Japan Today

'World's most beautiful' politician Fujikawa dodges scandal


Hachinohe City councilwoman Yuri Fujikawa, 29, who has been referred to by bloggers as being "too beautiful to be a politician" and who was voted “World’s Most Beautiful Politician” in an online survey held by Spanish newspaper 20 Minutos earlier this year, was caught on camera Thursday walking out of a business hotel in the morning with a 38-year-old Democratic party politician from Iwata, who was likely headed home to his wife and children.

The weekly magazines once before caught Fujikawa hopping into her ex-boyfriend's BMW straight after work, and the politician was quoted in Sankei Sports as saying "He's still a good friend, even now."

When Fujikawa appeared at a movie screening in Hachinohe at the end of May this year, she was sporting a big sparkly ring on her left ring finger. On her blog, she posted, "There are rumors of some hot romance and an engagement..." but she denied her romantic involvement with anyone.

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If you say a 38-year-old Democrat from Iwata why don't you just go ahead and say his name?

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City councilwoman? I don't call that a politician, but whatever. She is a nice looking girl though.


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I still prefer Tymoshenko from the Ukraine

Yulia and the Hair of State. Talking about preferences: me, I prefer Yuri's hair!

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yeah, anybody could be a successful politician but why would you want to? Better than working in a soapland, but not by much. I still prefer Tymoshenko from the Ukraine if you are going to rate politicians by beauty. But she's more my age too.

Good call on the media toadies. They'll do anything for a story, including making one up.

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This is tabloid reporting and pretty cheap.

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JT didn't name him. Many other media sources did.

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I'm not sure I want to see the person who's "too hideous to be a politician"... or is that Aso?

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a made-up scandal by a bunch of worthless media toads

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Why can't she be the "politician" stood outside my apartment screaming "yoroshiku onagaishimasu"?

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Wow so gorgeous!

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Oh man she's hot but she ain't got nothing on Makiko Tanaka and that sultry voice of hers!

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I assume he was not identified in the article as he's a man and therefore is allowed to do things like this.

901okinawa2424 - Don't let the facts get in the way of a story!

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Oh no, she is not the no. 1 on the list. She is the no. 5. Check it here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1164744/The-worlds-beautiful-female-politicians-revealed-surprise-surprise-theres-British-woman-them.html

Poor JT!!!!! The most beautiful female politicians are: 1 - Luciana Leon, 30, Peru; 2 - Mercedes Aráoz 47, Peru; 3 - Sara Latife Ruiz Chavez, 32, Mexico; 4 - Mara Carfagna, 32, Italy; 5 - Yuri Fujikawa, 27, Japan; 6 - Anna-Maria Galojan, 26, Estonia; 7 - Toireasa Ferris, 29, Ireland; 8 - Yuliya Tymoshenko, 48, Ukraine; 9 - Eunice Olsen, 31, Singapore; 10 - Cayetana Álvarez, 34, Spain

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Now... Why print her name but not his? It's only scandalous for her, the single woman, but not for him, the married with children politician?

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Why was she identified but not him?

Don't know, but it was Daisuke Kudo. There was an official DPJ event the previous evening that they both attended. I say they just stayed at the same business hotel and either left at the same time or had breakfast together at the hotel. WAY too public a place to have a scandalous affair. Dive-in love hotels where you don't even see the staff or any other 'guests' are much better if you don't wanna be caught.

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Nice call Klein2

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She beat out those Italian pornstars who Berlusconi got into parliment? Omedetou.

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Dodge? If anything is "dodgy" it's this article.

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Politics. Anyone COULD be a successful politician. Hard to imagine how she could screw up Hachinohe no matter what she looks like. It is also hard to believe that any modern politicians run the show themselves anyway. Personally, I think more politicians should look frumpy and weird, like Spencer Tracy, doing awkward but noble things. Even King Arthur had his glaring flaws, but his heart was in it. A Kate Hepburn type would be more inspiring than a cheerleader. Fewer scandals too. Spencer and Kate were able to have a relatively private life despite themselves.

I guess I am saying I want to be led by ugly people with utter devotion to the good of the public. Bud Light instead of Blue Moon, if you get my drift.

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Scandal? Hahahahahaha. Nearly fell off my chair looking it.

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Well, it was a business hotel not a rabuho...But yeah, I agree, I dont see how she dodged anything. The title says alot and the article doesnt explain why she dodged anything.

She must need a pretty good disguise if she wants to get around with any guy on a date or something. Social life could be political suicide, politics is social suicide...well for a hottie like her. She is georgeous, and quite young to be in politics. But she is just a councilwoman after all.

How can someone be too beautiful to be a poltician? It shows Japanese attitudes to gender roles are still messed up.

But I almost agree its seems a shame such a beautiful girl is working in such an ugly business with all those ojisan nobs. Do they sexually harass her and make her fetch the tea, or does she have a pretty boy assistant to do her bidding?

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Why was she identified but not him? Both are politicians (public figures), and he is the one who's married, after all.

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How has she dodged a scandal? If she was caught on camera walking out of a Love-Ho with a married man (also a politician) and that video makes YouTube or what have you, I'd say she's only seen the beginning.

I agree she's hot as hell, though. Wow.

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