I feel Japan has made sufficient agreements together with South Korea to put many of these issues in the past. I don't like Japan's attitude towards remembering some of the atrocities. It comes across as insincere. These are events that need to be remembered and learned from, but the government seems to just want everyone to forget about it now.
I believe it's important for people especially the postwar generations with no firsthand wartime experience to keep learning and recognizing key history events. Apology is another issue. Its repetition is unnecessary, and state-led "sincere" apology giving as well as demanding tend to become politically in charge.
History education is quite active and encouraged in postwar Japan, with open and scholarly inquiries and debates ensured. The past wartime history is also a popular topic for school education, local media programs as well as public discourses. Though it may be right to claim that there are conflicting views and interpretations unresolved among Japanese people, with some issues highly politicized, it's totally wrong to say the Japanese are ignorant of its war history.
The Treaty of San Francisco (サンフランシスコ講和条約, San-Furanshisuko kōwa-Jōyaku), also called the Treaty of Peace with Japan (日本国との平和条約, Nihon-koku to no Heiwa-Jōyaku), re-established peaceful relations between Japan and the Allied Powers on behalf of the United Nations by ending the legal state of war and providing for redress for hostile actions up to and including World War II. It was signed by 49 nations on 8 September 1951, in San Francisco, California, U.S. at the War Memorial Opera House.[2][better source needed] Italy and China were not invited, the latter due to disagreements on whether the Republic of China or the People's Republic of China represented the Chinese people. Korea was also not invited due to a similar disagreement on whether South Korea or North Korea represented the Korean people.[3]
The treaty came into force on 28 April 1952. It ended Japan's role as an imperial power, allocated compensation to Allied nations and former prisoners of war who had suffered Japanese war crimes during World War II, ended the Allied post-war occupation of Japan, and returned full sovereignty to it. This treaty relied heavily on the United Nations Charter[4] and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights[5] to enunciate the Allies' goals. In Article 11, Japan accepted the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and of other Allied War Crimes Courts imposed on Japan both within and outside Japan.[6]
The 1951 treaty, along with the Security Treaty signed that same day, marks the beginning of the San Francisco System which defines Japan's relationship with the United States and its role in the international arena and characterizes Japan's post-war history.[7]
I think Japan has. The media focus the issue on whether Japanese government makes apology for what former one has done. However, the most important thing is keep what happened during WWⅡ, and also we need to pass it down to the next generations. In that process, we are able to think about the problem again with younger ones, and hopoefully we find keys to the problem. Just making apologies do not solve any problems in a deeper level.
Contiition, penitence. could or should be measured in a society that any court with respect to recognition of international law would be held accountable, when eighty six percent of the population were not present essentially not born is a political act of aggressive intimidation..
To then insist on continued penitence or decades, after numerous statements of regretful penitence is compounding the humiliation to further a political agenda.
Ok when will Korea apologise for inviting Russia to have a Navy base so to attack Japan from. Have they apologise for that act of bad neighbour relationship. At less the Japan have many poor attempt at starting a new relationship. Korea Zero.
South Korea needs to get over the embarrassment of losing and being colonized by Japan. They have historically been "second best" to Japan. Time to move on ...times are changing.
This is just plain foolish at this point. The war ended in 1945! 78 years ago and people and countries are still complaining. Does Japan have to apologize ever Decade just to appease those that have not heard an apology firsthand.
If there is still a civilization in the year 3000 will Japan still be expected to apologise then as well.
Japan needs to own its atrocities during the war and teach its own people as such but unfortunately a lot of those in power are still the same culprits and what is taught in class is not what really happened. I feel the need to apologize continually though is well past its used by date and used more as a political negotiating tool than out of any real concern from Korean politicians about those affected.
August 26, 1982: Chief Cabinet Secretary Kiichi Miyazawa said to the people of the Republic of Korea:
"1. The Japanese Government and the Japanese people are deeply aware of the fact that acts by our country in the past caused tremendous suffering and damage to the peoples of Asian countries, including the Republic of Korea (ROK) and China, and have followed the path of a pacifist state with remorse and determination that such acts must never be repeated. Japan has recognized, in the Japan-ROK Joint Communique, of 1965, that the 'past relations are regrettable, and Japan feels deep remorse,'
And in the Japan-China Joint Communique, that Japan is 'keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through war and deeply reproaches itself.' These statements confirm Japan's remorse and determination which I stated above and this recognition has not changed at all to this day.
2. This spirit in the Japan-ROK Joint Communique, and the Japan-China Joint Communique, naturally should also be respected in Japan's school education and textbook authorization.
This concludes irrevocably a sincere message of regret and atonement.
Can the same be said, the lessons learnt, the subsequent acts of genocide documented attributed to the Government of China, not be brought to the attention of the global community, not be seen for there worth that the dictatorship of China has learnt nothing.
Which one? Dutch PM apologized, pretty much recently by the way, and regretted for their involvement into slavery (trades) for 300 years? Year how many years die they need just to finally admit what were real atrocities, 150 years?
Or did you mean Germany apologized to real genocides at Holocaust, or in Namibia?
None of them were apologies for invading and colonized other nations by violence unlike Japan annexed the peninsula by peaceful treaty being demanded by the then rulers and the biggest political party of the nation.
This is about setting history on truth instead of continuing a lie. Colonial past from Japan hide the actual problem of American actual colonisation in South Korea. Japan is just the easy target for a pain that don’t stop because colonisation method are still under way from America's side. Japan is just the easy scapegoat or is still the black hand of America in Korea.
So you will need to apologise for a long time if Korea don’t start to realise the bigger problem she have : USA. The same that Japan had and have. And you don’t solve this problem just by opposing to it. The world is discovering the bully who is called America. It is an opportunity that won’t happen again for a long time. America want to change, because America didn’t even believe their politician and military could have plan those horrors to be rich. This is the moment to clean and speak out loud some truth. America’s military in both your countries are the actual colonisation problem.
So ask money from USA to continue to apologise, or say the truth : Japan is taking heat from the problem South Korea got with America who block the reunification with the North Korea with mock attempt to help.
