Some people argue that mandating anyone to wear face masks during the pandemic is a violation of human rights. Do you agree?
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If you can be 100% certain that only you and your immediate family are put at risk of contracting Covid and suffering from it, then by all means, go maskless...don't place yourself over others and put others at risk based on your decision to not wear a mask.
Being obliged to drive on the same side of the road as everyone else isn’t a violation of human rights, it’s just sensible to avoid accidents.
Being obliged to use the same currency as everyone else in the country you’re in isn’t a violation of human rights, it’s common sense.
Being obliged to wear a mask in the middle of a highly infectious pandemic that is symptomless in most, fatal for some and with serious long-term consequences for others isn’t a violation of human rights, it’s necessary if we’re going to get through this.
Those who don’t want to wear a mask in public should just stay home.
Some people consider forcing drivers to wear seatbelts is a violation of their human rights
Some people don't care if other drivers kill themselves by not wearing seatbelts - they just don't want those other drivers in a crash becoming human missiles flying thru the air wrecking havoc and carnage. For the public good
The sheep will still be wearing masks when there is nothing around- " for the public good " After all, what are the manufacturers and shops going to do with all the mask products stocked up.
Though depending on how you define human rights, I don't think compulsory face-masking is infringing on it. But its active (excessive?) use seems to me more symbolic than substantial. It's just like public nudity which is restricted or fully banned due to "indecency" regardless of public health concern. Meaning of face mask is becoming social.
Let's be reasonable. For instance, you don't need to cover your face when you are alone at home (though I often observe many solo participants masked upon zoom-like video conferences). The covid-19 doesn't fly or stay long in the air; should it do so, a regular mask cannot protect you from getting infected.
Luis David Yanez
Funny you say that, because if you read the scientific literature on the current understanding of the epidemiology of the virus, most of what you said there is false.
Mosst people are asymptomatic, from the rest who ahave symptoms, it is mild at best for most, and it can get serious for people over 70, mainly because of the lack of a vaccine and antiviral treatement, and the consequences are basically the same as if someone of that age didn't got a vaccine or treatment for the flu, and it gets to the point of pneumonia.
In other words, people are being obligated to wear something, that in the first place has not very strong evidence of working in the general population to avoid spread in the middle of an outbreak, that some people because of health reasons cannot wear, basically creating a situation in which a person that is probably not infected with any virus gets discriminated for having a condition that makes that person ot capable to wear a mask (for example, asthma patients, people with chronic headaches, mostly because of fear mongering that has overblown the actual risk of the virus, in order to make people feel safe without providing much than security theater.
Comparing wearing a mask just to live your life, as wearing a seat belt when using a car, which isn't really necessary to survive, is nothing more than a false equivalency
Raw Beer
The same could have been said at any time over the past century regarding the flu and other infectious agents.
Covid19 is not as deadly as initially claimed; and there are pros and cons to wearing a mask. Each person should do as they see fit.
Luis David Yanez,
Well said and factual. There is no real evidence that masks do much to help. I believe that anyone who have an active flu or cold of any sort should wear a mask if at work or among other people. That to me is common sense. I just can't believe the amount of people wearing masks in their cars, while jogging, while walking and on their bicycles on deserted streets and parks. What disturbs me is the people who were wearing masks long before any virus. Japan is coming to be a nation of faceless people. Recently, a company took interviews for job applicants. I was told that they all had masks during the interviews and never once saw their real faces.
You're not using the concept of false equivalency properly. A mask and using a seat belt or the brakes for that matter are both contained in the idea of overlapping measures to increase survivability. Same as with airplane systems, which are over-designed. Distancing and masks aim to keep the number of people who get the virus to a low level so as to 1) not over-burden the hospitals so that all resources are being dedicated to only Covid patients, and 2) reduce the number of factories (our bodies) that the virus has a chance to mutate within.
Maybe the death rate isn't high enough for a segment of the population to be concerned more, or the most susceptible group of people isn't important enough for that segment of the population to be concerned more.
The answer is no. The reason is because of commerce. Cleo excellently pointed out why people use the same sides of roads and currency. Even further, why people are encouraged to use the same language. Governments live and die on their ability to facilitate and protect commerce. The nature of virus transmission is not clear but airborne transmission has not been ruled out. So to protect commerce, governments have asked people to wear masks.
Out side of emergencies, governments can only ask people to wear masks. Businesses are different, they get to set standards for how the business interacts with customers. Like, how Facebook has no phone number available to users, and it's legal. A business can require a customer to wear a mask while on the premises for any reason they see fit. Most likely, because of insurance protection. As there is market competition, customers have the choice to choose other businesses.
This mask situation is more akin to smoking bans when you think about it.
In most areas, you can't be a nudist right? As you are being indecent. Which in a way not wearing a mask could be in the current climate.
There has to be some common sense. Requiring masks in enclosed spaces is sensible and should be up to the proprietor. The government to decide that people must wear masks even in the open air is authoritarian overreach.
Luis David Yanez
It is a false equivalency because the argument wasn't about survivability in the first place, it was about human rights.
Driving a car isn't human right. Living your life is, and therefore, living it without interference is a human right.
Not only that, but even in the survivability aspect, it is a false equivalency.
There are hundreds of hundreds of studies that actually prove that in the case of an accident, chances of surviving that accident by wearing a seat belt increases in a very significant way, same thing with air bags and many other security features modern cars have. Masks, on the other hand, have basically no scientific proof of helping avoiding the spread of an outbreak in the general population.
So, one is an actual security measure, while the other is pure security theater.
And not only that, the probability of you being in a car accident when driving a car is actually quite high, so it is a very real risk, with a high probability of killing you.
On the other hand, with coronavirus, under 70 your chances of dying from SARS-Cov-2 are as high as dying from the flu, and I don't see people advocating to use all the time masks when there is a flu outbreak, unless you yourself are sick.
The whole reason to wear a mask, a seat belt, press the brakes, get vaccinated, is to avoid a preventable disease (Covid is largely preventable if you wear a mask, avoid crowds, etc, etc) or an accident. That survivorship.
You stated "Living your life is a human right"...interesting concept, since this is not something that we have much control over. Our genes, disease and unexpected misfortune set the table here. However, under the current set of conditions, wearing a mask might help one attain that "living" you feel you have a right to, so I'm not sure what you're really trying to argue here.
Face masks critical in preventing spread of COVID-19
Study found that wearing a face mask stopped person-to-person spread of the virus
June 12, 2020
Texas A&M University
A study has found that not wearing a face mask dramatically increases a person's chances of being infected by the COVID-19 virus.
Wear a mask you dummies. It's your human right.
Unless I have a gun pointed to my head, I won’t wear one. I suppose if I go somewhere and the establishment insists, fine. But other than that, Nope.
Being forced to wear a mask for not only your own safety, but for that of the public as well, is an inconvenience, but definitely not a violation of any human rights. Giving someone else a disease that has the capability of killing them however... I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that's not exactly the right or responsible thing to do.
Masks are effective in helping stop the spread of viruses. As is handwashing and social distancing. Nobody will think any worse of you for being unselfish and considerate to the people around you. This isn't rocket surgery.
People who willingly spread disease should be pinned down and have a mask stitched onto their face.
Luis David Yanez
Masks act as a symbol for society – you are protected. The evidence says you may not be.
Evidence from 14 trials on the use of masks vs. no masks was disappointing: it showed no effect in either healthcare workers or in community settings. We could also find no evidence of a difference between the N95 and other types of masks but the trials comparing the two had not been carried in aerosol-generating procedures.
