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Do you think U.S. President Barack Obama is a good choice for the Nobel Peace Prize?

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The nominating deadline was Feb. 1. He had been president for only 10 days. They are giving him an award for his promises, not his actions.

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What has he done in his first 10 days to earn this award? He's given people a lot of hope, but he hasn't done much.

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The Nobel peace prize committee should base its assessments on achievements, accomplishments ONLY, not on mere idea or hope or promise or potential...It is extremely difficult,controversial enough for valueing candidate's achievements already.

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The committee wants to give Nobel peace prize to Obama. OK, Why don't they give him it 10 years later? Everyone wants to see some achievements.

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although i like obama, & do hope he can bring about change, he obviously had no time to bring about change in the short time he's been prez . & let's not forget the u.s.a. is the #1 arms seller in the world. but, i guess they may have been desperate to give it to someone & there aren't too many candidates out there at the moment.

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"Why dion't they give him it 10 years later?"

They wanted to give it to him while he's still president.

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he seems to realize that he may have not deserved it himself. have to laud him for that . "Let me be clear: I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations," he said at the White House. "To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize." Obama will donate the $1.4 million cash award that comes with the prize to charity.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/09/nobel-prize-to-obama-defe_n_316098.html

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Lol yeah, Mr. Obama looked and sounded pretty shocked himself, "Anyone get the license of that Nobel Peace Prize that hit me?" I gotta agree with him, he doesn't think he's done anything to deserve it. It hasn't even been a full year of presidency and everyone still seems to be expecting him to change reality so everything takes effect immediately.

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Hasn't done enough yet. way too soon. And it wasn't hard after bush to improve world harmony and peace.

kind of giving it to him for future potential not past work...maybe to encourage him to follow through and deliver some results in the world.

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If your definition of peace is enslavement of everyone to bankers fiat debt and control of the world -I believe Obama deserves the prize, but G.W. Bush argue-ably did more for this type of "peace"

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Obama is a change agent that comes along in US politics every generation or so. Most of the leaders in between are regressive criminals of some sort. The Nobel folks see that as we all do and is encouraging him and the rest of us in the USA to action. That is what this award is about.

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Amazing - even on JT, only 37% think Obama is a good choice for the Nobel Peace Prize. I see zurcronium is among the 37%.

"Most of the leaders in between are regressive criminals of some sort"

Thanks for dissing most of our presidents, zurcronium.

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Sarge, the only decent one in my lifetime was Carter. He has proven himself to be above the rest by his works after 1980 and his winning the noble prize for his work with Egypt and Israel, a peace which has lasted over 30 years now.

Kennedy, philanderer, Johnson, criminal, Nixon, criminal and a sociopath, Ford, who cares, Reagan, criminal and a fraud when he was not checked out due to Alzheimers in his second term, Bush senior, another criminal and liar, Clinton, a moral fraud, and of course your favorite bush junior who was a fraud, war criminal, liar, failure at everything he touched and a sociopath.

Care to disagree and get a facial yet again?

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Here's an idea: Instead of bashing Obama (yet again), why not bash the Nobel Committee? They made the decision; hold THEM to task for it.

Nah, let's just take another lame swipe at the duly-elected President of the United States of America.

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I see the percentage of readers who think Obama is a good choice for the Nobel Peace Prize is down to 36% now.

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Looking at the timetable, they nominated him 2 frigging weeks into his presidency.

The Oslo nobel comittee are no different from cheap party hacks.

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"The question we have to ask is who has done the most in the previous year to enhance peace in the world. And who has done more than Barack Obama?"

THORBJOERN JAGLAND, chairman of the Nobel Committee.

WillB and Sarge, care to answer that question? None of you remember the Israali invasion of Gaza ended hours before Obama became President. Bush condoned those warcrimes and the Israelis knew that Obama would not. No invasions since either. And no invasions by the USA so far as well.

