In many countries, including Japan, local and state governments are offering cash, gift coupons and other incentives to encourage people who are reluctant to be vaccinated against the coronavirus to do so? Do you think this is a good idea?
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How about they offer freedom of Choice!!??
If people want to be vaccinated fine...If they don't just as good!
It's really pathetic.
There's no issue with demand. If there was, the appointments would not be filling within 10 min of opening.
The issue is with the national government's sabotage of the vaccine distribution and not allowing people access using this voucher system, of which, many still have not received.
Only the elites gotten the vaccine, having rewards only rewards the people who are already well off. The rest of us need to wait until next year at least. The published vaccine numbers make zero sense as I know almost no one under the age of 65 who was able to get the vaccine outside of the ppl in minato-ku.
If it works to dupe the common man into lining up for vaccines, I say that their underhanded tactic works. The end justifies the means, I guess. In my home country, I've heard that they raffled livestock (a live cow as the grand prize) to people who'd get vaccinated.
Do anything to get people vaccinated unless they are somehow allergic.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
That's an ethic that leads straight to Hell.
I said voted yes. Everyone has a price, you just need to know the currency they value.
I’m in favor of government limiting services and businesses refusing service for those who choose not to vaccinate.
However you can’t just convince the masses with threats and punishments, and sometimes you can’t appeal to logic. But you can almost always get people to do something if you know what they value and can help facilitate maintaining or obtaining it.
It's a great a way to motivate people into doing what seems like the best way to get out of this situation.
People should make the choice to get vaccinated on whether they believe their bodies can tolerate the vaccine. If people have the ability to access high quality trustable information about the conditions and effects of the vaccine then they can make the choice themselves.
Though the majority should be vaccinated, the last thing that the society needs is hundreds of people in hospital because they were pressured to vaccinate themselves despite probably knowing that they shouldn't take it for whatever health concern.
El Rata
I don't agree because it doesn't work, it may work on some older people who've been lazy or forgotten to take the jab. But, those not willing to take it will simply not get it.
Vaccinated overweight people are more likely to face much, much less impact from corona if they are vaccinated, so giving out pizza and doughnuts, while not being great for their long term heath, is a method of getting fairly quick protection against issues with their short-term health.
But yeah, then these people should look at eating healthier.
do not agree especially to such a cost charged with public money....O.G cost is huge and enough for decades, people impacted by covid need financial support more than shot.
Jean Colmar
....or have already had Covid.
I voted "no". It is already a high incentives from government to provide it for free (mutualized way if you prefer). Private companies are free to step up, as that can ensure an increase of the potential customers depending of the set of limitations and their length for people unable to prove immunization &co.
Mr Kipling
Those doing the right thing should NOT be rewarded. Instead penalize those who refuse the vaccine without a legitimate reason. Make their life more difficult. No schools, movie theaters, restaurants, train passes.....
If people aren’t getting the shot because of an allergy, then the incentive isn’t going to change this. Giving an incentive that isn’t available to those few people almost seems discriminatory.
If people aren’t getting the shot because of ethical reasons, such as because of how the vaccines are produced, incentives aren’t going to persuade them.
If people aren’t getting the shot because they believe it might kill, sterilize, or otherwise physically harm them, then very few of these people will weigh any incentive greater than their own health.
In the end, the government is just giving away freebies to people who were planning to get the shot anyway.
What is happening to the world.
Iron Lad
We do not trust the vaccines.
William Bjornson
People who do not 'trust' the vaccine (actually, the 'voices' hawking it, knowing squat about vaccines or viruses) but are willing when offered money or 'prizes': see 'trump fans'
One unhealthy meal against the benefit from a very effective and safe vaccine? that still counts as a huge plus. Thinking this is a bad idea is like criticizing someone for living an obese relative lifts to the gym so he doesn't have an excuse not to do it, yeah sure the obese person would be better walking there, but the net result is a benefit for his health.
This obviously is not intended to make people with valid medical exceptions to ignore medical advice,
People having irrational, fantasy based reasons to reject vaccines are not going to change their opinion no matter what, but those people that have only been exposed without actually putting any of their own sense of value in believing those irrational reasons definitely can change their minds much more easily, people that just consider this a nuisance, unnecessary or not too important can decide to do it much more easily than those that have impediments to act rationally.
For the COVID vaccines time is of the essence, it makes all the sense in the world to motivate people to do now what they were going to do eventually.
@Mr.Kipling hmmm Orwellian state ?!!
Forget incentives to do what is the responsible, rational thing. Shun them from society. Deny them entry to events and shops.
Tell them to find employment elsewhere.
THAT will move the needle.
half-hearted jumper
A lot of the "my choice" people don't appear to understand the concept of herd immunity, and are relying on the better choices made by everyone else to reach that point. We all have a role to play in reaching it.
Maybe they should consult with their doctor. A few hours on google doesn't make someone informed enough to assess the "dangers" of vaccination. Speak to your doctor.
You win the lottery just by taking the vaccine.
