kishida a chance, and that is what will carry them over to a victory, but I will bet it wont be as huge as the last time!

-6 ( +11 / -17 )

If state prosecutors looked at the LDP current and former leaders as closely as they did at Ghosn and Kelly they could tumble the entire LDP house of cards. We can but only dream and fantasise!

17 ( +17 / -0 )

Unless you are a farmer, rightist, exec at Dentsu or a crony development firm or Keidanren member...

The answer, I fear, is in the question.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

"The kick is good!!"

6 ( +6 / -0 )

We must push forward with reforms in order to revive the Japanese economy

… said in the Osaka stronghold of the Isshin party.

Politically clever, but fraudulent claim.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Good for Japan, Good for small businesses, Bad news for all the blood suckers and Corporate Japan. I am hoping that who ever takes office will take a certain steps to improve the lives of millions of Japanese who are living on the edge day to day.

FREE EDUCATION for all children thru college is one policy that will pay back japan for generations to come.

Free Health care to all children up to age 20.

Free day care for all children.

If Japan wants more kids this is the way to encourage couples to have kids.

Other nations are doing it and it is pay off big times.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

This could be a good chance to change

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Good News! Bad news for Kishida and the LDP is good news for all of us

11 ( +14 / -3 )

So going 1 for 2 equates to a blow?

Sports teams would love to be 50% at the end of the season.

The media here can paint it anyway they want, the LDP will stay in power.

Why? The "opposition" has nothing to offer.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Yeah, yet another "blow". It's always a "massive blow" whenever LDP fails to win every single seat.

Imagine if the press did this to the Opposition? You'd have "blows" 24/7...but then of course, the media would shift the narratives.

Remember the last LDP "blow", in Tokyo? You know...where they became the largest party in the local government, took that away from the current Governor's party, yet it was a "huge blow" because LDP didn't win more?

The media will do their part, that's for sure. But they hyperbole about "blows" and "crushing defeats", day after day, for a party that has been in power since forever...well, it's sort of like the boy who cries wolf too often, no?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

With this vote so close to the general election, does this mean they vote again in two weeks? Or are these seats on a different schedule?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Yeah these were upper house seats, not lower house seats subject to the election next week.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Not really a difficult win for the LDP here in Yamaguchi. People haven't been bothering to vote as much as usual, as nothing changes and taxes just keep increasing despite the usual promises to lower them from every side. Plus it's a farmers' paradise out here so the Status Quo rules the day....as usual.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Free day care for all children.

Couldn't agree more! The local LDP government are sucking us dry for $600+ a month just for pre-school for our 2 year old! My 20 year old son is at college and it costs a LOT less to put him there!

0 ( +6 / -6 )

My 20 year old son is at college and it costs a LOT less to put him there!

I would imagine your 20-year old doesn’t need one-on-one care to get through the day, doesn’t require someone to make sure he goes to the toilet when he needs to, or to change his nappy when he gets the timing wrong. He probably doesn’t need supervising at meal times, or watched while he plays to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself or anyone else.

And at 20, he can get a part time job to cover some of his costs.

Of course the toddler costs more!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Great news !

1 ( +2 / -1 )

What the heck are they doing in that picture?

measuring the size of the room?

Such fine politicians.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

kyushubillToday  10:18 am JST

Why? The "opposition" has nothing to offer.

I don't fancy their chances but I think that's a gross oversimplification.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Change. Such is occurring, but within places other than the halls of the central government.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

When is the last time you have heard any "anti-Korean" rhetoric in a national election here?

Where have you been? NK abductions? Dokdo? SK covid vaccination failure? SK presidential candidates are all 'anti-Japanese'? Defense budget is less than Korea's? etc. etc. It's all covered in Japanese media, not in the 'other country across the sea of japan'. Some overt, some thinly veiled. But all serve to stir anti-Korean nationalism and pride so people will sheepishly vote for the LDP.

Oh, and dont underestimate the "Japanese" people regarding change. If crap gets bad enough they will kick the LDP to the curb.

If you think logically about it, you should realise that your statement proves my point. Covid response? Olympics? Failed export controls? Abenomics? Abe scandals? Shrinking real GDP? Increased debt?

In advanced countries, these results are all 'crap' and would automatically qualify as an election loss. Not in Japan. Why? I repeat for you, people are adverse to change, and the anti Korean nationalism works.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

"We must push forward with reforms in order to revive the Japanese economy and put it on a growth track," he said in a stump speech in Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, on Sunday.

