Japan Today

U.S., UK, other envoys to skip Nagasaki A-bomb ceremony because Israel not invited


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The G in G7 apparently stands for genocide.

Nagasaki officials said they were told that an official of the U.S. Consulate in Fukuoka will represent the United States at Friday's ceremony. Five other Group of Seven nations — Canada, France, Germany, Italy and the UK — and the European Union are also expected to send lower-ranking envoys to Nagasaki.

36 ( +58 / -22 )

Any country involved in the bombing of civilians currently should not be invited.

44 ( +63 / -19 )

Just as well as you aren't going to get an apology out of the US.

14 ( +34 / -20 )

Emanuel will not attend the event on Friday because it was “politicized” by Nagasaki's decision not to invite Israel, the embassy said.

The influence of Israel, specifically through AIPAC money, is “politicizing” American elections and fights for social justice and humanitarian interests too.


Japan is not immune.

26 ( +42 / -16 )

Envoys from those nations signed a joint letter expressing their shared concern about Israel's exclusion, saying treating the country on the same level as Russia and Belarus — the only other countries not invited — would be misleading.

Misleading? Do they aware the death in Gaza already counted more than twice compare to death in Ukraine. That even includes victims from 2014 battle.



The envoys urged Nagasaki to reverse the decision and invite Israel to preserve the universal message of the city's ceremony.

No need to reverse decision, not all countries need to be invited, especially with ongoing genocide.

Nagasaki deserve some respect.

British Ambassador to Japan Julia Longbottom, who attended the 79th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Tuesday, told Japanese media that she planned to skip the Nagasaki ceremony because the city's decision to exclude Israel could send a wrong message.

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will skip this year's atomic bombing memorial service in Nagasaki because Israel was not invited, the embassy said Wednesday.

Coincidentally countries that contributing support Israel disinvite themselves, that's great. They aware their status.



20 ( +36 / -16 )

Any country involved in the bombing of civilians currently should not be invited.

If that were the case, America would never be invited. Bombing civilians around the world is how they protect their "freedom."

24 ( +41 / -17 )


At least US has rule of engagement, while occupier focus to eliminate everyone that living in Gaza.



-14 ( +8 / -22 )

To avoid politics and conflicts, why not just leave the door open for other countries who want to empathize with the sorrow of the Japanese.

-9 ( +11 / -20 )

To avoid politics and conflicts, why not just leave the door open for other countries who want to empathize with the sorrow of the Japanese.

No. Fascist Russia is absolutely not welcome in Hiroshima, nor Nagasaki.

-1 ( +23 / -24 )

Israel is killing more than 40,000 innocent people (children, women, medical doctors and nurses, etc) to protect its own country every day. Some G7 countries are supporting Israel. These countries should not be invited to the ceremony in the first place. Israel's tactics seems very insane to me.

19 ( +37 / -18 )

kurisupisuToday 07:14 am JST

Any country involved in the bombing of civilians currently should not be invited.

I'm glad you acknowledge that Russia and Belarus were kept out correctly.

6 ( +21 / -15 )

U.S., UK, other envoys to skip Nagasaki A-bomb ceremony because Israel not invited

Proud of the US and UK!

-28 ( +17 / -45 )


tactics seems very insane to me.

Another insane things, most of G7 countries support the genocide. Some even boycotting to support solidarity during memorial service. Those supporter even more angry when someone like Nagasaki want to make strong statement by not inviting occupier.

1 ( +18 / -17 )

muzukashiToday 07:20 am JST

Envoys from those nations signed a joint letter expressing their shared concern about Israel's exclusion, saying treating the country on the same level as Russia and Belarus — the only other countries not invited — would be misleading.

Misleading? Do they aware the death in Gaza already counted more than twice compare to death in Ukraine. That even includes victims from 2014 battle.

We don't know the casualties of Putin's war until the mass graves are revealed. We do know more are displaced than from the Iraq war. Also military dead are still casualties, particularly on the side being invaded.

-10 ( +10 / -20 )

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will skip this year's atomic bombing memorial service in Nagasaki because Israel was not invited, the embassy said Wednesday.

No great loss. Probably a better event without US grandstanding anyway.

