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Do you think remote working, where possible, improves productivity, creativity and staff retention for a company?

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I'm not comfortable at home working on a little table with a laptop. I need several breaks to stretch.

A real desk, large keyboard, big screens and comfortable chair at the office increase my productivity.

Being self-employed, I've always worked at home with a real desk, large keyboard, big screen and comfortable chair.

Still need breaks to stretch, brew coffee, see to the dogs.

Way, way better than having to get a train every day.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

In my case, it's a yes. I have more time and energy to do house chores and look after things outside of work. I don't have to wake up early and prepare stuff, buy food, worry about presenteeism and a lot more things that I'd usually worry about work if there's no pandemic. remote working is convenient. There will always be downsides to it but I can live with those since the pros are more than the cons in my book.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

It is depend upon the company.

If the company wants you to explain each minute what you do in your home office, then it is more stressful than to to go to the company personally.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Remote working allows a much wider choice of places to live. Living in or near Tokyo is no longer necessary and this alone makes remote working the better option. For people who find living in a tiny apartment or home too uncomfortable of an environment, if you haven't considered moving outside of Tokyo to a larger home you're making a mistake.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I get why majority of the people voted Yes - having the option to have freedom on where to work is almost always a good sign. But when it comes to productivity, creativity and staff retention in which the question targets to, I'd say it's on a situational basis:

Productivity: Sure you don't have to commute or wear your pants, but in my case, there's just too many distractions inside the house. I'm just an arms length away from opening my game console.

Also, if you're working with a team, there are some time- and security-related concerns that could just be avoided by going to the office.

Creativity: This depends if your remote place or your office has more resources to exploit from. For example, if your research is mostly on the web then WFH is better, but if you need something to experiment onsite, then obviously going there is better.

Staff retention: This one I don't know. Maybe it's a motivational pressure battle from burnout? Fear of employers getting you canned or having stale salaries? I would like to know other peoples' opinion on this since my mindset is not managerial.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It depends on the business you're in. In my case, productivity and creativity are better in an office environment. For others, it may be the opposite if they are working from home. But I don't think working from home or in the office would make a difference in staff retention. If someone gets a better offer with a higher salary, then they may move on whether they are working remotely or not.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Overall, it's been an interesting few months for my team. They've adapted well, and come up with some creative solutions for issues. It's also shown which employees are much, much better suited to working in the office, and which thrive at home. In the past few months, we dropped one office, and downsized the other, and I don't think we'll ever go back to a fully on-site operation. My goal over the next few years will be learning to identify through interviews whether prospective hires will be more effective (and worth the cost of having them) in the office, or better off working remotely.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

yes. absolutely. without a doubt

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Of course it depends. A lot of people are distracted at home, and considering the small space that the average Japanese family lives in, its tough to find private space to work.

On the other hand, some people are a lot less stressed working from home and it gives them extra time to be more creative.

In terms of productivity, it all depends on how the company is managed. Anybody who said "yes" or "no" are purely answering based on their own personal experience or preference, which can't be applied in all situations.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

It's very much an individual thing. My wife is putting in more hours working from home. I think in a family situation that it must make it more difficult to maintain separate work and home spheres.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I wanted my office staff to try it out but all I got was, "This is Japan, we need to be here to be productive and FEEL we are working."

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I am actually busier working from home than the office and I am finding that I am working longer hours by my own fault.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

That is the issue Jeff, in a nutshell, employees in some instances succumb to overwork. One or two more hours here and there, it mounts up.

Most importantly, home must not become primary workplace.

Employees should not work above 40 hours. And there must be scheduled breaks, lighting etc etc.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Problem with remote work is that they fill up the hours. I'm trying to reduce them but they force me to work full time late at night

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Sooo, how will annual bonuses be determined now that staff are not shlepping long hours ostentatiously in the "office" after 5pm?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Working from home improves productivity?

Working from home has to suit the employee’s needs, and HR monitoring the cost to their wellbeing, measured in terms of social/emotional isolation.

Collaboration is a key factor and maintaining regular work hours. There is also some intrusive aspects for the lives of other family members.

Whether an improvement in productivity is/could or should be a determining/primary factor is open to debate.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

You save alot of time not having to goto work and can get things done quicker and more efficiently. It is a move that should have happened in Japan years ago, but now is an excellent time to do those home office upgrades. Also you can have more tax deductions having a home office. You can also automate some things that will save you some time.

-It is big business working from home now and there are specialists that can help you choose the right equipment and getting it to run right.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I'm not comfortable at home working on a little table with a laptop. I need several breaks to stretch.

A real desk, large keyboard, big screens and comfortable chair at the office increase my productivity.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Being self-employed, I've always worked at home with a real desk, large keyboard, big screen and comfortable chair.

Being self-employed you probably selected a home that would accommodate the accoutrements required to do your work comfortably. However, those who normally commute from a miniscule apartment will likely be sitting at table or kotatsu which are not designed for or suited to long hours at an office. They likely won't have enough space for a proper work station. Add a partner, toddlers, a dog and perhaps a parent or two and the complexities of WFH increase drastically.

A single person who can find other accommodation and outfit themselves properly might be able to adapt more easily than someone who must uproot a family in order to have room to WFT.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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