A review of multiple studies, and classification of type of evidence and quality of evidence, by Oxford University CEBM.
Hmmmm.....Sounds very authoritarian and violent to me.
Why? “You’re” implying it, I just said, I won’t wear a mask, simple.
The discussion seems to be about whether masks are effective and not about human rights. We follow all kinds of rules and restrictions in public places - speed limits, not walking around naked, not carrying guns (well, in most countries), etc.
Even if they are shown to be effective?
I'm going to assume that this was raised by Americans? Does it infringe on their rights to spread a nasty virus? What rights does the mask affect?
No, because 98% of the time, I don’t wear one, but if I go to the clinic and they tell me, I guess so, anywhere else, I do not and so far, I was never asked or push to wear one.
Well, we don’t know if the masks work or not, it’s so confusing because there are so many opinions and a lot of information to various degrees, it just depends on what you believe.
So what?
lol...I think?
You wear it to avoid confrontation? Really? Not for its intended and actually useful purpose?
that person
As a temporary safety measure in a time like this, that is a ridiculous way of thinking.
If it is made permanent, let’s try the pole again
"Wearing a mask works if you wear a mask to protect me, and I wear a mask to protect you.
If I don't wear a mask to protect you, or if you don't wear a mask to protect me, then there's a hole in the collective antivirus protection.
But there's no silver bullet; every little thing helps in the fight against the virus - not just the mask but also social distancing, washing/disinfecting hands often, working at home, etc.
People are asked all the time to make some sacrifices during extraordinary circumstances for the greater public good. Something simple and temporary like this is not hard work, compared to other sacrifices, to make it quicker for everybody to get this virus flatten curve over with as soon as possible. Why would anybody want to expand this epidemic to last even longer than it has to..."
Luis David Yanez
Nope, I'm not an American, nor I have ever lived in the US.
For that logic you would need to asume that most people who are being forced to wear a mask actually have the virus, but they most likely won't be carrying it, which means that mostly healthy people will be forced to wear masks for no good reason.
And also, for that logic you require that wearing masks actually helped to stop the spread of the virus, (which by the way, really isn't that nasty), but there is no good evidence for it.
Wearing a mask can have many negative consequences. For starters, there are people who cannot wear a mask for health problems, but in this corona dystopia it seems that the only health problem that people care about is Covid-19.
For the negative effects, I'm going to quote the Center of Evidence Based Medicine from the Oxford University:
It is often more difficult to breathe while wearing masks (particularly the respirator masks), which can exacerbate other health issues. A review of 84 articles found that protective facemasks also negatively impact respiratory and dermal mechanisms of human thermoregulation, making it hard for many to wear constantly.
Thinking you’re protected, means you may put yourself at higher risk, and as individuals, we will change our behaviour in response to the perceived levels of risk. We are more careful if the level of risk is high and less careful if it is low. Measures we can take can include washing hands, avoiding touching, social distancing, school closures and self -isolating when unwell. You may also end up touching your face more often.
A mask can become dirty with excessive moisture, and contaminated with airborne pathogens. And because your voice is muffled; individuals may have to get closer to people, particularly the elderly, to hear from you.
The US is pretty much the only country where this is even a debate. How is that working out, by the way?
Luis David Yanez
It is not at all. Talking with friends and family here in Japan, a lot of them actually dislike how they are getting forced to use masks, many are skeptic about the mask use, and many are avoiding business that force mask use, but because they are Japanese, for the most part they will never say it publicly, not make a big fuzz about it.
And in the US, daily deaths have constantly been going down for more than 2 and a half months.
I don't know if I'd say "human rights", but it may be against civil rights. But, so are a lot of things; that doesn't mean they aren't or should not be law.
That said, wearing a mask is not law, and until it is, if I happen to forget to wear one, businesses and in particular public venues cannot treat me or others as though it IS law. Private business? Sure... they can reject you here or there based on where you come from, like "No Foreigners allowed" at some hot springs, and "No women" in the sumo ring or prestigious golf clubs, so why not? As long as it's established beforehand.
In the US the CDC is now recommending that people wear masks.
It's going down on the US as a whole only because the hard-hit states that took the virus seriously like the Northeast states have now got the virus under control. But the other states, it's now surging up
And in the future, those other states surging up may surpass the previous states that got it under control - resulting in the daily deaths going up again. So this isn't over yet, stay tuned
What's real tangible about the surging cases is that the hospital ICU (Intensive Care Unit) rooms are filling up again. In states where the hospitalization cases are surging up, ICU spaces are nearing towards 100% capacity
And there's no going around that real-world complication - an ICU room occupied is one less ICU room for another patient. They're already suspending non-emergency and elective surgeries to keep ICUs available (so one has to live with that pain for the time-being until the surge dies down)
If they reach ICU over-capacity, then that means not everybody would be getting the care they need. Healthcare workers would be faced with the horrible decision - which patients they can help, and which patients they cannot help. Since not everybody would be getting the care they need, more people will die than necessary - and the death rates will go up again
That's what happens when hospitalization cases surge to fill up ICU rooms overcapacity. So stop the surge
When a person refuses to wear a face mask in public during a pandemic they are guilty of violating the rights of everyone around them and in my opinion should they be found to have the virus and spread it while taking no precautions, they should be charged with public endangerment and put in jail. If a person catches the virus from them and dies they should be charged with manslaughter.
@Luis David Yanez - If someone is, or thinks there's a chance they might be, HIV+, is it their human right not to mention it to a partner, and not to wear any protection? Don't they have a moral responsibility to protect the health and wellbeing of the other person? If not, why not?
Covid-19 is exactly the same. There's no law (yet) saying that you must wear a mask, but as anyone can be asymptomatic and pass the virus onto another person, surely it's everyone's moral responsibility to protect the health and wellbeing of each other.
Failing to wear a mask is one of the most self-centered, selfish, and immature actions anyone can do. Masks protect others from the virus you may be carrying - and decrease the chances of you infecting someone else.
Patricia Yarrow
If I was in the USA, mask wearing would make a lot of sense. Not so much here in Japan, even Tokyo. Use common sense and keep distance, wash hands. Stay out of enclosed areas. Mask is not the magic talisman. I just wish the gym would make masks optional, so I can go back and work out without a suffocating useless virtue signal slapped across my breathing apparatus.
Why? Masks are either useful or they are not.
I completely agree.
Bingo, well said and on point!
I've seen some twisted logic in my time, but this really takes the manju.
Your logic is - In the USA the infection rate is really high, and not many people are wearing masks, therefore wearing a mask would make sense to protect you from the many infected people. In Japan, where many people are wearing masks every day, the infection rate is low, therefore you don't need to wear a mask.
Could it be that the rate in Japan is low partly (not completely) due to people wearing masks and protecting each other from transmission? In which case, shouldn't you join in with the good practice and help keep the infection rate low? If you don't think that wearing a mask makes any difference at all in Japan, then why would it have any benefit in the USA?
Your logic is like saying: In the USA everyone puts their hands in fire and gets burned hands. In Japan nobody puts their hands in the fire so they don't get burned. Conclusion: It's safe to put your hand in fire in Japan.
Luis David Yanez
Tell me an state where deaths are actually going up.
Cases are up, mostly because of increased testing, and change in protocols for testing, and most people turning positive are young and asymptomatic.