There is a balance to understand here. Many people could help South Korea to grow. But the possible foreign helper who got stronger from it is America. This is about breaking the « only one god » democrat opposition logic here. Only one friend, only one enemy… only one. And you oppose each time to someone depending on the calendar America set. When America is found, Britain is lying in wait. And when you are fed up with Britain, America again. Before communism, Russia was the third betrayer. France was your helper to understand all this.
Damn easy to manipulate by Vatican.
You have again the famous triade christian problem. China is russian helped, Corea is USA helped, and Japan is Britain helped. Each need each of you to never talk to each other together. Of course, there is exchange mostly between USA and Britain, but with Kirill, if he played colonisation bad, this is an explosive situation.
Colonisation is bad. The one who refuse to back down from it right now is America. This force all of us to be colonialist instead of good economist and firm builders. Britain is apparently the USA reason for it all. I am not so sure about it. I feel USA’s democrat feel really confortable with this easy target position Germany have taken upon Europe. This is a time to understand occidental colonisation and set you free of it, or disminish its influence. My advice is to get this bomb Abe wanted or something as dissuasive. Those rare earth materials, they are a gold who need higher protection than the army who need it to the point of Ukraine war organisation.
Recent years, official apologies from Japan regime is words only without heart.
Politicians or LDP supporters repeat "insist" that justify everything of prewar and wartime Japan as ever, nationalistic social atmosphere that cannot even criticize such revisionism dominate in present Japanese society.
Japan, as much foot in the mouth its politicians have, have been a pacifist nation this entire time. North Korea, China and Russia on the other side...
What is an apology? A combination of sincere repent with admitting the facts without trying to bend the truth or soothe it. Is an apology enough for those who suffered? Are there some crimes after which it doesnt really matter to a victim whether a criminal apologies or not? Another problem - do those who were actually responsiblefor occupation really repent and apologize? What if they do, will it give back lives? Will it change anything at this point on? I think if Japan is willing to accept truth, own its bad pages of history, condemn them in front of future generations even one apology would be enough, for a better future of everyone, Koreans and Japanese. After all, a human being is about forgiveness even if one apology will never compensate all atrocities, for the future’s sake.
Is it really about apologizing? It’s more about atoning and compensating. Yes, Japan has paid a lot of compensation and apologized many times. The problems start when Japanese historians start downplaying and denying the atrocities committed against Korea in the first half of last century. This is why this issue can not be settled.
When any apology made by an official is immediately met with "That is not the official position of the government," and "That is the person's individual opinion/expression", then no. Show me one "official" apology that the government will reiterate publicly and perhaps I'll say yes. And DEFINITELY not when you have half the government and other radicals and weebs in Japan blaming South Korea for what happened to South Korea and pretending Japan gave them "gainful employment, education, and taught them how to take baths!" and wants all references to Japan's atrocities removed from Japanese history books and even books overseas.
I have been asking my Chinese and Korean students what would constitute an appropriate apology for twelve years and I have yet to receive an answer. You cannot satisfy someone who only wants more.
When any apology made by an official is immediately met with "That is not the official position of the government," and "That is the person's individual opinion/expression", then no.
Of course, Japan cannot define Hato-pee’s Dogeza as an Japan’s official position.
Show me one "official" apology that the government will reiterate publicly and perhaps I'll say yes.
How come the government is expected to reiterate an official apology publicly? How long is it expected to continue it? Appreciate if you could elaborate your Korean-style definition of sincere apology.
And DEFINITELY not when you have half the government and other radicals and weebs in Japan blaming South Korea for what happened to South Korea and pretending Japan gave them "gainful employment, education,
NO pretending. They are all true, hard-evidenced facts of history.
and taught them how to take baths!"
Lol. I don’t know about this. Is it maybe not how to but simply take it?
and wants all references to Japan's atrocities removed from Japanese history books
WHAT THE HECK DO YOU MEAN by atrocities? Specify those if you can, please.
and even books overseas.
Like "So far away from the Bamboo Grove" kicked out from educational history text books by Korean diaspora in the state , California?
An apology is not an admission. Japan's historical apologies have never admitted ridiculous Korean narratives full of lies, controlled by NK puppets. Those have been made for very minor and genuine victims, despite all craps, because they happened during Japan's ruling era, as a ruler of those days.
Do people understand the utter hypocrisy of South Korea Vs Japan?
Korea was annexed and became a part of the Japanese Empire in 1910 because some Koreans supported it while some were againt. There was non "invasion" of Korea by Japan or battles between Japan and Korea leading up to the annexation.
-Over 200,000 Korean men served in the Imperial Japanese military, the vast majority willingly, as conscription did not begin on tje Korean Penninsula until ito 1944 when the tide of the war started to turn against Japan. The Korean soldiers made use of the Comfort Stations and were even charged discounted rates. A great many Koreans were charged as Class B and C War Criminals at the Tokyo Trials, mostly for abuse of Allied POWs, and they are enshrined at Yasukuni. One Korean General Hong Sa-Ik was convicted as a Class-A War Criminal and executed.
-After WWII ended, the US put into power the Korean Government in Exile, which was founded on freeing Korea from it's colonial master. They completely denied and whitewashed Korea's history, especially their role in WWII. Korean solders in the Japanese military invaded other Asian nations. Yet, South Korea not only pretends to have been a victim of some fantasical Japanese invasion, but has repeated this lie to the world so often that the ignorant and uninformed believe it.
-The Asian nations that were the real victims of Japanese aggression in WWIIhave all accepted Japan's apologies and reparations. Japan's WWII enemies, with the exception of the USSR(Russia) have become Japan's allies. The China that Japan invaded was the Republic of China, which has become Taiwan and maintains a close relatioship with Japan. The PRC, which did not even exist until 4 years after WWII ended, uses WWII anti-JPN sentiment on and off like a faucet when needed.
-South Koreans have been brainwashed by successive administrations teaching them in their educational systems that Korea was a "victim" of Japan, and perpetuating hate. I have spoken to South Koreans who have openly admitted to me that this is true, and that there are a quite a few South Koreans who feel that this is not only factually wrong but is having a negative effect on South Korea as a nation.
Everything I have posted can and should be examined against historical sources. This is not to diminish any wrongs Imperial Japan may or may not have brought upon the people of Korea. And I expect anti-JP posters to deny these facts. But people should study and reach their own conclusions rather than rely upon internet misinformation.
