Taiwan is a separate country and has been since the 1940s. Taiwan should declare independence, file to join the UN and all international organizations, start sending athletes to every competition and let the mainland China sit out of those competions of they don't like it.
Of course, this isn't likely to happen and the longer the world waits to get this settled, the stronger the CCP-Chinese Military will be, so it will be more likely that war will erupt. We aren't doing Taiwan any favors by ignoring the issue and they aren't helping themselves either.
Taiwan has never been a part of China, so there is no need to declare independence.
But they watched in horror seeing the methods China used to forcefully take over Hong Kong, long before the promised transition period was over. And it’s China building bases in the South China Sea and sending patrols to challenge Taiwan’s air defenses, and not the other way round.
The US has if anything tried for years to play a soft neutral role, but China seems not to be interested in maintaining any status quo.
Biden's recent Taiwan gaffe was obviously the latest major escalation. His comments implied that there had been some radical shift in US policy, only to have the Whitehouse walk everything back within hours.
Is any country in Asia afraid that the US will invade? No.
Is any country in Asia afraid that China will invade? Yes.
Tibet https://freetibet.org/freedom-for-tibet/occupation-of-tibet/chinas-lies/, Taiwan, India https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3160099/china-india-border-dispute-crisis-drags-are-beijing-and-new , Nepal https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-60288007 , Vietnam https://time.com/100417/china-vietnam-sino-vietnamese-war-south-china-sea/, Japan https://eurasiantimes.com/chinas-border-conflict-not-limited-to-india-japan-asean-also-facing-hostilities/. Clearly, India is already happening. Tibet is over (though Tibet wasn't a separate country), Japanese and Vietnamese islands are at risk from Chinese encroachment.
Even if you don't like the US, you must admit that when provided a choice, the US is 10000x more fair than the CCP. The US doesn't make independent news illegal, for example.
Even if you don't like the US, you must admit that when provided a choice, the US is 10000x more fair than the CCP.
I have a lot of anger towards the US and their foreign policy, and I think a lot of what happens within the country is disgraceful. But I look at it like a family member I love who has gotten into bad drugs, whereas the CCP is like the dealer, the organized crime, and the corrupt government, all-in-one. There is no comparison. The USA has it's problems that need fixing, but it's an infinitely better system than the CCP.
It's appalling how little English speakers know of history or of the usual suspects that receive American support in our world, a clear success for the lies that allow American exploitation of so many poor people in this world. In 1945, a band of thugs running away from certain doom at the hands of an outraged Chinese MAJORITY escaped to Formosa Island, a CHINESE territory. They brutally pushed the native Taiwanese aside and asserted force and set up a military dictatorship under GENERAL Chiang Kai-shek. Although the oppressiveness of the ruling class there has ameliorated somewhat in the ensuing years, it is still a highly stratified society of genealogically MAINLAND Chinese people. China has never relinquished recognition of the islands as being an historical part of China. A similar story played out well before that in the Hawaiian Islands where 'Christian' shock troops set up shop and then betrayed the Queen and her people and took over the islands in the same way that Chiang did to Formosa, armed force ( a shameful episode in USMC history).
Because China refuses to be 'obedient' to the U.S., China is declared an 'enemy' of America without ever having done a hostile act against America except come to the aid of another country that America was doing its best to overrun with deadly military attacks that killed many thousands of civilians. America, very deservedly, got its arrogant ass kicked by people who truly believed in their own country (see movie: "The Battle for Lake Changjin"). Since then, America has been hostile toward China even while America's greed-based psychopaths fed China to profit by its highly trained, highly competent, and underpaid workforce. Now, thanks to the greed of American Corporate, China has become powerful enough to tell the U.S. to go take a hike somewhere else but America insists on constantly twitting China with warship incursions into Chinese waters. The distance across the now-called Taiwan Strait is about the same as the distance between Florida and Cuba. If China began sailing its Navy through this area, can one even imagine the howling and sabre-rattling that would come from Washington?
To call China 'expansionist' in the face of American military SQUATTING all over the world is absurd. Nor does China's foreign policy favor the big stick and one-way advantage to America by the support of corrupt governments who allow exploitation of their people by American Corporations but encourages mutual benefit through enhanced TRADE and local infrastructure development (see: BRI, BRICS, et alia).
One of the problems in being a Libra is the damnable compulsion to see BALANCE and JUSTICE and to condemn OBVIOUS lies and, albeit an American first last and always, CANNOT condone the corruption that is my own government controlled by those for whom GREED is first last and always. If the U.S. and China and Russia were to join hands in a mutually beneficial sharing of this planet with everyone and the psychopaths were put away somewhere they could do no harm, we, as a species, might survive. As it is, this greed based and fatal hostility between Humans whose similarities dwarf their differences only justifies our collective demise. 'Intelligence' presumes 'thinking', yet all we see here is the mentality of football fans...
