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© KYODOWhite House downplays Biden calling Japan xenophobic country
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It’s more capitalism than xenophobia.
Youths in Japan, China, and India have no desire to be underpaid factory slaves to corporations run by grossly overpaid elites.
Well, he DID call Japan "xenophobic." Yet Biden does raise the operative question-- why are the US and other Western countries exhorted bring in vast numbers of people overwhelmingly from the developing world, while Asian nations like Japan, S. Korea and China, whose demographic profile is more skewed than most Western countries, are not?
If Asian countries' refusal to embrace mass immigration is not "xenophobia" (or racism), then what is it?
Mr Goodman
Believe it or not Biden is correct because Japan is xenophobic
Then again i completely understand why
Take a look at the USA and all the domestic problems it has
There's a reason Japanese are wary of foreigners
Japanese are more united than the USA has ever been
Pros and cons both countries are completely different
USA seeks the world to act like American does
No Thankyou
Name me any nation or people on earth who "desire to be underpaid"?
For sure, Japan does have an issue with xenophobia. However, Joe should get his own house in order first.
At worst in Japan, you'll face discrimination and some discriminatory comments that might said to your face or behind your back.
He's not wrong.
How do South Koreans feel about being left out from the list of xenophobic nations?
So, the leader of the free world calls out Japan for its inability to open its doors to massive illegal immigration as Biden is doing?
It’s an absurd opinion to make public.
Exactly my point! Instead of promoting economies that exacerbate the wealth gap, do better — share the wealth!
Biden is wrong in how he phrased this, it is not xenophobia.
I think it comes down to Japan being able to see the blatant issues with multiculturalism, and then deciding "no thank you, we don't want to do that".
And this is relevant to immigration how? If a company is willing to risk having illegal immigrants do jobs, it's probably not a job locals were rushing to do and everybody pays for the cost of labor so just raising wages for those jobs isn't exactly helpful either.
I may frequently disagree with you, but well played sir.
@Fighto/Isabelle/TaiwanIsNotChina (basically the eternal China/Korea skeptic)
What does this have to do with illegal immigrants? Biden wasn’t promoting illegal immigration.
You have a very good point here,I noticed as well that for these east asian countries racism is referred with white-black people issues.
Especially Japan has this self built belief as a homogeneous ethnic society.
Furthermore what Biden said should not really outrage Japan as we all expats know that there is a strong xenophobia in this country which is not to be confused with racism.
I dunno, you tell me, then: you seem to be implying Xenophobia reduces income inequality somehow.
Biden can say that about Japan, because they are not in a position,too dispute it
Joe, you're wrong on Russia, at least.
Of course, numbers are down now, not due to Russian "xenophobia", but rather a certain "conflict".
Still, a baffling statement (yet another) to make.
Come on, man! Poor Jean-Pierre.
nice find, under Trump the US has become a White Supremacist Ess-hole
Patrice Nishikawa
I am a white person. I was born in Canada, I went to graduate school in the USA and started my carreer in the USA.
I am now a Japanese CITIZEN. I have a worldwide reputation in my field and semi-retired. My children and grandchild are in Japan.
There is no way even at gun point that I would return to "tolerant" Lala-land called Canada. And I would only return to the USA if I was given work in a conservative, illegal-immigrant-hating red state (republican for people who do not know).
I leave it there as an expression of contempt for the senile person in in the White House.
""Biden said, "You know, one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants," according to the White House.""
Yes sir so true.
Biden was caught saying "the quiet part out loud" about Japan!
Biden loves immigrants so much that he refers to the Asian-Americans who were his audience ("You know, one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants,"…) as immigrants?
I guess his aides didn’t tell his speech writer that, for example, Chinese people entered the U.S. as early as the 1840s and the Japanese in the late 1860s. One might conclude that there descendants aren’t still considered immigrants and not Americans by the White House. I wonder if Joe Bidin’ His Time Till Retirement even considers them “colonists”.
Diversity adds to any nation strength, cultivating talents by allowing migrants to become part of a society means adding to it's growth and prosperity.
Japan is a lot better than many other nations but still there is a lot work to be done
Joe Biden's mental acuity, his memory lapses, his cognitive impairment have to be taken into account when Biden accuses the people of Japan, its government of being "xenophobic" .
Sh1mon M4sada
The more politicised you are the less self aware you become. Proven time and again. How do you suppose the communists can get kids to dob in their own parents? You indoctrinate them with politics.