So yes, Japan has apologized to South Korea more than enough. It is South Korea's turn to accept the apology and move forward. It has reached a point where demanding an apology, receiving it, then rejecting it as "insincere" has become a broken record. Bluntly put, if you have no intention of accepting it, don't ask for it. Whether an apology is "sincere" or "insincere" is an immeasurable subjective quantification that only serves as an "excuse" to reject something.
This is crucial today for South Korea's own security and future preservation, and for the US Strategic posture in the region vis-a-vis China and North Korea. A fact that President Yoon and his administration understand very well, and he should be praised for his forsight and courage to face domestic opposition to accomplish what is best for his country. And I also praise the Kishida administraton for overcoming any domestic resistance in accepting President Yoon's overtures.
Korean troops in the Imperial Japanese Army commited atrocities against Allied POWs. They were charged, tried and convicted by the Allied International Tribunal for the Far East (Tokyo Trials.
Japanese troops did not commit "atrocities" against Koreans because they were Japanese citizens and subjects of their Emperor.
My country, the United States, comitted more "atrocitiies" against Koreans during the Korean War than Japan.
Japan never apologized! I sometimes see people saying that, so I will explain briefly.
1982 (Showa 57)
August 24 Prime Minister Yoshiyuki Suzuki [press conference on the textbook issue]
"Through past wars, we are deeply aware of our responsibility for causing serious damage."
"It is necessary to recognize that there is also criticism of" aggression ""
1983 (Showa 58)
January Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone
"Unfortunately, it is a fact that bilateral relations have had an unfortunate history in the past, and we must take this seriously."
1984 (Showa 59)
September 7 Emperor Showa [President Zento Kang visits Japan and holds a banquet at the imperial court]
"It is very regrettable that there was an unfortunate past in one period of this century."
Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone (welcome lunch)
"It has caused great difficulty to your country and your people."
'I feel deep regret'
1990 (Heisei 2)
March Foreign Minister Taro Nakayama
Apologizing for Sakhalin Remaining South Korea and Korean Issues
May 25 Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu [1st Summit Meeting]
"I would like to humbly reflect and offer my frank apologies for the unbearable suffering and sorrow that the people of the Korean Peninsula have experienced due to Japan's actions during a period of time in the past."
May Emperor Akihito
"In this unfortunate period brought about by our country,
When I think of the suffering that the people of your country have endured, I cannot help but feel deep regret."
1992 (Heisei 2)
January 17 Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa visits South Korea on the comfort women issue
"I would like to sincerely apologize and reflect on those who have been licked by the unspeakable bitterness."
"Heavy and heavy"
1993 (Heisei 5)
August 11 Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa [First meeting with Cabinet reporters after taking office]
"The war ahead is a war of aggression"
November 7 Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa [Visit Korea (Gyeongju only, stay 22 hours)]
"Due to Japan's colonial rule, people on the Korean Peninsula were deprived of the opportunity to learn their native language, forced to change their surnames to Japanese names, and experienced unbearable suffering and sorrow as comfort women and conscripted soldiers. As a perpetrator, I would like to sincerely reflect and apologize."
1994 (Heisei 6)
July 24 Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama (Visit Korea)
“I would like to express my sincere apologies and deep remorse.”
1995 (Heisei 7)
August 15 Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama
“During a certain period in the not-so-distant past, Japan made a mistake in national policy and caused great damage and suffering, especially to the people of Asian countries, through colonial rule and aggression. and express my sincere apologies.”
1996 (Heisei 8)
June Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto
"I can't imagine how many South Koreans were hurt by the name change."
"(Regarding the comfort women issue) there is no issue that has hurt the honor and dignity of women this much. I would like to express my sincere apologies and remorse.
1998 (Heisei 10)
April 3 Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto [Japan-Korea Summit Meeting at the Asia-Europe Conference (London)]
Proposal of “Japan-Korea Partnership” without Talking about Historical Issues
October 8 Emperor Akihito (President Kim Dae-jung visits Japan)
“A time when our country caused great suffering to the people of the Korean Peninsula…deep sorrow”
Keizo Obuchi, Prime Minister of Japan [Joint Declaration on New Japan-Korea Partnership for the 21st Century]
"To the people of South Korea, I would like to express my deep remorse and heartfelt apology."
An official document expresses an apology to the Korean people. President Kim appreciates this
2001 (Heisei 12)
On November 18, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited South Korea for the first time since taking office, visiting Seodaemun Independence Park, which is located on the site of a prison where independence activists were imprisoned during the colonial period, and spoke to reporters of his "sincere remorse and apology." rice field.
President Kim Dae-jung highly appreciated the Prime Minister's apology and requested that it be put into practice.
“I sincerely regret and apologize for the great damage and suffering caused to the Korean people by Japanese colonial rule. As a politician and human being, we must not forget the pain and sacrifice of the Korean people. I would like to express my sincere respect for the fact that Korea has endured unimaginable pain and hardships, such as foreign invasions and the division of the motherland, and is now developing.
Japan-South Korea relations must reflect on their past history and work together to ensure that such a painful history never repeats itself. The development of friendly relations between Japan and South Korea will contribute to the development of Asia and world peace.
Terrorism, which threatens freedom and peace, is a threat to all mankind, but the cooperation of South Korea, Japan, and the United States, which are allies, will contribute to the development of Asia and world peace. Luckily, Japan and South Korea will host the World Cup together next year. I hope that the World Cup will be a success, and that this will serve as an opportunity to deepen exchanges and cooperation between Japan and South Korea. ”
The Japanese government has apologized many times in the past.
However, it is not the kind of apology that Koreans want, so they think that Japan will never apologize.
The Japanese government's position is consistent, and Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries were colonized, but the annexation of Korea in 1910 was not particularly problematic under international law, and no country raised any objection to it.
It is illegal according to the Korean constitution, history textbooks, and people's perceptions, but the illegality was not found in post-war research conducted mainly in the United States.
Regarding the military comfort women issue, Korean women were sold by their parents for money and forced into prostitution that they didn't want, or they were tricked into prostitution by Korean prostitutes. Unfortunately, the only evidence that the Japanese military systematically kidnapped Korean women and forced them into prostitutes is the testimony of the women themselves.
You can't be found guilty without objective evidence in court.
Even in the Tokyo trial after World War II, the US military directly interviewed Korean prostitutes, but no particular illegality was found.
