Microsoft spokesperson David Cuddy. Eleven members of the U.S. Congress are pressing the Biden administration to take action on PlayStation-Xbox console competition in Japan. They claim Sony’s business practices in Japan are blocking U.S. companies from competing in that country’s gaming market.
© Axios GamingVoices
quote of the day
Sony’s anti-competitive tactics deserve discussion, and we welcome further investigation to ensure a level playing field in the video game industry.
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Waaa, our game software stinks. Waaa our service is crap. Waaa it's Sony's fault we are crap.
Xbox tried to launch here for the 1st 3 consoles. Nobody bought them.
the US automotive industry made the same claim here that Japan is anticompetitive, but somehow the German manufacturers sell like hotcakes in Japan. Strange.
Peter Neil
Modern US business strategy is now to run to Congress so politicians can gaslight the public with enraged speeches to get re-elected on these important issues.
Sounds like old times. A bit rich of Microsoft to be complaining about stitching up markets though given its history. But, hey, hypocrisy is the order of the day in everything.