Japan Today



Human rights groups around the world are urging the International Olympic Committee to rescind its decision to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing and that countries boycott the Games over China's human rights violations of more than a million Uyghur Muslims. Do you support such a call?

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Fighto: "EVERY athlete who attends, media who covers it, or corporation that supports the Genocide Games should be targetted and brought down - without any mercy."

You won't be saying that if Japan wins a gold medal, nor about the media here that covers it (again, and again, and again), or the Japanese corporations that are probably already funding it. Heck, they still give money to the Junta in Myanmar -- from Kirin, to Nissan, and then some -- and I haven't heard you calling for them to be brought down.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Again, for the slow, if allowing a country to host the Olympics should be dependent upon how little it abridges its citizens and residents 'rights', of all countries in the World and albeit the most VOCAL regarding 'Human Rights', the United States has the WORST history and the most ongoing, daily violations of these 'rights' of any other Human identity group currently onplanet. And chastising Russia for 'invasion' is absolutely absurd in the face of America's murderous record in just the last twenty years.

What of the Concentration Camps in Palestine? Would someone who refused to compete with a NAZI have been suspended by their sport? But someone who refused to compete with a zionist is condemned? Blindness induced by one's own psychopaths and their targeting of other's behaviors to obfuscate their own horrific crimes is how Humanity works. PERIOD. And their techniques are thousands of years old so falling for their lies is somewhat understandable but condemning others when one's own group is as bad or worse is just sad and is why we are marching blindly toward extinction.

WE, as a species, have gone badly wrong and it appears that Nature has a Quality Control function and, by all measures of what we are seeing in our rapidly changing ecosphere, we have triggered it. Your grandchildren are going to LOVE you for what you are doing, or allowing to be done, to THEIR world...don't expect their gratitude...and as for future Olympics, even the Arctic and Antarctic poles may be too hot.

It's all about The Benjamins, Baby. Hundred Dolla Dolla Bills! Follow the money to see how the Promise of Cash Will Crush The Cause of Uighur Human Rights, Let Alone Han Chinese Citizens' Human Rights.

Every. Single. Time!

What is it that makes someone think that declaring something that ANY 12 YEAR OLD who is paying attention already knows is some GREAT INSIGHT into collective Human behavior? It's good that the mind so enthralled with its own wisdom may be beginning to see the basics of collective Human behavior dominated by psychopaths but disappointing that it seems to come from a voice somewhat, a decade or two at least, beyond puberty.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So when more than 60% of a free population (in Japan) does NOT want an Olympic Games to be held in their own country...and gets the Olympics crammed down their throats anyway...

Now people expect these very same Elites to suddenly boycott another Games over..."human rights violations"? lol. Come on. If they didn't boycott Russia's Sochi Games following that country's aggressive invasion and occupation of a foreign sovereign country's territory (Ukraine), while FIFA won't cancel Qatar's upcoming World Cup after thousands and thousands of cheap construction workers have long been exploited whilst building the accompanying infrastructure (not to mention its open support for "human rights violating" Jihadi terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah), what makes anyone think they'll now suddenly sacrifice that vaunted "Massive Chinese Market" because of a...lack of morals?

It's all about The Benjamins, Baby. Hundred Dolla Dolla Bills! Follow the money to see how the Promise of Cash Will Crush The Cause of Uighur Human Rights, Let Alone Han Chinese Citizens' Human Rights.

Every. Single. Time!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Provide an alternative site for the 2022 Winter Olympic Freedom Games.

Maybe Japan, Norway, etc., but not in China.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

We can do this but first we must agree that the U.S. can NEVER host ANY Olympic competition ever again simply from the documented historical atrocities it has deliberately perpetrated including racial Genocide on a scale unmatched in the World, an entire continent of Peoples, and the few survivors relegated to the least productive lands available at the time. And Britain, shall we examine their history also? 'Cultural genocide' versus actual mass murder. And what of the Euro zionists? China has a long way yet to go before it matches the horrors which White People and their parasites have brought to MANY innocent but weaker people in the World. And I don't doubt that many who condemn China and their treatment of Islamics have, themselves, had little good to say about Islam in other venues. What a crock...ignorance and hypocrisy reign here and the disease of self-blindness pandemic...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

One of the main reasons to boycott the winter Olympics in China is the Wuhan virus- which everyone has forgotten to mention. What'smore, Hong Kong, the Uighers, Tibet, and now Taiwan. Xi the Pooh has grand plans for his autocratic and undemocratic regime.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The pathetic conservative Christian anti-China lobby is behind the lying campaign against China,

No, talk to its minorities and talk to every Uyghur in that country, they know it, the Chinese know it and we know it.

making the sheep world believe that the Chinese government is doing something wrong in the Xīnjiāng region.