19 ( +33 / -14 )

Good riddance to Russia and America.

The Russians are currently committing atrocities against innocent civilians in Ukraine and America nuked two cities of women and children and has yet to apologise.

10 ( +21 / -11 )

“Emanuel will not attend the event on Friday because it was “politicized” by Nagasaki's decision not to invite Israe”

The A-bomb ceremonies were already “politicized” when the two Japanese cities decided not to invite Russia. They were even more politicized by the G7 envoys’ decision not to attend the Nagasaki ceremony.

7 ( +19 / -12 )

Any country involved in the bombing of civilians currently should not be invited.

Yes, the decision to not invite is correct. Good job Nagasaki.

12 ( +27 / -15 )

Imagine boycotting a peace ceremony because the genocidal ethno-fascist entity your country arms, trains and funds was disinvited. A peace ceremony that only exists because your country dropped an atomic bomb on the city 79 years ago.

All three countries that worked on the Manhattan Project (the US, UK and Canada) are boycotting the ceremony for peace.

22 ( +33 / -11 )

Seems like the US is politicising it. They are the ones who dropped the bomb, they should swallow their pride and attend when invited.

19 ( +30 / -11 )

That’s a good call and well done to the UK and US governments for calling them out. The Nagasaki mayor is completely out of his depth and has no clue what’s really going on nor what he stands for. Dipping his toe into a political quagmire without the ability to justify nor verbalize his rationale.

With the non stop bias in the pro Hamas media though you can understand where his confusion comes from, but a man of his stature and position should know better. You invite everyone to a gathering for peace knucklehead, that’s the whole idea!

-17 ( +14 / -31 )


I don’t agree with everything the US does throughout the world and certainly not it’s blanket support of Israel or other evil’s that serve its domestic purposes but you cannot compare US forces to the barbarism/ genocide of what is happening in Gaza. No country should ever be created solely on the basis of race and religion. Israel has more in common with Nazi Germany than they’d like to admit.

6 ( +16 / -10 )

For many years after WW2, Japan and Israel found a common ground in their relationship -- as the victims of atomic bombings and victims of mass genocide -- with which they could mutually empathize. Now, 79 years on, this aspect of the two countries' relationship may be changing. On the other hand, both Hiroshima and Nagasaki up to now have made efforts to be inclusive, and turning away any country's diplomats is inconsistent with their universal, anti-nuclear message.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

It was an American bomb that destroyed much of Nagasaki and killed between a hundred and two hundred thousand civilians.

US won’t go to the memorial service for this mass murder that they perpetrated, because their best friend, also a mass murderer, isn’t invited.

That tells me so much about the American psyche.

11 ( +21 / -10 )

Israel has been financed, armed, and supported by the United States because it serves as a giant US aircraft carrier on land to project US interests. Biden famously said this years ago. Everything Israel does is enabled by the US. Biden regularly makes statements claiming to want peace in Gaza to fool Americans, while the US continues the flow of bombs and money.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Zionist occupied governments do THAT? colour me surprised

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Lose the UK ambassador: OK, not ideal, but it's not like we've alienated the USA, without whose defensive capabilities and military bases we'd be sitting ducks for China. Oh, he's not coming either? Oops.

Nagasaki has twisted itself into a double bind now. They either stick with their call and the absence of the ambassadors of two major allies are notably absent, or they reverse the decision and invoke the wrath of the avocado toast-eating, "poor-Gaza-who-never-did-anything-wrong-ever" brigade of unemployed bored people and students who don't have a clue.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

I'm still offended

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

So much for freedom and standing by international rules . us/uk are complicit in genocide by Zionist regime in Israel.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Rahm comically complains the ceremony has suddenly become politicized. This is typical US double standards and lies.

Everyone knows Russia and Belarus have not been invited in imitation of US foreign policy. Yet the US pretended this was not political.

The Ukraine war is overwhelmingly a conventional war. The number of civilian casualties in both Ukraine and Russia is relatively small compared to the military deaths. Russia has accused Ukraine of targeting civilians in Donbass for a decade. You can argue over how many civilians have been killed by Russian missile strikes, but it is beyond question that the numbers (in fact small), are nothing remotely like the kind of genocidal wholesale destruction of Gaza.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

BellflowerToday  08:28 am JST

Spot on.

