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Is the world becoming more divided politically, socially and economically?

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Is the world becoming more divided politically, socially and economically?

Well, when 1st world governments started using the Ctrl + P, then it was inevitable. Just ask Romes first emperor, Augustus 27 BC–14 AD what happened when he did it. The US, UK EU are all in big trouble. Distraction is their only saving throw at this point, and most are very successfully distracted.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Yep and thank the USA for their proxy war as well as stirring the pot with China .

0 ( +1 / -1 )

rich have gotten richer- poor have gotten poorer

liberals have become more liberal, conservatives have become more conservative

extremists on all sides are becoming more extreme

There is no middle ground anymore and no talking to the other side.

Sad state of affairs

1 ( +1 / -0 )


*...but mostly on things that involve electricity. Put your phone down, shut off your computer and TV, and you wouldn't know anything was going on. I live in the US, and when you go out to the supermarket or the post office, everyone is still just a bunch of regular, friendly folks. I see rednecks being polite to and chatting with hippies, and hippies being polite to and chatting with rednecks. Online I'm sure they say all sorts of stupid crap to each other, but out in the wide world it's business as usual.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

COVID has brought us many challenges, it also exposed ""the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly""

0 ( +1 / -1 )

ToshihiroAug. 1  08:14 am JST

It is because governments and the people tend to politicize everything and use a lot of soft power in retaliation. I think the toxic culmination of this would be cancel culture. If something offends you, you discredit it and encourage others to do so. We push inclusivity in society, but we exclude those that harbor different values to us. The dichotomy of our time really is something.

I totally agree, the beauty of democracy is the multiplicity of views that enrich all our lives

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes, leftists, BLM justice warriors and all those who encourage them have driven a wedge down the middle of society and caused more harm and racial tension. It's much worse than it was 20 years ago before they were born.

Im not sure if speaking uo for what you believe in is driving a wedge or just expressing your rights to self determination and expression, as long as people can have differences of opinion in a respectful manner, that is liberal democracy in action.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Over the last 20 years, the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer. The politicians have failed the people.

Well the people have elected those politicians, some because they wanted to get richer at the expense of others.

Critical literacy and reasoning skills have never been more important

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yes, social media help

nothing new here though
-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Yes, leftists, BLM justice warriors and all those who encourage them have driven a wedge down the middle of society and caused more harm and racial tension. It's much worse than it was 20 years ago before they were born.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

It is the first and most applied rule of wouldbe 'rulers'. The U.S. uses it consistently and has been using it since well before the CIA turned it into a science.

Something that the Chinese have been emulating by decrying alliances and attempting to bully smaller nations one by one to get their way. The US builds alliances and China opposes them.

There will always be opposites in the world and the space in between. That is as it has always been. It is like people do not get we are one species on one world and we survive or fail together and we can achieve the best result when we all work together in the same direction for the same outcome.

Too many disagreements, fights and wars and not enough consensus.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

What a poorly worded question.

I voted "I don't know" because yes or no are not accurate for what is essentially 3 separate questions.


Socially: both yes and no

Economically: no.

Politically the yes because the western countries are loosing their long help power over much of the world as India, China, Asia in general, South America and much of Africa, now reject and even dislike being "told" what is best for them by what are usually a bunch of white men!

Socially: is a mix as the "one size fits all" so-called Democracy the west has pushed on much of the world or the pro West dictatorships put in place are no longer able to hold on to power, hybrid Democracies are now emerging as places like Asia Africa, middle East, integrating their often centuries even Millenia of history and culture into a form of democracy the west doesn't understand or refuses to accept.

Economically: not as much "divided" as it is more diverse, with the central power or the western powers no longer the dictators to the rest of the world.

China, India, yes even Russia, and others now have enough money, power and infrastructure to counter the USA and Europe and no longer need to just obey the orders told to them by the western powers.

The USA dollar as the only world reserve currency days are numbered, as often pointed out as "The Fiat currency" the BRICS nations are going to launch their own but backed up by tangible commodities like precious metals, rare earth metals, oil etc...

So we have 3 questions with different answers that a simple yes or no for all 3 isn't possible and give the wrong impression.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

No. We just know instantly now thanks to the interwebs invented by (ahem, laugh laugh) Al Gore.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yes because the government only serve the rich and provide false hope for the under privileged poor and middle class. Last but not least the internet has made people lazy and totally stupid!!!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Too broad a question, the world has always had divides but unless you define the question more it is meaningless.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Thanks to media for successfully doing so!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

97%, that unisono outcry should give some now too rich and powerful people the need to think a few minutes about their responsibilities and how to work fast through the problem mountains, also to save their own pampered a**.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I mean, right now there are countries where people are just living normally, and countries where sports leagues get fined because their teams cheered them at an event.

Countries where no one uses a single mask, and countries where most people wear masks when alone in their cars, even with a heatwave of almost 40 degrees Celsius.

There are countries where children died and continue to die from starvation in big part caused by economic downturn created by lockdowns and covid restrictions, and no one cared, and there are countries where people ask for more restrictions because not enough children are getting their second booster.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

There REALLY is NO CURE for our, as a species, most fatal disease: stupid.

I’m not a fan of this type of fatalistic determinism. We do have a known cure for the disease of stupidity, its called education.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

The greatest difficulty of discerning the reasons for "the world becoming more divided politically, socially and economically" is that the scale of average Human thinking is so small and centered on what's immediately and most obviously around us in both time and space and simply fails to see Humanity as a whole and ALL that Humanity has done in the past that is identical to what Humanity is doing NOW. There is NO DIFFERENCE in what we do now than ANYTHING we have done in the past except the names of the players and, as Carlos Santana pointed out, if you would know our future, study our past because the results are the same generation after generation after generation of LIES and MANIPULATIONS and depending entirely on the inability of most to see through them. And it is so disappointing to see clearly that we deserve, in our failure to be aware of the poison that lives amongst us and dominates us, the terrible end to which our psychopaths are driving us and all else of any size that share this place with us. There REALLY is NO CURE for our, as a species, most fatal disease: stupid.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Politicians managed to deglobalise our planet really quickly. Ahead, ever more nationalism, increasing militarisation, more trade barriers and movement restrictions, a tanking global economy, scapegoating, escalating conflict over turf and resources, and then WWIII.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

It is because governments and the people tend to politicize everything and use a lot of soft power in retaliation. I think the toxic culmination of this would be cancel culture. If something offends you, you discredit it and encourage others to do so. We push inclusivity in society, but we exclude those that harbor different values to us. The dichotomy of our time really is something.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Yes!!! Why even bother asking, just look around!!!

22 ( +23 / -1 )

Over the last 20 years, the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer. The politicians have failed the people.

30 ( +33 / -3 )

Gaius Julius Caesar: "Divide and Conquer."

It is the first and most applied rule of wouldbe 'rulers'. The U.S. uses it consistently and has been using it since well before the CIA turned it into a science. And if one controls 'both' sides, the poor fools so divided and hating each other present no challenge to the psychopathic parasites sucking them dry. We may differ in whom we are led to perceive these parasites as being, but if we read written Human history and ignore names, dates, and places and study only behavior, we see them in every line that we read. And albeit one 'name' may signify a series of events, it is just an historical symbol for a clique of such conscienceless monsters that constantly arise amongst us, embedded in our genepool. They always reach for 'the world', and now with our technology that shrinks local time and space, THEY may have it. And the ignorant mass of US who just want to live a life without injury to others, whatever that may be, will as always pay the price and endure the fate of suffering these parasites. So it has been, and so, apparently because the mass of us are not smart enough to see it, shall it always be unto our extinction.

2 ( +13 / -11 )

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