Show me actual ICU capacity vs usage and usage in usual years. Not even NY that had a lot of outbreaks in nursing homes (from where most of the deaths actually came) had an incredibly great raise in hospitalizations, and it was never at the "brink of collapse" even if the media was constantly saying that.
And it was a complete disaster. Hospitals were basically completely empty, and there was actually a rise in non-covid excess deaths because of cancelled treatments and so called "elective surgeries", which include things like cancer treatment and hearth surgeries.
As I said, hospitals were never at the point of break, in fact hospitals are having a lot of financial troubles because there are just no patients.
There is a difference between taking an extreme measure and actually needing that extreme measure. Not because you take it means you need it.
Following that logic, if you are found to have forced someone who was healthy to use a mask and ended up with mask related health problems, you should be charged as well.
Another completely false equivalency. It is non equivalent in any sense. For starters, the way mask usage is being enforced means that it really doesn't matter if you are healthy or not. You could show that you have created immunity for the virus, and that you are negative in the PCR tests, and you still would need to wear a mask, because, once again, it is just security theater.
Just like the security theater of the airport that assumes that everyone is a terrorist, mask security theater asumes everyone has SARS-CoV-2.
Not to mention that having sex with someone who is HIV+ without protection has a very real risk of infection. A more equivalent comparison would be, forcing everyone to use condoms all the time in order to stop the spread of HIV.
Why do I never hear anyone say this when there is an outbreak of anything else?
Oh yeah, because it is insane. A lot of people are starting to develop OCD-like behavior.
I think the point that person was trying to make was, the number of cases and deaths in Japan is not at all comparable with the US, so the actual possibility of getting SARS-CoV-2 or dying from COVID-19 is extremely low.
Yeah, uh why?
Because people are wearing masks.
This is your line of reasoning: Wearing masks prevents infection, so...let's stop wearing masks.
Lol. Brilliant!
Yes - that is the whole point!
Some people think they are healthy, but actually they are asymptomatic, and can pass the virus on to another person. This person might not be as lucky to stay asymptomatic and actually develop the more severe symptoms.
I think you would agree that wearing a mask absolutely reduces the amount of droplets in the air that someone ingests. It's not a 100% effective barrier, but it reduces it somewhat. We know that the virus is mainly transmitted via droplets in the air (people speaking, coughing, sneezing etc.). Therefore can you not see the inherent benefit of wearing a mask?
If you never wear a mask, and you haven't contracted the virus, that doesn't prove that masks are useless. It just means you have so far been lucky in avoiding the virus. Maybe the next person you walk past...
I still don't understand. You wear it to avoid confrontation, and not to avoid the virus as a recovering cancer patient? I would think the latter would be a far bigger incentive.
BTW, I always wear one in public. But, it's because I am not a selfish a-hole, and am considerate of others, and want to avoid making anyone sick, if I'm an asymptomatic carrier.
I also want to avoid getting sick from others, even though the mask is less effective at that function. Having known people who have died from Covid-19, and knowing people who have recovered from it, anything that helps prevent catching it is welcome.
Honest question for those who perceive requirement of wearing a mask to be a violation of your human right, how exactly does it violate it?
Is this due to your perception that masks don't work?
What evidence would convince you that they do work?
If this evidence exist, would it then still violate your right?
You posted the other day that nobody in the Netherlands were wearing masks. It was pointed out to you that masks are mandatory on public transport in the Netherlands.
Are you sure you have a grip on the facts?
It changed now, well good for them. I’m not in the Netherlands, so I could care less what they do in their country. I shuttle between Japan and the States.
Yes, I won’t wear one.
Thanks for stepping up an literally proving my point with your post.
I didn’t say “did” I said, I do, relax.
That thousands of us think wearing a mask is a moronic idea and the people pushing wearing a mask don’t want to listen to other points of view?
It's moronic because it helps prevents infection. It's helping keep the numbers down in Japan, so people don't need to wear them.
Nice logic.
But we don’t know that since Japan doesn’t do massive testing or autopsies, so there’s no way to prove it definitively, implying it otherwise is moronic.
Apples to oranges argument. We have been wearing clothes for thousands of years, wearing masks haven’t been around as long as clothes and we don’t wear them usually, historically, let’s keep it in its proper context.
Silly Americans worry about little things like freedom.
Mandating that I have to wear a seatbelt while driving is a violation of my human rights AND my freedom. Also prohibiting me from smoking on an airplane is another and bigger violation of my human rights... All the same as wearing a mask during a pandemic. I bet this question was raised by those in that third world country were the virus is just a hoax and a conspiracy by the government to take people's freedom away for the purpose of no one could make sense.
Peter Neil
When you infect others by not wearing a mask you are a passing the costs onto the responsible members of society, since they will end up bearing the costs.
Wearing a mask and being wrong is better than not wearing a mask and being wrong.
This debate is stupid.
Luis David Yanez
I love when people can claim things they really have no idea if it is true or not.
Sadly, I actually need proof before making these kind of claims, and the thing is, as I said previously, there is no actual evidence of these.
Not to mention that there are other countries, like NZ that doesn't really have a mask culture, and they kind of are in the same (or even better) boat.
And I made a whole argument that even if someone could show without a shadow of a doubt that they not only are not infected, but that they have actually immunity, they would still be forced to wear masks, even if it is completely useless.
Not only that, but the main way of transmission, as with the common cold, would be because of sneezes and coughs. Not only asymptomatic people are not constantly sneezing and coughing, but the same effect can be achieved, without all of the unnecessary harm it can cause, by just engaging in common sneezing etiquete.
And as a last point, there is actual evidence that asymptomatic people are actually way less likely to infect others, since one of the reasons why they are asymptomatic is that their viral load is actually very low.
It is a mix of multiple things, but mostly because of the fact that this is for the most part just security theater for an overblown threat.
Here is the funny thing, in normal times I'm an advocate for masks, I've been pushing all the time to people who are sick and want to go out or to work to, first, don't do it, and second, if you are going to do it anyway, at least wear a mask.
But this time is different. Basically people are being forced to wear masks regardless if they are sick or not, assuming that we are all asymptomatic, but ignoring many other facts, like the fact that your eyes, one of the most easy routes for transmission, remain open, and the fact that because you wear a mask, you will be touching your face more constantly, and it can actually be the way you get infected.
The only way this wouldn't be a human right violation is that you would be forcing only sick people to wear it.
The instant you are forcing healthy people to wear them, you are violating people's rights.
No masks are totally useless. Wearing one is just virtual signalling. We should all be forced to wear Hazmat suits in public. Totally stops transmission of the virus.
While at the same time not seeming to worry about the epidemic that has killed more than 130,000 of them and destroyed their economy.
But whatever, they are free to not wear 50 cent masks which nobody else in the world is bothered about. Well played.
No. This is a war, albeit against an invisible enemy, and every man, woman and child must do whatever they can do to fight against it. Wearing a mask is proper and practical self-defense.
Silly Americans overreact and think everything and anything is an infringement upon their freedom.
Some of us prefer people who are willing to be reasonable for the greater good. To use a little common sense, and come together as a community, for the sake of the community.
egads man!
As if people would spend their money on hazmat suits. Maybe the government should give 1 or 2 to each household.
That’s an opinion, I don’t share hat and there are millions that don’t.
Yup! Damn proud too!
Mild is now being proven untrue. Lasting effects from mild to severe are being recorded around the world. Mild cases in some have led to other physiological or anatomical problems. If that doesn't bother you, go on with your 'freedom'.