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Real funny poll. Whats next, asking if Obama should accept his Nobel Prize money in dollars or in Euros?

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Next poll question should be "Do you think U.S. President Obama should decline the Nobel Peace Prize?"

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as per usual no reply to direct questions of fact. Easy to lob truth challenged posts randomly, harder to back them up I guess.

No worries, just stick to music where you have some idea of what you are talking about.

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Look at it this way , if you are the one the NNP committee selects to give the prize to ,for some only God knows why reason, will you accept it or you decline? I don't think I will decline thats why I stop having- a -go at Obama.For example, an actor thinks he is worth 2 millions dollar a movie but if the boss offer him 8 mil instead ,will he decline? its simply too good to refuse.

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It was a shrewd move by the Nobel Committee to award teh Nobel prize to President Obama, it gives him the moral ascendency, it will allow him to defy the winger generals who are asking for more troops in Afghanistan.

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"it will allow him to defy the winger generals who are asking for more troops in Afghanistan"

But Obama won't defy the "winger" generals because he doesn't want failure in Afghanistan on his watch.

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"who has done more than Barack Obama ( to enhance peace in the world )?"

Heck, there are thousands, no make that millions, possibly billions of people who have I've done more than Barack Obama to enhance peace in the world.

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The Nobel Peace Prize in anticipation. That's like awarding the physics prize to someone for reading about time travel.

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Why wait for the NPP committee to select you?:


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I like Obama and he voted for him But I think the Nobel Peace Prize Commitee is nutz. What is wrong with them. he hasn't done anything yet. They should really wait for him to do something.

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Instead of giving it to Obama they should give it to an ordinary person. Like a ( teacher ) or somebody that made a difference in a bad area. Why Obama ?

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Even as an American I don't think Obama is qualified yet to be a Nobeloreat. I would say however that if Obama gets everything done that he wants to get done then that would make him a great candidate. Opening international dialogue, setting up Iraq and Afghanistan as successful democracies, finding a better solution to the Israel/Palestinian conflict, launching the world into a new era of environmentalism, etc.

I can see where the Nobel committee was going with this "he inspires everyone" kinda attitude, but I thought the Peace Prize would be based more on results and not just pure potential. I seriously don't care though if as long as this award "inspires" him and others to help cooperate to solve some of the above mentioned problems.

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shit, i spelled "Nobel laureates" wrong, shit, now my argument looses all credibility. =(

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The prize was said to be awarded for intention rather than achievement. I'm sure Obama knows very well that he has yet to win the hearts and minds of ordinary people.

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Next poll question to this question,

Do you think President Obama doing good job, in Middle East,Palestine,Iraq and Afghanistan? Discuss.

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I've don't normally follow the crowed crying hero worship but this is just getting to be to much, even for me. I mean honestly, most NPPs are given a decade or more after a monumentous achievement has taken place in the name of peace, give it to John Paul II post humorously or fricken Christiane Amanpour for her reporting in the last decade. Nothing the current president has done is overly remarkable or groundbreaking aside from his election (which was more an action of the electoral college than the president himself).

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Now they can give a nobel prize to ANY scientist because he/she might invent a cure for cancer one day, give a nobel prize to ANY economist becuse he/she might solve all the world's economic troubles someday etc etc....

The nobel prize has become a big joke.

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While the nomination was just a couple weeks in to his term, the voting was fairly recent. What does it prove? Mostly that the international community REALLY didn't like the Bush gov't.

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Iran it not accept U.S. dollars in payment for its oil. The last nation to offer such a challenge, Iraq, was invaded only months later by President Bush II. Already, President Obama appears to be considering joint strikes against Iran to ‘protect Israel and the world from an Iranian nuclear threat.’

I support Obama if he launches the missiles.

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Rather subtle timing of being awarded when the president is now considering whether or not to approve to send more troops to Afghanistan and attack Taliban's training camps in Pakistan and even Iran. Prodding at the heartland has actually destabilized the region. Sending troops to cut off supply line has been a turning point in some of the past wars to be bogged down into a morass.

