Hiroyuki Taniguchi, a professor in human rights law at Aoyama Gakuin University. He says the ruling LDP's diversity efforts are largely economically driven and are limited by traditional views of what Japanese society should look like and what roles people should play.
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quote of the day
Same-sex marriage is unlikely to be on the agenda anytime soon, but momentum is building, and it's possible that something will change, such as including same-sex couples in legal frameworks like pensions.
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Adoption is slow, difficult, complicated, and mostly more difficult for non-Japanese.
Mr Kipling
LOL..... I'm pretty sure you are mistaken.
Buddhism is basically a reform of the "Hinduism" (a term that did not exist at the time, which basically describes the cultural practices of Indians) at the time of founding and the Buddha nor his disciples did not actually legislate on marriage.
Hinduism itself has a decentralised approach to marriage, and there are many types of marriage (hence why it is possible to marry a tree in India). It is forbidden for a gay man to marry a woman in Hinduism, but nothing in the history of pre-colonial Hinduism actually states that it is forbidden for homosexuality to be allowed or for a gay man to marry another gay man.
Therefore it should be acceptable for a Buddhism marriage to be conducted between homosexuals, and there have been several common law Hindu marriages conducted in India between homosexuals even decades ago (most Hindu heterosexuals are still practicing common law marriage based on local customs and not registered/legal marriage).
Ricky Kaminski13
Piskin I think you got it backwards. I’d say that the old out of touch geezas at the LDP think that supporting gay marriage would somehow lead to radical changes in society, the breakdown of the traditional family and an even further reduction of the birthrate. The timing of Kishidas statements condemning gay marriages, that were picked up by the world media as proof that Japan is still deliberately living in the dark ages, ( not a good look ) followed by their statement the very next day that Japan was now intending to spend 4% of GDP to try and tackle the demographic cliff seems to suggest this. I think they are well off on this one , but you can join the dots yourself.
Same sex marriage may be off the agenda for now, but this guy is right, the momentum is there and Kishida just pushed it along! Big miscalculation from the government and more evidence that these guys are just losing touch with the people. The scorn was vitriol.
Sven Asai
In an aging society with lowest child birth rates this topic surely doesn’t belong on top of the agenda.
RE: piskianToday
Agree. But they are bigots and are detected from reality.
RE: Sven AsaiToday
LGBTQ equality is quite literally one of the solutions to the birthrate problem! And your comment makes it pretty clear your concern is not about government priority but about making excuses to deny LGBTQ people basic dignities.
Prof Taniguchi sounds a little too cynical about the LDP here for some. He would be thumbed down by the mobilised but otherwise silent supporters if he were making such a comment here.
Government should not allow this in Japan. They will only end up like the U.S. Give them an inch and they want a mile. Not at all good for children anywhere.