was having this conversation just today. I hear his popularity is plummeting but had he come into power at just about any other time in history it would probably not be the way. He inherited a right mess from the shrub and people are crazy if you think you can turn that round in a year.
Obama is much worse than Bush ever was! He is pushing through legislation that nobody wants, and he doesn't seem to care what people think. I am an American; I have watched him tear apart my country, and he isn't stopping. The one thing he is doing though is he is uniting our country, Bush never did that. There is a very important election going on in Massachusetts right now, and Obama's party is having difficulty in a state that is extremely leftist. The American people are starting to see that more government is definitely not a good thing. Obama is not alone in ruining America, our House and Senate are helping him do it!
He's in grave danger of losing his lock-up Democrat majority in both houses this year....in fact, I believe that the GOP will be given control again in November...
"Do you think U.S. President Barack Obama is doing a good job as he finishes his first year in office?"
Barack Obama's popularity polls in the US are at historical lows for any first year President. His current approval rating is at 46% with the vast majority of the voting public saying they would not vote for him again. The reasons are many but most notably his poor handling of the financial crisis, healthcare, and international relations. The guy hasn't had a press conference in 6 months, has been on vacation forever, and has played more rounds of golf in a year than Bush did in four ! He is a slacker with no concept of leadership. Now, how about that Ozawa guy ?
He is doing the best he can. He has a spoiled citizenry who is suffering from the poor leadership and policy of the last 30 years coupled with a highly divided and partisan congress. Conservatives have basically removed themselves from debate and have engaged in non-stop attacks. They act like drunk drivers whom after wrecking the car have the audacity to stand on the side of the road and preach about how bad drunk driving is.
So yes, given that Obama entered office in the worst economic situation in 70 years with two wars going on I say he has done a good job of things. He could do better but when you have so many problems to work on from day one, you should be given a bit of room to work. This has not happened because Americans want instant gratification or they are wholly partisan and will never be happy with anything he does.
"He has a spoiled citizenry who is suffering from the poor leadership and policy of the last 30 years..."
Why would such a spoiled citizenry suffering from poor leadership allow such conditions for 30 years ? Again, you are taling in circles here.
"Conservatives have basically removed themselves from debate and have engaged in non-stop attacks."
So which is it ? Removed or non-stop ?
"So yes, given that Obama entered office in the worst economic situation in 70 years with two wars going on I say he has done a good job"...
By worsening the economic conditions and continuing two wars ??? Go figure folks, I'm more inclined to agree with those 54% of Americans that disapprove of his actions to date. From that ridiculous economic stimulus package to increased troops in Afghanistan...the guy has been a joke. Throw in his "world wide apology tour" and well... the numbers speak for themselves, instant gratification, partisanship, whatever. Obama has been a dud to date. Lets hope he gets his act together before the midterm elections... his party about to lose control !
"...53 percent of Americans in this ABC News/Washington Post poll approve of Obama's job performance overall -- 15 points lower than his opening grade, but still just over half at the one-year mark. He remains personally popular, if far less so. And confidence in his leadership, as weakened as it is, greatly exceeds that in the Republicans in Congress, or, for that matter, in his own party."<
[emphasis mine]
So he still has over 50% approval (though it's not as high as when he started, but I expected that). Republicans (and I would include many Democrats as well)... ummmmm, no.
With that said, there are many people (myself included) who think that he needs to change how he's tackling some of these issues. However, I also
know 1) he never had majority in Congress (say what you want, but I don't consider the Blue Dogs or Lieberman as Democrats... period) - so trying to garner the votes was going to be pretty impossible, and 2) it's only been 1 year.
He did actually turn the "Titanic" of the economy away from the iceburg and we're starting to see some improvements (DOW is back above 10,000 after starting from 7,000). Now he just needs to get the unemployement numbers under control.
He was dealt a bad hand, but he's made some progress.
dakedobaby, you forgot to mention that ABC poll, which I just got done watching, also stated that 62% of Americans now feel the country is headed in the "wrong" direction.
as for this...
