Nicholson was fun to watch, but only because we knew it was Jack Nicholson pretending to be the joker. His character in The Departed looked a lot like the joker sometimes, without the makeup.
Ledger became the joker in a deeper way, and the actor himself became less recognizable. There was no mistaking Ledger's joker for the gay cowboy he played in Brokeback Mountain.
Why all this fuss about The Joker? What about Jim Carey's multi-faceted, seminal depiction of The Riddler? Or Arnie's deeply profound Mr Freeze? The Batman franchise is a motherlode of great acting, scripting, directing and pure entertainmental talent and you would have to be a fool and a communist to deny it.
A young crowd. My vote goes to Cesar Romero. He was stunning in his portrail of the original Joker. He was the first among followers, yet I agree that Ledger, Nicholson and Romero all had extremely different versions of the same character. All were great, but Cesar set the bar!
For one they are product of the generation/time they represented. Look at Star Wars how many youngsters prefer the new trilogy over the original one, etc.
Plus, the actors get their cues from the producers/directors and thus are represent a vision of theirs.
We can't compare them as they represent different cultures/view-points.
In the whole scheme of things this is a stunning important question with which to tax the intellect & wisdom of JT readers (including those that get their mums to read it to them).
I haven’t seen any of the batman films because I believe life is far too short at, say, 100 years or a little under to waste any of that time watching that which was created for the sole purpose of getting money out of the pockets of the simple to please. You can put star wars on that list too.
I wonder too if a question like this would have been asked had the actor playing the joker not have died & died so young. It seems that even in death some actors retain their marketable value & that I find a little too callous.
Touche Sarge. Though I would still have to say that ole' Jack wasn't too dark. Perhaps back in the day when it first ran it was dark (imo it wasn't), but by today's standards.... nah. Which begs the question. 20 years from now, what will Heath's performance be thought of by the "yungins".
Anywho, for those that like entertainment... They cannot be compared.
I haven’t seen any of the batman films because I believe life is far too short at, say, 100 years or a little under to waste any of that time watching that which was created for the sole purpose of getting money out of the pockets of the simple to please
And yet, you spend several minutes here. What prompted you to join the discussion about a film series you have never seen?
Heath Ledger is a shoo-in for the best supporting actor next January.
Jack Nicholson was great, but too campy.
I think a young "Shining" Jack could have pulled off a sicko evil Ledger type joker as well as if not better than Ledger did.
Jack could play unhinged characters very well.
That would have been great performance, its shame Tim Burton made Jack into the joker that he did.
a poor poll.
what has this got to do with japan or even films from japan?
this is getting too much like the civilian equivent of us forces radio for the homesick (us) people staying overseas in japan.
Just saw The Dark Knight again last night and it's hands down Heath Ledger's Joker. The last two movies have restored the faith I'd lost in the franchise. Can't wait for the next Batman with Christian Bale.
Brokeback Batman!! really if he hadnt OD'ed would it have been as good. I have only seen ledger in one film "Nights Tale" I would have to say for the part he played it was good.
Ledger was good in 'Ten Things I Hate About You' which is a clever modern teenager-friendly adaptation of Bard's 'The Tempest'. Worth watching if you ever come across it...
I haven’t seen any of the batman films because I believe life is far too short at, say, 100 years or a little under to waste any of that time watching that which was created for the sole purpose of getting money out of the pockets of the simple to please. You can put star wars on that list too.
We can all agree Romero was truest to the comics that were out during the time he played The Joker and that Jack Nicholson portrayed The Joker we all imagine and that Ledger's joker was one that was more realistic, but cmon Leto's joker was the hottest
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I don't think you can compare.
Heath was dark psycho and Jack was not so dark psycho.
Nicholson was fun to watch, but only because we knew it was Jack Nicholson pretending to be the joker. His character in The Departed looked a lot like the joker sometimes, without the makeup.
