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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.U.S. vows full military defense of allies against North Korea
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Michael Machida
Everyone is talking war. Talking nukes. Talking so much about attacking and war that they are pushing for the WWIII. Now, it's alarming and we all need to think about our next move should this happen. And it looks like "they" are gearing up for it. Why is no country pushing for peace and ice cream for all?
They are so scared and afraid of losing the unipolar world that they built with imperialism and threats disguised as commercial treaties, since the end of 2ndWW..
China and Russia are not afraid of or obey the barking of the US, which is why there are currently so many "democracy, freedom and goodwill" efforts in that part of the world, just like in Ukraine.
New world order coming !!..
Same as they did in Afghanistan fleeing the talibans ???...What a decadent circus, lol !!..
Thanks Wendy. I feel safer already.
The US Congress make the ultimate decision to go to war,she must miss civic lessons,Google US Congress First Strike
The only reason any of Japan's neighbors pose a threat to Japan is because of the occupation forces in Japan. Kick out the occupiers, maintain good relations with the neighbors. Including by far Japan's largest trading partner, rapidly pulling further away from any rivals. Including the country that is huge potential market for Japanese consumer goods and where Japan can get almost all the vital commodities it needs at very affordable prices. It just makes so much sense. But no, the occupiers hang around, ruining the whole society.
Allow japan to change article 9 of the constitution and build its nuclear weapon.
Allow Japan to build a floating base on the Senkakus Islands. Stop landing at Yokota base and recognize Japan's sovereignty.
More than seventy-five after the end of the second world war is enough.
Oh wait the Big Boss just wants another Vassal state..
We want the Japanese Government to buy our overpriced weapons..
Hay, hay, hay.. Wakarimashita...
William Bjornson
"U.S. vows full military defense of allies against North Korea"
And who will defend the smallest and poorest country in Asia, Joseon, from the historically most violently parasitic and hostilely invasive and MUCH larger cultures with which it is surrounded who are constantly threatening it and starving it of necessities?
"YrralToday 07:19 am JST
The US Congress make the ultimate decision to go to war,she must miss civic lessons,Google US Congress First Strike"
How did that work out for Afghanistan and Iraq?
"“And we will use the full range of U.S. defense capabilities to defend our allies, including nuclear, conventional and missile defense capabilities,” she said."
Even President Putin's statement about defending Russia and made so much of by Western propaganda was not this openly threatening nor psychotic. And given the 'similarities' in the people that seem to be running U.S. foreign policy and making these kinds of threats and insane statements, are Americans REALLY in charge of American foreign policy or is there a hidden offshore actor?
Really now "miniaturized" ?
Korea is no where near the smallest nor the poorest country in Asia. Not even close, it doesn’t even make the list any longer.
Yes, miniaturized. Cruise missies and smaller ballistic missiles do not have the room ICBM's have o the ability to carry large loads.
Bjornson,the Congress did not do their job ,by pulling the plug long time ago,time to pull the plug in Ukraine,before Trillion be ranged up
Cruise missiles and smaller ballistic missiles are hardly "miniaturized" . The average cruise missile is taller than many 2 story homes here.
Compact, small-scaled, reduced, or any other word, but they are by definition, NOT miniature by any means.
Michael Machida
Thank God America is everywhere protecting us all.
“ The United States will make full use of its military capabilities, “including nuclear, conventional and missile defense," to defend its allies Japan and South Korea, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said Tuesday as she warned North Korea against escalating its provocations. “
Giving Ukraine money out of sympathy,their are lots of more cases for sympathy in America,that Congress jobs too oversight taxpayers dollars foreigner
North Korea is currently not an immediate threat to Japan.
The only threat North Korea poses to Japan is if the Kim Dynasty falls is the coming of thousands of refugees to Japan.
China is a real threat to Japan.
Why is the US still doing business with China?
William Bjornson
"UdondashiToday 09:07 am JST
Why is the US still doing business with China?"
Hmm...lessee...U.S. store shelves would be empty?
North Korea has seen what has already experienced itself and has recently seen what has happened to nations too weak to resist US hostile intent.
Isn’t the US part of the problematic mix?
William Bjornson
"JBirdToday 07:57 am JST
Korea is no where near the smallest nor the poorest country in Asia. Not even close, it doesn’t even make the list any longer."