Well no, it's a fact. That's why other countries are doing well with Covid, while America has failed.
Hence America being #1 - the worst when it comes to dealing with Covid.
So you think they do work and they protect others? But not effective?
So if you are sick wear a mask? The more touching of face sounds like an assumption or are you speaking from experience here? Tendency maybe which is avoidable but not absolute. Definitely no evidence of wearing mask leads to face touching which is worst than no mask.
We have some of our beliefs without much evidence which is fine. But they do lack evidence none the less.
So forcing sick people ok, but healthy ones no? But human rights should apply to all humans in all condition, definitely a slippery slope elsewise.
You haven't mentioned what evidence would actually change your mind on this though. Of course this is somewhat rhetorical as we are 5 months into a pandemic with the western world literally seeing the data over time and changing their narrative to masks do work. But prove me wrong.
Back on non-flat earth, there is evidence. And not only a little, but a lot.
Just because this doesn't jive with your belief system doesn't make it untrue.
Christopher Bauer
Masks are not worn to protect the wearers; they are worn to protect those with whom the wearers come in contact. Most cases of Covid-19 are asymptomatic, whcih means that they are unwittingly spreading the disease without exhibiting symptoms.
Ever since at least Typhoid Mary, it has been accepted that governments have the right and indeed the obligation to regulate human activities in order to protect their populations from infectious diseases.
I suppose that those claiming some sort of "right" to refuse to wear a mask also have the "right" to drop their pants in front of children - but don't try it in my neighborhood.
By now, we do know that. Limited testing can only hide so much, if the pandemic had really spread here it would shown up in overwhelmed hospitals and increases in mortality above normal rates a long time ago. It hasn't.
What we do have evidence of is that the only developed country on the planet with a leader stupid enough to have politicized mask wearing is also the country with by far the worst outbreak. And the second worst outbreak belongs to Brazil, the only developing country on the planet with a leader stupid enough to have politicized mask wearing.
But yeah, whatever. Enjoy your freedom to not wear something you probably wouldn't have given a crap about had Trump not put the idea that masks were a liberal ploy to rob you of your liberty and turn American commie into your head.
Luis David Yanez
Show the research of it. I can show you reviews of multiple studies on the epidemiology with strong evidence, the virus is mostly mild and effects are very similar to those of Influenza like illnesses.
The main problem for this virus in particular is that there is no vaccine nor there is an anti-viral treatment, which means if you have a severe form of the illness, there is not much to do to lower your viral count.
The results would be the same if you had a severe form of influenza and you took no treatment for it.
I think there is no evidence that they work in the way it is supposed to avoid this pandemic. There are studies on people who are infected in very controlled situations, there are also some mild evidence studies on the use by medical professionals that lowers their chance to get infected (in direct contact and very close contact with infected people).
There are simply no studies on the effects of just giving everyone a mask and waiting for it to stop a pandemic, and there is strong evidence that in fact it doesn't really prevent the spread of an outbreak in some place like a city.
There is evidence that masks can lead to a false sense of security. In fact the point I made there is a point that was made by professionals at the Evidence Based Medicine Center of the Oxford University.
There have been cases in the past of people who spread virus knowingly being arrested and even put on jail, because at that point you are basically being an actual real risk to others.
Now, in most of those cases are really extreme cases (before this bs), like people who are carriers of the typhoid virus, doing things like cooking for a restaurant, and ignoring orders not to do it, or people who are HIV+ and knowingly have sex with other just to infect them.
You are correct that even in cases where you know someone is infected that even there it could be a human right violation, but at least there is precedent that it might be not in this kind of situations.
What is completely a clear cut violation on human rights is doing the same with someone who is healthy, and even worse it this causes health problems to these people.
Change my mind about what? There are so many topic here that it is a little bit disingenuous trying to simplify it into a single problem that you just need to prove.
For me to change my mind that it actually works in a pandemic, there would need to be studies with strong evidence (by strong evidence means, studies that have a strong sample of people, that removes bias and takes into account variations in the population) of working in the wide population, regardless of infection status, and that the negative effects of these actions are less damaging that what they are trying to avoid.
For me to change my mind that it isn't a human right violation to just force everyone, without matter that they are infected or not, to wear a mask, you can't. I don't think there is any circumstance that would justify forcing people to take actions that are completely a waste of time, just because of panic and security theater.
The more rights you claim, the less freedom you have.
Luis David Yanez
This is why I don't like to talk about these subjects with people that lack proper scientific education.
I'm not denying that there are circumstances in which wearing a mask makes sense, and has been proved to work, I have read the papers on the subject.
The problem here is, what we are seeing here is not the same set of rules.
Having people to wear masks because they themselves are sick makes sense in order to prevent (even if not a 100%) spread.
Having highly trained medical professionals to wear masks when in close contact in order to prevent getting infected has shown to work, but just because of very strict protocols on their use.
Having the general population, most of which are completely healthy wear masks, can actually increase the chances of them getting infected for multiple reasons, like touching your face more than usual, having to get closer to people in order to hear them better because of muffled sound, using mask for long periods of time, among many others.
Having people who are healthy, and have health problems that can get aggravated by mask use, is just cruel.
Here in Scotland from this week we are being told to wear face coverings inside shops or other indoor establishments where social distancing is extremely difficult. Notice 'face coverings', not masks. The idea is that if we are infected (even if we don't know and don't display symptoms) we don't spread the virus to others. Face coverings smother the aerosol projection of droplets, which is how the virus is spread. They aren't to protect us, but to protect others around us.
Do we feel it's stomping on our rights? No... we're grown up enough to accept that we are protecting others.
Now, I understand because you've finally actually explained it. But, just an FYI, most experts do agree on it. So, as long as it isn't negatively affecting your O2 levels, and most experts also agree that a standard surgical mask shouldn't, you really should wear one for your protection.
Good luck with your recovery.
Sure. Here's Texas:
And here's Florida:
This one is a little harder to find because of reasons below. But you'll get the idea why:
"Texas won’t specify where hospital beds are available as coronavirus cases hit record highs"
"Under pressure, Florida will start reporting how many people hospitalized with COVID"
"Arizona Reports ICUs Are 91% Full As Nearly 1 in 4 Tested for Coronavirus Came Back Positive"
The overflow sites turned out to be underused and not as needed, but NY hospitals themselves were overwhelmed
"Faced with a crush of patients, besieged NYC hospitals struggle with life-or-death decisions - Some have activated ‘do-not-resuscitate’ policies for coronavirus patients, canceled all but the most urgent surgeries and abandoned the use of isolation rooms."
"A shortage of hospital beds and ventilators has forced some hospitals to ration out resources — and in the most extreme cases, form a plan as to what patients will get treatment over others."
"One doctor in New York City told Business Insider Today that deciding which patients to intubate or ventilate is "a matter of when, not if. We will have to make those decisions in New York very soon, and our goal is to put that day off as far as possible."
Back on topic please. The subject is masks.
Face masks are a medically proven safety measure that help slow the spread of COVID.
If you are against wearing a face mask during a pandemic, then you should also be against;
Wearing a seat belt...
Safety googles...
In short, a Moron...
What kept the numbers low in Japan? Miso soup?
Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, and Sean Hannity all wear and support mask wear - you disagree with them?
Texas Repub Governor Abbot is mandating mask wear in certain areas - you disagree with him?
Even Trump has said he encourages mask wear (after saying it was Anti-American) - you disagree with him?