Ledger became the joker in a deeper way, and the actor himself became less recognizable. There was no mistaking Ledger's joker for the gay cowboy he played in Brokeback Mountain.
Jack was dark psycho and Heath was real dark psycho.
Heath Ledger was a great actor. RIP, Jack Ledger.
Why all this fuss about The Joker? What about Jim Carey's multi-faceted, seminal depiction of The Riddler? Or Arnie's deeply profound Mr Freeze? The Batman franchise is a motherlode of great acting, scripting, directing and pure entertainmental talent and you would have to be a fool and a communist to deny it.
A young crowd. My vote goes to Cesar Romero. He was stunning in his portrail of the original Joker. He was the first among followers, yet I agree that Ledger, Nicholson and Romero all had extremely different versions of the same character. All were great, but Cesar set the bar!
I voted you can't compare them.
Why, for a few reasons.
For one they are product of the generation/time they represented. Look at Star Wars how many youngsters prefer the new trilogy over the original one, etc.
Plus, the actors get their cues from the producers/directors and thus are represent a vision of theirs.
We can't compare them as they represent different cultures/view-points.
Said that some fan-films had some of the best jokers.
aka Batman Dead end, etc.
In the whole scheme of things this is a stunning important question with which to tax the intellect & wisdom of JT readers (including those that get their mums to read it to them).
I haven’t seen any of the batman films because I believe life is far too short at, say, 100 years or a little under to waste any of that time watching that which was created for the sole purpose of getting money out of the pockets of the simple to please. You can put star wars on that list too.
I wonder too if a question like this would have been asked had the actor playing the joker not have died & died so young. It seems that even in death some actors retain their marketable value & that I find a little too callous.
Touche Sarge. Though I would still have to say that ole' Jack wasn't too dark. Perhaps back in the day when it first ran it was dark (imo it wasn't), but by today's standards.... nah. Which begs the question. 20 years from now, what will Heath's performance be thought of by the "yungins".
Anywho, for those that like entertainment... They cannot be compared.
I think ledger did the best, as far as hitting the spirit of the Joker from the source material.
And yet, you spend several minutes here. What prompted you to join the discussion about a film series you have never seen?
Heath Ledger is a shoo-in for the best supporting actor next January. Jack Nicholson was great, but too campy. I think a young "Shining" Jack could have pulled off a sicko evil Ledger type joker as well as if not better than Ledger did. Jack could play unhinged characters very well. That would have been great performance, its shame Tim Burton made Jack into the joker that he did.
Sorry I wasn't being rude but when I try to answer nanny deletes.
a poor poll. what has this got to do with japan or even films from japan? this is getting too much like the civilian equivent of us forces radio for the homesick (us) people staying overseas in japan.
contrary to your beliefs 888, people in places other than the us actually do watch american movies. strange, huh?
Boy, you must be a hit at parties, if you're invited to any...
A toss-up between Bette Middler and Joan Rivers.
I've not seen the new one with Ledger, but my vote is on him, as I have seen a few clips. Heath Ledger was an awesome actor....
Nessie - Har! But the question is "Which portrayal of the Joker do you like best?" not "Which joker do you like best?"
Just saw The Dark Knight again last night and it's hands down Heath Ledger's Joker. The last two movies have restored the faith I'd lost in the franchise. Can't wait for the next Batman with Christian Bale.
Brokeback Batman!! really if he hadnt OD'ed would it have been as good. I have only seen ledger in one film "Nights Tale" I would have to say for the part he played it was good.
Ledger was good in 'Ten Things I Hate About You' which is a clever modern teenager-friendly adaptation of Bard's 'The Tempest'. Worth watching if you ever come across it...
Shine on you crazy diamond!
Eva Sarah
We can all agree Romero was truest to the comics that were out during the time he played The Joker and that Jack Nicholson portrayed The Joker we all imagine and that Ledger's joker was one that was more realistic, but cmon Leto's joker was the hottest
Eva Sarah
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