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Kishida vows to push for Constitution reform, build on Abe's legacy


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It is so depressing reading Japanese news about how people switched their vote to the LDP simply because Abe was assassinated. For example:




3 ( +35 / -32 )

Heaven forbid... No!

6 ( +16 / -10 )

Milk it Kishida. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

-1 ( +31 / -32 )

When it comes to politics, by and large a nation's people get what they deserve

9 ( +18 / -9 )

Build on Abe's legacy? Does that mean we can look forward to a series of corruption allegations and scandals? Or just more failed economic measures?

4 ( +37 / -33 )

Kishida vows to build on Abe's legacy after election win

why? Did he not see how much disdain a lot of the Public had for him?

Kishida vowed to work on resolving the issue of abductions Japanese nationals by North Korea in 1970s and 1980s

yes, nothing like trying to change the past (that can never be changed) and not looking towards today and tomorrow.

great creed there Kish…..

and revision of Japan's U.S.-drafted pacifist Constitution, which were pursued by Abe

Heres a thought. How about start some NEW policies?

Cut all ties from the past get rid of the cancer and start fresh?

Build towards the future?

wait……that takes creativity, logic and a vision. Never mind.

-9 ( +14 / -23 )

Prime Minster Fumio Kishida said Monday he will build on the legacy of former premier Shinzo Abe

This sums is up,which means the goverment will get a more right wing and hawkish instances.

I say this for you Japanophiles as well who lives here,this won’t benefit us at all.

-2 ( +18 / -20 )

Sweet Jesus. Can the world get any more screwed up? The world belongs to the young, why are old men destroying it? Japan’s constitution should not be changed. It will be these old politicians sending the young off to war. Just like Putin fertilising Ukrainian soil with the blood of young Russian men.

4 ( +21 / -17 )

That’s a scary statement of intent, rampant corruption, reducing the working conditions of workers? Increasing a select hereditary group of companies? So what does it mean? Build on what? Squeezing more money out of workers? I’m not sure what he is talking about.

0 ( +21 / -21 )

It is so depressing reading Japanese news about how people switched their vote to the LDP simply because Abe was assassinated. For example:

The most pathetic thing I have read in a long time. Sad sad sad.

14 ( +19 / -5 )

Kishida vows to push for Constitution reform, build on Abe's legacy

Really? Just last week I was hearing about how there's a major behind-the-scenes battle raging between the war pimps at the Department of Defence, led by Abe's brother, who favour a massive military spending increase and the more cautious approach favoured by Kishida and his faction.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Time now to build on Abe's legacy, and use the mandate given to change the US-written constitution.

It is an anachronism to have a "Pacifist" constitution when three of your closest neighbors are anything but pacifist - in fact they are warlike and constantly threatening - even invading - their neighbors.

Kishida is doing the right thing.

-5 ( +15 / -20 )

Japan has the right to alter its constitution. Those who are against it can and will vote no when the referendum comes along and with enough no votes, it will halt any attempt in its tracks.

I would first be interested in the wording of any proposed changes before making my mind up on any changes that I get to vote on in my country. Politicians are often shifty individuals, but from time to time the right person is in charge when changes are put forward to the people. I do not know enough about Kishida to determine if he has Japans best interest at heart, and until i see proposed changes I will reserve judgment.

Removing or altering article nine is probably one of the issues he would like to resolve, and I cant say I am against Japan restoring the sovereign rights all other nations take for granted.

Clearly this election has given the numbers for a change to be attempted and put to the people for approval. It may not automatically mean the numbers needed from a public vote are there, as many show a desire to remain alone against potentially hostile neighbors, not to join alliances for mutual defense as article nine pretty much precludes in it's current form.

No need to worry at this point for those wanting to remain vulnerable and alone, or for those wanting Japan to remain weak in military terms. Any change will take years to complete and much can happen in that time. The chances of public support for constitutional change do not seam to be there at the moment.

As for my perspective, I would prefer Japan being able to join mutual defense pacts with like minded nations in the region for everyone's safety. I do not advocate war or bullying or forcing others to do what you want them to do. I do support collective defense to maintain peace and laws based justice giving personal rights as well as sovereign rights that have been decided by the majority.

5 ( +20 / -15 )

Continue the legacy meaning kishida wants the same treatment that Abe just received ?

That is an idiotic thing to say.

19 ( +26 / -7 )

Drastically bolster

Why is it always drastic in Japan ?