Clearly, there will be a generation of Americans who through no fault of their own will think a country can exist without borders, because if they didn't subscribe to this they will be label xenophobic as well.
Biden is the gift that keeps on giving for the Trump election team! The sooner they forcibly retire the fossil the better!
Quo Primum
So, not surprisingly, the media allows Biden to walk back and downplay it.
But if Trump had said such a thing, we all know how the media would react.
The Government of Japan has failed to address clear fiscal and economic challenges, sovereign debt, child care, employment, depopulation amongst others, aging population. A devastating pandemic
However xenophobia, any suggestion the refusal to countenance mass immigration is to blame is simply false in assessing a means find a remedy.
Superannuated Biden who recently got into hot water when he foolishly suggested his uncle may have been eaten by Papuans is now making poor Jean-Pierre huff, puff and sweat for a living - lying to cover for your boss is hard work whereas it's no sweat for the maniacal Kirby who would only perspire if he ever told the truth. Biden's worsening foot in mouth syndrome and serial faux pas will soon be making the Dems sweat with regret they didn't switch horses and put their old man out to pasture before November.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what Biden said; Japanese are just upset because they have been mentioned on the international stage and it wasn't praise. Worst yet for the oversensitive, it was accurate criticism.
Sanjinosebleed: "Smart!...."
Japan will die without immigration. It's a fact. You do realize Japan slipped to world's fourth economy lately, right? Well, how do you think they're going to recover with an aging population? When the ratio of retired to working is 1:1 within the decade?
Ok fine…..let’s protect Biden from criticism for what he said huh?
my Japanese friends are all upset and angry to hear this baseless slander from Biden about their country.
more reason to love Trump.
So what do you think about Joe insulting Japan and the Japanese people after spending days butt kissing Kishida the other week?
Biden showed his true opinion of Japan
Indeed he did.
now the liberal media will cover up for him and “the White House” will “walk it back” then edit the transcripts to pretend like it never happened.
Mass immigration has failed, and has ruined the historic cities like Paris, Brussels and London. Who wants to have areas with no-go zones due to immigration of people who refuse to assimilate? Name one country who successfully implemented mass immigration and been successful? The answer is NONE!
Japanese cultural traits, language, for overseas foreign migration is a challenge.
Global middle sized business capable of rotating staff, integration into Japan communities culture requires a understanding of the language. This fact is not a straight forwards ask.
Look, Biden utterances in an election year have to be taken with a pinch of salt, his foolish generalisations are a refusal to fully accept that politically weaponizing cultural comparisons, assumptions will not win friends or influence people.
Never have, never will.
Simply hilarious that he made this statement at the time that Team Biden/Blinken are making a push into the South Pacific to counter "Chinese aggression".
John Kennedy
Joe Biden making friends all over the world.
Japan, in general, is a xenophobic country, but you don’t run around saying it even if it’s absolutely true.
It’s like going into an all white church in rural Mississippi and saying, “You’re all a bunch of racists!”
It might be true, but they don’t want to hear it.
I'm an immigrant in japan. I didnt have problem to get my visa. Xenophobic or not i can understand why they limit the melting pot. First , actual America dont have a long history, they just destroyed ancestral culture and dont care about cultural heritage. ( Its a thing you can easily lost with multi ethnical country). Second they just talk about economics. Money is not everything and large immigration have side effect. And third point, the most important, they have load of oil. No cheap oil, no good economy.
Xenophobic is racism in America
By making Delaware a tax haven for corporate and oligarchic money like the Cayman Islands, Biden has hurt the prosperity of American workers much more than mass immigration has helped .
For workers and immigrants to prosper they must not be paying more taxes than the corporate masters.
It is simple really.
The funny thing is, after Biden made these comments, on other corners of the web Japanese netizens seem to be struggling between one of two responses:
"N-no, we're not xenophobic! We don't hate foreigners! How could he say this?"
"Yes, we ARE xenophobic! We DON'T want foreigners! We are prosperous and safe because we DON'T let in foreigners. Look at how terrible the US and Europe are right now thanks to immigration!"
My personal opinion is, I don't have a problem with Japanese immigration policy. They have a right to put their needs first as a civilization.