Alex Simovic
I’ve really given up debating the wearing of masks with western people as they all know so much better than everyone else and we can all see how well the USA for example is doing now with their 2 million cases. The thought that wearing a mask somehow impedes your rights is idiotic .
I think this sums it up nicely...I wear a mask for three reasons;
Humility - COVID can be asymptomatic - and I don't want to unwittingly spread the disease to others...
Kindness - I could be next to a child battling cancer or someone caring for their elderly mother - I might be fine, they might not...
Community - I want the virus to recede so we can open businesses again and employees can return to work...
If you're too selfish to wear a mask, or you have been manipulated to think of it as some political statement, you're a Moron...
It can be, but no one is sure...
Why are they out in this pandemic if that is the case and if I have to go, I would make sure and take the biggest precaution to not go near anyone.
We don’t need masks to do this, we can practice safe social distancing. They do it on Japanese TV all the time.
You are a moron if you think Fauci is the know it all, be all, the Alpha and Omega when it comes to infectious diseases, he is not, he is a mere mortal with flaws like the rest of us.
if you believe that you really need a mask...
Ask Trump and those that attended his rallies in Arizona and Tulsa - maybe the 8 staffers and 2 Secret Service Agents...and Don Jr's girlfriend...
I suggest you find medical advice other than a Japanese quiz show...
Yep, just like Pence, McConnell and Hannity - they're Morons and Anti-American, according to you...
Or the rioters and looters that tore up our cities....that’s why so many young people are coming down with it.
I don’t, I just watch comedians on the panel Yu king it up, mask free.
No, I like them, but don’t tell me to wear it, they can do whatever they want, but for me, it’s un-American.
Yep, I guess Kimberly Guilfore is young...
Too bad you missed the plexiglass panels...
OK - they tell you to wear them and they also wear them themselves - in your words "Un-American"...
Well said....
I did and then I heard various opinions from other experts and the conclusion is, everyone has a different opinion and my opinion is, I won’t wear a mask.
But I still love them, just difference of opinions.
When I go to the States it is.
Because of the testing or lack of it. But again, in Japan, I don’t wear them.
You love them but also think because they encourage and wear masks that they are "Un-American" and/or "Anti-American" (you've used both terms)....
You must really love Putin, Xi and the Mullahs then...
Yes, you keep saying that, don’t know why, but that’s how I feel, but it has nothing to do whether I like these people or not.
Peter Neil
Not wearing a mask in these times is like being a drunk driver who only cares about themself, is a danger to others and makes poor decisions.
Peter Neil
Wearing a mask in Japan can help keep the infection rate from spiraling out of control. That's the whole point.
If you aren't getting tested every day, you have no idea if you're shedding the virus, regardless of how you feel that day.
Saying that you refuse to wear a mask (which is such a small thing to do) in these temporary times is like barreling through stop signs and red lights because it's your "freedom to do so."
I blame the spectacular failure of the education system to teach logic and reason so people can discern the difference between smart and stupid as they gorge on social and other media.
Too many people can no longer tell if a person is spewing stupidity and nonsense. I fear for the next 20 years.
Wearing a mask in Japan can help keep the infection rate from spiraling out of control. That's the whole point.
my wife was really sick today, she went to the doctor but since testing isnt available easily. Dr says it most likely a cold and gave her medication. He said if the medication a doesnt work then it may be covid19 and come back asap so he can arrange testing. Meanwhile we are optimistic that its only a cold, but to be safe shes quaranteening herself in the upstairs living room , away from me and the kids. we wear masks while shes sick and take her some food. Is is foolproof? most probably not but its a darn site better than wearing no mask at all! use your brains people listen to the science.
Peter Neil
The virus is deadlier than initially claimed as more long-lasting effects are being understood. Problems such as ARDS, cardiomyopathy, abnormal blood clotting, deep vein thrombosis, renal failure, pulmonary embolisms, impaired balance and coordination, infertility and others.
For every 100,000 people who have died so far, there are another 200,000-300,000 who were hospitalized but will have a high rate of morbidity just from lung fibrosis.
Young healthy teenagers who only had mild symptoms are now suffering from debilitating pulmonary issues weeks after they "recovered."
There are no cons to wearing a mask.
What the heck is wrong with you people?
Desert Tortoise
I have said for many years that rights come with obligations. Many Americans love to hammer away at their rights but never even give lip service to the notion that we have obligations to the nation, to your local area and to each other. Your claimed right not to wear a face mask during a pandemic increases the danger faced by others in your community. Do you have a "right" to engage in behavior that endangers others? Ask yourself that question before stubbornly refusing to mask up when you leave your home.
Bolsonaro agrees.
I wonder has anyone been refused entry to an establishment when NOT wearing a mask?
Tony Kee Choi Tong
just like wearing seat belt when driving is mandatory, and other traffic rules!
So much BS above. Yes, wearing a mask does slow or stop the spread of COVID-19. Don't argue with me, rather argue with the Mayo Clinic in the USA. The latter is one of the largest and most reputable medical schools and hospitals in the USA. To wit for those who are witless and don't give a damn about others. And by the way, in the US the new cases are among the 17-49 and group who were deniers, and they are dying. THis virus is not the flu. The after effects are unheard of in the common flu. This can leave someone who is cured devastated, crippled, etc.
From the Mayo Clinc :
Can face masks help prevent the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19? Yes, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus.
So why weren't face masks recommended at the start of the pandemic? At that time, experts didn't yet know the extent to which people with COVID-19 could spread the virus before symptoms appeared. Nor was it known that some people have COVID-19 but don't have any symptoms. Both groups can unknowingly spread the virus to others.
These discoveries led the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to do an about-face on face masks. The CDC updated its guidance to recommend widespread use of simple cloth face coverings to help prevent transmission of the virus by people who have COVID-19 but don't know it.
Some public health groups argue that masks should be reserved for health care providers and point to the critical shortage of surgical masks and N95 masks. The CDC acknowledged this concern when it recommended cloth masks for the public and not the surgical and N95 masks needed by health care providers.
When did the term Covid 19 first appear ? Evidently in 2004, the subject of a mural which was displayed in the Denver Airport. It was a mural by Neha Kumari and was titled " suffering and fighting against Corona virus "
The mural depicted people of nations around the world wearing masks with their respective country flags imprinted on the masks. It has of course been removed, just like some of my posts get removed. We have all been conned. It is just another form of flu. We see the statistics for Covid infections every day, but where are the statistics for the Flu ?
Luis David Yanez
I've seen that people are being refused at Animate.
Also, about 3 days ago, I was given a mask when entering a restaurant called "Steak Gusto", which was extremely weird. How am I supposed to eat with a mask in my face?
You are crazy.
The virus was said to have from 10% to 3% of a death rate. Right now that sits at around 0.1% to 0.4%.
I'm so sick about this mix of facts and misleading information.
Young people, even with the flu die, but the rate is nothing like people over 70. The rate of people dying from COVID on the age range you are talking about is the same as people from that range who die from influensa.
Jim Harper
Of course it's not. Nothing that's been said here provides any evidence for that assertion. People might not want to wear a mask and some people might think they don't work, but a violation of human rights? No.
Each humans rights are limited by the right of other humans Only one living alone in the bush can have unlimited human rights. One wears the mask to protect others and that means respecting the human rights of others. Any other discussion is absurd stupid and arrogant use of free speech.
Luis David Yanez
If you are not infected, you wearing a mask isn't protecting anyone.