Bribing people to make personal health decision only creates suspicion about the motivation.
But it's not a personal health decision is it? It's a public health decision. It seems to be what most anti-vaxxers don't seem to be able to comprehend.
Iron Lad
Why not? It's FDA approved and with 5 billion doses given out, it has been shown to be extremely safe? Why wouldn't you trust it?
I would think the opposite. If someone is overweight, the would likely be tempted by this offer and get the vaccine. It's like marketing for the vulnerable.
There is the catch, they don't vaccinate therefore able to pass it on to others also they usually don't wear masks either...
Terrible idea. It is the same as forgiving student loans in America. I paid off my own loans and took my own responsibility.
I investigated and studied the mRNA situation and got the shots.
Study and learn. Get the shots.
Raw Beer
Vaccinated people who are infected with the Delta variant have the same viral load as the unvaccinated people. And the vaccine is only 39% effective at preventing infection of the Delta variant.
The main benefit of getting the vaccine is that for a few months you will get milder symptoms if infected. Is that worth using tax-payer funds to bribe people to get it? I think not.
Perhaps if the government game all those that got at least one dose so far ¥100,000?
America was super generous compared to Japan.
GoToTravel was great though
Raw Beer
No The main benefit is infection rate. Unvaccinated are almost 5 times as likely to get infected than vaccinated. When most people are vaccinated, herd immunity kicks in and you dramatically decrease the infection rate. This is why if you are unvaccinated, you should get vaccinated. Otherwise you are making it worse for everyone. A drain on the community.
False, vaccinated people who are infected AND symptomatic have the time loads, but not for the same amount of time, this means they are still a much less likely source of spreading. Only a "39%" of prevention would still means a 39% less transmission.
The main benefit is that people vaccinated get complications and die much less, which for people with common sense is a huge benefit. misrepresenting the value of vaccines is just disinformation.
That is the thing, you can give the information to people, but you can't make them learn it. If the government loses much more money with endless lukewarm SoEs the money used to accelerate reaching herd immunity can very well be considered an investment. Either lose an extra trillion yen waiting for people to become rational on their own or lose a billion by luring them to act rationally even if they are not.
Raw Beer
Oh, those people are taking the vax without any bribes...
half-hearted jumper
I took it, no bribe necessary... but I'm FINE with bribing the idiot contingent if it makes them get vaccinated.
The reward is not a donut. It's herd immunity, and the possibility of returning to at least a semblance of normal life.
Raw Beer
Why did Fauci say the vaccinated still need to wear a mask? Because the vaccinated still spread it. A vaccinated person infected with Delta is just as likely to spread it as an unvaccinated person. The vaccine will not give us herd immunity, especially if you consider the animal reservoirs. Will we also vaccinate all minks and other infectable animals?
no thanks! people claim criticize the choice to not get vaccinated, but then praise someone who decides to get vaccinated.... for a free donut or a 5% off coupon for a beef bowl?
come on, man.
The vaccinated person is less likely to get infected in the first place.
That is still completely false even if you repeat it, thinking that something is either 100% effective or 0 is a terrible intellectual problem that requires correction, or at least some motivation to act rationally, which make these measures justified.
Also, what animal reservoirs keep the human transmissible virus? I mean, it is not like you just imagined this without having any proof, right? even Japanese encephalitis is enough to prove that wrong.
oh I just saw they increased it to TWO donuts in the USA.
Im holding out for a dozen.
Raw Beer
A vaccinated person is 1/5 less likely to get infected. This is what gives us herd immunity when enough people get vaccinated.
Next time people will ask to be paid for washing their hands :)
Giving cash and gifts has not worked.
In USA, companies are asking for their employees to be vaccinated or be terminated.
In some cases, instead of termination, unvaccinated employees have to pay additional health care costs each month.
American football games will be starting and only vaccinated fans will be allowed or get vaccinated at the stadium in many cases.
Whatever works to get people vaccinated is good.
What ever works to get the job done; as long as it isn't more of the Abeno masks.
Yes 100%. Whatever it takes.
I don't know... I think positive reinforcement can work sometimes, but the reward should be a bonus, not the point of the getting vaccinated. So, something simple. I do feel, however, that we need to start excluding people who DON'T get vaccinated. I'm not much for negative reinforcement, either, but since it's not just a matter of personal choice, but the safety of others, I think it's time to stop service to pretty much everything for those who refuse it. That, or they must get tested each and every time they wish to do something; the one exception being if they cannot for health-related issues, which they must then prove. Do not allow the unvaccinated into restaurants or bars, on trains or other public transport, in supermarkets, shopping malls. Do not let them come to work, or where it is an absolute must, deduct double the health care premiums from their salaries.
It's not about incentives...it's about common sense!
half-hearted jumper
Oof. Not sure you understand how the vaccine works. As has been pointed out several times, vaccinated people are less likely to transmit it, but it's not 100%. Masks help lift that to a higher number than simply vaccinated. And the higher the vaccination number, yes: eventually herd immunity is achieved.