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Should Russians be barred from participating in international sports events and tournaments due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

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leave politics out of sports, arts, entertainment and other things that are on the finer things of humanity. It's the same as deciding to take down priceless art pieces because their creators were notorious for something. Art is Art, Sports is Sports. I know that soft power exists, but we should draw the line.

-30 ( +19 / -49 )

International sporting events are for civilized countries that recognize the rule of law and respects each other's right to co-exist. Russian people elected Putin.

It is their responsibility to un-elect or get rid of him.

Till then all Russians should be banned from participating in international sporting events with other civilized countries.

27 ( +43 / -16 )

It’s not their fault but they’re representing the country. The same country that’s inflicting pain on millions of people for no reason. In sports, every game and every medal won by an athlete is a contribution to his/her country. Russia doesn’t deserve any of that. A big yes from me.

16 ( +28 / -12 )

Even without invading Ukraine they should have been kicked out for all the doping.

20 ( +33 / -13 )

Even without invading Ukraine they should have been kicked out for all the doping.

Exactly. Add on Ukraine, and Russians cannot be allowed to participate in international sport for at least a generation.

Unless they take Putin out of power. Then maybe we can talk.

18 ( +30 / -12 )

yes, lets take people to account and act responsibly. Put the participation trophies away

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Bunch of woke sheep! Leave the sports out of this the sports people didn’t choose their leader and/or their country! Ludicrous idea!

-17 ( +13 / -30 )

To those that say sport is nonpolitical, I say sport has always been political especially international events! Participants wear national colors and wave their nation's flags and patriotism is fully on display with all the gold medal counting to find which country is number one, how can you say it is nonpolitical?

12 ( +19 / -7 )

International sport is high profile, the message needs to be got across the Russian censorship that the civilised world does not support the illegal invasion of peaceful neighbours. Over 70% of Russians apparently support the invasion, their understanding needs to change.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

In general, not, because the field of sports has to be kept free of political or ideological considerations. But usually a lot of sports people in those countries like Russia, China, NK etc. are active or otherwise employed staff or supported members of military or governmental organizations and enterprises. Those ones should of course all be banned. The small rest is not involved and should be allowed to take part as usual.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

I don't have a problem with this.

What I do have a problem with is some Russian violinist in an American symphony orchestra getting fired over the war, or some Russian college student getting kicked out of an American University over it.

22 ( +24 / -2 )

If they are representing Russia then yes.

Russian football teams in the Champions League, also yes. You cannot expect other teams to play away legs in Russia at the moment.

If it's somebody competing as an individual without Russia colours or an awards ceremony where the Russian flag will be raised, then probably no.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Sure, but only if we apply the same objective standards to every country and every armed conflict around the world. Russia is not the only country currently occupying and striking other sovereign nations without UN security council approval. Unfortunately, the list is quite long and features many well-known repeat offenders.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

That this question even needs to be asked is insane.

What precedent is there for this? Were Americans ever banned from participating in international events during any of their numerous conflicts, including right now? Is Israel? Are the same standards going to be applied to them in the future?

If you cannot answer yes to any of those, it is just hypocritical, and only being applied to Russia because they are being built up as a boogeyman by a portion of the world as the "in" news story right now.

Now if tomorrow all these international sports bodies DO censure every warmongering country along with Russia, I would have no problem with it. We'd disqualify nearly the entirety of the "west", but it would be consistent.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

No. A reason why the majority of Asia is on the fence over this conflict is the manner in which the US has used "neutral" tools such as economic networks and sports to fight its foreign policy. Everyone knows that a national defense should be "allied" but these networks were about neutrality.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

If they are playing for their national team or if the nation benefits somehow, yes. If not, no. In fact, some of the most vehemently opposed people are athletes, and they have a pretty big platform to express their opposition from, which is often quite moving. We had a Ukrainian and Russian tennis player hug each other before their match, and then go on to play, and that was an amazing sight and statement. Wouldn't have happened had that man been barred, despite him being against the war and wishing to express that.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Politics should be kept out of athletic competitions because the excellence of physical performance has nothing to do with the Human pathology that affects and exemplifies homicidal, greed-based power competition between national economic elites. It would be a benefit to all Humanity if we could keep SOMETHING free of the poison which infects our relations with others. Athletics should have no connection whatsoever with WAR or, like WAR, is just not worth pursuing...