Sorry, how about 'East Asia" since the definition of 'Asia' seems to have broadened considerably lately? And 25 million economically disadvantaged people against a combined (J+SK+US) 525 million people? But then, perhaps, the programmed belief that the Joseons are psychotic enough to start a war that would see them as radioactive rubble in short order verges on the worst racism whereas both the U.S. and Japan have Elites that both now and in the past have done nothing but trample on other countries with righteous GREED. And, if the U.S. finally cannot contain its crazies again and starts a war under some transparent and dishonest pretext (as usual), it will be Joseon, Hanguk, AND Nihon that will get the worst of it and American Corporations that will profit the most both during and after such a war. And American Corporate will also have eliminated two of its most serious competitors after China, Nihon and Hanguk and might lose only one or two American cities worthless to Corp[orate anyway. What could be better?
In the Beningging
you dont know or cant seem to understand the meaning of a Nuclear Powerhouse. they dont start it because of its grave aftermath that only few remains to tell the tale. some of us just making it light as a joke and telling insults on public figures.
but everyone can snap. a silent monk or a warmonger dictator. worst case scenario, all of us will see how it will begin. some of us will see through it. but only few of us can tell the tale.
US making a serious BOLD statement threatening a Nuclear Powerhouse in stating a "defense" by using full war equipments.
but it is not their ground. it is someone else's. it is not their people. it is someone else's. the aftermath of a battleground is not theirs. they are starting to lit a fire on another's house. what could go wrong?
In the Beningging
US are not accepting some countries in middle east as a Military Powerhouse, thus starting a fight but not on their backyard.
US are not accepting a country being another Nuclear Powerhouse, thus starting a fight but not on their backyard.
Russia dont want US on their backyard. but US proclaiming them delusional and doing provocative progress. thus supporting a fight but not on their backyard.
China making a progress putting military near US allied country, but US dont want that. what could be next?...
Sh1mon M4sada
Let's not ignore Ukraine here, it gave up its nukes for security guarantee. It tilted towards the west because, again, of security guarantee. Then nothing, not even when civilians were massacred.
I'm sorry but USA has a massive track record of kicking Japan in the guts, like abandoning Vietnam, recognised CCP China without consulting Japan.
Japan can dwell on sweet words from USA, but have to shore up its defenses and sign up new allies regardless.
Ukraine and Xi 3rd term has changed the optics forever.
Japan and Germany 2 most obedient pets
of the Big Boss.
I know you get excited about using old names used in Korean but not recognized internationally, but using the correctly would be nice. Neither Joseon nor Hanguk refers to a country that exists today.
The North Koreans sometimes refer to a unified Korea as Joseon, the South Koreans refer to a unified Korea as Hangul, of course Nihon (although often Nippon) refers to the current Japan.
we really need a correction function on JT
Remember when East Germany was forced to be an obedient pet of the big boss’ enemy? When they finally got a chance at freedom, the first thing they did was bolt to big boss’s side.
The fact is the allies of the US -- Japan, Germany, S. Korea, Australia, etc. -- are overwhelmingly prosperous, free and happy and very extremely happy to be allies of the US.
Joe Blow
Stop China at all costs, China is a paper dragon that will soon be exposed.
We all know that war is great for the economy of the rogue state of the USA and they will provoke for as long as it takes. I personally stand for peace with my single vote.
It’s a shame that such posturing is necessary in the first place, but there sits dangerous & crazy North Korea receiving nuclear assistance from China and Russia. What else can you do?
Sh1mon M4sada
Russia and China are the craziest. Putin attacked Ukraine on a hunch it might join NATO, and the slow demise of CSTO under his watch probably helped him sleep easy when terrorising Ukraine.
China has attacked other countries for less, eg 79 Vietnam invasion, and supporting the Pol Pot genocide. Now China is facing deglobalisation, demographic cliff, record budget deficit of over a trillion. Xi getting a 3rd term says much about the security of Asia Pacific and beyond. Sri Lankan and Malaysian could be in for a very rude shock because of their geography in relation to the SCS.
Saying USA will mobilise against NK is pretty much meaningless, there is not enough missile defense system anywhere to completely secure Japanese people against random NK missile attacks, there's only defense and deterrence, and this is where USA can be more explicit.
The USA now has 100,000 troops in Europe.
If anything happens here and there the USA will be very stretched and nukes may be it's only choice so careful what the war mongers want.
