Japan Today



What's your situation concerning vaccination against the coronavirus?

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Th news keeps stating Australia is lagging in vaccinations. I’ve had my first shot, as have 25% of the population.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Th news keeps stating Australia is lagging in vaccinations. I’ve had my first shot, as have 25% of the population.

Japan has FULLY vaccinated nearly double that of Australia 6.4% to 3.3% or 8M people as opposed to only 841K in Australia.

-15 ( +4 / -19 )

Curious, when they came up with vaccines for small pox, measles etc did they wait 5-10 years to see what the long-term effects would be?

or just give them to people to save lives

28 ( +40 / -12 )

I am fully vaccinated and had absolutely no side effects. Good Japanese hospital and doctor I know personally. Now I am a Pfizer fighter. I still where my mask to be safe and sure and for politeness on the streets and in the shops

20 ( +39 / -19 )

I'm pretty sure I'd be at the very end of the line when it comes to being vaccinated considering all of the people who have leveraged, bribed and cut their way to get the shot first. I'm ambivalent with this, I'll take the vaccine when it's there, but I wouldn't be rushing for it.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

i dont want be part of experiment sorry.dont trust these "experimental vaccines"-any of them.

If you consider the current situation an experiment that means you are part of it, the difference is that you are part of the negative control group, that will be exposed to the new variants without the help of the vaccine and whose data can be used to determine more closely the benefits.

23 ( +42 / -19 )

I guess the "I'm still waiting to be notified when I can get vaccinated." is nearly the same as "I have the vouchers, I know when I can start making reservations in my own ward (from mid July - good grief), and/but I'm not able to make a reservation at the mass vaccine centre due to it being fully booked". Have been trying for hours to get a slot in the Otemachi centre, to no avail.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

I am still waiting!

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Had my second dose a week ago... not grown a second head or suddenly being able to scale buildings like a spider, so I'm fine.

22 ( +31 / -9 )

Waiting, but I'm so not in hurry, can willingly give a place to someone in urgent need.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Fully vaccinated as of a month and half ago, now have both heads and climbing walls is no problem! :)

Actually other than a very slight soreness in the arm on the second jab, no adverse reaction whatsoever. Still take sensible precautions, sanitise hands and wear a mask in shops etc.

8 ( +18 / -10 )

Please use my dose to save your own selves first , I dont care for it , thanks, no thanks, others are more concerned for themselves ..............................not interested in the BS thanks once again step up if you want , but dont push me !!

-16 ( +20 / -36 )

The more I read (and listen) about these investigational vaccines, the more I am certain that I will never get it.

-23 ( +17 / -40 )

Fully vaccinated, 安心、安心!

7 ( +19 / -12 )

Ok I have been vaccinated with the BioNTech, Pfizer vaccine both shots.

All company employees will be vaccinated within two weeks with the second shot.

The structure of employees working from home will remain there choice of preference.

71 % want return. I understand why, your home is your home for family fun.

Not a workspace.

isolation I get that

0 ( +8 / -8 )

My whole family including...

mother (68)

father (69)

eldest sister (39)

next sister (36)

last sister (32)

myself (30)

my niece (18)

...have received the vaccine.

As well as aunts, uncles, cousins, and my 94 year old grandmother (who already had COVID in March 2020).

My sisters, niece and myself received Moderna, both doses (parents got either Moderna or Pfizer). The second dose for me was May 7th. Aside from a few days of mildy to moderately annoying side effects, everything was fine for all of us. No significant side effects for anyone.

I didn't even have an allergic reaction despite having a mild polyethylene glycol allergy. So everything went really well.

18 ( +26 / -8 )

No to the poison juice, I'm good, but thanks anyway.

-21 ( +23 / -44 )

I’m fully vaccinated, but had to go back to the UK for it.

11 ( +17 / -6 )

Luddite, may I humbly ask your age and rough location (japan) without giving personal info away.

Will you return to Japan?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I think I'll wait for the Johnson & Johnson jab

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

.Like personal questions of religion,money, your politics,sexual preference etc, having this vaccine should be private and not used against you if you don't want it.

Your sexual preference does not affect the health of others and neither SHOULD your politics/religion. One's determined ignorance over known facts, namely that the vaccines are safe and effective and not only make one impervious to serious illness and death, they also make one less likely to spread the virus even if infected, is face-palm frustrating.

It is an act of incredible selfishness (as well as gross stupidity) not to get vaccinated at the first opportunity.

I would stand in line at 3 AM in a thunderstorm to get vaccinated because I don't want to get sick and die and because I recognize that I am a member of an inter-connected society encompassing both rights AND responsibilities.