Politicized by hypocrites.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Just as well as you aren't going to get an apology out of the US.

This is not so big news. After all, just this spring s US cabinet official visited Nagasaki for the first time. When I was working at the US Consulate in the early 2000s no US Ambassador had visited either the Nagasaki or the Hiroshima memorials, and Consulate officials did not visit in their official capacities, either. It was a big thing when the first US Ambassador visited either place, and it was not that long ago. So, the US makes a policy statement that not inviting Israel is a non-peace promoting position. It is not the end of the world. US Ambassadors will be back to Nagasaki in the future as long as they are invited.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Nagasaki Mayor is my hero and the only one with b....to do not invite those committing genocide!

Boycott of the US is just another proof how this country is under zionist lobby.

Now what a shame for European countries to follow that as puppet...

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

I'm glad you acknowledge that Russia and Belarus were kept out correctly



I am opposed to violence from any side and excluding those that are engaged in it from ceremonies for peace, seems logical.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

As usual, Ambassador Emanuel demonstrates his knowledge of time, place & occasion.

Well done.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

Everyone knows Russia and Belarus have not been invited in imitation of US foreign policy. Yet the US pretended this was not political.

What a weird comment.? This isn't a US ceremony.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

War criminals of a feather will stand together. Government officials are never "sorry" for their country's crimes. They won't be missed at the ceremony.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

This is like spitting in someones eye. The US needs to stay out of these countries business and let them handle it themselves. Japan already has China wanting to invade and these guys are mad about Israel when they were the ones that started it.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

I think any and every country should be invited. It's to mourn and remember those who perished by an atomic bomb.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Good call.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Ricky K above....where on earth is this "pro Hamas media "?

Thats as silly as something "Z" would say.

The Israel and Jewish lobbies WORLDWIDE are famous for their control of 99% of the narrative of the west's media.

Have you heard of AIPAC ?

The US Congress men and women OPENLY acknowledge they "have to check with their AIPAC guy " before voting on many ,if not most, issues.

The days of "poor Israel " are gone.

The world's people, not the media ,yet, have had their eyes open and weeping at the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

DatAss, more to the point he appears to be a Zionist. It seems it is better not to have him in Nagasaki.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

First, it was America which dropped the atomic bomb, killing (at least) 70,000 people in Nagasaki. It seems incumbent on the American ambassador to attend the memorial. But super-Zionist Emanuel refuses to attend because the country he really cares about (Israel, not America) has been slighted by the Nagasaki city government because it wasn't invited. Other G-7 ambassadors have servilely followed his lead.

Russia also has not been invited, although Russia has killed less civilians in Ukraine than Israel has killed in Gaza and the West Bank.

Secondly, in total violation of Nagasaki's (and Hiroshima's) message to the world about the spread of nuclear weapons, Israel possesses a large nuclear arsenal and the means of delivering these weapons (missiles, submarines) to its regional enemies.

It is quite likely that in a wider Mideast war, Israel would use them. Israel doesn't care about the lives of Palestinians, other Arabs or Iranians.

So, look forward to it: Hiroshima, August 6, 1945; Nagasaki, August 9, 1945.

Tehran, ? Beirut, ?

6 ( +11 / -5 )


Surely his personal beliefs are irrelevant, As Ambassador he simply does what the US government tells him to do. The same goes for the other countries who are boycotting the event.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Nagasaki city seemed to reveal where are governments who prioritize politics than hoping peace and mourning war victim.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

One can almost smell taste the fear, in Europe, US, UK, that war will spread, that Ukraine will capitulate.

However much more worrying is the chaos in the Middle East, Israel will not turn back from the belief that the Jewish state is in a existential threat.

Israel, it government, its people will wage war, it will if necessary deploy every means to destroy its enemies without fear or favour.

Both conventional/weapons of mass destruction, US government/congress in desperation is fearful of what confronts them, a danger of a third world war, will support Israel with every conventional weapon it seeks.