Jim Harper
...and given all the suspected asymptomatic cases, how exactly is a person supposed to know for certain whether they're infected or not? Has anyone tried to test an entire population to find out? Of course not. So we're back to erring on the side of caution and wearing a mask. Simply repeating that uninfected people aren't dangerous does nothing to advance your argument.
Think of the virus as a STD and a condom as a mask.
Basically the same...It protects both of the parties from disease,
unwanted pregnancy but its not 100%. Sure its not as good as no
condom but is it worth the risk??
@Luis David Yanez
Following that logic, if you are found to have forced someone who was healthy to use a mask and ended up with mask related health problems, you should be charged as well.
That is clutching at straws. Mask related health problems? Please, if breathing slightly filtered air gives you a health problem you have more serious underlying issues that have nothing to do with wearing a surgical face mask.
Choosing not to wear a mask during a pandemic shows the selfish from the civic minded. Deport the selfish I say and don't ever let them come back. They care nothing for anyone but themselves. Not legally possible but perhaps things like that need to change.
Given how long this virus has been in circulation and the facts which are fairly well known, it is amazing that people are still spouting such dumb comments such as "if you are not infected, you wearing a mask isn't protecting anyone", apparently in ignorance of the well known fact of asymptomatic infection.
You take it off to eat, but you put it on when the waiting staff come to your table or when you leave your table to go to the bathroom etc. I would have thought this would be quite obvious.
Luis - given what you say elsewhere, I think it is highly unlikely that you have been reading the scientific literature either
@Luis David Yanez
Daily deaths recorded yesterday were 993, the highest in the US since June 10 (998). The decline has reversed.
And if you want to know a state where deaths are going up:
Illinois - higher than a week ago
Arizona - growing steadily since May
Florida - trending up since mid-June
Do I really need to do the basic research for you?
David Wilson
Zichi, I'm with you all the way mate and like yourself I wear a mask because I have no immune system due to a lung transplant in 2018 and my wife also wears one as she was in another hospital at the same time having major cancer surgery and still going through it. Neither of us can breath in them however its for our own health .
As for Japan we have travelled their on 16 occasions and during the colder months there are many, many Japanese people wearing masks out of respect for others so they don't spread the Flu virus.
So I would suggest those who are against it should pull their head out of their arce and do the right thing for everyone .
El Rata
Proud anti masker here! Not even the risk of death will make me wear those things, although, admittedly due to the fear of losing money, I reluctantly wear one if visiting a client that requires one on their premises.
The infirm, immunosuppressed and fearful should stay home and let the rest of us enjoy life without a cloth on our faces.
Wear a mask if you want but don't force it on others!
Peter Neil
Passing the virus off to even healthy people because you refuse to wear a mask can cause death and severe complications.
Potentially fatal neurological complications from even mild Covid-19 infections are more common than thought, including delirium, nerve damage and stroke.
How can a rational person continue this anti mask nonsense knowing that young, healthy people are at risk, just as much as older people?
Because they don't care - it's all about "me, me, me, my rights". They don't care if they are carrying the virus unwittingly and could infect another with fatal consequences. For them, being forced to wear a mark for a brief period in a global pandemic is so great a threat to their personal freedom that it is worth others dying as a result.
Just read above the irrational and selfish views.
Risk of death - don't make me wear a mask!
Fear of losing money - gimme a mask!
@El Rata - I would suggest that you have you priorities slightly the wrong way round - you can't spend money where you're dead.
Luis David Yanez
No one was doing that, so I don't see where the obvious part is in that.
Wanna bet?
Here is a list of a lot of PCR and Serological studies around the world that try to calculate the IFR of the virus:
An analysis of many Serological studies to get a general IFR, and that shows the problems with a single IFR:
Here is a paper that talks about mortality on people under 65.
Here is a paper that shows the problems with outbreaks in nursing homes (With an specific view of Sweden, but it really applies to most countries in which most deaths are from nursing homes)
And there are many more papers I've read. Tell me the subject about SARS-CoV-2, and probably I've read a couple.
Not sure if you understand how death reporting works in the US, but basically you get very low counts on saturday and sunday, on monday there usually is a small rise, and there is always a big peak on Tuesday.
There is actually a very good article in the Center for Evidence Based Medicine of Oxford University's site about how reporting of deaths, and the actual date of deaths do not match, and can create artificial peaks because of delayed reporting.
Sadly, unlike the good work that CEBM has been doing for creating an accurate report of daily deaths based on date of death instead of reporting as most media uses, I've not been able to find something similar for the US, but I can asure you that the data if you tabulate it by date of death is way more clean, and without weird peaks.
So, because you need to take into account delays and variations on reporting, using something like a 7 day moving average can give you a more clear picture of what is going on, and if you apply that filter to the current data, that peak becomes a small rise of 517 deaths on the 7-day moving average for monday, to 556 deaths on Tuesday's 7-day moving average, which would be the same number of deaths on a 7-day moving average as on last Friday.
Me? Wear a mask? What for? That's only for Liberal sissies. Real conservative men don't wear masks, we stare the virus down. I just can't figure out those guys like VP Pence, Mitch McConnell, and Sean Hannity - all support mask wear - I thought they were smarter that that. I guess they're just Liberal pansies too...
Now, a bullet proof vest - I wear one 24 hours s day - even when I sleep - you never know when your neighbors will try to sneak in and loot your storage of toilet paper.
Can't be too careful...
El Rata
If I'm dead, having money or not won't matter. But since I'm alive I certainly prefer to have some money.
I honestly respect the opinion of the maskers and if it makes you feel better go ahead and wear one. Idk maybe if I lived in Tokyo or a country where the virus is out of control, I'd wear one. But given my circumstances and the ones of the prefecture where I live (0 cases for weeks already), i prefer not to wear one, it is just a matter using common sense and judging your personal circumstances.
Desert Tortoise
".and given all the suspected asymptomatic cases, how exactly is a person supposed to know for certain whether they're infected or not? Has anyone tried to test an entire population to find out? Of course not. So we're back to erring on the side of caution and wearing a mask. Simply repeating that uninfected people aren't dangerous does nothing to advance your argument."
While admittedly not a sample that is representative of the population as a whole being as they are mostly young and fit but a remarkable statistic from the Covid-19 infection of the crew of the USS Harry S. Truman was that 60% of those who tested positive were asymptomatic. I think about that a lot when I am out shopping or visiting a doctors office.
Desert Tortoise
"Proud anti masker here! Not even the risk of death will make me wear those things, although, admittedly due to the fear of losing money, I reluctantly wear one if visiting a client that requires one on their premises.
The infirm, immunosuppressed and fearful should stay home and let the rest of us enjoy life without a cloth on our faces.
Wear a mask if you want but don't force it on others!"
What about the possibility of you giving the disease to others? You could have Covid-19 and be asymptomatic or perhaps only mildly sick. But absent a mask you can spread the disease to others with tragic and possibly fatal consequences. For one shining moment stop thinking only about yourself and consider the impact of your actions on others in your society. You emphatically do not have a right to engage in behaviors that put others at risk. Rights come with responsibilities and obligations. It isn't all about what you want to do.
There is always some people that have their own thoughts.
@Luis David Yanez
Yes, I am aware, which is why I mentioned that this was the highest rate of deaths since 10 June - there have been a number of Tuesdays since then, all of which had lower numbers than yesterday's.