4 ( +16 / -12 )


Japan has FULLY vaccinated nearly double that of Australia 6.4% to 3.3% or 8M people as opposed to only 841K in Australia.

Australia does not have a pandemic on the scale of Japan's, and is NOT holding a super-spreader event next month.

Just being objective.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Like personal questions of religion,money, your politics,sexual preference etc, having this vaccine should be private and not used against you if you don't want it.

Your religion, politics, and sexual preferences won't carry disease around me and those I care about.

7 ( +16 / -9 )

According to Public Health England, death cases due to Delta variant among vaccinated were six times higher compared to "negative control group" (non-vaccinated).

Would you like to provide a link to that?

The Info I’m looking at says something different;

New analysis by PHE shows for the first time that 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective against hospitalisation from the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant.


8 ( +13 / -5 )

Got 2nd Pfizer 10 days ago. Why am I suffering from priapism now?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The people who refuse to protect themselves and to protect others around them are just plain stupid. Why don't your morons start running red lights next. This is where the whole I am the center of the world juvenile thinking championed by that misfit Ayn Rand falls apart like the psychobabble it truly is.

Oh, and I think many posting here are afraid of a needle. Don't worry cry babies, the doctor will give you a nice lolly.

-2 ( +13 / -15 )

Fully vaccinated.

All is well a month later except for that third arm growing out of my back (just kiddin').

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Fully vaccinated and expect to take a booster this winter. Had it very early in the pandemic and anyone who says Covid is no big deal is full of prunes. I never really fully recovered.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

I think this question should ask, for those of you living and working in Japan, and not outside or on a US base, who has been fully vaccinated.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I have made a reservation for my first shot.

One of my relatives in the U.S. got the Pfizer vaccine (2 jabs) several months ago, and that's the one I'm going to get in August. I'm a bit nervous about the younger members in my family getting it, however, so I'm taking a bit of a wait and see approach with them before they get it.

I'm looking forward to taking a trip with the missus once the full immunity kicks in.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I have two health concerns that make me a priority person so I registered on the city website but I am still waiting for the coupon .... City website says coupons for priority people will be mailed in July...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Japan has FULLY vaccinated nearly double that of Australia 6.4% to 3.3% or 8M people as opposed to only 841K in Australia.

Australia has also used lots more AstraZeneca vaccines, which have a wait time of 12 weeks for a 2nd dose as compared to Pfizer only 3 weeks. So lots of Australians with 1st dose AZ doses and their fully vaccinated number will jump quickly as those AZ people get to their 12 week point in the next few weeks

1 ( +2 / -1 )

City website and phone service were not functioning well, if at all; but a 5 minute trip to the Local Ward office where they had set up a small help desk, resulted in a booking next month due to a cancellation. Email confirmation for 1st and 2nd doses received within seconds.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I am very interested in getting vaccinated with a well-studied vaccine, which is proven to have minimal short- and long-time side effects.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

work is sorting vaccinations with moderna for all employees+families next week :D

I really hope they introduce these vaccine passports asap so only those vaccinated or due to medical reasons only can begin travelling freely again without quarantine.. the others can please refrain from any public appearances!

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

The people who refuse to protect themselves and to protect others around them are just plain stupid. Why don't your morons start running red lights next.

Unlike other vaccines, these mRNA vaccines do not stay at the injection site. Most of the injected vaccine rapidly leaves the arm and the lipid nanoparticles accumulate in the brain, ovaries, spleen and other organs. The spike protein also spreads throughout the protein. There is nothing stupid or moronic for a healthy person to risk their health/life with these investigational vaccines whose long term effects of are not yet known.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

I am very interested in getting vaccinated with a well-studied vaccine, which is proven to have minimal short- and long-time side effects.

Enough to ignore the much higher risks from an infection for which there is already corroborated long term health problems and that has been studied for less time than the technology used by the vaccines that can prevent it? that is not a very logical decision.

Unlike other vaccines, these mRNA vaccines do not stay at the injection site. Most of the injected vaccine rapidly leaves the arm and the lipid nanoparticles accumulate in the brain, ovaries, spleen and other organs. 

Repeating false information do not make it true, it only shows that you consider using disinformation a valid tool for your purposes. You have repeatedly failed to produce a source that say that most of the vaccine leaves the arm, that should be enough to let you understand it is not true.

In reality even a healthy person without preexisting conditions is at more risk from the infection than from the vaccine, believing the opposite has no importance, it can be scientifically proved.