Nagasaki Mayor Shiro Suzuki, my I respectfully say foolishly missed an opportunity to lobby for peace, to talk directly, face to face with the Israeli government.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Article in the Guardian has an interesting take on AIPAC's recent multi million intervention against two Democrat, pro Palestine US Congress candidates.

AIPAC was successful in ousting the pro Palestine candidates....

But....the point was made that only a decade or less ago, US support for Israel was as American for politicians as kissing babies and baseball.

Now, a majority of Democrat voters favour Palestinian rights over a blanket support for Israel.

Hence, AIPAC has to spend more and more to get it's outcome.

All due to how Israel conducts its war in Gaza and related war crime issues.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

He looks like a loser, representing USA's best interests.

Talk about bite the hand that feeds you.

Tail wagging the dog.

Hello USA, you already know.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

This is a mistake. It isn't likely that the Jew and Israelites even cared if the US was there or not. Now, of course, they would. The US dropped the bomb, their being there had nothing to do with Jews, and to refuse to go paints a bad image for the US. Pulling out of an affair like dropping the A-bomb probably sours a lot of Japanese on the US. It seems to me that it is a politically bad move for the US on many levels.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

No Problem,

Then how does Mr. Rahm justify the death of almost 40,000 human souls of whom are 60% Children, Infants, elderly and Women ??

What Hamas did on Oct. 7th, 2023 was horrible there is no denying, but what Israel has been doing since then is disgusting and criminal.

How can any Human Being just watch this genocide and think it is justifiable?

Even when Hamas is among them, the starvation, the constant migration and movement, water cut off, power outage, and the daily bombardment of school shelters, hospitals, tent camps by the most advanced weapons including the 2000 pound bombs used on civilian's can never be accepted nor justified.

This is NOT a war it is an Extermination in progress and NO Different than what the Nazi's committed during WW1 and WW2.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

JJEToday 08:37 am JST

BellflowerToday  08:28 am JST

Spot on.

Politicized by hypocrites.

Says the Ukraine war backer. You do know we remember a little of what you say, right?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

BellflowerToday 08:28 am JST

Everyone knows Russia and Belarus have not been invited in imitation of US foreign policy. Yet the US pretended this was not political.

143 countries condemned Russia's invasion. How do you know it was the US deciding this?

The Ukraine war is overwhelmingly a conventional war. The number of civilian casualties in both Ukraine and Russia is relatively small compared to the military deaths.

There would be no deaths on either side, if it wasn't for Putin's insanity.

Russia has accused Ukraine of targeting civilians in Donbass for a decade. You can argue over how many civilians have been killed by Russian missile strikes, but it is beyond question that the numbers (in fact small), are nothing remotely like the kind of genocidal wholesale destruction of Gaza.

Your right, Putin's war is much worse.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Donald SeekinsToday 09:18 am JST

Russia also has not been invited, although Russia has killed less civilians in Ukraine than Israel has killed in Gaza and the West Bank.

You have zero proof of that. What there is proof off is mass graves being dug after the Battle of Mariupol.

Secondly, in total violation of Nagasaki's (and Hiroshima's) message to the world about the spread of nuclear weapons, Israel possesses a large nuclear arsenal and the means of delivering these weapons (missiles, submarines) to its regional enemies.

It is quite likely that in a wider Mideast war, Israel would use them. Israel doesn't care about the lives of Palestinians, other Arabs or Iranians.

So, look forward to it: Hiroshima, August 6, 1945; Nagasaki, August 9, 1945.

Tehran, ? Beirut, ?

Maybe don't plot to wipe Israel off the map then?

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

WEL DONE NAGASAKI, so proud of the city, it's mayor and it's citizens.

Congratulations for being on the right side of history.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

WEL DONE NAGASAKI, so proud of the city, it's mayor and it's citizens.

Congratulations for being on the right side of history.

He sure did a great job in banning fascist Russia and their puppet state Belarus from attending the ceremony. 3 years in a row.

Russians not welcome.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

@Derrick Smith

The US needs to stay out of these countries business and let them handle it themselves.

Rahm Emanuel is a pro-Israel Jew so I guess it was his personal call.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Surely his personal beliefs are irrelevant, As Ambassador he simply does what the US government tells him to do. The same goes for the other countries who are boycotting the event.