Seven day moving averages are very poor at identifying a recent change in direction. We are expecting an increase in deaths because of the spike in infections over the past few weeks which are expected to become apparent in death rates. If in a week's time the evidence does not reflect this, I will admit to being wrong - and I hope vice versa.
You did ask if any states were increasing in death rates and I flagged a few for you were the trend is up, and reflected in the 7-day moving average.
It's not a matter of rights; it's a matter of life or death (possibly the offender; probably others he/she could infect).
To those who choose not to wear a mask, even some in places where your local gov't requires it: You're not procreating, are you? We don't need your imbecility in the gene pool...
Masks....come on people. Read the facts on the "Q"channel . Masks are just a Liberal plot to spread Bill Gates mind control drug. Every mask has been dipped in a chemical the Liberal cabal created to control us. I heard they got help from the Area 51 Aliens too...
Wear a mask and you start having thoughts of compassion and empathy - Liberal thoughts.
Heck, masks won't protect you from COVID - for that we have to take down all those 5G network towers that are spreading it...
William Bjornson
Well, whatever else may be said, the best protection from SARS-CoV-2 turns out to be tobacco smoking according to the statistics of both China and France. Daily smokers have a much lower incidence of infection at all compared to the number of smokers in the population. The researchers are concentrating on Nicotine but it's more likely in the tar and oils produced in the smoke. The conservative medical establishment is, of course, not reacting well to these documented stats. Irony is a tough haul for them...
Peter Neil
Some people are just ignorant.
Derek Grebe
The politicization of mask-wearing during a pandemic is one of the most egregious failures of the Trump Presidency.
Look at this clown, milking the death of George Floyd to "comic" effect, to bellows of "Freedom" from his crowd of assembled Trumpa-Loompas:
I think I heard it best expressed a coupe of days ago by a doctor coming off a long shift at the over-capacity ICU:
"If you can't breathe with a cotton mask on, then you really don't want to get coronavirus".
Toasted Heretic
No, it's not a violation. It's common sense.
You put sunscreen on to protect yourself from harmful UV rays, you wear a protective visor if you're cutting wood, you wear a safety belt for driving and so on.
Besides, if you think wearing a mask is uncomfortable - just wait and see how it feels with covid 19 in your lungs.
Don't be stupid and selfish. Wear a mask.
Bob Fosse
So, you don’t need a gun pointed at your head to wear one. I suppose that was just tough guy talk, like in a locker room.
Texas A&M Aggie
Paper or commercially produced face masks don't prevent the transmission of CV-19. The best mask (N95) only filters up to 0.03 microns. The coronavirus is 0.01 microns.
Bob Fosse
Thanks for that professor.
Bob Fosse
It’s actually bigger than that when isolated but even so is bonded with another matter that makes it much larger. This will help you get started, there are plenty more;
But the virus is incapable of moving around by itself. It hitches a ride on moisture droplets or aerosols, which are a lot bigger than 0.01 microns.
But never mind all the scientific mumbo-jumbo that gets in the way of a good pseudo-science 'commentary'. Just look at the results.
Americans refuse to wear masks coz 'mah you-man rahts'.
The USA has more confirmed cases and more deaths than any other country in the world. In terms of deaths per capita of population (407 per 1m), they're 'bested' by 8 other countries that either don't have the mask habit, like Belgium and the UK, or have small populations, like San Marino and Andorra, so that even a few deaths show up comparatively large.
Japanese wear their masks as a matter of course.
Japan is way, way behind the US in number of cases and number of deaths. Deaths per capita are 8 per 1m.
It isn't rocket science. Wear yer mask.
Umm... No. Those who are sick should stay home. Those who are at risk should stay home. Those who are scared should stay home. Let the rest of us live our lives however we see fit.
You can down-vote this all you like, but you know I'm right.
Bob Fosse
You don’t get it. But if you get “it” that’s your own fault.
You live in Japan, that’s low risk but you are still at risk and a risk to others.
You don’t know you are right because you don’t know if you have the virus or not.
Bob Fosse
It sounds like you should stay home.
Meaning, no one can force me.
No, I wouldn’t play, I mean what I say always. If I really have to, so be it, but if don't, I won’t and I don’t do it now, that’s my right.
Bigger nation, you are also seeing a declining death count.
I think liberals are driving themselves crazy with this. As long as liberals focus on the negatives of this virus and the US, for the life of me, I don’t know what liberals domestically and internationally want. lol.
Let them test more And let’s have more autopsies and let’s have that conversation again....
If people want, I don’t wear it and a lot of people around me don’t either.
Bob Fosse
Unless they have a gun to your head or they run an ‘establishment’ and insist you wear one. That’s according you “fine”.
You don’t do locker room talk? When did that change occur?
Bob Fosse
I “suppose” if you listen to a restaurant doorman it’s a start right? Try scientists next?
Bob Fosse
So gunpoint demands aside,, ‘establishments’ can insist you wear a mask and that’s fine.
If trump told you to wear a mask would that be fine too? He seems pretty establishment for now. You could imagine you were the Lone Ranger and use it as a blindfold.
Bob Fosse
trump can apparently sometimes be sarcastic and say things he doesn’t mean. He and the the White House have several times said he was talking in jest.
Try it! It’s fully endorsed by your hero, but if you get called on it at a later date you can’t say “I mean what I say always” (unless it’s on FOX)
There are positives to this virus? What are you smoking?
For the life of you, you don't understand that people (not just liberals) want you to act responsible and not spread a deadly virus around just by breathing?
You find something funny about the coronavirus? Is that one of the positives the rest of us are missing?
Erm, I agree there should be more testing, but testing in itself doesn't make people die, you know. Any more than not testing keeps death figures low.
Would you also just say, if people want to drive on the left in Japan they should, and if people don't they should just go ahead and drive on the right? And perhaps people who find that scary should .... stay home?
i do!but they're still a really good idea, but they do not protect completely, so follow other measures as well
its amazing how personal freedom overrides common sense or responsiblity to be a civil person in some worlds.
maybe use reverse psychology n strip em of their right to wear a mask. then they might scream out im a free person i have the right to wear a mask, not only to protect myself but to protect others around me.
sure u might not be sick. sure its not a 100%. sure it might protect others more than it protects u. bt isnt it more sensible to wear one in a crisis like this? its a precaution, among other measures, to protect all of us, not a human rights violation.
So it's not right to require wearing masks because of lack of scientific evidence that they work to mitigate the spread of infection of covid19.
This will be true for any upcoming new pandemics in the future.
But we cannot put in place a precautionary measure of requiring the population to wear masks because this would be a violation of human rights.
It may not be a violation if the new pandemic is very deadly but there's no way to know that in advance.
Its good we are living in Japan now. Maybe it's a good idea to live here permanently.
Margot Grant
Human rights are equally Community Rights as well as individual. Daily living, breathing, having our being leaves myriad footprints for good or ill.
Choose kindness, respect others above self, humbly and assiduously follow the upward path as indicated to you.
Desert Tortoise
"But the virus is incapable of moving around by itself. It hitches a ride on moisture droplets or aerosols, which are a lot bigger than 0.01 microns."
There is increasing evidence that the virus is carried in the air. Not proven beyond a doubt yet but evidence suggests it is the case.
But many scientists are also saying that the viral payload in those drops isn’t enough to cause infection.
Some Trump supporters view wearing a mask as a purely partisan political issue, not a medical safety and hygiene measure. They call those who wear a mask "Anti-American"...
