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© KYODOJapan conveys concern to China over harassment following Fukushima water release
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If you don't want harassments simple just don't pollute waters, don't make faulty power plant.
Elvis is here
But they aren't polluting waters in the way you suggest.
it seems to be more than isolated or silly prank calls. Other news sources give details. For instance;
"A Fukushima businessperson told the Kyodo news agency that his four restaurants and pastry shops received a total of round 1,000 calls on Friday, mostly from China.
His businesses had to unplug their phones, Kyodo said.
Fukushima city mayor Hiroshi Kohata said in a Facebook post Saturday that the city hall had received about 200 similar calls in two days, while local schools, restaurants and hotels also became targets."
It's a campaign and it seems the whole affair is being orchestrated.
Ah, Japan, ALWAYS the victim when it creates the problem to begin with.
Outrageous that innocent Japanese businesses, restaurants and schools are being aggressively targetted by Chinese. Those behind the calls and online attacks are gutless cowards - they'd turn to jelly if confronted in person.
Seems to me like the Communist Party is tacitly condoning this harassment.
"Scientists have pointed out that China’s own nuclear power plants release wastewater with higher levels of tritium than that found in Fukushima’s discharge, and that the levels are all within boundaries not considered to be harmful to human health."
Fuqing nuclear power plant discharged 52 trillion becquerels of tritium in 2020 compared to 1.1 trillion being released by Fukushima. And that's just one plant in China.
People are exposed to more radiation on an airplane flight.
A Chinese nuclear expert who formerly worked at a government-linked institute released a number of articles trying to explain the science behind the discharge and they have been scrubbed after gaining traction on social media.
Please do tell what the solution is to dispose the water.
Creating an issue outside of their country to divert attention from their own domestic problems is typical of any dictatorship. Something very bad may be happening in China.
NotThe One
Japanese society promotes a victim culture! They will blame others as much as possible until they have no other choice. It is nothing like the 49 Ronin stories! Japan also blamed the US (harassment?!) for Japan's choice to ally with Germany and Italy, then they attacked Pearl Harbor! They also like claim victimhood because of the decisive way that they lost to the United States in WWII. However, the international community still sees a glimpse of the true Japan when people discuss their inhumane justice system and the kidnapping of suspects to force a confession. That is a relic from WWII.
The countries who are harassing Japan do not feel that Japan made adequate amends for their war crimes. The West does not hold such animosity because most Western countries only dealt with the Nazis during the war. Also, Western countries like US defeated Japan so soundly that Japan surrendered and was occupied by them. These East Asian nations never got that satisfaction (they still want revenge!). Therefore, foreign geriatric Asian leaders will use any chance to vent their personal issues and attempt to turn the world against Japan.
There is definitely a reason to be concerned about Fukushima waste water, but people also realize that China and Korea will milk this poor behavior by Japan as much as possible.
@ Sakurasuki
Another example of your well stated comments.
But given previous comments, the chance you may improve yourself is slim.
On topic.
China really is provoking many countries including Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines etc. It is a country which has many internal issues but can't solve those issues. It is like the bully of the school but at home father is waiting with the belt and than the bully cries.
I hope Chinese dont experience the same because they will say it is discrimination. I forgot it already happens but more related to their behaviour.
Than I hope the good we'll educated Chinese will not experience insult outside China.
Japan was warned many times of the repercussions of dumping wastewater on the oceans.
How many times do you need to warn it, for Japan to acknowledge it?
Hito Bito
More info from Reuters: "The Fukushima city hall started receiving calls with country code 86, which is for China, on Thursday, and the number of such calls exceeded 200 the following day, flooding phone lines and disrupting city employees' ordinary work, a city official said.
"On the same day, elementary and junior high schools in the city, 60 km (38 miles) northwest of the crippled plant, received 65 similar calls, he said.
"When a person who understands Chinese took one of those calls, the caller made a comment (in Chinese) to the effect that, "Why are you releasing tainted water into the Pacific Ocean, which is a sea for everyone," the official said.
"Other municipalities, hotels and restaurants have also been getting such calls since the day the water release began, domestic media said.
"In China, a rock was thrown at the Japanese school in the coastal city of Qingdao on Thursday, according to the Consulate-General of Japan in the city."
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting and completely petty on the part of the Chinese Dictatorship. Let's remind our Chinese friends that scientists have stated over and over again the FACT that Chinese nuclear power plants ROUTINELY DUMP RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES AT LEAST THREE TIMES HIGHER THAN THAT OF FUKUSHIMA. The hypocrisy is astounding, as is the willful ignorance on the part of the brainwashed Chinese.
Problem is, China is very jealous of Japan. They dislike Japan because of past history and because Japan is simply a much better country in every respect with much higher standards, civilised, orderly society etc.. China is only concerned about making money, quality of life is not considered important there.