Yeah, the evidence doesn't lie, thank God for satellites and hidden cameras.

The US wants to put its dirty claws in that region to be able to stop the unstoppable advance of the Chinese economy, which is going to dominate the world by 2030 .. 

No, they want China to STOP screwing over the world and be more transparent and honest about COVID, how they treat minorities, human rights, child rights, unfair trade practices, and stop pretending that they are the only smart ones in the room. Without the US, no one else is going to buy their stuff at Walmart, so China has as much power as we allow them to sell their crap and that is why Taiwan and Vietnam are coming up, better quality, more transparency, and integrity.

US as the sore losers of always will do everything possible with their usual dirty tricks not to lose their first place but it will be impossible for them to stop the Great Red Dragon from the East.. 

Not sore losers, but we hold more patents than any other country, China, on the other hand, is a master at copying things and other technologies, if they didn't, they wouldn't be even close to where they are now.

The China's games will not be canceled, get over it.. 

GO CHINA !!!! ..

Not so sure.....


7 ( +7 / -0 )

The CCP do not deserve the privilege of hosting a world event such as the Winter Olympics.

Change the host nation or boycott China 2022. They need a serious, peaceful message and there would be none better than losing the hosting rights.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

IOC literally stands for "I Owe China", and it loves money, and China has lots of money.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Sadly, there will be a small boycott but it will amount to nothing.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I think that the Chinese are only doing what the majority of the world wants to do. Islamophobia is widespread and mainstream despite what a lot of commentators here like to think, and furthermore Muslims are themselves responsible for some horrible human rights abuses (for example, why are people not calling for the World Cup in Qatar to be boycotted?), so this comes across as double standards by left wing advocates. Furthermore, the Chinese do this to everyone. I don't hear about people wanting to help Chinese women, gays, etc... so why are the Muslims so special? If you leave them to it then they will join cahoots with the Taliban across the border in Afghanistan.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

The only anti-China lobby lying campaign, against so called "China Great Red Dragon", is the Government of China.

literally the architect of their own downfall.

There will inevitably come a point when the Global community will have to face up to the fact both the Government of China and Putin's Russian Federation will have to be confronted.

Both politically and eventually militarily.

Yes, choices will have to be made. Some extreme.

Will our democratically elected leaders rise to make some of the most far reaching decisions any leader has made since Winston Churchill?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

for example, why are people not calling for the World Cup in Qatar to be boycotted?

I think one reason is the World Cup is too big. A boycott of the World Cup would have much larger sporting and financial consequences.

That of course doesn’t excuse the behaviour of Qatar and the appalling human rights abuses in that country.

I’ve come across people who have boycotted pretty much all major countries for one reason or another. I’m not sure where or how we draw the line here.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Boycott the Genocide Games 2022.

Those who disagree support the worst ethnic/religious genocide since WW2, concentration camps, forced labor and ethnic cleansing of Muslims.

Its as simple as that.

Sick and tired of the nonsense argument "Boycotting achieves nothing! We should engage with the Chinese and peace and understanding will follow...". How did that work in '08 when these people said the same thing?

Boycotts work. South Africa was boycotted and shunned for almost 3 decades over similar apartheid and racial persecution. And that boycott helped enormously, as stated by Mandela.

EVERY athlete who attends, media who covers it, or corporation that supports the Genocide Games should be targetted and brought down - without any mercy.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I see the daily anti China propaganda is working.... Except in Muslim countries who know that Uyghur "problem" is a western fabrication. The west cares deeply about Muslims in China but not those in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine...... 

Can't compete economically using YOUR rules..... Sad!

This statement holds no water — the West is allied with dozens of Muslim majority countries.

5 ( +7 / -2 )


But now you are against the cancellation of the Beijing Olympics - Isn’t that hypocritical ?

No, it's not. I want the same treatment

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Cancel the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.

Human Rights Council Holds Quadrennial Panel Discussion on Promoting Human Rights Through Sport and the Olympic Ideal 


Protection and Respect of Human Rights


Genocide, appalling abuse of freedom of speech, torture, imprisonment without trail. Hong Kong?

An ever growing list of atrocity.