Yes, if you want to help protect your family, your co-workers, your fellow American citizens from the virus, you are somehow "Anti-American"....
Using their argument, if you wear seat belts, you're also Anti-American...
Which, according to latest statistics, is 85.9% of all Americans...
Which is about as crazy as saying 5G towers cause COVID...
Let us simplify this a bit. In the U.S., business owners are free to implement whatever policies they feel like.
We got "no shoes, no shirt, no service" from businesses combating hippies in their stores. In this day and age that mandate wouldn't fly because they would be violating the hippies rights. And yet... Stores and shops STILL to this very day have "no shoes, no shirt, no service" stickers on their doors. Why? Because hippies are gone and society has deemed clothing acceptable, this includes businesses possibly considering their liability now, for someone hurting their feet in the store.
Is that policy a violation of human rights? Not really, because business has the right to decide their policies.
So... A mandate to wear masks doesn't have to come from the government, it can come from society as a whole.
A customer contracting covid at your store and suing for it, or an employee contracting covid because of their work environment and suing for it, will wake businesses up and lead to a mandate for mask wearing. There are plenty of businesses requiring mask wearing, either because of a moral/ethical responsibility to their customers, or because they are smart enough be ahead of the curve of avoiding costly litigation.
In that event... Your personal rights fly out the window, as business has the right to implement their own policies.
It doesn't even need to be made a law for it to happen.
But it does need lawyers... Lots of ambulance chasing lawyers. Also greedy shysters, which the U.S. has no shortage of.
Covid will be the next mesothelioma. ;)
I wholeheartedly agree.
Hell to the no
Grace Sakata
I do belived it is . Facemask should not be mandatory , everyone have its own right to wear it or not ... its your freedom of choice .....
Desert Tortoise
"I do belived it is . Facemask should not be mandatory , everyone have its own right to wear it or not ... its your freedom of choice ....."
During a smallpox epidemic in the first years of the 20th Century the state of Massachusetts passed a law requiring all residents to receive a smallpox vaccination. There was a legal challenge to this that went all the way to the US Supreme Court. The case is Jacobson v Massachusetts 197 U.S. 11 (1905). To quote the justices in their decision upholding the power of the state to require citizens to receive vaccination:
"The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint, nor is it an element in such liberty that one person, or a minority of persons residing in any community and enjoying the benefits of its local government, should have power to dominate the majority when supported in their action by the authority of the State.
It is within the police power of a State to enact a compulsory vaccination law, and it is for the legislature, and not for the courts, to determine."
" Although this court has refrained from any attempt to define the limits of that power, yet it has distinctly recognized the authority of a State to enact quarantine laws and "health laws of every description;" indeed, all laws that relate to matters completely within its territory and which do not, by their necessary operation, affect the people of other States."
"The defendant insists that his liberty is invaded when the State subjects him to fine or imprisonment for neglecting or refusing to submit to vaccination; that a compulsory vaccination law is unreasonable, arbitrary and oppressive, and, therefore, hostile to the inherent right of every freeman to care for his own body and health in such way as to him seems best, and that the execution of such a law against one who objects to vaccination, no matter for what reason, is nothing short of an assault upon his person. But the liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States to every person within its jurisdiction does not import an absolute right in each person to be, at all times and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint. There are manifold restraints to which every person is necessarily subject for the common good. On any other basis, organized society could not exist with safety to its members. Society based on the rule that each one is a law unto himself would soon be confronted with disorder and anarchy. Real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own, whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others. This court has more than once recognized it as a fundamental principle that
"persons and property are subjected to all kinds of restraints and burdens, in order to secure the general comfort, health, and prosperity of the State, of the perfect right of the legislature to do which no question ever was, or upon acknowledged general principles ever can be, made so far as natural persons are concerned."
When you are inside your private place you are FREE to do as you please, and that is how far your RIGHTS go in emergency situations.
Tony W.
Of course it's not a violation of rights. It is probably the most effective and the easiest means of controlling transmission in public places, and not wearing one is tantamount to transgressing other people's rights to be safe in the same places. This is a serious epidemic folks, so get real and shelve your civil liberties hypersensitivities!
They are wearing masks while driving, they are wearing masks over their nose but not the mouth, they are wearing masks over their mouth but not the nose, the masks are constantly being touched and then they touch everything around them, they don't wash their hands. They wear the same mask for weeks because it is mottainai to change often. But they are wearing masks so it's OK, or is it OK??? Do you feel safe???
I choose to wear a mask, because it's thankfully not mandatory in Japan, so it's my choice. That's why it's difficult for me to answer this current poll about masks. The main reason I choose to do so, is respect for the fellow people around me, and I do so acting in my own freedom of choice (personally, I'm not in a risk group by any means, and - just saying - Covid is not ebola, not AIDS, nor cancer - imagine if AIDS/ebola were transmitted via cough or sneeze or talking, imagine if cancer was contagious! that is speaking hypothetically. but, however, even I do not feel threatened personally by this, I do not want to be responsible for suffering of others, so another point here is to protect myself to the best of my ability so in turn, I can protect others from suffering - yes, masks do not stop viral particles from entering through mask's pores, but, again, if both people have masks on, a large portion of droplets will firstly stay inside mask A, and those that manage to travel to mask B will most likely stay on the outer layers of it, getting killed by UV and just air, they're not viable forever. even if some amount of viruses can enter mask B, the viral load will be too low to do much damage. this works if both people wear masks, so, I choose to be another one of these billions of "masked heroes" lol. if you choose not to wear a mask - no judgement, i'm not a judge and i'm not god, besides there's plenty of people who'll be more than happy to judge and tear to shreds, just saying). Wearing face coverings was actually illegal in some EU member states at some points, maybe somewhere else too, so it's a little ironic it was made mandatory to wear masks. I don't consent to anything by simply wearing a mask, since I can also choose to do so just for the perk of anonymity. Sure, it sucks to wear a mask because I can't breathe well in a mask, and during summer of course it's too hot, however I still keep wearing it just because I choose to do so. However, what I would agree to, is to make mask usage mandatory for all people visting a hospital or a medical facility. That just makes sense, because even before one could catch an infection while just visiting or accompanying someone to the hospital, but previously, if I'd wear a mask to a medical facility, I'd be looked at as crazy or infected by something (maybe not in Japan, but other countries). Used hand sanitizers always - pre-pandemic too, and never touch the handrail on escalators - if it ain't new, it's all sticky and yuck, so gross x.x Makes me re-think whether to use some tool or something to touch elevator buttons (people can have such gross stuff on their hands if they didn't wash them properly especially after using the loo, and what about all funguses thriving in hot and moist climate), and, after all that, I am not a germophobe, I just realize how many millions of people live here with different lifestyles and habits and their own personal set of bugs ( = bacteria, germs, microflora, whatever you call it). Else, how to function in such a large community?
Btw, there's a Saizeriya shop I visited once in Tokyo, and even they've banned smoking inside already, the room which was designated as smoker-seating, wasn't properly cleaned, not renovated, all yellow and properly smelly, however all seating, outside the ex-smoker room and inside of it, was sticky-ish, with grime, menus were oily, tables were wiped briefly but not properly, sometimes resulting in sticky. By all means it was ONLY ONE SHOP from the whole network, so don't get discouraged from trying Saizeriya, but if you find that one shop, just don't go into that one shop. Or, go there, still, if you liked it. Perhaps, they have renovated, or will shortly do so, current economic standstill is more than welcoming to use this time for some renovation.