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Do you agree with the decision by many global companies to sever their business ties with Russia because of its invasion of Ukraine?

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Sometimes morality trumps greed, even if it is forced by customer pressure!

21 ( +29 / -8 )

Sadly, yes.

4 ( +15 / -11 )

Do you agree with the decision by many global companies to sever their business ties with Russia because of its invasion of Ukraine?


11 ( +23 / -12 )


-24 ( +12 / -36 )

Of course - they have a moral duty to do so.

15 ( +26 / -11 )

My own employer has shut it's Russia operation and welcomed Ukrainian employees that wanted to leave into other parts of the business.

21 ( +27 / -6 )

this conflict have to be solved around table by negotiation 

You can’t negotiate with Psychopaths

17 ( +27 / -10 )

Yes, if it helps a little bit, why not? On the other side , most people in Russia or in the West too couldn’t afford their luxury products on a big scale anyway, so it’s of not much use, in contrary, we all lose incoming taxes or see higher unemployment rates, while the few Russian oligarchs or riches who could shop there a few luxury things , surely find a way to get their products otherwise, at higher costs or not, doesn’t affect them too much. It’s more a visual effect, when the stores in those expensive department stores are closed and the shutters are down, but it has no real economic impact on Putin or the average Russians.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Japan Tobacco is still operating in Russia.

Doesn't surprise me in the least.


No argument here.

6 ( +18 / -12 )

No. Much as most won't want to admit, Russia is a necessary part of the global economy. Cut off Russia and we ALL pay the price. Literally.

-21 ( +7 / -28 )

Companies severing commercial ties with Russia right is the only ethical and nonviolent thing to do right now.

11 ( +21 / -10 )

If I’m a brand that has direct ties to operations in an aggressor nation, I have to think consider optics as much as profits. Especially in this age. Customers value the moral high-ground more than they value the quality of the products, making severing ties an easy decision.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Yes I do.

Also wonder how much is related to severing swift and the resulting realities of continuing to do business there. I don't want to castrate those who do the right thing, but I also wouldn't rush to applaud them.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

As a species we want to wean ourselves off mindless consumption.

We've been living beyond the planet's means for too long already.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Most of these companies pulled out due to the SWIFT sanction not any moral or social reasons. cynical yes definitely.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I don't think they have a real choice. They are only deciding when.

Those that stay in Russia are not be able to work as usual due to all sorts of disruptions, lack of safety for their workers. That won't get better and it's even possibly that the authorities kick them out soon in a revival of 1917.

 the few Russian oligarchs or riches who could shop there a few luxury things

A can of soda is not such a luxury. There are all sorts of brands. If that lasts, a few useful objects may be missing in Russian shops. Could be things like medications, spares for equipment.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

No, but let's be honest as to why they are doing it.

Companies don't care about any human cost in the war, they care about their profits. The only reason most of these businesses are stopping business is they simply can't do business because of sanctions. They would absolutely stay there making money if they could.

Regardless, I don't support sanctions in general, as they are just capitalists using capital to oppress the working class of other nations. The people they hurt the most are the normal people of the nation, not the leadership they supposedly target. Just because they are a slower and more insidious form of warfare doesn't make them any less devastating. America loves them almost as much as bombs, it is why we have seen China develop the way it has in order to give themselves some degree of immunity.

On the other hand, between this and media censorship the world is seeing the danger of relying on businesses in the imperial core. I don't doubt that we will see Russia and other nations adopt a lot of alternatives that nations like China have developed for exactly this purpose. Russia and India alone joining a cooperative economic alliance with China is already half the planet.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Only if the same is applied to all countries that start wars.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Yes. Any little bit helps. Who knows; these sanctions and closures might just push the Russian people to bring Putin down because he's not only ruining lives in Ukraine but the lives of his own people.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I agree with the decision to some extent. The acts of withdrawing from the country show global concern about the cruel behaviors on Ukraine. However, I doubt if it let the country in an argument change their unreasonable way of thinking rationally. I hope such global companies show and share messages from people in a disastrous situation through the use of media, which is severely restricted in the country in an argument. Then, the acts help the citizens of not realizing the real fact to awaken from the wall of irrational propaganda.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

This is I believe the result of an interconnected world, where waging war or even raising hostilities will cost a country a lot. In the world where multinational corporations can arguably have more sway than smaller and poorer nations, this is what you get, which can either be good or bad depending on where you are. I can't imagine the plight of the common Russian right now, if this whole Ukraine fiasco doesn't stir up the Russian people and the international community against Mad Vlad, I don't know what will.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

On the other hand, between this and media censorship the world is seeing the danger of relying on businesses in the imperial core.

What's that saying about a frog in hot water?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Not sure. Making Russia an international pariah may have adverse effects if they outlast the sanctions etc.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Can Russia retaliate?


As one scholar said, undersea cables which are still responsible for many financial operations could be cut. Does Russia have submersibles?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

It's sad, but reality is that it doesn't really matter whether commoners agree or disagree. Japan Inc will follow its government "informal" instructions which (J government) in turn will follow its suzerains' orders from Washington DC.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Yes, of course.

Russia's murder spree deserves punishment not ambivalence or support.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Removing the sanctions should not be in any conditions for peace, too, save a few for humanitarian purposes, and only if the media is allowed in there with full access and transparency as well as the UN and aid groups (to both Ukraine and Russia), and Putin must either step down or already have been gotten rid of.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


It's a coward's move..

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

It is the morally right thing to do, although generally business' rarely put that at the top of their decision process. But- for any company doing business in Russia with income in Rubles, the value of which has tanked, combined with the inability to remit out of Russia due to Russian babks be being taken off the SWIFT system, and non-Russian banks quickly getting out of operations in Russia....there is only one rational choice.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Agree, and for individual businesses, it has more to do with strategy for survival than moral responsibility. The value of ruble has fallen to a record low, with no prospect of recovery in a foreseeable future. The Russian authorities may seize and abuse local business assets owned by foreigners. Not to mention, global businesses don't want to ruin reputations outside Russia.

In a society under severe censorship, mass business closures give visible messages and awareness to the general public. It is morally right and effective for war end.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If it's McDonalds and Coke, I say yes.


Make Russians healthy again!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Do you agree with the decision by many global companies to sever their business ties with Russia because of its invasion of Ukraine?

If this was the global standard, than yes, otherwise no.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The poor Russian people have never known good government, and now their crazed Putin is taking them down with himself. How many more will die before he is stopped?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The change will have to come from within Russia itself. I at first suspected the oligarchs would put pressure, but they have little. Then, I heard his daughters were worried about being Putins, scorned everywhere. But it will have to come from the Siloviki, the former KGB and other nasty folk now in government and in the ear of Putin. They are the ones who did the poisonings for Putin, and can see what Putin is doing to their nation now.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Check my comment above... Called it. Thanks NATO et al for really sinking us into a global recession.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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