The IOC has a clear policy on human rights abuse.

Anti Chinese campaign???

The only anti Chinese campaign being waged here, is the Chinese Government on its own people!!!!

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Unquestionably YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 ( +14 / -0 )

Depends on the reasoning, but based on the IOC's own logic, probably not.

Should they be cancelled if COVID is still a big issue by then, as likely will be the case? Yes, though they probably won't since they didn't cancel Tokyo. Both should be for public health concerns.

Should they for humans rights abuses? Probably not. Not that I support human rights abuse, but because the IOC is supposedly an apolitical organization that is not the arbiter of these things. It seems like an incredible double standard to ban an athlete for making a political stand about the occupation of Palestine, and then make their own vs China. Would an athlete agreeing with the IOC's own stance be in violation of their rules?

If they want to make a political stand and boycott China, more power to them, but then they shouldn't ban athletes who do the same. They can't have it both ways.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Nope, I don't.

Want to boycott China? Then stop producing absolutely everything in that country. What's that? That then you'd have to pay better wages and benefits? That it'd be more expensive? Ah, boo hoo.


-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Xi the Pooh ain't gonna be happy with many of the comments.

Good, boycott genocide CCP.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

"CIA funded Human rights groups around the world are urging the International Olympic Committee to rescind its decision to hold the 2022 Winter"


-15 ( +3 / -18 )

The IOC doesn't care.

IOC motto: "Just give me the money"

19 ( +20 / -1 )

Nothing will change. It can no longer be cancelled. And a boycott would hurt a lot, not just China.. After all, it's not the Cold War anymore and it's not the 1980s. China does not deserve the Olympics, but we need to look at it rationally and with a healthy perspective, without emotion.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )


Ok, so you were all for the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics & Sochi Olympics, for the reasons stated above - Fair enough.

But now you are against the cancellation of the Beijing Olympics - Isn’t that hypocritical ?

0 ( +11 / -11 )

I don't support economic boycotts because they just hurt the innocent ordinary citizens. But this one is fine. Send a message to the brutal CCP about what the rest of the world thinks of their actions.

15 ( +23 / -8 )

North Korea has been banned from the 2022 Olympics for failing to come to Tokyo out of fear of the pandemic, so surely any country that boycotts the Olympics for merely political reasons should be banned for an eve longer period

-11 ( +5 / -16 )


as has the pro CCP campaign

20 ( +24 / -4 )

I don't support it. Why? Because nothing was done about the Tokyo Olympics when there was a raging pandemic, pulling resources away from those who needed it, and basically not giving a damn about people's lives. Plus, human rights abuses in Japanese detention centres and elsewhere. And nothing was done about the Sochi Olympics when LGBT people were being physically abused and killed, political dissidents were jailed and even poisoned abroad, and when rampant cheating and doping in sports were taking place and actually took place at Sochi, including bribed judges.

So no, I don't like hypocrisy. A shame the Chinese aren't white or honourable whites.

-20 ( +9 / -29 )

Too late now.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

I see the daily anti China propaganda is working.... Except in Muslim countries who know that Uyghur "problem" is a western fabrication. The west cares deeply about Muslims in China but not those in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine......

Can't compete economically using YOUR rules..... Sad!

-32 ( +10 / -42 )

A boycott, please.

18 ( +29 / -11 )

Please add to my earlier posting the following additionals grounds to investigate for the crimes of genocide:

Forced sterilizations and abortions, mass rapes and sexual torture in concentration camps, and state-sponsored inter-racial forced marriages of Uyghur women to Han Chinese men and Han Chinese male cadres (Party and government staff).

Turdush, Rukiye and Fiskesjö, Magnus (2021) "Dossier: Uyghur Women in China’s Genocide," Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal: Vol. 15: Iss. 1: 22–43. DOI:

https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1834&context=gsp .

Thank you.

19 ( +24 / -5 )

I support it 100%

21 ( +34 / -13 )

Insofar as the human rights groups only seek to have Chinese leaders drop their veto in the UNSC - and to urge the other members to do so as well - to allow the ICC under its vested jurisdiction under the Rome Statutes to open an investigation to determine whether there exists sufficient evidence of the crime of genocide and crimes against humanity, through the repression, (mass imprisonment, forced sterilizations, torture, forced labor and severe restrictions / prohibitions on religious freedom, freedom of the press and expression, and association, and freedom of movement) of Uyghurs and other minorities in western China; all within the ICC’s jurisdiction.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

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