What Addfwyn said above is the most coherent, sane, and hypocrisy free statement among all of the comments here so far and should be reread. I would add a few things but they would only be decorations on Addfwyn's more than adequate tree:

That this question even needs to be asked is insane.

What precedent is there for this? Were Americans ever banned from participating in international events during any of their numerous conflicts, including right now? Is Israel? Are the same standards going to be applied to them in the future?

If you cannot answer yes to any of those, it is just hypocritical, and only being applied to Russia because they are being built up as a boogeyman by a portion of the world as the "in" news story right now.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Yes, of course Russians and Belarussians should be banned. Most sports bodies are doing the right thing.

Anyone who disagrees, and who bangs on about keeping "politics out of sport" also would have supported allowing Nazi Germany and Apartheid white-only South Africa compete. Outrageous.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Russians representing Russia as a team. Probably yes. Russians banned from competing

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Well make sure that it applies to ALL countries partaking in invasions ect...

1 ( +4 / -3 )

You mysteriously & conveniently forgot to include good old Japanese empire next to Nazi Germany in your example. That was not outrageous?

Yes. Imperial Japan 1930s to 1945 should have been - and was - banned from International sport.

4 ( +6 / -2 )


Nazi Germany and Japan were not banned from international sport, in fact Berlin hosted the Olympics in 1936 and Japan won 18 medals.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Yes, Russia/USSR has always used international sport events to promote their political ideology/political superiority. And winning as many gold medals as possible by any means including cheating! Therefore ban them I say and I would also ban China and NK for the same reasons.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

It's an awful situation and it won't be fixed until Russia gets out of Ukraine. And the only way that will happen is when the average Russian citizen and above-average Russian athlete or artist, speaks up. But, doing that, as we know, get them jail time. Do any of you know about Russia's 'closed cities'? I do because I correspond with a few people who live in those cities. They generally aren't allowed out, and when they are allowed to go through the fence (yes those places are fenced and patrolled), they have to take along an escort. How would you like a life like that?

One of the posters here said 70% of the Russian population supports the war. There's a simple fact for that, actually more than one simple fact. It comes down to Kremlin-controlled media and three or four generations of Russians the majority of whom know nothing about the world. Their minds really are controlled, in the main, pumped daily with one-sided propaganda from the state. And the great majority of those whose minds are controlled are seniors who depend on the state for their existence and haven't known anything else since early childhood. That's not just my opinion, by the way. I really wonder how many of you have read Solzhenitsyn's 'The Gulag Archipelago'. The parallels in the mindsets of the Russian people from the early 1900s to today are startling. And scary, if you appreciate your freedom.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Give all the athletes a simple choice - denounce the invasion of Ukraine & you can play.

What I do have a problem with is some Russian violinist in an American symphony orchestra getting fired over the war, 

she refused to denounce it, so out she went.

By not denouncing the invasion, you are supporting it

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I voted 'No' because I don't think individuals should be penalised for a decision taken by their government and which they had absolutely no control over. BUT, they should only be allowed to compete as individuals. There should be no Russian flag or national anthem.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

NO, They shouldn't be banned from playing but ban from appearance money and prize money. Or their winning and appearance money directed to the government of Ukrain. By banning Russian sportspersons, it will please Putin because no Russian sportspersons can not get interviewed and can not condone Putins war. That would totally embarrass Putin when that happens which already has. There is great opportunities to apply propaganda using Russian sportspersons.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

leave politics out of sports,...

This is not politics.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Russians representing Russia as a team. Probably yes. Russians banned from competing

Yes, of course Russians and Belarussians should be banned. Most sports bodies are doing the right thing.

Yes - in last 5-7 years Russia lost right to use national flag during international competition.

The result is not clear enough?

Yes of course.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I would like to see "all" Russian athletes take a knee. Maybe then the Russian people will take notice what's happening in Ukraine.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just as it was during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin when Hitler proudly exhibited Germany's finest athletes in order to advertise and promote the superiority of the Nazis to the world, Putin is basically doing the same thing with the Russian athletes. To prove this point, Putin will stop at nothing, as we can clearly see by all of the state sponsored doping Russian athletes have been involved with. Sport has an entirely alien and corrupt meaning for the likes of leaders like Hitler and Putin.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Absolutely yes for athletes and teams with the Russian flag. If the athlete wants to compete individually, then his request should be analysed and possible allowed.

And yes, the sport is as political as ever. Just look at the last Olympics, World Cups and other overly corrupted institutions such as FIFA, IOC, FIA, etc. All decisions are done politically, sadly.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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