0 ( +12 / -12 )

Unlike other vaccines, these mRNA vaccines do not stay at the injection site. Most of the injected vaccine rapidly leaves the arm and the lipid nanoparticles accumulate in the brain, ovaries, spleen and other organs. 

Repeating false information do not make it true, it only shows that you consider using disinformation a valid tool for your purposes. You have repeatedly failed to produce a source that say that most of the vaccine leaves the arm, that should be enough to let you understand it is not true.

I first gave you a link to a video where Robert Malone, the creator of this mRNA technology, described the above and other dangers. Then I gave you a link to the actual document that Pfizer provided to the Japanese regulators, which a Canadian researcher obtained by a freedom of information request. If you didn't watch the video and you can't interpret the data, that is your problem.

In reality even a healthy person without preexisting conditions is at more risk from the infection than from the vaccine, believing the opposite has no importance, it can be scientifically proved.

Repeating false information does not make it true. In a healthy person, the virus doesn't get very far; it is quickly eliminated by the innate and adaptive immune systems. But with the vaccine, all of these protections are bypassed; the spike protein and the lipid nanparticles rapidly spread throughout the body, regardless of how strong and healthy you are at the time of injection.

Now thanks!

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

I first gave you a link to a video where Robert Malone, the creator of this mRNA technology, described the above and other dangers. Then I gave you a link to the actual document that Pfizer provided to the Japanese regulators, which a Canadian researcher obtained by a freedom of information request. If you didn't watch the video and you can't interpret the data, that is your problem.

And I provided proof debunking both things, with scientists specifically saying that Malone has no data whatsoever to base his opinion and the coauthor of the article saying he misrepresented completely their results making his conclusions invalid. The data was also proved to be mis-characterized as if it came from vaccinated patients when in reality it was done this way on purpose on animal models to see the degradation of the vaccine in the liver.

Again, if you only source has already been debunked and you insist on using it as if it was true that indicates more about how you consider using false information instead of discarding it, it does not make it less false with each repetition.

Repeating false information does not make it true. In a healthy person, the virus doesn't get very far; it is quickly eliminated by the innate and adaptive immune systems.

You also failed to provide proof of this, which makes it only your personal opinion, and something that has been proved false with studies that have recovered replicating viruses from almost all tissues examined. It is not eliminated as easily and completely as you believe.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )


My whole family including...

mother (68)

father (69)

eldest sister (39)

next sister (36)

last sister (32)

myself (30)

my niece (18)

...have received the vaccine.

As well as aunts, uncles, cousins, and my 94 year old grandmother (who already had COVID in March 2020).

My sisters, niece and myself received Moderna, both doses (parents got either Moderna or Pfizer). The second dose for me was May 7th. Aside from a few days of mildy to moderately annoying side effects, everything was fine for all of us. No significant side effects for anyone.

I didn't even have an allergic reaction despite having a mild polyethylene glycol allergy. So everything went really well.

So I guess it's obvious you and your family don't live in Japan?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

LudditeJune 22  06:49 am JST

I’m fully vaccinated, but had to go back to the UK for it.

That sums up the state of affairs here relating to vaccine rollout.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I am very interested in getting vaccinated with a well-studied vaccine, which is proven to have minimal short- and long-time side effects.

Me too.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Curious, when they came up with vaccines for small pox, measles etc did they wait 5-10 years to see what the long-term effects would be?

Don't know about measles, but small pox certainly didn't. It took off pretty much immediately after the first vaccine was developed in 1799 after it was noted the milkmaids exposed to cowpox were immune to small pox.

But I think the idea that we waited 10 years to see the long-term effects of the measles vaccine is also fanciful - we know the science of vaccination so there should not be a reason to wait so long.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Rather interesting, those that are decrying the vaccine seem to be a lot of the same names that were decrying the US election results. /shrug

6 ( +12 / -6 )

all medication is experimental....until it isn't.

Get over yourselves. Was the usual timeframe shortened? YES....but it's not like they were starting from zero.

This corona virus may be novel, but there are many many more and they have been researching them for decades. They were able to apply all this knowledge of how corona viruses act and apply it to the fight against this one. They had a head start. They didn't JUST come up with the technology to make this vaccine, they already had it and they thought it would be a great vehicle to deliver this vaccine.....and they are right. Complications may arise, as with all medication, unfortunately 100% success cannot be guaranteed, but on the whole it looks extremely safe. Also a huge factor was time and money......time was at a premium and money was not......HUGE funding was thrown at this and as a result they managed to get not just 1 but 4 or 5 effective vaccines against this virus. Science, take a bow.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

57 fully vaccinated? I guess many JT readers are not actually in Japan...

6 ( +6 / -0 )

i dont want be part of experiment sorry.dont trust these "experimental vaccines"-any of them.

