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© Thomson Reuters 2023.U.S., S Korea, Japan raise concerns over Russia-N Korea military cooperation
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© Thomson Reuters 2023.
Well US doing many military exercise and drill over the globe, it shouldn't concern anyone?
NATO started this mess because they wanted to keep expanding into Russia back yard and got Ukraine involved to do the dirty work. Now Russia is forming military alliances and they are all armed with nuke to their teeth. Putin not bluffing even Biden said we are going to see Armageddon
Putin started this war. No-one else.
Please don't spread Kremlin propaganda.
No they didn't. After the Soviet Union fell, Russia's neighbors quickly turned to NATO asking for membership. It took the organization a couple of years to decide, with the Germans and French quite hesitant.
Putin had a responsibility to use his mouth words and not his fists. Five year olds understand this.
That is just reality.
lately, the powers that be are certainly ramping up the propaganda to make the populace stressed out..... easier to control a scared population of course. up to a point anyway..... then they run amok.
Russia has no business being in the UN much less sitting on the UNSC with veto power of an organization that exists to promote peace among nations. Russia in still in the middle of it's unilateral invasion of Ukraine. Russia is carrying out weapons deals with North Korea in violation of UN sanctions.
To sit by and let Russia do this guarantees the complete destruction of the United Nations.
Of course it is. One country invades another country and starts killing, torturing, raping and abducting its people, and destroying its towns, villages and infrastructure - what else would you call that? A "special military operation?"
It's a war, and Putin is a war criminal.
If you're referring to the Kremlin propaganda that this was caused by "NATO expansion," that's nonsense. Countries in the former Eastern Bloc willingly, and eagerly joined NATO (and the EU) to guard against Russian aggression. The brutality of the Soviet Union is still in living memory for millions of people across Europe: they know exactly what Russia is capable of.
And it turns out their assessment was correct: Russia is still aggressive. And Ukraine, which wasn't in NATO and therefore vulnerable, was attacked.
The "events that have led Ukraine into the current situation" were exactly due to Putin's actions: rolling his tanks across the border and attacking Ukraine.
No, it's Kremlin propaganda.
The headlines could easily be this, Russia and N Korea raise concerns over US.-Japan-S Korea military cooperation.
The American has been in Japan since WW2, and S Korea since 1950.
So, how????
yes we already know, US and Japan hate cooperation...
Haaa Nemui
Well their SMO has failed then.
Hello Finland, hello Sweden. Regardless of what happens in Ukraine, Russia failed.
Putin starts a war in Ukraine, and Russians are claiming it's not a war.
Talk about being brainwashed by Russian propaganda.
Keepyer Internetpoints
Its quite the opposite, or, you are not labeling John Mearsheimer, Jack Matlock, Stephen F. Cohen, Vijay Prashad, Medea Benjamin, George Galloway, Bill Bradley, John Pilger, Roger Waters, Noam Chomsky, Vladmir Pozner, Michael Parenti etc. as apologists.
Might it just be that Dunning-Kruger is in play, and their words and ideas are just too complicated for you to keep up with? Cause I tell you, I agree with them on nearly everything, while hating Putin.
So who are these apologists you speak of? What did they write?
True, but some might say western Ukraine invaded eastern Ukraine following the coup of 2014.
It's hard to think of a parallel situation. But say, for example, a Canadian government banned the use of French in schools and public offices in Quebec. And some in Quebec took up arms to defend their status. And that Canadian troops and private armies entered Quebec to put down those "rebels". What would the US do in such a situation?
Note that I don't want to defend Russia's actions in any way. But I'm not comfortable with the Ukraine-good, Russia-bad viewpoint. I see it more like Ukraine-bad, Russia-very bad. And, of course, the ones who suffer most are those who don't give a toss about either viewpoint but just happen to live in the places where the fighting takes place.
Also note that my knowledge of events is based only on what I've read in various media. I am probably fairly ignorant, but I suspect most here are not so different.
In summary, madness.
Keepyer Internetpoints
But your bills were fine when Russia invaded Georgia.
Our bills did not increase because Russia invaded Ukraine. Our bills increased because our governments decided to issue sanctions, and also because corporations decided to seize the opportunity to blame Russia and raised prices more, knowing people would blame Putin. Loads of people fell for this trick and still do.
And some might say the Moon is made of green cheese and wears a straw hat.
And they'd be just as wrong.
Western Ukraine did not invade eastern Ukraine.
There was no coup in 2014.
The russian puppet Yanukovych tried to renege on his election promise to sign an agreement between Ukraine and the EU in favour of closer ties to russia, and in the face of public outrage fled to russia.
Following that, little green men in fatigues with no insignia crossed the border from russia into eastern Ukraine and stirred up a bunch of malcontents, giving them weapons and supporting them in a takeover of government buildings.
And I’m speaking from the transparent MSM. The status quo. You’re speaking from the alternate podcast crew as if they have more validity than an open and transparent media.
Sorry was I not supposed to say that part out loud?
Yet there were 14,000 deaths from fighting reported in Donbas between 2014 and 2021 (about three times as many violent deaths than in Northern Ireland during the "troubles"). It seemed like a war of some kind. And my memory of the media reporting of the time was of western Ukraine forces fighting with eastern Ukraine separatists. I don't doubt Russians were involved on the eastern side, but I read of some ugly groups fighting on the western side. And I don't recall any Western leaders doing much to try and stop the madness.
It is no secret that the US, through its NATO war cartel, wants to subjugate Russia into what it has done to Europe.
War was has been the easiest way of fleecing it’s own coffers for the benefit of the bankers, by indebting the country through money borrowed and weapons purchase.
Gen Smedley D Butler figured this out and in 1935 he published the essay “War is a Racket”:
As for the invasion, Russia had a legitimate reason, unlike the U.S. reasons used in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.
In fact, this was engineered, through use of the Rand Corporation, in which they researched on how to provoke Russia, and the possible consequences.
And I am not in favor of either propaganda. The problem is that we are sold one side of the story. And because “Patriotism is the Anesthesia of Humanity”, it is difficult for people to comprehend anything. Their patriotism or ignorance makes them accuse anybody with insights as Russian bots, etc. I used to be one of them until as Gen Albert Stubblebine said “put the dots together”, I understood how deceitful the system can be.
in the meantime, keep living the lie.
It is Blinken and the other neocons that drive Russia into cooperation because of their warmongering. What a hypocrite.
I guess we should all want Russia driven into cooperation with Ukraine, but probably will have to happen at gunpoint.
If by that you mean not being a territory grabbing fascist state, yes that is the goal.
Yugoslavia and Libya approved by the UN. Afghanistan and Syria the result of international terrorists in those countries. Quite justified and the US didn't sulk 20 years before exploding in rage.
Yes only the modern day Gallileo of Nim Chimsky has put the dots together.