Japan does deserve to be mocked for rejecting solutions to problems implemented in other countries under the facade that they're behaving this way to protect their national interests. No, it is protecting senior management in the highest levels of business and politics. Japan, more so than many other societies, is filled to the brim with literal parasites that do NOTHING to advance this countries prosperity, but simply sit in their comfortable office gigs sucking up all the taxpayer money whilst decent, hardworking people, are endlessly told that they and their families need to continue making sacrifices to be "good team players". Young Japanese people are going to need to wrestle control out of the hands of these people - and when it comes to that point, it might not be pretty. Rather than delaying the inevitable and potentially making it worse, it's best they wake up to the truth sooner than later. That's why I don't think it's a good idea to constantly glaze up Japanese society with praise rather than the constructive criticism it so deserves.
This parr for the course for Joe.
Reports recently indicate his aides have been forced to correct him at least 148 times this year alone, an analysis of White House transcripts has shown.
He has averaged more than one gaffe (1.3) per day in 2024. As of this week, 118 statements, speeches, and press encounters for which White House transcripts were issued and then subsequently corrected by staff.
Shortlist of best hits:
The State of the Union featured 13 corrections (a record).
Said "every American" voted against his American Rescue Plan (he meant "every" Republican).
Said "threats to democracy must be defended" (he meant "defeated").
Claimed that 720 million Americans - more than double the nation’s population - received Covid-19 vaccines.
Referred to seniors with "diabetes" (meant "disabilities").
This shortlist does not include the multiple times he appears to have read the teleprompter instructions out loud (for example using the word "pause" multiple times just last week).
There are many, many more.
99.9 % of the countries in the world has some form of immigration rules. Even the U.S. has them. It's just that countries like Japan does a much better job of enforcing those rules. Biden should spend more of his time ensuring that Americans are taken care of first by not letting in anyone who wants to be let in, without making sure that they will abide by American laws and actually do honest work first. I bet you that if you ask any American, pretty much the majority would say that it does make them mad that any immigrant who comes in the country can automatically get benefits like disability, unemployment, etc, before they have even prove to be a contributing member of society. Heck, even hardworking Americans who have been born, raised and worked there all their lives are often left out of benefits they sorely deserve.
At least with countries like Japan, they make sure you have a proper visa, will actually pay taxes, follow Japan's laws, and contribute to making society a better place. How is that so wrong?
Biden slagged off Japan to a bunch of immigrant-friendly donors in an attempt to get some campaign funds for the upcoming election. I hope everyone in Japan can correctly surmise that this is because Biden's relationship with his campaign donors is far more "special" than the USA's relationship with Japan.
I'm from the UK, another country that laughably claims to have a "special relationship" with the USA. The UK left the EU about five years ago now, but has no trade deal with the USA and no negotiations are in process. UK officials were simply told that maintaining the Good Friday Agreement in Ireland was more important. "Shut up and go away!" is not much of a special relationship.
Blanket statements about Japan being xenophobic should compare the process of getting a spouse visa in Japan (simple, costs a few thousand yen) with getting one in the UK (high single income needed to qualify, takes a long time, likely cost 1.5 to 2 million yen, upfront payment for national healthcare, expensive to renew). With the exception of during Covid, I've not heard of any Japanese being unable to get their foreign spouse into Japan. Countries can have lots of immigrants and still be xenophobic. See France etc.
Seth Majer
So what would that make an all Black church, HBCU and Black Entertainment Television(BET)?
Biden is calling it like it is. Japan is xenophobic. Period.
Shadows of the Rising Sun
Wait, since when did youth have control over the number of immigrants coming into the nation?!
Few Japanese would deny that the main reason they don't want more immigrants is because they don't like them, don't trust them and think they will dilute their culture = xenophobia.
If Japan is xenophobic why is the number of foreigners living here increasing year-on-year?
Why is it so easy to have a foreign spouse visa and PR when in my own country, my Japanese partner and I can no longer live in the UK because we don't meet the requirements?
Simon Foston
BlacklabelToday 09:40 am JST
Who's doing that? A lot of people aren't even if they think there's something in what he said.
Who cares about them? I'll believe it when I hear from any of them in person.
Love Trump? Support, respect, admire... maybe, but love? Eww. I don't think I can keep my breakfast down.
Shadows of the Rising Sun
Your friends may not be xenophobic, but it's a bit disingenuous for any Japanese to suggest that Japan is not xenophobic - throughout history, Japan has been one of the most xenophobic nations on Earth, not due to something in their culture that is necessary but simply due to their own survival and protection.
It's common knowledge that most Japanese do not like immigrants, and it has always been this way.