200,000 Korean girls were kidnapped by the Japanese army! !
You say this, but why did no one in that family ask for their family back after the war for about 50 years?
If 200,000 people can be counted, where is their list? I have heard that no one has seen it.
By the way, if Korea's population were to decrease by 200,000 people, there would have been a change in the population, but no such change was recorded.
Unfortunately, the difference between Korean perception and Japanese perception will not be filled.
Absolutism bad. Nuance good. This is not answerable as a yes or no question. Nationlists will say yes because there have been numerous apologies with varying degrees of empathy. Those who would disagree would argue that it is the inconsistencies in messaging from all corners of the Japanese government. Every time there is an apology, there is someone else countering that good will with anti-Korean rhetoric. I suspect that the neocons like keeping the other Asian countries angry, so they are happy to stoke the flames with their rhetoric and there will not likely soon be an end to the conflict.
There have been some attempts to change but there is still a nagging lack of real change and empathy in Japan
Actions speak louder than words so,
Look at today’s Japanese government and politicos and see if they own their past?
Go to Yasukuni shrine and check out their rhetoric
How about Nippon Kaigi which is as revisionist as they come!
Refer to Abe’s ‘utsukushii Nihon’ where children were be taught in a rigid militaristic manner to follow unquestioningly for the good of a greater Japan
See how Koreans have been discriminated against in Japan and still are
Bemoan the lack of historical truth not taught in Japanese schools
Note the lack of any anti discrimination laws in Japan which can allow shops to display signs stating ‘ no foreigners’ or deny property owners to rent to foreigners without censure
The fact is that Japan still has a very long way to go before it can own its truth adequately so, keep apologizing Japan until the above change…
Go to Yasukuni shrine and check out their rhetoric
Leave their business to Japanese. If going Yasukuni makes any apology insincere, don't even demand it.
How about Nippon Kaigi which is as revisionist as they come!
What about Nippon Kaigi? That's even more irrelevant to the topic.
Refer to Abe’s ‘utsukushii Nihon’ where children were be taught in a rigid militaristic manner to follow unquestioningly for the good of a greater Japan
Great stuff. Especially when moral standard of youth have been deteriorating these days.
See how Koreans have been discriminated against in Japan and still are
How come the 3rd or even the 4th generations can live their lives in foreign country as SPECIAL residents in the first place.
Bemoan the lack of historical truth not taught in Japanese schools
Bemoan lies after lies packed into historical education taught in Korean schools in the first place.
Note the lack of any anti discrimination laws in Japan which can allow shops to display signs stating ‘ no foreigners’ or deny property owners to rent to foreigners without censure
Way off topic. Here is the place to discuss about apology to SK. Besides, If I was the property owner, restaurant or any other shop's owner, I would certainly refrain myself from sticking to business-mind if I have got to deal with Anti-Japan tribalists. That's my right and any business owners rights to decide.
Go to Yasukuni shrine and check out their rhetoric
Yasukuni is a memorial park. True right wings love it but doesn't make it any less of a memorial park than the ones in every other country.
See how Koreans have been discriminated against in Japan and still are
Koreans are not discriminated in Japan. I'm fact, when there are protests in Shin Okubo against Koreans, there's another protests on the other side of the road defending Koreans and telling those other right wingers to go back to their room. Also lots of Koreans working for Honda, Nissan, Toyota, etc with good salaries.
allow shops to display signs stating ‘ no foreigners’
Last "no foreigners" sign I saw in Japan was probably 17 years ago at a shady "snack" business. Meanwhile, the last "no foreigners" signs I saw in South Korea was in 2021 at multiple cafes, soccer matches and other public places.
What is colonial past? Japan's ruling of Korea and Taiwan should never ever be treated equally with Western powers' colonialism.
As one of world-wide authorities on Korean history, Bruce Cumings says in his paper,
Japanese colonialism in Korea is quite opposite to the typical one which forced colonies to retrograde industrialization, regress to agricultural society, like British Empire's colonialism in India.
Bruce Cumings. Legacy of Japanese colonialism in Korea
it is the inconsistencies in messaging from all corners of the Japanese government. Every time there is an apology, there is someone else countering that good will with anti-Korean rhetoric.
Japan is a democracy. Meaning, anyone can freely express their opinion, agreeable or disagreeable, popular or unpopular. The Japanese Govt has been nothing but apologetic and accommodating in it's relationship with South Korea. Their official position on matters have remained constant. But the ant-JPN crowd uses every comment made by individual J-lawmakers as some sign of government insincerity. Despite no change in the government's official position. This is a disingenious method of perpetually rejecting the J-govt's apologies.
Fortunately, Japan is not playing that same game by pointing to all the anti-JPN activity in South Korea to call President Yoon's overtures "insincere".
Go to Yasukuni shrine and check out their rhetoric
The Yasukuni Shrine became a problem in 1985, and until then there was no problem.
So far, politicians and bureaucrats from at least 39 countries and regions have visited the shrine, including many countries from Japan's colonies of Asia.
Do you oppose Americans going to Arlington Cemetery out of consideration for the Chinese, Russians, and Vietnamese?
Even China's Zhou Enlai visits, is there a problem?
How about Nippon Kaigi which is as revisionist as they come!
With the development of the Internet, it became clear one after another that South Korea's claims had no basis in fact, and many Japanese who knew the truth were angry.
Why are only Koreans hated among foreigners in Japan? This is one of the answers.
Bemoan the lack of historical truth not taught in Japanese schools
More than 30% of the contents of Korean history education are distorted descriptions of Japan's annexation.
Note the lack of any anti discrimination laws in Japan which can allow shops to display signs stating ‘ no foreigners’ or deny property owners to rent to foreigners without censure
We don't need laws that lead to censorship or speech control.
Japanese people's criticism of Koreans is not hate, it's just a fact.
The reason why it is difficult for foreigners to rent a room in Japan is that there have been many cases where foreigners who came to Japan did not follow the rules and manners, and left Japan without even paying their bills. Please hate them for doing whatever they want.
Real reconciliation will not come until Koreans face reality and accept the truth.
There is no nation in the world that does not have blood on its hands for some atrocity committed at some time in its history. Let's move on folks.