I voted that China is to blame. But it's not an absolute term.
I'm not so much worried about the US advances. I'm worried about its hesitancy over Taiwan under eminent threat. As in Ukraine, war does happen when the aggressor thinks it can fill a vacuum in the absence of a clear oppositional power. China is more likely to start it as they have publicly warned it.
But they watched in horror seeing the methods China used to forcefully take over Hong Kong
What horror? The horror when the protesting thugs set fire to an innocent man? The horror when these thugs verbally and physically abused the elderly who were trying to clear the roads of bricks and other debris? The police were TAME compared the American police. These thugs were also egged on by westerners who specifically came to HK to cause riots. No doubt some were being paid by USA. We all know how N.E.D. and these so-called NGO works. Please, if you don't know anything about HK, don't have any connection or don't speak the language or understand the culture, don't start making things up.
Yes, I voted for the country which has around 700 military bases around the world, and soldiers and weapons all around East and South East Asia, and which has orchestrated coups and set up puppet governments all over the world, Pakistan and Ukraine being two recent examples.
China provides bullet trains, while USA provides bullets but no trains. That says a lot. I'm glad the Global South has had enough of all the shenanigans and fake concern.
In 1945, a band of thugs running away from certain doom at the hands of an outraged Chinese MAJORITY escaped to Formosa Island, a CHINESE territory.
The U.S. sent $2 billion dollars in aid to the nationalists in military supplies and equipment. A lot of it were kept for themselves.
They brutally pushed the native Taiwanese aside and asserted force and set up a military dictatorship under GENERAL Chiang Kai-shek.
They fled to an island and killed the people there. There was the period of White Terror where civilians were repressed and killed. This generally does not include the 228 Incident of 1947, in which the KMT killed at least 18,000 Taiwanese civilians in response to a popular uprising.
America insists on constantly twitting China with warship incursions into Chinese waters. The distance across the now-called Taiwan Strait is about the same as the distance between Florida and Cuba.
When China sails into the Gulf of Mexico, then the US can call them expansionary. China is in its own backyard.
I'm not so much worried about the US advances. I'm worried about its hesitancy over Taiwan under eminent threat. As in Ukraine, war does happen when the aggressor thinks it can fill a vacuum in the absence of a clear oppositional power.
Luckily they are both more interested in making money. Business and trade is the best tool for peace. If you think about it, the US is also interested in making money, just through war. China and Taiwan know where the red line is and Taiwan is not dumb enough to cross it. China is not dumb enough to invade. It's good US hoping something happens so they can unload their old inventory.
People here are so stupid. Taiwan's current constitution is the ROC constitution, and the ROC is not the current China. The ROC is the country that used to represent China at the United Nations, which is now Taiwan. The biggest mistake the US made was to bring the current China into the United Nations and cut off diplomatic relations with the ROC.
Before, China used to say that it would be patient, like they said they would with Hong Kong, and use a soft approach, but have lied on both counts and it’s a pattern now. China is behaving like no more Mr. Nice Guy . . . It’s our way or else!
kyushubill I've heard this so many times, but have you looked at the reality?
The CCP has members equivalent to almost 10% of the ENTIRE Chinese population. One in 10 Chinese are card-carrying members. Two in ten more are actively, openly supportive of the CCP in physically manifesting ways, like...working for the government. (Now you have more people directly and actively supporting the CCP than there are Americans in the entire USA.)
And five in 10 more are supportive enough to say nothing, and even voice their support from time to time. That leaves the 2 in 10 Chinese who are supposedly "against" the CCP...but who keep cashing the CCP checks, and actually do absolutely nothing against the regime.
Chinese deserve the blame. Sorry to tell you. There's LOADS of support for the CCP, and especially for its chauvinistic foreign policy aggression, coming from inside China.
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Aly Rustom
China. That was an easy question
80% China.
20% US.
Taiwan is a separate country and has been since the 1940s. Taiwan should declare independence, file to join the UN and all international organizations, start sending athletes to every competition and let the mainland China sit out of those competions of they don't like it.
Of course, this isn't likely to happen and the longer the world waits to get this settled, the stronger the CCP-Chinese Military will be, so it will be more likely that war will erupt. We aren't doing Taiwan any favors by ignoring the issue and they aren't helping themselves either.
CHINA. That is loud and clear.
If China wasn't threatening to take over Taiwan this question wouldn't have been asked. So of course China is at fault!