If Japan had not been xenophobic, it would be a very different nation.
Shadows of the Rising Sun
As you know, Wallace, there were practically no immigrants coming into Japan for much of its recorded history, largely due to xenophobia and self-preservation (or at least that's how they saw it).
There is an increase in the need for immigrant workers in Japan, so they are begrudgingly accepting more immigrants DESPITE the xenophobia that is ingrained in Japanese history, society and mindset,
Xenobiotics have not stopped immigration in Japan since the Meiji Restoration.
Well said - I'm sure no one can logically argue with this fact.
Japan overall is definitely not xenophobic. Pres. Biden has made a mistake here, and I believe he will apologise.
Japanese love and embrace foreign culture, musicians, foods, art, films, sports, products - and increasingly - workers from outside Japan. 800,000 guest workers are entering Japan within the next 5 years. If Japan disliked foreigners that much, they would not permit these workers to enter.
The number of foreign residents living in Japan has reached a record high of over 3.4 million.
Shadows of the Rising Sun
Japan is in Reiwa era not Edo.
I lived in Japan and can confirm it is xenophobic, but in the politest possible way. I didn't let it get to me because it wasn't that bad for me as an American, but I know it is not the same for immigrants from less wealthy countries.
Of all the global languages and cultures, Japan is the most challenging, the nuisance, the silence when questioning sometime rather irritating protocols.
You can reside here for years, be excepted within the community yet be find the life incompressible.
I would rather Joe Biden concentrated focused in the US electorate, instead of looking for scapegoats aboard to justify his economic immigration polices.
Sorry my spelling,. hope it makes sense.
As somebody who does their own research on politics, nobody said they 100% believed in all of Biden's viewpoints. He is a much better option than Trump. Whose supporters follow him religiously and pretend like he is never wrong even if he were to say something crazy like drinking disinfectant to stop covid.
Are Japanese people xenophobic? I feel strange when I hear that.
In the first place, there were no exclusionary movements or demonstrations.
Foreigners can continue to live in Japan by purchasing real estate, and even change their nationality if they have lived there for many years without any problems.
Travelers are also welcome, and the total number is returning to pre-coronavirus levels.
If foreigners learn Japanese and make an effort to integrate into Japanese society, they will not be ostracized.
And Japan doesn't want to become like America.
The melting pot of ethnic groups fosters a society of inequality, where discrimination is widespread, and in a gun society, murders will never disappear.
There are also disparities in medical insurance, and deaths from the coronavirus have risen to the third leading cause of death among Americans. This shows that people who could not receive proper treatment and had no money were dying from the coronavirus one after another.
Is it possible to become such a wonderful society by accepting immigrants?
A declining population due to a declining birthrate may cause economic stagnation, but immigration will not solve everything. The Japanese government should seriously discuss the policies it should take to increase the number of Japanese people.
Simon Foston
To be fair, I think people in power here are horrible to everyone whether they're foreign or not.
@Seth Majer
Really irrelevant comment, the dude you replied to made a comment saying it is wrong to state a perception because that is an area known for having people with racial viewpoints
Why is it so easy to have a foreign spouse visa and PR when in my own country, my Japanese partner and I can no longer live in the UK because we don't meet the requirements?
This scandal reflecting the xenophobic racism so cruel to families that few outside or even inside the UK know about, thanks to the MSM's cowardice in refusing to speak truth to the Tory/Lab powers-that-be and champion the human rights of British citizens with foreign spouses betrayed by government with its updated version of the Nuremberg Laws. In stark contrast, the Japanese government puts the UK to shame in this manifestation of spousal xenophobia.
Japan is not entirely xenophobic, but at the same time, the country Schitt scrutinize and be selective as to the people they want to allow to live in their country, there’s nothing wrong with that, and that’s the way it should be for every nation.
He probably doesn’t even remember what he said five minutes ago, I’m sure Japan will forgive him. Lmao. Six more months…(!).
Sorry, I meant “should”
Pretty much, I don’t think that The xenophobia is without merit. The Japanese see the daily craziness of countries in the west overflowing with migrants and they have (one can argue) justifiable concerns, legitimate and not unfounded.
The reasoning and norms of Japan don't relate in that same manner. It dates back way farther to older traditions and not wanting their culture to get heavily influenced by others.
On the whole, yes. The idea of uniqueness is hammered into Japanese people and outsiders are often treated with suspicion. This was even more intense in China in my experience.