Perhaps South Korea itself has some soul-searching to do against the suspected communist during the Korean conflict, Bodo League massacre, and or Vietnam.
The question is, would So. Korea still have its tighty whities all knotted up if Japan had not emerged so successfully as an economic power following WW?
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I feel Japan has made sufficient agreements together with South Korea to put many of these issues in the past. I don't like Japan's attitude towards remembering some of the atrocities. It comes across as insincere. These are events that need to be remembered and learned from, but the government seems to just want everyone to forget about it now.
Aly Rustom
what Goat said.
I believe it's important for people especially the postwar generations with no firsthand wartime experience to keep learning and recognizing key history events. Apology is another issue. Its repetition is unnecessary, and state-led "sincere" apology giving as well as demanding tend to become politically in charge.
History education is quite active and encouraged in postwar Japan, with open and scholarly inquiries and debates ensured. The past wartime history is also a popular topic for school education, local media programs as well as public discourses. Though it may be right to claim that there are conflicting views and interpretations unresolved among Japanese people, with some issues highly politicized, it's totally wrong to say the Japanese are ignorant of its war history.
Hello Kitty 321
It is not the number but the sincerity that matters when making apologies. In that respect, Japan has been somewhat lacking.
Jordi Puentealto
The Treaty of San Francisco (サンフランシスコ講和条約, San-Furanshisuko kōwa-Jōyaku), also called the Treaty of Peace with Japan (日本国との平和条約, Nihon-koku to no Heiwa-Jōyaku), re-established peaceful relations between Japan and the Allied Powers on behalf of the United Nations by ending the legal state of war and providing for redress for hostile actions up to and including World War II. It was signed by 49 nations on 8 September 1951, in San Francisco, California, U.S. at the War Memorial Opera House.[2][better source needed] Italy and China were not invited, the latter due to disagreements on whether the Republic of China or the People's Republic of China represented the Chinese people. Korea was also not invited due to a similar disagreement on whether South Korea or North Korea represented the Korean people.[3]
The treaty came into force on 28 April 1952. It ended Japan's role as an imperial power, allocated compensation to Allied nations and former prisoners of war who had suffered Japanese war crimes during World War II, ended the Allied post-war occupation of Japan, and returned full sovereignty to it. This treaty relied heavily on the United Nations Charter[4] and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights[5] to enunciate the Allies' goals. In Article 11, Japan accepted the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and of other Allied War Crimes Courts imposed on Japan both within and outside Japan.[6]
The 1951 treaty, along with the Security Treaty signed that same day, marks the beginning of the San Francisco System which defines Japan's relationship with the United States and its role in the international arena and characterizes Japan's post-war history.[7]
source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_San_Francisco
I think Japan has. The media focus the issue on whether Japanese government makes apology for what former one has done. However, the most important thing is keep what happened during WWⅡ, and also we need to pass it down to the next generations. In that process, we are able to think about the problem again with younger ones, and hopoefully we find keys to the problem. Just making apologies do not solve any problems in a deeper level.
Contiition, penitence. could or should be measured in a society that any court with respect to recognition of international law would be held accountable, when eighty six percent of the population were not present essentially not born is a political act of aggressive intimidation..
To then insist on continued penitence or decades, after numerous statements of regretful penitence is compounding the humiliation to further a political agenda.
More apologies
Message to Korea: Repeatedly play non-stop on all your radio stations the Eagles song, 'Get Over It'. Problem solved.
Ok when will Korea apologise for inviting Russia to have a Navy base so to attack Japan from. Have they apologise for that act of bad neighbour relationship. At less the Japan have many poor attempt at starting a new relationship. Korea Zero.
Mr Kipling
South Korea needs to get over the embarrassment of losing and being colonized by Japan. They have historically been "second best" to Japan. Time to move on ...times are changing.
Japan has apologized again and again for at least the past 30 years that I'm aware of and most likely much longer..
Is there any other ex-powers which apologized to it's ex-colonies even once?
This is just plain foolish at this point. The war ended in 1945! 78 years ago and people and countries are still complaining. Does Japan have to apologize ever Decade just to appease those that have not heard an apology firsthand.
Yes, KennyG, there are. Go and look it up.
Let’s move forward and work together for the bright future.
If there is still a civilization in the year 3000 will Japan still be expected to apologise then as well.
Japan needs to own its atrocities during the war and teach its own people as such but unfortunately a lot of those in power are still the same culprits and what is taught in class is not what really happened. I feel the need to apologize continually though is well past its used by date and used more as a political negotiating tool than out of any real concern from Korean politicians about those affected.
To Quote.....
August 26, 1982: Chief Cabinet Secretary Kiichi Miyazawa said to the people of the Republic of Korea:
"1. The Japanese Government and the Japanese people are deeply aware of the fact that acts by our country in the past caused tremendous suffering and damage to the peoples of Asian countries, including the Republic of Korea (ROK) and China, and have followed the path of a pacifist state with remorse and determination that such acts must never be repeated. Japan has recognized, in the Japan-ROK Joint Communique, of 1965, that the 'past relations are regrettable, and Japan feels deep remorse,'
And in the Japan-China Joint Communique, that Japan is 'keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through war and deeply reproaches itself.' These statements confirm Japan's remorse and determination which I stated above and this recognition has not changed at all to this day.
2. This spirit in the Japan-ROK Joint Communique, and the Japan-China Joint Communique, naturally should also be respected in Japan's school education and textbook authorization.
This concludes irrevocably a sincere message of regret and atonement.
No more apologizes....
Can the same be said, the lessons learnt, the subsequent acts of genocide documented attributed to the Government of China, not be brought to the attention of the global community, not be seen for there worth that the dictatorship of China has learnt nothing.
Which one? Dutch PM apologized, pretty much recently by the way, and regretted for their involvement into slavery (trades) for 300 years? Year how many years die they need just to finally admit what were real atrocities, 150 years?
Or did you mean Germany apologized to real genocides at Holocaust, or in Namibia?
None of them were apologies for invading and colonized other nations by violence unlike Japan annexed the peninsula by peaceful treaty being demanded by the then rulers and the biggest political party of the nation.
This is about setting history on truth instead of continuing a lie. Colonial past from Japan hide the actual problem of American actual colonisation in South Korea. Japan is just the easy target for a pain that don’t stop because colonisation method are still under way from America's side. Japan is just the easy scapegoat or is still the black hand of America in Korea.