Try careful planning and apply critical thinking with linear thought pattern.

I've got a uneasy instinctive feeling that Japan will pick another war it cant win .

-12 ( +8 / -20 )

Yep, that’s what the country needs more than anything. Constitutional reform. That will solve everybody’s problems.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Go on Kishida.

Change that bloody Constitution; that's one of the tenets of State sovereignty.

Once China or SK attack Japan should be able to hurl back more than simply rotten tomatoes.

If Germany can re-arm, so can Japan!

-10 ( +9 / -19 )

@ Zia and Esteban

I really wish Japan doesn't get into any more wars.

And the USA has alot of problems so i wouldn't rely on them too much.

Probably the main reason they seek to change article 9 is the USA military is spread too thin and in everyone else's business.

There's alot of fear as to what might happen as WW2 was aweful !

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Using argument of legacy, the purpose is simply to make war!!

Such dinosaur politician is not anymore needed, lets keep peace as it is!

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Kishida also reiterated he is seeking to "drastically bolster" Japan's defense within five years by deepening debate on Japan's security strategy within this year


Defend what and against whom?

When has Japan been attacked?

What has Japan got? Gold, coal,oil,rare earths etc?

Oh, the Senkaku islands?

Shall we defend those and risk a war?

Japan is in no danger.

All this revision though will surely bring it….

-17 ( +5 / -22 )

Article 9 needs to be amended.

It is needed for Japan to advance it's alignment with the US, Austrlian and Nato forces. Soon we will be seeing South Korea come over as well.

2.It is needed to protect Japan from invasion. Yes, invasions still happen, just turn on the TV. A greater deterence is needed to keep aggressive nations from doing so.

Only people who want to keep Japan weak and unprotected are against it.

Japan's allies are all for it. Now is the time. All other nations, including Germany are stepping forward in the face of a potential global crisis.
-5 ( +10 / -15 )

Prime Minster Fumio Kishida said Monday he will push forward efforts toward proposing the revision of Japan's U.S.-drafted pacifist Constitution as soon as possible, a day after his party won a sweeping victory in the upper house election.

No doubt, the country that is looking forward to Japan revising its war-renouncing constitution is the U.S. Encouraged by the U.S., in and out of the shadows, Japan's conservative as well as right-winger politicians have been driving in earnest to revise the constitution so that it may become an ordinary country to be equipped with real armed forces and fight foreign wars along with the U.S.    

Russian invasion of Ukraine and China's rise and assertiveness in the South and East China Seas give a rare chance to forge ahead with revising it.

Japan's constitution is brimmed with idealism and sublimity for mankind and so Japan should endeavor to encourage other countries to emulate it’s model. It shouldn't be the other way around.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I've got a uneasy instinctive feeling that Japan will pick another war it cant win .

I actually think the next war in the region will be started by China. Be ready and able to deter them, or fall under their jurisdiction and forever regret it.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

A very handsome, fresh, dynamic and modern looking cabinet there, GO JAPAN!!!

Also, off to a great start talking about N Korea, the 70s & 80s from day one.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Now or never. Not just Art.9 but change everything, meaning rewrite it by Japanese nationals

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

For the Gods sake, make Japanese people comfortable, a disposable income would be nice? As a start. Then talk about sending the youth to their death. Not just jump in with using youth as a disposable resource.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

It is just an entry to a normal sovereign nation, just ignore flies all over your head

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

That is dangerous ! Martyr changes are always for the worse or unfruitful. This no-way save lives otherwise you will have more deaths. This is science. You have to avoid contagious redone.



-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Kyo mo baka dayo neToday  05:20 pm JST

Drastically bolster

Why is it always drastic in Japan ?

Try careful planning and apply critical thinking with linear thought pattern.

I've got a uneasy instinctive feeling that Japan will pick another war it cant win .

Article 9 has two paragraphs. The first prohibits starting wars. The second prohibits the existence of a military. The LDP is pushing to change the second paragraph. Not the first. The second needs to be amended because after imposing it on Japan after WWII, the US forced Japan t create the JSDF, an obvious contradiction.

Japan will not start any wars. In contrast:

"Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on troops to "put all (their) minds and energy on preparing for war"


5 ( +12 / -7 )

blueToday  06:26 pm JST


1.It is needed for Japan to advance it's alignment with the US, Austrlian and Nato forces. Soon we will be seeing South Korea come over as well.