"He was dealt a bad hand, but he's made some progress."
This argument has gotten old and whiney. The previous president was handed one of the worst hands in the history of the nation. As quoted by Bill Clinton, "we had him in our sights, we simply lacked the political will to take him out." The "him" in question here is Osama Bin Laden. The person that Bill Clinton has openly stated he regrets not dealing with. We know who was left to pick up the pieces for the next two terms in office, now how unfair was that. Imagine the last 8 years without the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. Forget the whole "homeland security" thing. Imagine an America focused on building its society and economy without the distractions and expenses necessary, created by OBL ! Say what you want about the Bush years... but at least the stood up to the challenge and didn't bitch about... "the bad hand" he was dealt.
Yes because Obama actually comes across as somebody who has a brain which is quite a refreshing change (compared to GW - sorry if I offend anybody). He seems to be well spoken and he does not resort to a cheesy shxt-eating grin when trying to connect with people.
No because he is still too long on words and not long enough on action. There have been times when his verbal talents have resulted in nothing being done. Indeed, I am rather tired of him assuming the roll of a human teleprompter.
Barack Obama doing great! He won the Nobel Peace Prize, boosted troops for the surge in Afghanistan, talked about universal health care, and probably some other stuff too!
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the USA is the only superpower in this world of mess. Also, As a key member of NATO, what do you expect?
No Action, Talk Only
If this question is to mean is Obama doing a good job at destroying America as he finishes his first year in office, then the answer is a resounding yes.
Even the easier "promises," like closing Gitmo, have been broken. The proposed health care "reform" panders to the insurance and drugs companies to gain their support. The GAO says that health costs will go up more quickly than they are now. Then there's the complete lack of leadership. Obama is letting Pelosi and Reid run the country, he's just the PR man. Really, this is such a dissappointment I don't understand what there is to expect from government except more of the same. Kinda "Bush lite" as it were.
To those that said yes on this poll.What has he done but spend money and take vacations during a recession and push his ridiculously high priced healthcare bill that the lower middle class will pay for that and will kill one's grandmother when she gets sick at the age of 70. Don't blame me I voted McCain/Palin.
Compared to Bush he's doing an awesome job. That said, his biggest problem is he's too much like Bush. There's really not as much difference between Republicans and Democrats as they like to admit. Both love to deficit spend and meddle in everybody's business.
Obama gave himself a "B-plus" when asked by Oprah what grade he thought he deserved for his first year in office. A more accurate grade would be "incomplete".
Obama is doing great considering the big bag of poo the Shrub left for him. My main complaint is with the Democrats in charge of the Senate. They only need 51 votes to pass health care but are acting like they need 60. If the GOP wants to filibuster, I say let them. Sooner or later they'll run out of air and when they do, then they can vote it in with 51 votes. The best time to bring it up for a vote would have been a few days before Christmas. Let them filibuster through Christmas if they really want to.
Ha ha, Ivan, that would be most JT posters on this particular poll. Fact is, the majority of my countrymen do not approve of Obama's policies. Check it out!
But when the majority of your countrymen did not approve of the previous administration's policies (Cheney@ 9% support rate, etc), they were wrong and giving succour to terrorists, weren't they?
The way the question is phrased, it is impossible to answer.
Does JT mean "a good job in promoting his agenda", or "a good job for the future of the country"?
The answer totally different, depending on your political orientation.
Honestly, I don't think Obama has done enough to help guide what he promised when he got into office. I voted for him but keep tapping my shoe waiting for him to do something other than sit there and basically repeat Bush. He can't exactly blame Bush when he's done the exact same things he has. Bailouts for the companies instead of the people and increasing troops in a country where the majority of people occupying the country want us out of.
Meanwhile Pelosi is over there mucking around, helping screw everything up with a health care bill that no one in their right mind could understand.
I'm Independent and am angry at both parties. I think a bunch of high schoolers could get the US on better track at this point.
"Fact is, the majority of my countrymen do not approve of Obama's policies. Check it out!"
