Japan Today


quote of the day

I believe there is a strong demand for the nighttime economy. We hope to utilize the expo as an opportunity to showcase Osaka’s nightlife and make it more enjoyable for visitors.


Osaka Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura. He has requested Osaka Metro to extend subway operating hours later into the night and other initiatives to tap into the city’s vibrant nightlife.

© Asahi Shimbun

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We hope to utilize the expo as an opportunity to showcase Osaka’s nightlife 

How? Isn't it really far away from the major nightlife areas?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The trend for the last train is fewer people using it and the train companies running it earlier. Osaka's nightlife is only "vibrant" if you do not compare it to thirty years ago. Demographics and social trends also mean there are far fewer young people and loads of them don't drink any more. Companies also do far less post-work socializing that would support more izakayas and crab restaurants and whatever.

This sounds like the politician blaming the train company for killing nightlife, when it is actually politicians' love of neoliberalism that has impoverished the many over the years and stopped them going out.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

To prepare for the Osaka experience, I suggest watching a DVD of Ridley Scott's "Black Rain."

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Just compare that to Seoul and Hongkong, while in Japanese big cities everything just stopped just before last train.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

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