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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.U.S. defense chief observes drills with Japan, Australia
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Waste of taxpayers money! There is a transition phases after the US Presidential Elections so these officials from the current Administration who would all be replaced shouldn’t waste taxpayers money on these unnecessary events and foreign trips!
Money well spent. Administrations may change but the military remains through all changes. Training and interoperability is well worth the effort and must be a constant factor to build confidence and to know your allies abilities and strengths.
Agree, an absolute waste of taxpayer money.
The American investors are exploiting once again the Japanese taxpayers for uneconomical and unnecessary weapons, hence this anti China hysteria.
We ask the Tokyo government to stop this immoral practice to enrich the American arms industry, and spend the money to fund more important social issues in Japan
FosToday 06:08 pm JST
No, they aren't.
Comes purely from China's hostile activities and behavior. So China continues to create negative feelings towards itself. Evidence more of China's military continuing to try intimidating the peaceful people of Taiwan this week.
China says it wants to unify with Taiwan then does things that push it further away. Truly bizarre leadership in China.
When democratic nations spend money on defense it's a "waste of money". But they are doing so because of the aggressive spending by adversarial nations. And somehow that's never a waste of tax money. Additionally many who call Japan's defense spending a waste of tax money don't even pay taxes in Japan. Is this in the manual right after "vassal"?
Of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (who represent the great powers), only one has not fought a war in 40 years: China. In contrast to China, in the last three decades, America has fought a war or been involved in military actions every year. That is history.
In 2023 the White House contributed 68% of Nato's total expenditure with over $900 billion, that is more than 3 times of China. And In 2024, with the ongoing Israel conflict in Israel, the number would be too big to fathom.
Statistics from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
It's going to be rough next year when we have people of questionable loyalty in charge of national security in the US.
I'm guessing you speak only for Japan's enemies.
And only one has actually fought the UN: China.
And of no relevance to Asian countries because of the much more pressing issue of China bullying.
The US is a third of the population of NATO has has responsibilities greater than the other nations. Clearly the US is not spending enough to remove the russian from Ukraine.
Which show that russia is way off the charts in spending per gdp.
Not for the average US person, we are just fine.
Yes because the average person like you is not educated enough to understand geopolitics. Eventually reality comes around to intrude upon the MAGA.
That is perfectly ok, as long as he puts America first, we can be a dumb as rocks geopolitically.
It already has.
No, but the idiocy around isolationism can very quickly backfire in the world we live in.
It could, but we shall see, until then, we should focus on rebuilding our nation first.
The mistory here is that 40 years is a convenient cut-off point; a better point would be if China had had no wars since it took Taiwan's place on the UN Security Council in 1971. However, China conducted an invasion of another country after it became a member of the US Security Council. Convenient picking of dates does not negate history. The Sino-Vietnamese War (also known by other names) was a brief conflict that occurred in early February 1979 between China and Vietnam. China launched a surprise invasion ostensibly in response to Vietnam's invasion and occupation of Cambodia in 1978, which ended the rule of the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge. The conflict lasted for about a month. After China captured several Vietnamese towns near the border, Vietnamese forces repulsed the Chinese and China withdrew its troops in March 1979. On March 6, China declared that its punitive mission had been accomplished. Chinese troops then withdrew from Vietnam. However, Vietnam continued to occupy Cambodia until 1989, suggesting that China failed to achieve its stated aim of dissuading Vietnam from involvement in Cambodia. However, China's operation at least successfully forced Vietnam to withdraw some units, namely the 2nd Corps, from the invasion forces of Cambodia to reinforce the defense of Hanoi. and showed that the Soviet Union would not come to the defense of its Vietnamese allies. The conflict had a lasting impact on the relationship between China and Vietnam, and diplomatic relations between the two countries were not fully restored until 1991.
No sense in repeating Chinese propaganda unless it is true.
Nice try, straight from the US State Department, I believe :) I could not bring myself to read it, sorry! And yet we have these American patriots trying to spread these unchecked and unverified stories about what is their main competitor, China, in a continent where they don't belong, and while we have a mass killing in Gaza and Lebanon entirely financed by the US administration: over $20 billions in 2024 alone of lethal weapons provided to Israel. You really need to have some nerves to turn your attention to Beijing, the other side of the world, to make up something like that :)
History books, and accurate readings.
China has not been engaged in military activity for the past forty years. In that time, the US has overthrown numerous governments and illegally invaded many countries. China has a large and diverse population in areas such as Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. It has land borders with fourteen other countries.
China, it is true, now has the world’s second largest military budget, as part of an extensive modernisation program. Its current defence spending has risen steadily in recent years but is one third of the budget allocation for defence which the Biden Administration submitted to Congress earlier this year.
Statistics from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute,
Sipri is the authoritative Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
The only military risk that we face from China is if we continue as a proxy for the US in its endless war
SOD Austin served his country well, even managed his colon cancer without a hitch. He was a good loyal foot soldier for 1600's unelected war monger globalists.
Writing on the wall, endless Ukraine proxy war will wind down ASAP, no strategic value, enormous damage to all currencies real asset purchasing power = inflationary.
Plus, Ukraine Proxy War badly damages US Global Readiness & Deterrence for actual Strategic Matters, like in Asia Pacific with Japan and Australia!!!