Yes Sarge and the first round of votes are in to prove it as Republican Scott Brown has defeated Obama's Party representative Coakley for the Massachusetes Senate seat. The same one that had been held by Ted Kennedy for more than 30 years ! The fallout is huge as it swings the balance of power in both houses to an even keel. This is a major loss for Obama and his party and will be seen as a prelude of things to come when the next elections come around this fall. What a major blow to Obama and the Democrats as the American people have traded in their verbal disatisfaction for actual votes. Looks like the honeymoon with Obama is over, and at record speed !
Well, there's at least one campaign promise that Obama is trying to keep - health care. But that seems dead now........................... Unless ya guys want him to keep the promise?
My big fear was the Obama was campaigning and promising with great naivety. Because of this, he was the candidate the Republicans really wanted, if you listened to their pundits during campaign time. I am not surprised at all by his generally poor performance or what happened in the recent election of the Republican to replace Kennedy.
Obama is Pro-China and neglecting other Big Economic Nations like 2nd biggest Japan & 4th Biggest India. Because lot of Money laundered from Chinese Businessmen were used for his campaign during elections, he is kind of tarnished his image of being neutral.
First: Allow me to say I am very pro Sarge as he knows of what he writes. Second: Obama is doing a terrible job and it will only get worse. He definitely doesn't wear well - typical con-artist!
I voted yes. Outside of another wasteful bailout, I can't think of anything major that happened. Obama has not actually done much as far as I have been paying attention, and that is a good thing. No doubt some people want and expect action, and can't see any problem with going full speed ahead, even if its in the wrong direction. Not me. I would rather take things nice and slow, and I recognize that it is the gung-ho people who never really grew out of their reckless teen years who cause most of the trouble in the world.
Branded-Barack Obama's popularity polls in the US are at historical lows for any first year President. His current approval rating is at 46% with the vast majority of the voting public saying they would not vote for him again. The reasons are many but most notably
I would say most notably America has not been sneak attacked. That is what turned it all around for Roosevelt and Bush jr. However, that probably won't work for another 60 years or so. Hmmm...what other sort of disaster could boost his popularity for basically nothing he did? Because I can't see how Jesus Christ himself could turn the economy around in a year after what the last president did to it. And its not like a government can do anything but drag on an economy. Even zero drag when the economy sucks the economy still sucks!
Sarge. Countrymen when knocking your own president or having "wars" with "terrorist evil doers", but when it comes to basic health care or any kind of social net you're on your own pal. Nice society you've got there.
The only polls worth mentioning happen every four years. Or at least that's what Sarge and his ilk spouted whenever there was news of how much his posterboy was despised by anyone with a functioning brain.
Outside of another wasteful bailout, I can't think of anything major that happened.
Are you serious???? 7 million people lost their jobs!!! Nothing Major happened? what kind of world do you live in? That's pretty major. And that's just one of his major mishaps...
As a libertarian, and a proponent of small gov, my advice to Obama: Please, please continue indulging your ridiculous ideological bent. As much as I dislike the holy roller, snake-handling extreme religious right, I watch you and think you have unified the fractious repub base more effectively than Palin or Limbaugh ever could have.
what has he done?? Raised unemployment to record highs, deficits to record highs, discord in congress to record highs, discord among the populace to record highs and won the Peace Prize then promptly sent more troops into combat and increased drone attacks in Pakistan, so depending on your deifnition of good, perhaps he has.........
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Yes. Because I believe he hasn't made any big mistakes yet. And I doubt Mccain could have done much better.
was having this conversation just today. I hear his popularity is plummeting but had he come into power at just about any other time in history it would probably not be the way. He inherited a right mess from the shrub and people are crazy if you think you can turn that round in a year.
However, his new bank tax is a bit dubious...
Comparing to the last president....yes!
