Japan Today


quote of the day

Because the average lifespan has significantly increased in the postwar period, couples spend a longer time together after their children become independent. This can highlight underlying differences and tensions, making it impossible for couples to remain together.


Atsuko Okano, a divorce counselor and president of Nikkaren, a nonprofit organization offering advice and support for family issues. The welfare ministry says 2022 statistics showed 38,991 couples, or 23.5%, divorced after at least two decades of marriage, the highest rate since records began in 1947.

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I divorce ex-wife.

She put the "men" into "argument"

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

For three decades my partner and I have been together 24/7. Even when I was in hospital for an op she stayed there. I have no complaints other than the clock is ticking.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Tell me about it.

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