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© KYODOGov't eyes declaring state of emergency on Thursday for about a month
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Stay safe, everyone!
Calling an SOE won't do a damn thing other than just screw thousands outta of money...again.
And this burden on the medical institutions they keep mentioning...they've literally had a year to prepare for this situation. What the hell have they been doing?? With that amount of prep time they shouldn't have any problem dealing with this upswing of infected you'd think.
Anyway, screw their lockdown and their always too little, to late reactionary measures for show.
Can't stand the J-gov't.
jiji Xx
....on the other hand.... (⌒▽⌒)
jiji Xx
How about bringing ‘hope and courage’ to the hundreds of thousands of Japanese laid off or on reduced pay?
Things tend to slack off a bit and they let down their guard at the end of the year here in Japan. Last year it was Ghosn escaping the hostage legal system. This year was the spike of infections. Measures and meetings only after everyone done munching on mochi.
Lost my job already, luckily my wife is still working so we are managing to scrape by.
Just as a, precaution we are in the process of buying blue plastic sheeting and scouring the Tama riverside for suitable real estate.
This next lockdown is going to hurt a lot of people unless the government hands out some serious cash, and this time it needs to be means assessed.
A person who is, living comfortably with no loss of income does not need a handout, so J Gov, get it right for once, please
Get your wallet out Suga, it's gonna cost you more than 10万円 this time old boy.
So the government set the state of emergency.... and no one actually knows what that means or does?
I'll let youn in on a secret. A variant has already been found in Japan.
And no, businessmen are not more immune to the virus than anyone else.
It means you're urged to stay at home, but there are absolutely no repercussions if you are caught having a party and going out all day and night.
Hervé L'Eisa
"Lost my job already, luckily my wife is still working so we are managing to scrape by.
Just as a, precaution we are in the process of buying blue plastic sheeting and scouring the Tama riverside for suitable real estate."
Hear! Hear!
And they are STILL thinking about it!
ACT, guys, ACT!
I hope my Suga mask arrives in a timely fashion. Probably consist of an elastic band, yet cost ¥2,000 yen a unit. That's how much faith I have in any Government assistance.
I want to add a Suga mask to my collection. With all the masks available now I put together quite a collection. Want to open a museum next year, after the next lockdown. 2022
Seriously, he governments hands are tied by law. Thank Douglas MacArthur for that one. Actually it is a good constitution.
Bernard Marx
Indeed. Good job too, given Japan's past actions.
"That's how much faith I have in any Government assistance."
So, when the government starts the covid vaccinations you will pass?
Keep you Abe mask.
In a few years, it will for sure become a collector selling high on auctions sites.
Abe issued a one month state of emergency declaration last April. It was successful. But this time, with more lenient conditions and with more positive people, I wonder the state of the emergency will bring the same success or not.
Runtu DaHilz
Another pandemic is the fact that politicians are disconnected from reality. We need a cure for that, too.
A month!!
It takes a week for the symptoms to show and then 2 weeks for the virus to run its course. And they think about a month is going to fix all problems???!!! And then they are planing to start vaccinations in late February???!!! This is another pathetic decision added to a loooooong list of pathetic decisions made by this government... But do you know why it's only a month??? Because Japan must be ready for the Olympics, of course. And then Japan can pretend to the world that the virus has been conquered.
I wonder how empty the trains will be once SOE is declared as many will work from home
Raw Beer
Yeah, the one good thing about the SOE is that I'll be able to sit on the Yamanote line.
Michael Machida
I think that as individuals, we all need to look inwards and make decisions for ourselves. I think I need to buy a bike instead of taking the train. I think I need to stay away from crowds of people at the bars and restaurants, I think I need to eat fruits and vegetables more often, I think I need to wash my hands 10 times a day, I think... is more important that what these " politicians " think. The problem is, they factor in how they can stay in power. How they can make big business profit, How they can come out looking good so they can get voted into office again. How YOU think is more important people. Think for yourself. You have a brain, right?
The Summer Olympics IS NOT going to happen...unless Japan is planning on being the only participants.
GOJ should admit this now in order to stop the wasteful spending. Those resources could be better used to battle the China virus.
Does anyone know why the vaccination will start so late in Japan, compared with the US and Europe?
"Ask eateries that serve alcohol to close at 8 pm". Ah, yes, perfect because corona only affects people who are drinking alcohol.
You need a supply of vaccines to vaccinate.
And of course it has to be approved first
Might have something to do with a local company being the preferred supplier! And they need time to workout (meetings) who will pay the licensing, how to tweek it for the UNIQUE Japanese DNA? how it will be administered, where? By who? Doctors, Nurses? What transport company to use? And most of all where the under the table ¥ gets distributed. Not decisions that can be rushed.
A little slow on the draw there, slick. Japan should've announced stricter pandemic control measures upon the rise of CV-19 cases and presence of the new CV-19 strain.
The options are simple; slow the spread of the covid virus, or fill the ICUs with the sick and dying.
The ways to slow the spread of the virus are to lock things down, and get as many people as possible inoculated against the virus, as fast as possible. So, what percentage of the people in Japan have received the first dose of the vaccine? How soon will 75% to 95% of the people be vaccinated?
In Israel the number is higher than 12% already. In the US it is below 2%, thanks to Trump's continuing incompetence.
@1glenn. Spot on. The only tools we have to successfully mitigate the virus are lockdowns and vaccines. The faster you vaccinate, the less likely lockdowns are needed.
@1glenn "In the US it is below 2%, thanks to Trump's continuing incompetence."
Not sure if you know it but in the U.S. individual states are run by Governors whose job it would be to locally mange the distribution of the vaccine. If Joe Biden were president in 2020 we'd still be years away from anything getting done.
But don't worry, him and his band of communists will have their chance to eff it all up soon enough.
I know what will solve all the problems.
Give more money towards the Olympics budget!!! That will help NO ONE, but it's something Japan should continue to do....................