Obama is much worse than Bush ever was! He is pushing through legislation that nobody wants, and he doesn't seem to care what people think. I am an American; I have watched him tear apart my country, and he isn't stopping. The one thing he is doing though is he is uniting our country, Bush never did that. There is a very important election going on in Massachusetts right now, and Obama's party is having difficulty in a state that is extremely leftist. The American people are starting to see that more government is definitely not a good thing. Obama is not alone in ruining America, our House and Senate are helping him do it!
He's in grave danger of losing his lock-up Democrat majority in both houses this year....in fact, I believe that the GOP will be given control again in November...
"Do you think U.S. President Barack Obama is doing a good job as he finishes his first year in office?"
Barack Obama's popularity polls in the US are at historical lows for any first year President. His current approval rating is at 46% with the vast majority of the voting public saying they would not vote for him again. The reasons are many but most notably his poor handling of the financial crisis, healthcare, and international relations. The guy hasn't had a press conference in 6 months, has been on vacation forever, and has played more rounds of golf in a year than Bush did in four ! He is a slacker with no concept of leadership. Now, how about that Ozawa guy ?
He is doing the best he can. He has a spoiled citizenry who is suffering from the poor leadership and policy of the last 30 years coupled with a highly divided and partisan congress. Conservatives have basically removed themselves from debate and have engaged in non-stop attacks. They act like drunk drivers whom after wrecking the car have the audacity to stand on the side of the road and preach about how bad drunk driving is.
So yes, given that Obama entered office in the worst economic situation in 70 years with two wars going on I say he has done a good job of things. He could do better but when you have so many problems to work on from day one, you should be given a bit of room to work. This has not happened because Americans want instant gratification or they are wholly partisan and will never be happy with anything he does.
JHanson, you seem to be speaking in circles here.
"He is doing the best he can."
No ! He's playing as much golf as he can.
"He has a spoiled citizenry who is suffering from the poor leadership and policy of the last 30 years..."
Why would such a spoiled citizenry suffering from poor leadership allow such conditions for 30 years ? Again, you are taling in circles here.
"Conservatives have basically removed themselves from debate and have engaged in non-stop attacks."
So which is it ? Removed or non-stop ?
"So yes, given that Obama entered office in the worst economic situation in 70 years with two wars going on I say he has done a good job"...
By worsening the economic conditions and continuing two wars ??? Go figure folks, I'm more inclined to agree with those 54% of Americans that disapprove of his actions to date. From that ridiculous economic stimulus package to increased troops in Afghanistan...the guy has been a joke. Throw in his "world wide apology tour" and well... the numbers speak for themselves, instant gratification, partisanship, whatever. Obama has been a dud to date. Lets hope he gets his act together before the midterm elections... his party about to lose control !
Here's a quote:
[emphasis mine]
So he still has over 50% approval (though it's not as high as when he started, but I expected that). Republicans (and I would include many Democrats as well)... ummmmm, no.
With that said, there are many people (myself included) who think that he needs to change how he's tackling some of these issues. However, I also know 1) he never had majority in Congress (say what you want, but I don't consider the Blue Dogs or Lieberman as Democrats... period) - so trying to garner the votes was going to be pretty impossible, and 2) it's only been 1 year.
He did actually turn the "Titanic" of the economy away from the iceburg and we're starting to see some improvements (DOW is back above 10,000 after starting from 7,000). Now he just needs to get the unemployement numbers under control.
He was dealt a bad hand, but he's made some progress.
Neither good nor bad, he is doing nothing. Why such impression? Is there any Media Bias in reporting? Still faithful to Bush-Blair era?
dakedobaby, you forgot to mention that ABC poll, which I just got done watching, also stated that 62% of Americans now feel the country is headed in the "wrong" direction.
as for this...
"He was dealt a bad hand, but he's made some progress."
This argument has gotten old and whiney. The previous president was handed one of the worst hands in the history of the nation. As quoted by Bill Clinton, "we had him in our sights, we simply lacked the political will to take him out." The "him" in question here is Osama Bin Laden. The person that Bill Clinton has openly stated he regrets not dealing with. We know who was left to pick up the pieces for the next two terms in office, now how unfair was that. Imagine the last 8 years without the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. Forget the whole "homeland security" thing. Imagine an America focused on building its society and economy without the distractions and expenses necessary, created by OBL ! Say what you want about the Bush years... but at least the stood up to the challenge and didn't bitch about... "the bad hand" he was dealt.