China is the only one threatening to violently invade Taiwan.
Its’s convenient to blame the US, but doesn’t make sense here.
Taiwan has never been a part of China, so there is no need to declare independence.
But they watched in horror seeing the methods China used to forcefully take over Hong Kong, long before the promised transition period was over. And it’s China building bases in the South China Sea and sending patrols to challenge Taiwan’s air defenses, and not the other way round.
The US has if anything tried for years to play a soft neutral role, but China seems not to be interested in maintaining any status quo.
Biden's recent Taiwan gaffe was obviously the latest major escalation. His comments implied that there had been some radical shift in US policy, only to have the Whitehouse walk everything back within hours.
englisc aspyrgend
China. Only possible to claim otherwise if you are a Chinese propagandist or wilfully ignoring the facts.
China for trying to claim ownership over the free and independent nation of Taiwan.
Is any country in Asia afraid that the US will invade? No.
Is any country in Asia afraid that China will invade? Yes.
Tibet https://freetibet.org/freedom-for-tibet/occupation-of-tibet/chinas-lies/, Taiwan, India https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3160099/china-india-border-dispute-crisis-drags-are-beijing-and-new , Nepal https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-60288007 , Vietnam https://time.com/100417/china-vietnam-sino-vietnamese-war-south-china-sea/, Japan https://eurasiantimes.com/chinas-border-conflict-not-limited-to-india-japan-asean-also-facing-hostilities/. Clearly, India is already happening. Tibet is over (though Tibet wasn't a separate country), Japanese and Vietnamese islands are at risk from Chinese encroachment.
Even if you don't like the US, you must admit that when provided a choice, the US is 10000x more fair than the CCP. The US doesn't make independent news illegal, for example.
I have a lot of anger towards the US and their foreign policy, and I think a lot of what happens within the country is disgraceful. But I look at it like a family member I love who has gotten into bad drugs, whereas the CCP is like the dealer, the organized crime, and the corrupt government, all-in-one. There is no comparison. The USA has it's problems that need fixing, but it's an infinitely better system than the CCP.
William Bjornson
It's appalling how little English speakers know of history or of the usual suspects that receive American support in our world, a clear success for the lies that allow American exploitation of so many poor people in this world. In 1945, a band of thugs running away from certain doom at the hands of an outraged Chinese MAJORITY escaped to Formosa Island, a CHINESE territory. They brutally pushed the native Taiwanese aside and asserted force and set up a military dictatorship under GENERAL Chiang Kai-shek. Although the oppressiveness of the ruling class there has ameliorated somewhat in the ensuing years, it is still a highly stratified society of genealogically MAINLAND Chinese people. China has never relinquished recognition of the islands as being an historical part of China. A similar story played out well before that in the Hawaiian Islands where 'Christian' shock troops set up shop and then betrayed the Queen and her people and took over the islands in the same way that Chiang did to Formosa, armed force ( a shameful episode in USMC history).
Because China refuses to be 'obedient' to the U.S., China is declared an 'enemy' of America without ever having done a hostile act against America except come to the aid of another country that America was doing its best to overrun with deadly military attacks that killed many thousands of civilians. America, very deservedly, got its arrogant ass kicked by people who truly believed in their own country (see movie: "The Battle for Lake Changjin"). Since then, America has been hostile toward China even while America's greed-based psychopaths fed China to profit by its highly trained, highly competent, and underpaid workforce. Now, thanks to the greed of American Corporate, China has become powerful enough to tell the U.S. to go take a hike somewhere else but America insists on constantly twitting China with warship incursions into Chinese waters. The distance across the now-called Taiwan Strait is about the same as the distance between Florida and Cuba. If China began sailing its Navy through this area, can one even imagine the howling and sabre-rattling that would come from Washington?
To call China 'expansionist' in the face of American military SQUATTING all over the world is absurd. Nor does China's foreign policy favor the big stick and one-way advantage to America by the support of corrupt governments who allow exploitation of their people by American Corporations but encourages mutual benefit through enhanced TRADE and local infrastructure development (see: BRI, BRICS, et alia).
One of the problems in being a Libra is the damnable compulsion to see BALANCE and JUSTICE and to condemn OBVIOUS lies and, albeit an American first last and always, CANNOT condone the corruption that is my own government controlled by those for whom GREED is first last and always. If the U.S. and China and Russia were to join hands in a mutually beneficial sharing of this planet with everyone and the psychopaths were put away somewhere they could do no harm, we, as a species, might survive. As it is, this greed based and fatal hostility between Humans whose similarities dwarf their differences only justifies our collective demise. 'Intelligence' presumes 'thinking', yet all we see here is the mentality of football fans...