The only thing that will happen is that Japan will be dragged into fights started or taken up by the US. What good would it have done for Japan to send troops to Vietnam or Kuwait. What good did it to send troops to Iraq?

The LDP are not advocating changuing the first paragraph of Article 9. Under which, Japan can not send troops and get dragged into foreign wars.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

One constitutional reform I would appreciate is one that allows same-sex marriage.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Japan has the right to amend its constitution if it so wishes, and I certainly welcome further alignment with NATO. The issue is that an increase in military expenditure is a luxury the government absolutely cannot afford. Given the choice between, say, purchasing F-35 jets or paying pensions... So-called "hawkish" memebers of the LDP in their 60s (and still apparently living in the 1980s) may go on kidding themselves for the time being but in the 2030s the choice will be much starker.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Kishida glaring omission in Abe Sans so called legacy is to make good Abe san promises and pledges to restructure and reform Japan economy.

And there is no time like the present.

Missing also, is any policy to address the huge gaping disparity in employment rights for part time contractual employment. Or any concrete action plan to deal with japan continued demographics/depopulation.

It's lack of affordable child care provision.

These are the overriding priorities, head and shoulders above constitutional change

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It sure looks like Japan is looking for a fight!!?

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Tokyo would be the first city to be destroyed in a first strike by Russian, Chinese or NK,it take only 12 minutes from boost phase to Tokyo,he who play with fire,end up being burnt

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Modify article 9 now! Time to start building a powerful local army and kick out the American forces out of here!

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

get rid of the old constitution, re-arm, impose the draft and nuke up. This way, Hiroshima and Nagasaki will never happen again. Friend or foe will take you seriously if you have nukes

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

tokyo_mToday  05:38 pm JST

Defend Article 9.

You got that backwards. Article 9 exists to defend Japan and the people.

MarkToday  08:15 pm JST

It sure looks like Japan is looking for a fight!!?

Japam just wants to defend itself. Autocracies like Russia and China are the ones looking for a fight.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Tokyo would be the first city to be destroyed in a first strike by Russian, Chinese or NK,it take only 12 minutes from boost phase to Tokyo,he who play with fire,end up being burnt

Lighten up Larry.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

To all those criticizing the move to revise Article 9 of the Constitution. Why shouldn't Japan have the right to defend herself in a manner ALL other modern nations - including Germany - can?

Japan is not looking to wage wars in foreign nations. Why would she risk her men and money? Japan is simply seeking to defend herself from potential attacks by enemy forces - of which Japan is sadly plagued by several.

A safe and strong Japan means a safer, freer and more democratic Asia-Pacific - with less reliance on US Forces.

I find it very curious that the same voices criticizing the move to normalise Japans Defense Force are often the same voices cheering on fascist Russia's illegal invasion of sovereign Ukraine. These are not advocates of pacifism - make no mistake. They are advocates of a weak Japan.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Fighto!Today  08:51 pm JST

To all those criticizing the move to revise Article 9 of the Constitution. Why shouldn't Japan have the right to defend herself in a manner ALL other modern nations

Japan has the right to defend itself.

That's why it has self-defense forces.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

@Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne you advised someone to "Try careful planning and apply critical thinking with linear thought pattern". Do you think as you recommended? Critical Thinking? you wrote "I really wish Japan doesn't get into any more wars. And the USA has alot of problems so i wouldn't rely on them too much". Every country has problems, I don't think problems will ever go away. So whats your problem besides the hatred of the US? As far as Japan re-writing their constitution I think personally it would be could for the country to write the laws that govern the people in Japan. Should this happen we won't have to hear the excuses anymore of the reason why Japan can't change. On another note, if you think the USA military is spread too thin and in everyone else's business stop playing into your Chinese propaganda. Its obvious of what China is trying to do and if the US sits back no one else is going to stop them. Then they cry where is the US then they want the US business. I am glad to know that you study the US very well I see the country has real estate in your head.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Constitutional revision doesn't mean the Article 9 is simply crossed out; ****the revision also burdens individual Japanese citizens with obligation of national defense, opening the way for conscription since it's not possible to maintain the troop numbers through volunteering alone.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

MarkToday 08:15 pm JST

It sure looks like Japan is looking for a fight!!?