Yes and No.
Yes because Obama actually comes across as somebody who has a brain which is quite a refreshing change (compared to GW - sorry if I offend anybody). He seems to be well spoken and he does not resort to a cheesy shxt-eating grin when trying to connect with people.
No because he is still too long on words and not long enough on action. There have been times when his verbal talents have resulted in nothing being done. Indeed, I am rather tired of him assuming the roll of a human teleprompter.
Third option: Don't care I'm not American not live there.
Barack Obama doing great! He won the Nobel Peace Prize, boosted troops for the surge in Afghanistan, talked about universal health care, and probably some other stuff too!
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the USA is the only superpower in this world of mess. Also, As a key member of NATO, what do you expect? No Action, Talk Only
He is as fabulous as ever.I have partitioned my i-pod and am able to listen to TWO of his speeches at once.Heaven!
If this question is to mean is Obama doing a good job at destroying America as he finishes his first year in office, then the answer is a resounding yes.
Even the easier "promises," like closing Gitmo, have been broken. The proposed health care "reform" panders to the insurance and drugs companies to gain their support. The GAO says that health costs will go up more quickly than they are now. Then there's the complete lack of leadership. Obama is letting Pelosi and Reid run the country, he's just the PR man. Really, this is such a dissappointment I don't understand what there is to expect from government except more of the same. Kinda "Bush lite" as it were.
To those that said yes on this poll.What has he done but spend money and take vacations during a recession and push his ridiculously high priced healthcare bill that the lower middle class will pay for that and will kill one's grandmother when she gets sick at the age of 70. Don't blame me I voted McCain/Palin.
Compared to Bush he's doing an awesome job. That said, his biggest problem is he's too much like Bush. There's really not as much difference between Republicans and Democrats as they like to admit. Both love to deficit spend and meddle in everybody's business.
I reckon most Americans want to go back to Mr Bush.
"He was dealt a bad hand". I thought that he wanted in the game and to be the dealer.
Obama gave himself a "B-plus" when asked by Oprah what grade he thought he deserved for his first year in office. A more accurate grade would be "incomplete".
Obama is doing great considering the big bag of poo the Shrub left for him. My main complaint is with the Democrats in charge of the Senate. They only need 51 votes to pass health care but are acting like they need 60. If the GOP wants to filibuster, I say let them. Sooner or later they'll run out of air and when they do, then they can vote it in with 51 votes. The best time to bring it up for a vote would have been a few days before Christmas. Let them filibuster through Christmas if they really want to.
Gombei at 6:49 PM - Good one.
Moondog: "Obama is doing great"
Ha ha ha ha ha! He's an unmitigated disaster.
Ha ha, I see that 55% of JT voters are misinformed.
Ha ha, I see most people disagree with Sarge - still.
"Ha ha, I see most people disagree with Sarge"
Ha ha, Ivan, that would be most JT posters on this particular poll. Fact is, the majority of my countrymen do not approve of Obama's policies. Check it out!
But when the majority of your countrymen did not approve of the previous administration's policies (Cheney@ 9% support rate, etc), they were wrong and giving succour to terrorists, weren't they?
I like how Obama landed military copters onto the Haiti Presidental lawn today. -Not many people can roll and take-over a country like that.
The way the question is phrased, it is impossible to answer. Does JT mean "a good job in promoting his agenda", or "a good job for the future of the country"?
The answer totally different, depending on your political orientation.
Please re-phrase this.
Honestly, I don't think Obama has done enough to help guide what he promised when he got into office. I voted for him but keep tapping my shoe waiting for him to do something other than sit there and basically repeat Bush. He can't exactly blame Bush when he's done the exact same things he has. Bailouts for the companies instead of the people and increasing troops in a country where the majority of people occupying the country want us out of.