For the peace prize not to sound too hollow, will the president ever also persuade Israel to abandon nukes while trying to check Iran's pursuit of nukes?

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No. Nothing against the President, but giving him the prize now stinks.

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No. I bet BHO was as surprised as the rest of us.

How about waiting til he actually does something?

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No - he hasn't achieved anything yet. He got it because he is first black prez - norwegians can't believe it.

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I'm an American, and I think it's ridiculous that President Obama received the Peace Prize for, ostensibly, doing absolutely nothing. He won it solely due to the cult of personality. Maybe one day he will achieve something truly worthy of acclaim at this level, but he hasn't even been in office a year and he's spent most of that time trying to destroy the American healthcare system. How does that in any way qualify him to win a Nobel Prize of any sort? Why isn't the prize committee rewarding the efforts of Middle Eastern women who are willing to speak out against their own oppression, despite the possibility of retaliation? Or any of the hundreds of military chaplains who minister to deployed soldiers? Or someone, ANYONE, who has actually done something tangible to achieve harmony in the world? It's ridiculous.

But then, why are we even talking about this? The Nobel Peace Prize lost all legitimacy when they gave it to Arafat.

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Give President Obama a break, he didn't ask for Nobel Peace Prize. Blame it on the committee. Sure, Obama's soft approach to other nations inspired better understandings and relations compared to hardline approach of previous U.S. presidents but does this constitute a Peace Prize?

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Arafat is demonized the the pro-israel lobby in the USA. Of course he deserved the prize along with the others who shared it with him.

Obama is doing more good that any single voice in the world can, since he is the president. His impact has been immediate and impressive on the world stage. Israel withdrew from Gaza for example which bush approved and promoted. NK is back at the table again after being pushed to become a nuclear nation by bush. Sure there is more he can do and the peace committee knows it. But he has already done more for peace that any single person has in the last year. Period. Most of the above posts are by the birthers who cannot accept a black, intelligent, peace creating president. Its just more of the same racism and hateration.

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NO !! He hasn't done anything to deserve it. He's caused a turbulence of troubles in the US and will do the same to the rest of the world. He is on the top of HIS world only. That's it.

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Maybe by giving it to him, they think Obama will feel forced to live up to the award.

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I think most people are SO MISERABLE, they do not like when good things happen for others. If all these TWITS who are opposed to Pres. Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Award, were chosen, ONE DAYafter they were in ANY OFFICE, they would have been happy. This is nothing but JEALOUSY, AND BIGOTRY EXALTED. I don't care what anyone thinks about President Obama, I know he deserves the Prize, and I want to say, A HEARTY, "CONGRATULATIONS" TO HIM, for myself, and ON BEHALF OF ALL PEOPLES WHO LOVE OUR PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT OBAMA IS DOING A SUPERB JOB, AND HE WILL WIN MORE AWARDS, MUCH TO THE CHAGRIN OF HIS ENEMIES. It is such a very delightful thing to watch all of you sour lemons, under duress from your mire of madness, and the overload of your misery!!!

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i think it's all about competition. Maybe this year's nominees lack depth and the best one they came up with was Obama.

There's always got to be a winner.

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If it was someone else, there probably wouldn't be much of an disagreement. But since this time it's a polirizing figure- the sitting president of the united states- maybe some many of us expected more. I would have rather giving Obama more time to enlarge his pofolio of acheivements before I vote on him. Like I said before, maybe the competition was weak this yr.

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I think Tsvingali (sp) from Zimbabwe would have been a better choice. He literally risked his life for freedom and democracy.

It is patently obvious that the Nobel just wanted to give Bush a shot in the nuts again......

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President,one award in the bag. There many more to go,may be the OBE.

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When has Obama ever done anything? -besides flying around in jets and saying how important he is.

=bow down to your new god and first do-nothing President.

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