An amazing assumption. What is it based on? Nothing in the above article mentions Japan looking for a fight.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

kennyGToday  06:01 pm JST

Now or never. Not just Art.9 but change everything, meaning rewrite it by Japanese nationals

Read below please;

Fighto!Today  04:50 pm JST

Time now to build on Abe's legacy, and use the mandate given to change the US-written constitution. 

and Canadian written, and New Zealand written, and most importantly,

Article 9

Japanese written.

Shiratori Toshio.

A Japanese national.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Tokyo would be the first city to be destroyed in a first strike by Russian, Chinese or NK,it take only 12 minutes from boost phase to Tokyo,he who play with fire,end up being burnt

Just what is it you think Japan could do to anyone that would instigate a nuclear strike on Tokyo?

Japan is not going to invade another nation, and it is generally accepted the nuclear option is the last option to ever be contemplated by a nation badly losing a war, or retaliating for a nuclear strike against it. This article has nothing that would even come close to warranting such action, so what is the point in posting such fiction?

Some people just want to see Japan destroyed.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Japanese tax payer spend inordinate amounts on supporting Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.....


Japan Tax payers also have latitude in defining how budget increases can be dedicated to the countries defence.

In the here and now the priorities must be focused on the cost of living crisis, food price inflation, energy costs for the elderly. This is were families could be in acute need.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Japanese tax payer spend inordinate amounts on supporting Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.....

Japan will have to pay for the cost of hosting US troops regardless of constitutional revision.

What, you thought Japan would tell Americans to leave after the Article 9 is crossed out and a national military is introduced? Surely China and Korea would welcome that!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

I don't get why Abe's death lead to a sympathy vote. Are people goldfish? Do they not understand that Article 9 is saving Japan?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Samit Basu

I am reflecting on a potential global financial crisis. And the need to prioritize

Japan-U.S. Security Treaty,

A Treaty, none the less, guarantees US administration a permanent forward base.

Be aware, with a first strike tactical strategic capability.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Kishida cast himself as a dove initially, and now his pre-determined (LDP US-mandated) stance becomes apparent.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Sweet Jesus. Can the world get any more screwed up? The world belongs to the young, why are old men destroying it? Japan’s constitution should not be changed. It will be these old politicians sending the young off to war. Just like Putin fertilising Ukrainian soil with the blood of young Russian men.a

It truly is the age of the vampire, old people standing in the way and sucking the life blood out of what little youth remains.

We see this in housing, jobs, taxes, it's everywhere, older people are also living longer so it's not going to change quickly.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

if the US sits back no one else is going to stop them.

One can argue well that the US has kept peace in Asia. This does not get mentioned enough. And the relationship with Japan from foe to friend is a model relationship though Japan wishes to be completely free.

The negative feelings towards the US stems not from this accomplishment of peace but from the latter Clinton Serbia, Bush Iraq and Obama Syrian bombings. The WMD takes the cake. And we all know China is next, but it’s clear as mud to most Americans and their allies.

Kishida vows to push for Constitution reform, build on Abe's legacy

This is Japan looking at China and bracing itself for war in the region and trying to crawl out from under US control.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

sf2k July 11 11:13 pm JST

Do they not understand that Article 9 is saving Japan?

Does anyone really think that a document written on paper. Will be able to stop a hypothetical Russian guided missile attack on the island of Hokkaidō.

Do you really think that an administrative document will magically stop those missiles, preventing suffering and deaths of people on the island of Hokkaidō.

Let's face it. As long as Japan shares a border with 3 belligerent countries. The danger of being attacked indiscriminately will remain latent. And always illegally, of course.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Agree, Kishida is a leader looking out for his country, which is perhaps a rarity in today's world.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Kishida is a leader looking out for his country

That's nonsense !

Kishida is desperate to involve Japan in everyone else's conflicts and attempting to be a leader of Asia and doesn't take care of his own people or the environment.


-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Japan is not going to invade another nation

How could you possibly know that ?

History has shown us that Japan hasn't changed completely since the JIA and once again is seeking to be the big brother of Asia.

The imperial dating system is still being used on all official documents.

Imperialism hidden in plain sight

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Revisionists falling over themselves enlisting Germany in support of rearmament. Yet strangely silent when it comes to emulating its gold standard war contrition. Hypocrisy; thy name is Japan.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Revisionists falling over themselves enlisting Germany in support of rearmament. Yet strangely silent when it comes to emulating its gold standard war contrition. Hypocrisy; thy name is Japan.

Strangely yes , sounds like crimes happen just because there' re police patrolling your town, and carrying guns.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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