Meanwhile Pelosi is over there mucking around, helping screw everything up with a health care bill that no one in their right mind could understand. I'm Independent and am angry at both parties. I think a bunch of high schoolers could get the US on better track at this point.
"Fact is, the majority of my countrymen do not approve of Obama's policies. Check it out!"
Yes Sarge and the first round of votes are in to prove it as Republican Scott Brown has defeated Obama's Party representative Coakley for the Massachusetes Senate seat. The same one that had been held by Ted Kennedy for more than 30 years ! The fallout is huge as it swings the balance of power in both houses to an even keel. This is a major loss for Obama and his party and will be seen as a prelude of things to come when the next elections come around this fall. What a major blow to Obama and the Democrats as the American people have traded in their verbal disatisfaction for actual votes. Looks like the honeymoon with Obama is over, and at record speed !
Well, there's at least one campaign promise that Obama is trying to keep - health care. But that seems dead now........................... Unless ya guys want him to keep the promise?
Sorry, Ivan, the previous administration's policies are not relevant to this discussion - we're talking about the Obama administration here.
Many presidents before him have had far worse and have boosted this great country the way it is today. He is doing a terrible job.
My big fear was the Obama was campaigning and promising with great naivety. Because of this, he was the candidate the Republicans really wanted, if you listened to their pundits during campaign time. I am not surprised at all by his generally poor performance or what happened in the recent election of the Republican to replace Kennedy.
He does a good job in promoting a radical leftist agenda, yes. If that is a good thing for the country, depends on your political orientation.
Obama is Pro-China and neglecting other Big Economic Nations like 2nd biggest Japan & 4th Biggest India. Because lot of Money laundered from Chinese Businessmen were used for his campaign during elections, he is kind of tarnished his image of being neutral.
Marion Wm Steele
First: Allow me to say I am very pro Sarge as he knows of what he writes. Second: Obama is doing a terrible job and it will only get worse. He definitely doesn't wear well - typical con-artist!
I voted yes. Outside of another wasteful bailout, I can't think of anything major that happened. Obama has not actually done much as far as I have been paying attention, and that is a good thing. No doubt some people want and expect action, and can't see any problem with going full speed ahead, even if its in the wrong direction. Not me. I would rather take things nice and slow, and I recognize that it is the gung-ho people who never really grew out of their reckless teen years who cause most of the trouble in the world.
I would say most notably America has not been sneak attacked. That is what turned it all around for Roosevelt and Bush jr. However, that probably won't work for another 60 years or so. Hmmm...what other sort of disaster could boost his popularity for basically nothing he did? Because I can't see how Jesus Christ himself could turn the economy around in a year after what the last president did to it. And its not like a government can do anything but drag on an economy. Even zero drag when the economy sucks the economy still sucks!
Sarge. Countrymen when knocking your own president or having "wars" with "terrorist evil doers", but when it comes to basic health care or any kind of social net you're on your own pal. Nice society you've got there.
The only polls worth mentioning happen every four years. Or at least that's what Sarge and his ilk spouted whenever there was news of how much his posterboy was despised by anyone with a functioning brain.
dontknockit -
Are you serious???? 7 million people lost their jobs!!! Nothing Major happened? what kind of world do you live in? That's pretty major. And that's just one of his major mishaps...
Ted Kennedy's former senate seat is now held by a repub.
No other verdict needed.
"The only polls worth mentioning happen every four years"
Except if the polls between the presidential polls are won by Democrats, right, Ivan?
As a libertarian, and a proponent of small gov, my advice to Obama: Please, please continue indulging your ridiculous ideological bent. As much as I dislike the holy roller, snake-handling extreme religious right, I watch you and think you have unified the fractious repub base more effectively than Palin or Limbaugh ever could have.
what has he done?? Raised unemployment to record highs, deficits to record highs, discord in congress to record highs, discord among the populace to record highs and won the Peace Prize then promptly sent more troops into combat and increased drone attacks in Pakistan, so depending on your deifnition of good, perhaps he has.........