So you will need to apologise for a long time if Korea don’t start to realise the bigger problem she have : USA. The same that Japan had and have. And you don’t solve this problem just by opposing to it. The world is discovering the bully who is called America. It is an opportunity that won’t happen again for a long time. America want to change, because America didn’t even believe their politician and military could have plan those horrors to be rich. This is the moment to clean and speak out loud some truth. America’s military in both your countries are the actual colonisation problem.
So ask money from USA to continue to apologise, or say the truth : Japan is taking heat from the problem South Korea got with America who block the reunification with the North Korea with mock attempt to help.
There is a balance to understand here. Many people could help South Korea to grow. But the possible foreign helper who got stronger from it is America. This is about breaking the « only one god » democrat opposition logic here. Only one friend, only one enemy… only one. And you oppose each time to someone depending on the calendar America set. When America is found, Britain is lying in wait. And when you are fed up with Britain, America again. Before communism, Russia was the third betrayer. France was your helper to understand all this.
Damn easy to manipulate by Vatican.
You have again the famous triade christian problem. China is russian helped, Corea is USA helped, and Japan is Britain helped. Each need each of you to never talk to each other together. Of course, there is exchange mostly between USA and Britain, but with Kirill, if he played colonisation bad, this is an explosive situation.
Colonisation is bad. The one who refuse to back down from it right now is America. This force all of us to be colonialist instead of good economist and firm builders. Britain is apparently the USA reason for it all. I am not so sure about it. I feel USA’s democrat feel really confortable with this easy target position Germany have taken upon Europe. This is a time to understand occidental colonisation and set you free of it, or disminish its influence. My advice is to get this bomb Abe wanted or something as dissuasive. Those rare earth materials, they are a gold who need higher protection than the army who need it to the point of Ukraine war organisation.
Aoi Azuuri
Recent years, official apologies from Japan regime is words only without heart. Politicians or LDP supporters repeat "insist" that justify everything of prewar and wartime Japan as ever, nationalistic social atmosphere that cannot even criticize such revisionism dominate in present Japanese society.
The entirety of Koreas nationalism is based on finger pointing across the sea of Japan
Actions speak more than words.
Japan, as much foot in the mouth its politicians have, have been a pacifist nation this entire time. North Korea, China and Russia on the other side...
So no. Japan doesn't need to apologize.
What is an apology? A combination of sincere repent with admitting the facts without trying to bend the truth or soothe it. Is an apology enough for those who suffered? Are there some crimes after which it doesnt really matter to a victim whether a criminal apologies or not? Another problem - do those who were actually responsiblefor occupation really repent and apologize? What if they do, will it give back lives? Will it change anything at this point on? I think if Japan is willing to accept truth, own its bad pages of history, condemn them in front of future generations even one apology would be enough, for a better future of everyone, Koreans and Japanese. After all, a human being is about forgiveness even if one apology will never compensate all atrocities, for the future’s sake.
I think the real problem regarding this issue is the south korean parents telling and teaching their kids to foster hatred for japan.
get over it
The people that colonized Korea are long since deceased.
Is it really about apologizing? It’s more about atoning and compensating. Yes, Japan has paid a lot of compensation and apologized many times. The problems start when Japanese historians start downplaying and denying the atrocities committed against Korea in the first half of last century. This is why this issue can not be settled.
When any apology made by an official is immediately met with "That is not the official position of the government," and "That is the person's individual opinion/expression", then no. Show me one "official" apology that the government will reiterate publicly and perhaps I'll say yes. And DEFINITELY not when you have half the government and other radicals and weebs in Japan blaming South Korea for what happened to South Korea and pretending Japan gave them "gainful employment, education, and taught them how to take baths!" and wants all references to Japan's atrocities removed from Japanese history books and even books overseas.
Sam Watters
I have been asking my Chinese and Korean students what would constitute an appropriate apology for twelve years and I have yet to receive an answer. You cannot satisfy someone who only wants more.
Of course, Japan cannot define Hato-pee’s Dogeza as an Japan’s official position.
How come the government is expected to reiterate an official apology publicly? How long is it expected to continue it? Appreciate if you could elaborate your Korean-style definition of sincere apology.
NO pretending. They are all true, hard-evidenced facts of history.
Lol. I don’t know about this. Is it maybe not how to but simply take it?
WHAT THE HECK DO YOU MEAN by atrocities? Specify those if you can, please.
Like "So far away from the Bamboo Grove" kicked out from educational history text books by Korean diaspora in the state , California?
An apology is not an admission. Japan's historical apologies have never admitted ridiculous Korean narratives full of lies, controlled by NK puppets. Those have been made for very minor and genuine victims, despite all craps, because they happened during Japan's ruling era, as a ruler of those days.
Do people understand the utter hypocrisy of South Korea Vs Japan?
Korea was annexed and became a part of the Japanese Empire in 1910 because some Koreans supported it while some were againt. There was non "invasion" of Korea by Japan or battles between Japan and Korea leading up to the annexation.-Over 200,000 Korean men served in the Imperial Japanese military, the vast majority willingly, as conscription did not begin on tje Korean Penninsula until ito 1944 when the tide of the war started to turn against Japan. The Korean soldiers made use of the Comfort Stations and were even charged discounted rates. A great many Koreans were charged as Class B and C War Criminals at the Tokyo Trials, mostly for abuse of Allied POWs, and they are enshrined at Yasukuni. One Korean General Hong Sa-Ik was convicted as a Class-A War Criminal and executed.
-After WWII ended, the US put into power the Korean Government in Exile, which was founded on freeing Korea from it's colonial master. They completely denied and whitewashed Korea's history, especially their role in WWII. Korean solders in the Japanese military invaded other Asian nations. Yet, South Korea not only pretends to have been a victim of some fantasical Japanese invasion, but has repeated this lie to the world so often that the ignorant and uninformed believe it.
-The Asian nations that were the real victims of Japanese aggression in WWII have all accepted Japan's apologies and reparations. Japan's WWII enemies, with the exception of the USSR(Russia) have become Japan's allies. The China that Japan invaded was the Republic of China, which has become Taiwan and maintains a close relatioship with Japan. The PRC, which did not even exist until 4 years after WWII ended, uses WWII anti-JPN sentiment on and off like a faucet when needed.
