Sendai University associate professor Tomohito Tanaka, who has detailed knowledge about security at facilities. He was referring to recent cases in which people committed suicide by jumping from building rooftops and hit pedestrians walking below.
© Mainichi ShimbunVoices
quote of the day
It is critical to reinforce measures on the rooftops of facilities with a large number of unspecified visitors, to deter people from attempting to jump to their deaths.
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That would still leave other methods that could involve bystanders, like attempts that involve trains at crossings and stations. By all means security at buildings must be improved, but if that only makes other methods more popular maybe it should be only a part of a much more comprehensive system to prevent the attempts.
iron man
Great leap, advance in academic advice. Congratulations to him for hitting JT. I am more than certain that codes already exist for minimum parapet /balustrade heights on buildings, bridges etc to avoid such actions. The concentration should be on ensuring the codes=regulations are applied. train stations can introduce auto closing platform doors, they cost bucks and cause some disruption. VR, so true but it costs bucks... u got a cheque book?
Japan as always, trying to treat the symptoms, but not the root cause of this.
People who try to kill themselves they will always find a way.
Japan should start to implement various programs in order to tackle this suicide issue, by actually dealing with the root causes. Either is over stress from work, family issues, personal problems or even untreated mental issue.