Look at the other countries boycotting the event and ask yourself who controls them. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. Their tendrils run through the west and Japan is a current target for exerting greater control.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

It's great that even with all this, no one cares that Russia isn't allowed to come.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

The noose tightens

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Good on Nagasaki!

Why would you invite a country committing genocide to a peace ceremony?

This action will be Nagasaki going rogue and ignoring pressure from the national government, so doubly good on them.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Just about everyone misinterprets the mayor’s intentions. He said clearly his decision is based on his fear of possible attacks and sabotage at the ceremony. And who would do that? Clearly, the pro-Pally side. They’re the ones he’s afraid of. Not exactly a courageous stance, is it. LOL.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

They have to politicize the event.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

What happens in Japan is Japan's business. We can invite anyone we want to because its our country!!!!!!

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Thank goodness Japan is a Leader and not a follower of Israel's proxies.

Better without them.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Blatantly speaking the Nagasaki Mayor action is wrong. At times leading people requires self sacrifice not self glorification. The reasoning behind not inviting Israel is solely based emotional outburst than logical thinking.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

If that were the case, America would never be invited. Bombing civilians around the world is how they protect their "freedom."

Can you name a major country that hasn’t bombed civilians?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Nagasaki Mayor is my hero and the only one with b....to do not invite those committing genocide!

Boycott of the US is just another proof how this country is under zionist lobby.

Now what a shame for European countries to follow that as puppet...

Jew-hatred on display under the guise of “anti-Zionism”.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

This reminds me of a country that, once took land and property from a a specific group in the 1930s/40s

It reminds me of a country that put up fences and guards around the places they lived in the 1930s/40s

It reminds me of soldiers making them show papers to go through checkpoints to go to work in the 1930s/40s

It reminds me of a group of people who didn't have a state pre 1948.

Does anyone remember that group? It kinda of sounds familiar to what Israel ( the government) forces the Palestinians to do..

AnonymousToday  12:38 pm JST

Jew-hatred on display under the guise of “anti-Zionism”.

Being against the Israeli government policy and supporting the Palestinians to have a home does not in any way equate to being anti-zionist. At all! If being anti-zionist is wrong then surely we would and should force Israel to give the Palestinians their home. Let's remember, before Israel it was Called Palestine before the Brits et al cut it up. And while Israel wishes to call certain groups terrorists, we might want to look back at history and see how the very first Israeli PM was also called a terrorist. Long before Hamas even existed. So why did the Jews take up arms? and why are Palestinians taking up arms? I propose its because they wanted or want the same thing today.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

burgers and beersToday 11:53 am JST

"Russia also has not been invited, although Russia has killed less civilians in Ukraine than Israel has killed in Gaza and the West Bank.

You have zero proof of that."

Blatant Washington propaganda. White House enabled Gaza slaughter casualty numbers speak for themselves.

Thanks for the confirmation you have zero proof.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Kudos to the US and UK governments stance.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Jew-hatred on display under the guise of “anti-Zionism”.

Ah, the old Zionist playbook 1.01 Any criticism is anti Semitism.

It is the Zionists who are racist not those who are against them.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I stand with my country and its ambassador. Nagasaki's mayor is full of himself. Good on Hiroshima to bypass that thinking.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

My country, Germany, will be attending the ceremony, but only if they have the staff available. I take that to mean that no, they will not be there, which is in inline with with nearly all EU countries.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Rahm needs to get that skin lesion on his cheek checked out. It could be skin cancer!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

burgers and beersToday 01:52 pm JST

" White House enabled Gaza slaughter casualty numbers speak for themselves...... Thanks for the confirmation you have zero proof."

I think it is our NAFO friends who have no proof for the false accusations Gaza civilian casualties are less than Ukrainian.

You made the initial statement. You have to prove it, which will be tough to do as Russia conceals its warcrimes like a good little doggie.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Israel is a terrorist state built on the blood of Palestinians.