Pure theater!

The economy is on a downward slope and has been for years.

What have the LDP members been doing for decades?

Raising taxes and cutting freedoms is what has been the order of the day and more of the same is to come …

3 ( +6 / -3 )


Wages and quality of life in South Korea already surpassed that of Japan more than a decade ago. But Korean's have more household debt, rising housing costs and more competition for well paying jobs. Japan has more affordable housing (relatively speaking) and better job availability, but most jobs in Japan are becoming low paying temp work and this really skews employability statistics. In my opinion South Korea has far better prospects than Japan, as long as they have competent government and deal with the housing affordability crisis. Japan's future is just uncertain.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Let’s see how the theoretical concepts differ. One, they give you nothing and then collect 10 yen and give it to the rich. Two, they give you 20 yen, then collect 30 yen and give five to the rich and five to the poor. For you , the result, although the concepts differ, will change just nothing. You just work hard and pay the necessary 10 yen out of your nothing.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The legacy of abenomics:

More consumption tax for the working class - discourages spending, more deflation.

Tax breaks and subsidies for Japan Inc. - Japan Inc. hoards on people's money, spends it overseas, no investment in Japan.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Chance for Yukio Edano!

But whatever, Yukio Edano vs Fumio Kishida, both these guys are fine choices.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


1 ( +2 / -1 )


 Korean politics is more dynamic and the politically active youth are willing to fight to bring meaningful change. The Japanese youth are either sheep or have given up entirely to allow those LDP dinosaurs to run their country to the ground.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Korean politics is more dynamic and the politically active youth are willing to fight to bring meaningful change.

I think you’re giving them too much credit. I was studying in Seoul during the election to replace Park Geun-Hye, and I don’t know anyone from my school who went to vote even though they had an excuse to skip class.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Kishida deserves it because he is just taking the Japanese by just talking.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

"I understand that the per capita GDP in South Korea has exceeded that in Japan"




"GDP per capita in Japan is expected to reach 48200.00 USD by the end of 2021, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations"



"GDP per capita in South Korea is expected to reach 27490.00 USD by the end of 2021, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations"


Source(s) omitted intentionally; anyone interested can find it/them.

2 ( +6 / -4 )


IMF is a more accurate source, and the 2021 Nominal GDP Per Capitas for Korea and Japan are $35K and $42K respectively.

In any case, GDP Per Capita PPP is more important when it comes to quality of life (Being paid more nominally means little if you're paying far more for goods), and I believe this is the metric that person was referring to.

Japan's is at $42K while South Korea is closing in on $50K. Japan's quality of life is worse than Korea's. Do not be upset.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )


Did you know that people who clean up poop in the streets of San Francisco make $100-200K per year? Do you think these poop cleaners are living luxurious lives when taxes and rent in the Bay Area would make these people live paycheck-to-paycheck?

Think carefully about this before you answer, and you will understand why Japan's higher nominal GDP Per Capita means little. You should focus on GDP Per Capita PPP.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

"Think carefully about this before you answer, and you will understand why Japan's higher nominal GDP Per Capita means little. You should focus on GDP Per Capita PPP"

Au contraire; you seem not to know what measure REALLY matters.

PPP matters at home, inflating someone's ego (perhaps you?)

PPP makes poor nominal GDP counties appear much richer than they actually are. Hence (again) some egos prefer this measure.

HOWEVER, all countries MUST come to the international forum (including your lovely PPP ones).

PPP matters squat when dealing with international finance and commerce.

Hence Nominal GDP.

Hope you understood the lecture.


3 ( +5 / -2 )


Also, read the following:

Comparisons of national wealth are frequently made on the basis of nominal GDP and savings (not just income), which do not reflect differences in the cost of living in different countries (see List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita); hence, using a PPP basis is arguably more useful when comparing generalized differences in living standards between nations because PPP takes into account the relative cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries, rather than using only exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in income.

This is why GDP (PPP) per capita is often considered one of the indicators of a country's standard of living

Japan can keep harping about its nominal GDP Per Capita to inflate their ego and mask their insecurity, but living standards are worse there than in Korea. That is a fact. Japan is terribly run compared to Korea. Do not be upset at Korea. Be upset at the incompetent Japanese politicians.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

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