Taiwan is, or has
currency and economy
defence force
international recognition (albeit mostly unofficial)
and so on.
And a significant indigenous native demographic, not that KMT or anyone else would let them get in the way
Meanwhile the world’s biggest producer of microchips gets on which ameliorating the current worldwide shortage.
I voted that China is to blame. But it's not an absolute term.
I'm not so much worried about the US advances. I'm worried about its hesitancy over Taiwan under eminent threat. As in Ukraine, war does happen when the aggressor thinks it can fill a vacuum in the absence of a clear oppositional power. China is more likely to start it as they have publicly warned it.
They don't realize the Constitution of Taiwan says they are China.
You mean the PRC. Taiwan says it is China. That's like saying the US has never been a part of the US.
The Taiwanese needs to figure that one out for themselves.
What horror? The horror when the protesting thugs set fire to an innocent man? The horror when these thugs verbally and physically abused the elderly who were trying to clear the roads of bricks and other debris? The police were TAME compared the American police. These thugs were also egged on by westerners who specifically came to HK to cause riots. No doubt some were being paid by USA. We all know how N.E.D. and these so-called NGO works. Please, if you don't know anything about HK, don't have any connection or don't speak the language or understand the culture, don't start making things up.
Yes, I voted for the country which has around 700 military bases around the world, and soldiers and weapons all around East and South East Asia, and which has orchestrated coups and set up puppet governments all over the world, Pakistan and Ukraine being two recent examples.
China provides bullet trains, while USA provides bullets but no trains. That says a lot. I'm glad the Global South has had enough of all the shenanigans and fake concern.
The U.S. sent $2 billion dollars in aid to the nationalists in military supplies and equipment. A lot of it were kept for themselves.
They fled to an island and killed the people there. There was the period of White Terror where civilians were repressed and killed. This generally does not include the 228 Incident of 1947, in which the KMT killed at least 18,000 Taiwanese civilians in response to a popular uprising.
When China sails into the Gulf of Mexico, then the US can call them expansionary. China is in its own backyard.
Luckily they are both more interested in making money. Business and trade is the best tool for peace. If you think about it, the US is also interested in making money, just through war. China and Taiwan know where the red line is and Taiwan is not dumb enough to cross it. China is not dumb enough to invade. It's good US hoping something happens so they can unload their old inventory.
niko top1
People here are so stupid. Taiwan's current constitution is the ROC constitution, and the ROC is not the current China. The ROC is the country that used to represent China at the United Nations, which is now Taiwan. The biggest mistake the US made was to bring the current China into the United Nations and cut off diplomatic relations with the ROC.
Outside Land and Outside people . Who said that and when it was said ? Did you know?
"The dogs go and the pigs come" How about this one?
Without a doubt China!
Both because both are horrible countries!
Concerned Citizen
Undoubtedly the CCP, but not necessarily the average Chinese citizen.
Still no apology for causing a global pandemic either..
Kiru Satsu
US broke One China policy.
Simple as.
While the US is not 100% free from blame at all, there is no question it is not "equal", and China take's the lion's share of the blame for sure.
Before, China used to say that it would be patient, like they said they would with Hong Kong, and use a soft approach, but have lied on both counts and it’s a pattern now. China is behaving like no more Mr. Nice Guy . . . It’s our way or else!
China’s changed..
Neither are horrible countries. What do you even mean when you say “countries”?
What do you even mean when you say “countries”?
Neither of these countries is over its own civil war. Grow up, the pair of you.
They wouldn't have as they know their good old Japanese days
It's more than about time that the world step up and officially recognize Taiwan as a separate country.
Neither. The CCP and UN CCP apologists are to blame.
The CCP is not China any more than Democrats or Republicans are the US.
The nation (country) is all the people, the party/parties is the government.
Hito Bito
kyushubill I've heard this so many times, but have you looked at the reality?
The CCP has members equivalent to almost 10% of the ENTIRE Chinese population. One in 10 Chinese are card-carrying members. Two in ten more are actively, openly supportive of the CCP in physically manifesting ways, like...working for the government. (Now you have more people directly and actively supporting the CCP than there are Americans in the entire USA.)
And five in 10 more are supportive enough to say nothing, and even voice their support from time to time. That leaves the 2 in 10 Chinese who are supposedly "against" the CCP...but who keep cashing the CCP checks, and actually do absolutely nothing against the regime.
Chinese deserve the blame. Sorry to tell you. There's LOADS of support for the CCP, and especially for its chauvinistic foreign policy aggression, coming from inside China.
USA is responsible for many hardships around the world, but this one isn't one of them.