Well argued.
Chinese also hate Japan because it is democratic and freedom-loving. Chinese people - and every Communist - despise freedom.
The Japanese pollutant water released were those from the stricken reactor that was submerged directly in the last 12 years. They were not those reactor cooling water usually used to pour into the sea. Big difference and it is reasonable for China to raise concerning about the safety. Japanese government just stubbornly refused to listen to reasonable voice because as usual this is Japanese bureaucracy and racism against China.
Who is irresponsible and despicable here?
@Fighto Japan has freedom like a normal country does? That was really a big news for me. The ordinary Japanese public were seriously suppressed to criticize the L.D.P. to dump the pollution water.
Yes the Chinese has some upset over Japan and Japanese due to history reasons but I am not going to talk at here!
Hard to take China serious about this kind of thing when they are: one of the biggest polluters in the world, their public water is not safe for human consumption, their filthy wet markets caused a global pandemic.
It is 100% political.
Hiro S Nobumasa
Japan will be dumping radioactive wastes on the Pacific Ocean for a long 30 years on a daily basis.
That's a very abusive .
The worlds delicate oceans doesn't belong to Tokyo.
Hiro S Nobumasa
Dumping radioactive wastes into the Pacific Ocean daily for 30 long years is a very abusive and almost criminal act.
Of course Tokyo and TEPCO said it's safe but the problem is those are just mere spoken empty words that can prove nothing after 30 years.
Besides, the Pacific Ocean doesn't even belong to Nippon.
"Director of the Kewalo Marine Laboratory at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Robert Richmond, said Japan’s decision to release that water is disappointing, but not surprising. “This action will be to the detriment of future generations who will likely suffer the consequences of decisions that are made based on expediency, politics, and profit above people."
China is complaining about Japan "RELEASING" NOT DUMPING radioactive wastes into the Pacific Ocean which China does. They dump these materials without thinking about the long term effects. There is a difference between "Releasing" and Dumping. China DUMPED all of its citizens on a chinese national holiday and what did the WORLD end up with COVID how soon did they try to cover that up to. It's a country with many internal problems and a country that will do anything to shine the light on another country to save its own, when I say "OWN" this does not mean the citizens they could care less about them!
Stephen Chin
Why is Japan complaining about China complaining when China would not complain if Japan had not released radioactive poisoned water into the Pacific? Why? And Why? Japan?
China expressed its concerns about the water being released and Japan ignored them. Now they want China to listen to them express their concerns. It’s a two way street Japan.
Take note of and publish the offending numbers so the world can see what the childish Chinese are doing. Someone will trace the numbers.
There have been several nuclear accidents in Japan from fuel rod mishaps to criticalities in buckets!
Japan has crumbling aging reactors,ever more likely to have leaks and accidents, even as I write this
The bottom line is that Japan is no place for NPPs nor the storage of nuclear waste
Continuing with this potent energy source will lead to more tears and more radioactive releases
Japan conveys concern to China over protests following Fukushima water release
The communist leaders of China has found the perfect distraction for their brainwashed people from their domestic problems. A slowing economy, record number of jobless youth and property giants defaulting from their debts.
Did they tell their people that their own nuclear power plants release wastewater with higher levels of tritium than what Fukushima is now releasing?
Stephen Chin
Japan will have no concerns from ANY country IF Japan did not poison the Pacific with radioactive poison endangering all people who eat fish from the Pacific Ocean. Understand ? Japan !!
Japan should be decisive and limit the tens of thousands of Chinese tourists bothering everyone in Japan. Stop taking their money and stand up to the CCP ban on Japanese seafood, not to mention the arrests of Japanese businessmen on trumped-up espionage accusations.
This country (China) is no good. They are gearing up for war with Taiwan, the U.S and Japan. Stop taking their tourist money.
The tens of thousands of Chinese flocking in to Japan are bothering locals by clogging up transportation with manners not tolerated by civil nations. In Atami last week I saw a Chinese mother and daughter literally laying into each other in the middle of the station in the middle of the day.
They are no good. They only come to Japan to purchase Japanese goods to sell on back home for a profit. Let other normal tourists enjoy the country without them getting in the way.
Facts Please
Yes, the government that has run up the highest debt in the developed world and a country with an economy that has barley been treading water for the past three decades should limit the number of tourists that pump billions of dollars into the sluggish economy.
Japan, with its amazingly high birthdate and supremely efficient workers definitely does not need the billions of dollars Chinese tourist dump into the Japanese economy. Never mind the mountains of evidence to the contrary.
Facts Please
Well stated, fellow posters!
Perhaps because as usual China is taking offensive action by denying service to Japanese phone lines, preparing to sanction all Japanese goods, and preparing to harass Japanese citizens.
Facts Please
No! Not facts about Japan! Those facts hurt our Japanese feelings!!!!! No!!!!