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© KYODOTop Japan, U.S. diplomats affirm need for stability across Taiwan Strait
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He one of the most insecure diplomat in the history of the US ,naive at best
I believe some proofs are in order that this was done for any other reason than to counter a PRC claim.
The CPC actually bequeathed territory to its neighbors; it used to be the 11 dash lines that the US guided the ROC Taiwan to draw in the territorial claim. Another example of a U.S. own goal.
Nobody is holding a gun to the PRC's head making them build up islands, harass other country's vessels, and continue the ridiculous claim.
@Martimurano To summarize, the PRC/ROC civil war continues. The PRC inherited the South China Seas territorial claim from the ROC.
Is Tsai Ing-wen responsible for Xi abandoning "bide your time" and China losing its stuffing for absolutely no reason? Maybe the KMT needs to go down in defeat a few more times for the CCP to understand that Taiwan won't be bullied.
Me too.
I would like to ask this question to those who are on China's side.
Do you know how much China's defense spending has increased?
There is oppression within China, and most of the countries bordering China are targeted by China for their territory.
It is a nation's right to defend itself when it clearly has a violent neighbor.
China may not be able to afford being involved in a conflict with anyone, but sadly the facts speak for themselves: their aggression in the region amounts to approx. 12 separate situations which are all of their own making.
Philippines ( 7 shoals, being converted into missile-protected island-bases by China).
Vietnam (Spratly and Paracel Islands).
Japan ( Senkaku Islands).
Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, India, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar (multiple border encroachments).
Indonesia (drilling for oil near Natuna Islands).
Malaysia (disputed waters off Sarawak).
Tibet is one of the worst aggressions - whilst the Chinavirus event was unfolding, China launched a campaign to take around 900,000 children (aged between 4 and 16 ) from their homes, and moved them into 'educational camps', which basically indoctrinated them into becoming 'Chinese citizens', forcing them to learn Chinese and abandoning their Buddhist roots. The situation continues there, and before long Tibet will cease to exist.
The very real threats to Taiwan's sovereignty and independence, to be 'taken by force if necessary' continue to unsettle the region.
The bullying tactics of Chinese hegemony must be confronted without question, which is why we have international rules of law to ensure that this takes place.
Are there any Japanese talking here? Why are all Europeans talking about Japan here?
No, they weren't. They would've got worse under Ma, as he would've acceded to Xi's designs of conquest for Taiwan.
But Taiwan being a democratic country, the people spoke: they decisively rejected - and continue to reject - the KMT's pro-China, anti-Taiwan policies. Perhaps you don't remember (or are willfully ignoring) the Sunflower Movement, in opposition to the KMT's attempt to push through the dangerous CSSTA:
The Taiwan Strait was very stable when Ma was the president. All kinds of exchanges took place. Ma even met Xi, ties was going to get even better.
Just keep reaching out and talking, China can't afford a conflict with anyone yet alone NATO, when was the last time China invaded or had an open war with anyone? So stop beating the drums of war and keep on talking, and we the people thank you or you will be fired.
Well there are only 3 countries who are either fighting a war, or looking to start a war, and they are not the USA, not South Korea, not Australia & New Zealand, not any European or South American country.
Doesn't take much to work out that 3 vicious, deceitful, evil dictators can create so much death and misery on the rest of the world order - this is why the peace-seeking alliances are paramount today, to contain the blatant aggression of Putin, Xi, and Jong-un. The sooner the world can be rid of these vermin, the better for everyone.
Japan is extremely unfortunate to be situated so closely to the 3 nastiest neighbours on this planet, China, Russia, and North Korea.
For this reason alone, it is imperative that Japan acts to strengthen her resolve and determination to work alongside trusted alliances with normal peace-keeping allies such as the USA and South Korea, as well as maintaining diplomatic relations with everyone.
Blinken was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, has lived a comfy life, and it shows. He is playing with the future of the planet and it's just a game to him.
To summarize CCP says jump, deanzaZZR asks how high.
To summarize USA says jump, Japan asks how high.
Why do they always use the word "assertive" when talking of China? Call it what it is: aggression or belligerence, or words to that effect.
There's nothing "assertive" about threatening all your neighbors and stealing their lands/maritime areas/technology, etc.