-South Koreans have been brainwashed by successive administrations teaching them in their educational systems that Korea was a "victim" of Japan, and perpetuating hate. I have spoken to South Koreans who have openly admitted to me that this is true, and that there are a quite a few South Koreans who feel that this is not only factually wrong but is having a negative effect on South Korea as a nation.
Everything I have posted can and should be examined against historical sources. This is not to diminish any wrongs Imperial Japan may or may not have brought upon the people of Korea. And I expect anti-JP posters to deny these facts. But people should study and reach their own conclusions rather than rely upon internet misinformation.
So yes, Japan has apologized to South Korea more than enough. It is South Korea's turn to accept the apology and move forward. It has reached a point where demanding an apology, receiving it, then rejecting it as "insincere" has become a broken record. Bluntly put, if you have no intention of accepting it, don't ask for it. Whether an apology is "sincere" or "insincere" is an immeasurable subjective quantification that only serves as an "excuse" to reject something.
This is crucial today for South Korea's own security and future preservation, and for the US Strategic posture in the region vis-a-vis China and North Korea. A fact that President Yoon and his administration understand very well, and he should be praised for his forsight and courage to face domestic opposition to accomplish what is best for his country. And I also praise the Kishida administraton for overcoming any domestic resistance in accepting President Yoon's overtures.
Korean troops in the Imperial Japanese Army commited atrocities against Allied POWs. They were charged, tried and convicted by the Allied International Tribunal for the Far East (Tokyo Trials.
Japanese troops did not commit "atrocities" against Koreans because they were Japanese citizens and subjects of their Emperor.
My country, the United States, comitted more "atrocitiies" against Koreans during the Korean War than Japan.
Look it up if the truth means anything.
Oh Yeah, because you have English-Wiki to back you up RIGHT?
Why do you think you stop apologizing?
How many sorrys are required?
No more apologies.
Japan never apologized! I sometimes see people saying that, so I will explain briefly.
1982 (Showa 57)
August 24 Prime Minister Yoshiyuki Suzuki [press conference on the textbook issue]
"Through past wars, we are deeply aware of our responsibility for causing serious damage."
"It is necessary to recognize that there is also criticism of" aggression ""
1983 (Showa 58)
January Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone
"Unfortunately, it is a fact that bilateral relations have had an unfortunate history in the past, and we must take this seriously."
1984 (Showa 59)
September 7 Emperor Showa [President Zento Kang visits Japan and holds a banquet at the imperial court]
"It is very regrettable that there was an unfortunate past in one period of this century."
Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone (welcome lunch)
"It has caused great difficulty to your country and your people."
'I feel deep regret'
1990 (Heisei 2)
March Foreign Minister Taro Nakayama
Apologizing for Sakhalin Remaining South Korea and Korean Issues
May 25 Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu [1st Summit Meeting]
"I would like to humbly reflect and offer my frank apologies for the unbearable suffering and sorrow that the people of the Korean Peninsula have experienced due to Japan's actions during a period of time in the past."
May Emperor Akihito
"In this unfortunate period brought about by our country,
When I think of the suffering that the people of your country have endured, I cannot help but feel deep regret."
1992 (Heisei 2)
January 17 Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa visits South Korea on the comfort women issue
"I would like to sincerely apologize and reflect on those who have been licked by the unspeakable bitterness."
"Heavy and heavy"
1993 (Heisei 5)
August 11 Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa [First meeting with Cabinet reporters after taking office]
"The war ahead is a war of aggression"
November 7 Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa [Visit Korea (Gyeongju only, stay 22 hours)]
"Due to Japan's colonial rule, people on the Korean Peninsula were deprived of the opportunity to learn their native language, forced to change their surnames to Japanese names, and experienced unbearable suffering and sorrow as comfort women and conscripted soldiers. As a perpetrator, I would like to sincerely reflect and apologize."
1994 (Heisei 6)
July 24 Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama (Visit Korea)
“I would like to express my sincere apologies and deep remorse.”
1995 (Heisei 7)
August 15 Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama
“During a certain period in the not-so-distant past, Japan made a mistake in national policy and caused great damage and suffering, especially to the people of Asian countries, through colonial rule and aggression. and express my sincere apologies.”
1996 (Heisei 8)
June Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto
"I can't imagine how many South Koreans were hurt by the name change."
"(Regarding the comfort women issue) there is no issue that has hurt the honor and dignity of women this much. I would like to express my sincere apologies and remorse.
1998 (Heisei 10)
April 3 Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto [Japan-Korea Summit Meeting at the Asia-Europe Conference (London)]
Proposal of “Japan-Korea Partnership” without Talking about Historical Issues
October 8 Emperor Akihito (President Kim Dae-jung visits Japan)
“A time when our country caused great suffering to the people of the Korean Peninsula…deep sorrow”
Keizo Obuchi, Prime Minister of Japan [Joint Declaration on New Japan-Korea Partnership for the 21st Century]
"To the people of South Korea, I would like to express my deep remorse and heartfelt apology."
An official document expresses an apology to the Korean people. President Kim appreciates this
2001 (Heisei 12)
On November 18, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited South Korea for the first time since taking office, visiting Seodaemun Independence Park, which is located on the site of a prison where independence activists were imprisoned during the colonial period, and spoke to reporters of his "sincere remorse and apology." rice field.
President Kim Dae-jung highly appreciated the Prime Minister's apology and requested that it be put into practice.
“I sincerely regret and apologize for the great damage and suffering caused to the Korean people by Japanese colonial rule. As a politician and human being, we must not forget the pain and sacrifice of the Korean people. I would like to express my sincere respect for the fact that Korea has endured unimaginable pain and hardships, such as foreign invasions and the division of the motherland, and is now developing.
Japan-South Korea relations must reflect on their past history and work together to ensure that such a painful history never repeats itself. The development of friendly relations between Japan and South Korea will contribute to the development of Asia and world peace.
Terrorism, which threatens freedom and peace, is a threat to all mankind, but the cooperation of South Korea, Japan, and the United States, which are allies, will contribute to the development of Asia and world peace. Luckily, Japan and South Korea will host the World Cup together next year. I hope that the World Cup will be a success, and that this will serve as an opportunity to deepen exchanges and cooperation between Japan and South Korea. ”
The Japanese government has apologized many times in the past.