The UK and USA are their enablers.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The US is losing it's international influence anyway, in large brought on by Donald Trumps 4 years in the Whitehouse but also by their insistence on blindly following the Israelis's no matter how much they behave like Nazi's. This is not to say that I support the enemies of Israel because I don't but I don't have to support them either when it's clear that they are hell bent on forcing Palestinians to either leave Palestine or be absorbed.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The face of arrogant man who behaves as if modern version GHQ.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Genocide, certainly not.

Words have definition, Hamas is not a particular nation or ethnic group.

Hamas is a terrorist system. It is not Palestine.

Hamas attacked.

Israël is defending in order that it will not happen again.

Same as did the USA with Japan as IJA.

Did the USA commit genocide, to let then Japan become 2nd economic power later ?

Gaza was thriving and could have become rich if not led by a terrorist group, with vast majority of its inhabitants accepting the dictatorship.

I am appalled about all those comments that reverse roles and don't know their history.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Nagasaki mayor is going the wrong side, by interfering in war politics about a country which was attacked first. He should learn history of Pearl harbor sneak attack on 7th December 1941 and have learned a lesson.

Imagine now if that attack had been on civilians ...

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

He looks great, must've come from supporting unnatural death.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Good they uninvited themselves, it's what Japan probably wanted but can't do themselves.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Israeli "war" = butchering anybody who doesn't like me. Okay. Dunno, never met ya. I must like you? Answer or go rot.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The truth is, I'm not surprised by such childish behavior and double standards from the West, especially the US..

I didn't believe it, but now I see that the one who influences the US in many of its decisions is the Zionist state of Israel..

What pride in Japan, which has not fallen into the trap of Zionism, Japan does not need to commemorate that fateful date with any Western hypocrite, just commemorating it with its own people is more than enough..

In other words, the country that dropped two infamous atomic bombs on 2 cities full of innocents, stands in solidarity with the country that is exterminating thousands and thousands of innocent Gazatians..

The West legitimizing and supporting the Gaza genocide, again the West in the midst of its decadence doing more and more incoherent things...

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

One thing is sure... Nagasaki's Mayor is not a very good statesman... if he ever goes to work in the private sector, don't put him in any position related to HR nor to jobs where being subtle is required

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Just as well as you aren't going to get an apology out of the US.

Just as Israel should apologize for the Gaza genocide, the US must apologize for the greatest war crime in history..

Some day..

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Hypocrisy 101 from Emanuel the Zionist!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

It is not surprising that Israel intentionally targets civilians in Gaza. Israel's military is closely integrated with the US military. Without the constant US supply of arms, money, naval, air, intelligence support... Israel's genocide would stop. Who is the master? Biden must pretend Netanyahu acts independently. But the US government treats any criticism of Israel like a criticism of itself. And the US government feels very uncomfortable at the Hiroshima and Nagasaki memorial ceremonies in any case.

The US perfected the criminal practice of targeting civilians in the Pacific war. In addition to the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the US firebombed major Japanese cities. The March 1945 firebombing of Tokyo caused some 100,000 civilian deaths. The US military continued the practice of targeting civilians in the Korean and Vietnam wars using Okinawa as their primary supply base. In these wars the Okinawa bases were not used to defend Japan.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Israel is a terrorist state built on the blood of Palestinians.

Of course you choose to forget last year terrorist act and all the hostage?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Bibi has neither claimed nor denied responsibility for the assassination of Mr. Haniyeh as if it really matters, and yet some are still wanting to invite Israel or are siding with Israel as if it did not happen!?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Already, more have been killed in Gaza than were killed in the Nagasaki bombing. Enough said.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The empathy bucket has run dry in good old Nagasaki. Ho ha Haray. More fun for the invited. It will be the best Atomic bomb ceremony ever in Nagasaki.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

burgers and beersToday 03:50 pm JST

"I think it is our NAFO friends who have no proof for the false accusations Gaza civilian casualties are less than Ukrainian.

You made the initial statement. "

I'm not the one claiming mass graves in Ukraine that would surpass Gaza civilian casualties. That is your assertion. Obviously you have zero concrete evidence to back up the claim of more civilian casualties in UA than in Gaza.

The evidence is all in the fascist state:


Clearly an entire city didn't just run away when it was turned into Russia's newest hellscape.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The G in G7 apparently stands for genocide.