On 12 June 1999, the troop led the 30,000-strong NATO peacekeeping force from the North Macedonia border towards Pristina International Airport. However, a Russian military contingent had moved in and taken control of the airport before his unit's arrival. American NATO commander Wesley Clark ordered that the unit forcibly take the airport from the Russians. General Mike Jackson, the British commander, refused the order, telling Clark that they were "not going to start World War Three for you"
So it seems the USA isn't taking any chances this time of a more level headed Brit refusing to start WW3 and moved mostly USA troops including the 101st airborne.
Sh1mon M4sada
People used to accuse Trump of war mongering. But under Trump Rocket Boy played video games, Ukraine was safe, and China was on the backfoot. How time change so quickly.
Really a paper dragon!
That is hilarious, I suggest you look up Korean war 1950 to 53.
Only 10 months after victory in the Chinese civil war China crossed into North Korea pushing back the USA and 22 other countries back to the lines of division and a stalemate!
Today that army is nuclear equipment, has modern weapons and far far far more soldiers fully equipped to fight.
Oh and they are within their own area as the USA will need to ship everything across the Pacific ocean.
The USA hasn't had a war on it's territory in over a 150 years.
Next war if with China or Russia will result in missiles falling on the USA, are the people of the USA ready for that?
It won't be just in another country, it won't just be a proxy war.
speaking of dragons
I will say this, though; (and whoever watched the tenth episode of HOTD knows what I’m talking about) – the number of “dragons” can make a difference, but it can’t be the only thing that matters; (more important than that) you need to know how tough (and fast) you (and your dragons) can be.
America prepares the ground for launching a first strike against North Korea. The North will react and retaliate. The result will be horrendous for Japan. And why all that? Because America is led by a senile man and his cronies.
Biden has initiated a war in Eastern Europe. But this is not enough: He now works on initiating a war in East Asia.
Stephen Chin
Hiroshima's Little Boy and Nagasaki's Fat Man were toys America played with seventy-seven years ago...? But now...beware of North Korea's Fat Man.
Japan needs to change "The Status Quo" ASAP!
And develop defensive/attack weaponary!
Japan needs to be JAPAN!
Israel has a dubious "Iron Dome",
Japan must have a Made in Japan Steel Dome!
Isn’t it the “allies” that constantly threaten NK?
In the Beningging
guys guys. we all know this.
North Korea is a Nuclear Powerhouse. accept it.
given the sea of current events, you can study every actions of US, or any other powerhouses. provoking, threatening, feint actions etc.
US made a statement of "full force" on its "support" on Japan and SK? thats fishy.
We all know how sensitive Kim will be. if you threaten him, he will surely retaliate will all his weapons.
and surely NK would fall. that is a fact.
but this is also a serious fact, NK will not fall alone. and if he cant grab US with his downfall. you all should know which country(ies) will be coming down with him.
because of whom? also US
When will the Japanese people start to demonstrate and demand peace? When the mushrooms will tower all over East Asia?
I apologize, I made a grammatical mistake; please remove the word "will".
There is no War when Nuclear Weapons are used - no Glory of Battle in the traditional sense, with a stronger side Winning, there's simply defeat for all involved, and shame, dishonor and sadness for all.
Global Nuclear War, is like watching a super-sized comet approaching our Planet, and knowing there's absolutely nothing we can do about it individually as a Nation. It's only collectively, as a whole, can we agree to stop such an event. I hope Rational minds will see this, and put an end to such speculation and threats. The alternative, is quite simply... the end.
The United Nations, has of late, when put under pressure, become akin to it's predecessor - the "League of Nations", as of prior to World War 2. After World War 3 - it will not be replaced, as there will be no one to replace it, we will have gone the way of the Dinosaurs, though they lasted longer than us...
@William Bjornson do you really think the US store shelves would be empty? Think again to never bite the hand thats feeds you. Remember the US clothed China if you look not to far back they were still riding bicycles and dressed in tarted military outfits, everyone hates the west but wants everything it has!!! In the coming weeks YOU WILL READ and or HEAR ABOUT THE BEAST that will be RELEASED to the world!! Lose lips sink ships all eyes are on US!!!
"UdondashiToday 09:07 am JST
Why is the US still doing business with China?"
Hmm...lessee...U.S. store shelves would be empty?
Lying to the public is already normal to the present regime so their words do not matter. They lie with a straight face so they cannot be trusted.
Sven Asai
Have quite some fear but not too much of it. It’s already sufficient to only look at those three wannabe leaders, Joe, Jingping and Vladimir. They are getting crazier but also getting weaker. That mix tells you everything about the situation this planet is in now and what is different to the former Cold War era.