Administrative reform minister Taro Kono. There have been reports that some taxis in Japan are falsely marking themselves as "reserved" so they can respond quickly to orders from ride-hailing apps and boost their matching rate on the services.
© Mainichi ShimbunVoices
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I hear there are attempts by taxi drivers to raise their ride-hailing app matching rate by indicating their cars are en route to a customer even though they are not, so that they can respond immediately to orders via the apps.
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So the government forced a taxi scarcity by not allowing private drivers to use the app and then get surprised that the taxi drivers abuse the system to profit more from the apps?
This does not sound like drivers "abusing the system".
It sounds like them having to sacrifice a chance at their old income (i.e., being hailed on the street or at a stand) to get a good rating on the source of new income. The more drivers come to rely on uber etc. the less you'll be able to hail a cab on a city street. If people are hailing cabs essentially from the street or a stand via the app, this means a new middleman is being added.
By openly lying and pretend their taxis are taken in order to get better rates from the app they surely are abusing the system, specially because there are specific rules that say they can't do it.
This is not something they are allowed to do, but it was naive to think they would refrain since it was terribly easy to do without consequences.
The problem came because the government wanted to eat the cake while keeping it too, making apps available so an advantage is given to those drivers that respond but not allowing particulars to participate so the taxi industry is not challenged.
I doubt 50-70 year old male Japanese taxi drivers even know how to use any of those apps, let alone being able to pull any type of "scams" on it.
Yet this is a problem as described, either a lot of drivers are younger or the ones in the age group you describe are much more literate on digital apps than you think.
People will always find ways to screw or manipulate the system including those who are suppose to be in charge of it.
here what happened few days ago, a friend was visiting and when ready to leave he called the local taxi co. but could NOT CONNECT AT ALL almost like the number don't exist, so I called them from my phone were my number is on record with them and they answered normal and arrived within 10 minutes to pick him up.
I checked the number he was dialing while waiting and it was the correct number, this means they will only take calls from repeat customers on a busy day.