They are past the experimental stage. They are tried and proven.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Luckily, no one I know who is worth it will take this experimental shot. The rest is just natural selection at work.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

Let’s hope that while the rest of us are protected, you don’t fall victim to the natural selection you speak of. Be careful what you wish for.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

A very simple question to those saying they will never get vaccinated!

What are you planning on doing as we know the a modern from of the:

International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (look it up)

Is coming, not if but when such a certificate is agreed upon, everyone traveling internationally will need it to enter a country they are not citizens of.

Returning or entering you home country may not require it but all countries have the right to refuse entry to non citizens that includes temporary and permanent residents.

So go back and visit family Japan has and will refuse you re-entry once this is implemented go in vacation to South Korea, Hawaii, etc...where you are not a citizen they will refuse you entry.

So what will you do?

A- ) never live Japan/your country.

B-) get vaccinated in time to travel.

C-) procure false documents which if caught with entering and presenting to immigration would be a serious crime.

Please let us know who you plan on navigating this situation we all know will be implemented by most countries!

As for me the whole family got their vouchers yesterday but it is not possible at this time to get an appointment in our ward The large vaccination site is fully booked.

So we have to wait for new times to be available.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

57 fully vaccinated? I guess many JT readers are not actually in Japan...

More likely they are over 65 and live outside major urban areas.

If my children's grandparents were still living in their small town in Shizuoka they would now be fully vaccinated like the rest of their family members living there.

But they now live here near us in Tokyo and our ward was extremely slow in getting out vouchers and Vaccination centres, so they will not be vaccinated until mid July.

It seems small towns and cities did a far better job than large urban areas.

The article here on the town in Fukushima that vaccinated 89% of it elderly and was already vaccinating the rest of their populations over 18 long before places like Tokyo even considered vaccinating under 65 shows how where you live makes a big difference.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I love the anti vaxxers that claim they saw a YouTube video by XYZ expert.

My favourite that regularly pops up is the one by a former Pfizer VP making outlandish claims of the dangers the Pfizer Vaccine poses.

What none seems to know is he left Pfizer a long time ago founded his own company which he sold recently for cash and a substantial number of shares to a rival Vaccine maker.

So sure he will benefit if people turn from Pfizer to the vaccine made by this other vaccine maker.

Interesting how none of those using his video attacking Pfizer mentions his connection with a rival vaccine maker!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I'm surprised to see 43% still haven't been notified.

I received my vaccination voucher in the mail last week, and i'm a foreigner too. And just one day later, our company announced it received a slot to get vaccinated as a company. We all got our first shot of the moderna vaccine yesterday. I did feel some side effects though, like pain in my arm, and a bit of fever/tiredness. Still feeling it today too.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Lorem ipsum

At noted many times by people here and in the news.

Everything depends on where one lives

Look at my Tokyo ward, it held back all vouchers over 65 then again all vouchers under 65, until all were printed packed and ready to be mailed.

So on the same day they sent out ALL the 65 and over vouchers.

Then repeated this process with the under 65.

Causing problems for the post office and then as everyone got their vouchers basically at the same time causing problems booking appointments or even getting through on the website or phone.

Total mess and they didn't learn and repeated the same thing with under 65.

So Thursday and Friday everyone under 65 in our ward got their vouchers and so many trying to get appointments just made it frustrating and impossible and many will just give up

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Still waiting on getting the jabs. Wasn't too anxious about when I'd get it but since the knuckleheads have decided to let the Olympics go on, I'm seriously thinking of just holing up at home until this nonsense is all over. 2 Olympic athletes from Uganda have already tested positive for Covid; this is not going to be an isolated event. Don't understand why they couldn't just postpone it for another year.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

My wife,(64), myself,(67), our son,(30) and his wife 28, all got the Moderna vaccine in early May from the US Military here on Okinawa. We had varying mild reactions, sore arm, slight fever, etc. It is pointless to try to reason with the antivaxxers. They have not seen the affects of polio, small pox, measles, mumps, etc. These were all eradicated before most were born, now they are just basking in the sun and denying. My wife's 87 year old mother has had one shot from the local Jgov and is waiting on the second. My wife's sister (60) lives in Yamanashi and has not been notified of a date yet.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I may be American but I'm fully vaccinated, covid is nothing to laugh at. So many have died around the world so I think it's important to get the shot, they've been proven to work to prevent well enough so our bodies are prepared to fight covid without having to get sick and if God forbid we do catch covid then we can fight it much more effectively. When you don't get the shot, you endanger not only you bit all around you and that is very selfish.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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