However, it is not the kind of apology that Koreans want, so they think that Japan will never apologize.
The Japanese government's position is consistent, and Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries were colonized, but the annexation of Korea in 1910 was not particularly problematic under international law, and no country raised any objection to it.
It is illegal according to the Korean constitution, history textbooks, and people's perceptions, but the illegality was not found in post-war research conducted mainly in the United States.
Regarding the military comfort women issue, Korean women were sold by their parents for money and forced into prostitution that they didn't want, or they were tricked into prostitution by Korean prostitutes. Unfortunately, the only evidence that the Japanese military systematically kidnapped Korean women and forced them into prostitutes is the testimony of the women themselves.
You can't be found guilty without objective evidence in court.
Even in the Tokyo trial after World War II, the US military directly interviewed Korean prostitutes, but no particular illegality was found.
200,000 Korean girls were kidnapped by the Japanese army! !
You say this, but why did no one in that family ask for their family back after the war for about 50 years?
If 200,000 people can be counted, where is their list? I have heard that no one has seen it.
By the way, if Korea's population were to decrease by 200,000 people, there would have been a change in the population, but no such change was recorded.
Unfortunately, the difference between Korean perception and Japanese perception will not be filled.
Absolutism bad. Nuance good. This is not answerable as a yes or no question. Nationlists will say yes because there have been numerous apologies with varying degrees of empathy. Those who would disagree would argue that it is the inconsistencies in messaging from all corners of the Japanese government. Every time there is an apology, there is someone else countering that good will with anti-Korean rhetoric. I suspect that the neocons like keeping the other Asian countries angry, so they are happy to stoke the flames with their rhetoric and there will not likely soon be an end to the conflict.
There have been some attempts to change but there is still a nagging lack of real change and empathy in Japan
Actions speak louder than words so,
Look at today’s Japanese government and politicos and see if they own their past?
Go to Yasukuni shrine and check out their rhetoric
How about Nippon Kaigi which is as revisionist as they come!
Refer to Abe’s ‘utsukushii Nihon’ where children were be taught in a rigid militaristic manner to follow unquestioningly for the good of a greater Japan
See how Koreans have been discriminated against in Japan and still are
Bemoan the lack of historical truth not taught in Japanese schools
Note the lack of any anti discrimination laws in Japan which can allow shops to display signs stating ‘ no foreigners’ or deny property owners to rent to foreigners without censure
The fact is that Japan still has a very long way to go before it can own its truth adequately so, keep apologizing Japan until the above change…
Leave their business to Japanese. If going Yasukuni makes any apology insincere, don't even demand it.
What about Nippon Kaigi? That's even more irrelevant to the topic.
Great stuff. Especially when moral standard of youth have been deteriorating these days.
How come the 3rd or even the 4th generations can live their lives in foreign country as SPECIAL residents in the first place.
Bemoan lies after lies packed into historical education taught in Korean schools in the first place.
Way off topic. Here is the place to discuss about apology to SK. Besides, If I was the property owner, restaurant or any other shop's owner, I would certainly refrain myself from sticking to business-mind if I have got to deal with Anti-Japan tribalists. That's my right and any business owners rights to decide.
Yasukuni is a memorial park. True right wings love it but doesn't make it any less of a memorial park than the ones in every other country.
Koreans are not discriminated in Japan. I'm fact, when there are protests in Shin Okubo against Koreans, there's another protests on the other side of the road defending Koreans and telling those other right wingers to go back to their room. Also lots of Koreans working for Honda, Nissan, Toyota, etc with good salaries.
Last "no foreigners" sign I saw in Japan was probably 17 years ago at a shady "snack" business. Meanwhile, the last "no foreigners" signs I saw in South Korea was in 2021 at multiple cafes, soccer matches and other public places.
What is colonial past? Japan's ruling of Korea and Taiwan should never ever be treated equally with Western powers' colonialism.
As one of world-wide authorities on Korean history, Bruce Cumings says in his paper,
Japanese colonialism in Korea is quite opposite to the typical one which forced colonies to retrograde industrialization, regress to agricultural society, like British Empire's colonialism in India.
Bruce Cumings. Legacy of Japanese colonialism in Korea
Japan is a democracy. Meaning, anyone can freely express their opinion, agreeable or disagreeable, popular or unpopular. The Japanese Govt has been nothing but apologetic and accommodating in it's relationship with South Korea. Their official position on matters have remained constant. But the ant-JPN crowd uses every comment made by individual J-lawmakers as some sign of government insincerity. Despite no change in the government's official position. This is a disingenious method of perpetually rejecting the J-govt's apologies.
Fortunately, Japan is not playing that same game by pointing to all the anti-JPN activity in South Korea to call President Yoon's overtures "insincere".
The Yasukuni Shrine became a problem in 1985, and until then there was no problem.
So far, politicians and bureaucrats from at least 39 countries and regions have visited the shrine, including many countries from Japan's colonies of Asia.
Do you oppose Americans going to Arlington Cemetery out of consideration for the Chinese, Russians, and Vietnamese?
Even China's Zhou Enlai visits, is there a problem?
With the development of the Internet, it became clear one after another that South Korea's claims had no basis in fact, and many Japanese who knew the truth were angry.
Why are only Koreans hated among foreigners in Japan? This is one of the answers.
More than 30% of the contents of Korean history education are distorted descriptions of Japan's annexation.
We don't need laws that lead to censorship or speech control.
Japanese people's criticism of Koreans is not hate, it's just a fact.
The reason why it is difficult for foreigners to rent a room in Japan is that there have been many cases where foreigners who came to Japan did not follow the rules and manners, and left Japan without even paying their bills. Please hate them for doing whatever they want.
Real reconciliation will not come until Koreans face reality and accept the truth.
Ask Trade
There is no nation in the world that does not have blood on its hands for some atrocity committed at some time in its history. Let's move on folks.
Perhaps South Korea itself has some soul-searching to do against the suspected communist during the Korean conflict, Bodo League massacre, and or Vietnam.
The question is, would So. Korea still have its tighty whities all knotted up if Japan had not emerged so successfully as an economic power following WW?
Again folks, time to move on -