My approach was don’t bother with people not worth bothering with. There are plenty of wonderful Japanese people ( and Chinese people ) worth your time.
Shadows of the Rising Sun
You lost me, Wal.
I'm sorry. I don't know what this is referring to, but thanks for the comment!
Shadows of the Rising Sun
Saying that Japan is xenophobic is simply facing up the reality of past and modern Japan.
It's more for practical reasons than some inborn hatred of foreigners so no need to be all sensitive about this.
Yes, there are more immigrants in Japan and it continues to grow, but that does not negate this reality.
Japan needs immigrants, not 'wants' them.
Japan has a history of being xenophobic, and this continues to be a problem to this day. The country's history of being xenophobic can be seen in its treatment of marginalized groups, such as the Ainu and Ryukyuans, who were forcefully assimilated into Japanese culture . Additionally, Japan's immigration policies have been criticized for being restrictive and discriminatory. In recent years, there have been reports of racism and xenophobia against foreign nationals, including confiscation of passports and violence. The country's lack of laws prohibiting racial and ethnic discrimination has also been criticized.
Kenzo Tomonaga
Ben Whitaker
Megumi Komori
Naoko Saito
Jin Woong Kwak
Parts of Japanese society are xenophobic but not the whole which has adopted so many aspects of foreign cultures.
I feel that the irony in it all is that most tourists visit (although they may not admit it) because Japan is not loaded with immigrants. The Japanese culture and Japanese people who follow such customs make it so unique. Tourists want to go to somewhere that is not like their own country, and Japan fits the bill.
I agree with many posters here that even though a country may be filled with immigrants, it doesn't mean that they aren't xenophobic. Just look at America. Feelings against people different than them still exists there, and often times blatantly and violently so.
Again, it should be stated, that Japan does accept foreigners to live and work in their country. It's just that it has measures and procedures in place that people who want to come here have to meet. Nothing wrong with that. Most countries have such a process in place.
Shadows of the Rising Sun
A nation can be described as xenophobic even if not all its citizens hold xenophobic beliefs, due to institutional, societal, and power dynamics that perpetuate xenophobic attitudes and policies. Japan's reputation as a xenophobic country is shaped by its history, laws, and societal norms, despite the presence of citizens who advocate for inclusivity and diversity.
Adopting other countries' cultures does not necessarily mean a nation cannot be xenophobic. In fact, a nation can adopt cultural practices or traditions from other countries while still holding xenophobic attitudes towards people from those countries.
Xenophobia is about fear or dislike of people, not just their cultures. A nation can appropriate cultural practices without accepting or welcoming people from diverse backgrounds.
For example, Japan embraces foreign cuisine, music, and art while still enforcing strict immigration laws and treating foreign-born residents poorly. So, cultural adoption and xenophobia can coexist.
Being smart!
Look at the USA and Canada nearly every major city and urban area is in the middle of a housing crisis.
Squatters, homeless, etc...
Canada is the best example of what not to do regarding immigration.
Average 300,000 to 4000 per year, suddenly 1.3 million is the goal in a year.
But try finding an apartment, buying a house.
Forget it. You now need $15 an hour to just survive.
California the same, housing sky high, homeless, you need $20 an hour just to barely get by!
Shadows of the Rising Sun
While it's true that immigration can sometimes have an impact on the labor market and housing availability, the effects are not always as straightforward as people might think. On the one hand, immigrants can bring valuable skills and experience to a community and contribute to economic growth. They may also fill essential jobs that are in high demand, such as in healthcare, agriculture, or construction. On the other hand, the impact on the labor market depends on various factors, such as the size and characteristics of the immigrant population, as well as the job market conditions.
Immigrants are also often willing to take jobs that many native-born workers may be reluctant to do, so they can actually create job opportunities and economic growth. The impact on housing is also nuanced and depends on many factors, such as local housing market conditions, zoning regulations, and the overall economic climate.
robert maes
A politician who speaks the truth by calling Japan xenophobic. What is the world coming too
Aoi Azuuri
causes of Japan's economic woe are not only xenophobia, but it's not wrong that Japanese society has xenophobia.
Religious cult groups who support ruling party LDP dislike foreign labour or migrant, foreign "technical trainees" had been suffered many harassment or even violence, Far-right groups repeat hate speech march at street, police officer guard such them, its police officer's questioning have also xenophobic trend, immigration bureaus are still hotbed of human rights violation.