More power to the people that is against genocide!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why doesn't U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel want to attend the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb memorial ceremony? Is it really because Israel had not been invited? 

Nagasaki Mayor, Shiro Suzuki, is certain to deliver a speech in which he will call on all nuclear nations to abandon the policy of possessing nuclear arsenal.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why doesn't U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel want to attend the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb memorial ceremony? Is it really because Israel had not been invited? 

Nagasaki Mayor, Shiro Suzuki, is certain to deliver a speech in which he will call on all nuclear nations to abandon the policy of possessing nuclear arsenal.

So was Hiroshima, where Israel was invited and Emanuel attended

"In contrast, Hiroshima invited the Israeli ambassador to Japan to its memorial ceremony on Tuesday among 50,000 attendees who included Emanuel and other envoys"

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The Nagasaki mayor is completely out of his depth and has no clue what’s really going on nor what he stands for. 

yes, the Mayor of Nagasaki who holds an MA in international politics from George Washington University after a Todai undergraduate degree has no idea what he’s doing…

to all the Clinton era Liberal Institutionalists, you are watching American soft power die. For Bibi.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why would Israel be invited in the first place? They know nothing of nuclear strikes. Also, in 1944, Israelis led by Menachim Begin made a formal declaration of war against the Allies and continued to fight the Allies until 1948. The King David Hotel Massacre was part of that was against Britain and the Allies and remains controversial to this day with NATO nations barred from attending the victory ceremony Israels holds every year at the site of the massacre.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It means those leaders support what Israel is doing. They behave like children He is not coming so do I. Stupidity. Japan did good not to invite children killers.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Nagasaki Mayor Shiro Suzuki had indicated his reluctance in June to invite Israel,

Cities with mayors who support Islamic terrorism are off my vacation list.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Cities with mayors who support Islamic terrorism are off my vacation list.

The Mayor of Nagasaki has never supported Islamic terrorism.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The Mayor of Nagasaki has never supported Islamic terrorism.

Prove it.

You have no sources or references to support your personal "opinion".

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The Mayor of Nagasaki has never supported Islamic terrorism.

Prove it.

Any links to People of Intelligence explaining how it's possible to prove non-existence?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

So much for freedom and standing by international rules . us/uk are complicit in genocide by Zionist regime in Israel.

In fact, the US?UK are supporting the only democracy in the Middle East in its fight against genocidal Islamic terrorists. The US and UK have been consistent in not tolerating this type of terrorism, so nothing surprising.

Seriously--who would expect them to supply weapons, food, water, to a group of terrorists?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Prove it.

You have no sources or references to support your personal "opinion".

Not having any source nor reference where the Mayor supports islamic terrorism is precisely what proves this claim you made is false.

To refute it you are the one that actually need sources, of which you obviously can provide none, therefore recognizing this is a mistaken personal opinion without basis on reality.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

To refute it you are the one that actually need sources, of which you obviously can provide none, therefore recognizing this is a mistaken personal opinion without basis on reality.

Still only standing on your personal belief, and with no substantiation to your "premise" and "conclusion"?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Still only standing on your personal belief, and with no substantiation to your "premise" and "conclusion"?

Replying without no reference means you are accepting your claim had no basis since you could not provide any even when challenged.

This absolute lack of sources proves the Mayor has never supported terrorism and your original claim can be ignored safely

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

This absolute lack of sources proves the Mayor has never supported terrorism and your original claim can be ignored safely

Just your saying something proves nothing. Right? Isn't that how logic works?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Just your saying something proves nothing. Right? Isn't that how logic works?

Anybody can see how you never presented any source nor made even one argument to defend the claim you make, that is how the rebuttal is proved logically not just because I say so but because you have failed to support the claim you made, making it baseless.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Anybody can see how you never presented any source nor made even one argument to defend the claim you make, that is how the rebuttal is proved logically not just because I say so but because you have failed to support the claim you made, making it baseless.

And your source is still . . .none.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

And your source is still . . .none.

Therefore easily proving that your claim was baseless and had no source. Thus my argument proved.

Good to see you at least recognize this.

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